British Journal of Dermatologff i\ 991) 124, 498-502.

ADONIS 0OO7O96391(M)119P

A case report of a patient with features of systemic lupus erythematosus and linear IgA disease M.LAU. I . K A U F M A N N - G R C N Z I N G H K * AND M.RAGHUNATH Division of tmmutioikithologn. Institute of Immunalogif and 'Department of DermatolosH. Vnivenitfi of Heidelberg. Germany Accepted for publication 14 Novt-mbor 1990


A case is reported of a 5S-yeur-()ld woniiin with a 22-year history of systemic lupus erythemutosus (Sli:) who later developed a blistering eruption compatible with the diagnosis of linear IgA disease.

Since 1979 linear IgA disease has heen differentiated as a distinct entity trom that of dermatitis herpetiformis hy the homogeneous linear deposition of IgA at the basement membrane zone (BMZ) of the epidermis and with a lack ofan associated gluten-dependent enteropathy.'"*

hospital in Heidelberg. She was pyrexial and there were urticated areas of erythema and large tense blisters arranged in a herpetiform manner on her abdomen and left thigh (Fig. 1). There was no involvement of the mucous membranes.

Case report

Utboratorii investigalious

A 3 5-year-oId woman had from the age of 15 a history of intermittent arthralgia. fever and anaemia. She was diagnosed as having systemic lupus erythematosus and in April 19S5 she was seen at the Mannheim Clinic with fever and having had a haemoptysis. A peri myocarditis and pericardial effusion with an alveolitis and hilateral pieural effusions were present, and 5 days after admission she developed an erythematous rash on the trunk and thighs with several blisters on the right thigh. Vesicles later appeared on the biiccal mucous membrane and on the tongue. Oedema of both legs and purpura was associated with a vascuiitis and a thrombotytcjpenia. Anti-ONA antihodies and antinuclear antihodies in a titre of 1 :640 were present. The serological findings were compatible with a diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SIJi). The patietit was initially treated with 100 mg prednisone daily and with an improvement of the symptoms the dose was reduced to 60 mg daily and she was then discharged from hospital. She remained well over the next 4 years until March 1989. when the dose of prednisone was reduced further to 2- 5 mg daily, hi midJuly 1989 she developed blisters in itchy areas of erythema on the abdomen and thighs. She later had an arthralgia with fever and diarrhoea and was admitted to

Haemoglobin was 11-7 g/dl. WBC 24-9 x 10^1. with 50% neutrophils. ?6% lymphocytes. 6% monocytes, 2% atypical lymphocytes. The platelet count was 4S1.000/ ml and the liSK was 37 mm/h. The serum immunoglobulins were IgG 20-S g/l, IgA 2-14 g/l and IgM la'i g/i. Kchocardiography revealed a small pericardial effusion and there was also a small left-sided pieural diffusion.

Corrcspondemc: l> M.Uu. llnivcrsitHtskHnikum Stcgiilz. Mautklinlk WF 07. HindcnbiirKdamni JU. U-IOOO Berlin 45. Uemiany.


A skin biopsy from the medial aspect of the thigh showed a subepidermal hulla. the lumen of which was filled with fibrinoid material and inflammatory cells that consisted mainly of lymphocytes and eosinophils (Fig. 2). There was a marked lymphohistiocytic inliliralion of the upper dermis with numerous eosinophils und a perivascularmlxed infiltrate in the dermis. hnmunopathologii I'our separate skin biopsies were examined by direct immunotluorescence (I)ll") and the findings are shown in Table 1. In all four biopsies there was a homogeneous linear deposition of IgA at the dermo-epidermal junction zone (Fig. 3). This was most intense in the biopsy taken of a fresh lesion from non-sun-exposed skin and showed only subclass IgAl. In the lesional non-sun-exposed skin there was also an additional faint homogeneous deposi-



Figure 1. Vesiculobullous eruptions on the medial aspect of the thtgh.

tion of IgM at the BMZ. This was confirmed using the more sensitive APAAP method.'* The BMZ showed deposits of C4d. C3b. C3d in an unusual pattern with involvement of the epidermal basal layer (Fig. 4). The capillaries in lesional skin from the papillary dermis showed deposits of C4d. C3d (Fig. 4). CS and C9 together with focal deposits of fibrin in the upper dennis away from the BMZ. The serum of the patient was screened for autoantibodies and the only significant finding was the presence of IgA autoantibodies to the BMZ using monkey oesophagus and in a titre of 1 : 5. The presence of circulating

Figure 2. Cryostat section of subepidermal bulla in lesional sun-exposed skin showing a large leucocytic intiltration in the upper dennis consisting largely of eosinophilic granuloeytes (Haematoxylin and eosin. X 100; insert x 4t)0).

IgA antibodies directed to the BMZ was confirmed on cryostat sections of human skin.'' A high titre of 1 :20 was found. The bound IgA was localized in the split skin exclusively to the epidermal side (Fig. 5). An identical pattern was obtained with the serum from another patient with linear IgA disease. The HliA haplotypes of our patient were A23. A24. B35. B57. Cw4 and Cw7. Progress

Our patient was treated with prednisone at a dosage of 50 mg daily for 1 week with some improvement of her


M.LAU et al.

Biopsy LNEX



Histology No hullii or cleft, multiple dense foci of infiltriiting cells in upper dermis Subepidermal blister. multiplt' den,se perivascular foci of inliltratiny cells in upper dermis Few perivascular foci of jiililiratin^ cells, in upper dermis





Few discrete perivascular cellular intiltrations. in upper demiis only

TaWe I. DIF findings in four biopsies from different sites

BMZ r e s of BK. PAPCA

l&c BMZ

pseudolineiir BMZ. ICS of BK

l&d BMZ


only NNEX


l&d BMZ

Ll'.X. lesional, sun-exposed: LNEX, lesional. non sun-exposed; NEX. nonnal. sun-exposed; NNEX. nonnal. mm .sun-exposed: ICS. intercellular Hp«ce: BK. basal keratinocytes; PAPCA. papillary capillaries; l&c. linear and continuous; l&d. linear and discontinuous: linear, sharply defined deposits: pseudo linear, homogeneous, but ill defined deposits along the DE|.

Figure 3. Homogeneous linear deposition oflgA at the BMZ in lesional. non-sun-exposed skin as revealed by DIF ( x 2 SO).

general symptoms and slight improvement of her skin eruptions. On stopping prednisone new blisters occurred and with the tindings from DIF she was then treated with topical eorticosteroids and 100 mg daily of dapsone. Within 1 week there was a marked improvement of her skin lesions and she was discharged from hospital. Several weeks later she had hiisters on the huccal mucous membrane and stopped taking the dapsone and resumed treating herself with prednisone. Since then she has been lost to follow up.

Figure 4. DIF of iesional non-sun-exposed skin, with C id deposited at the BMZ and in the intercellular space of basal and suprdba.sal keratinocytes (x 250).

Discussion Our patient meets the criteria of the ARA'' for SLE with an arthritis, polyserositis. coagulation disorder, thromboeytopenia. with ANF and antibodies against ds-DNA. The patient also had linear IgA disease with no evidence of a gluten enteropathy. The histology of the skin biopsies confirmed the diagnosis of linear IgA disease with a linear and homogeneous deposition of IgA at the dermo-epidermal junction, quite distinct from the IgA


Figure 9. Human split skin incubated with the patietit's senun diluted 1; Itl. IgA is localized to the epidermal side { x 4001.

pattern occasion ally seen in SIJ;. In addition there was igM deposition as has been previously reported in linear IgA disease/ We found circulating antibodies that reacted to the epidermal portion of the basement membrane zone in split skin as has been reported in other cases of linear IgA disease.'*-^'" These have recently been shown to react only with the epidermal basement zone of split skin and to recognize a 97-kDa antigen in dermal and epidermal extracts." However. we obtained epidermal binding on split-skin substrate with our patient s serum, but could not find any binding to the linear IgA disease antigen. This may be due to a relatively low titre of the antibcxiy." The haplotype of our patient did not demonstrate HLA-BS as found in 8 0 90% of patients with dermatitis herpetiformis and up to 30% of patients with linear IgA disease.'^ Due to our patient's habit of taking prednisone for years without medical control or advice it was difficult to assess how effective dapsone was. It did appear to have some effect in reducing the blistering of her skin although it had liUle or no effect on the lesions of the buccal mucous membrane, which could be attributed to the concurrent SLH. Patients with bullous SLK may respond dramatically to dapsone or sulphapyridine. particularly those with circulating BMZ antibodies.""'*' Those patients without antibodies divide into responders to dapsone'''""^*' and those who do not."''' ~'"^^ Butlous eruptions in SLE are an uncommon manifestation of the disease rather than a co-existing tndepetident bullous dermatosis. There have been four reports of the concurrence of SLE with a bulious dermatosis in the past two decades. !n the light of recent findings a case of epidermolysis bullosa acquisita with a superimposed SlJi where the clinical criteria for both SIM and EBA were met


deserves attention'^'*. In that case EBA preceded the onset of SLE by S years. Two reports concerning SLE and concurrent DH have been published.^'•^'' The only publication to date concerning conctirrent SLH and linear IgA disease"' was ofa patient with Sli-^ who later developed a rash compatible with dermatitis herpetiformis and the skin histology was typical for this disorder. However. DIF showed a strong linear deposition of IgA in the normal and involved skin, with faint immunoreactivity for IgG and IgM. This patient had no evidence ofa gluten enteropathy or other circulating antibodies and did not have the Hlu^-BS haplotype. The skin lesions in this patient did not respotid well to corticosteroids but responded dramatically to dapsone. This report is the second since 198 5 ofa patient with concurrent SLH and linear IgA disease. We were also able to demonstrate circulating BMZ antibodies in our patient.

Acknowledgments We are indebted to Dr Leena Bruckner-Tuderman and Y.Seel and for technical assistance to I,Neumann and S.Wentrup. We thank Dv P.Royce for editorial help. .MR was funded by the Swiss National foundation (grant NF 32-27884.89).

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A case report of a patient with features of systemic lupus erythematosus and linear IgA disease.

British Journal of Dermatologff i\ 991) 124, 498-502. ADONIS 0OO7O96391(M)119P A case report of a patient with features of systemic lupus erythemato...
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