lniernariond Journal/or Printed m Great Brirarn
Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 789-799, 1992
002&7519/92 $5.00 + 0.00 Prrgamon Press Lrd SocieryJi~ Parasirology
Cj I992 Ausrrdian
* Flock House Agricultural
Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Private Bag 1900, Bulls 5452, New Zealand t Lincoln Agriculture and Science Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, P.O. Box 24, Lincoln, New Zealand $ Wallaceville Animal Research Centre, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, P.O. Box 40063, Upper Hutt, New Zealand (Received 17 December 1991: accepted I5 March 1992)
D. M., BARLOWN. D. and VLASSOFF A. 1992. A model for nematodiasis in New Zealand lambs. Internariona/ Journalfor Parasitology 22: 789-799. A strategic model is described for the epidemiology of mixed nematode infections in New Zealand lambs. The model successfully reproduces known patterns of parasite epidemiology and production loss in lambs under currently implemented control strategies. The variation in model output during sensitivity analysis was within acceptable limits defined by field data. Model output was most sensitive to variation in parameters affecting survival and migration of the free-living stages and host resistance to infection, suggesting that these factors are most influential in regulating parasite populations. It is intended to use the model to focus research on key aspects of nematode epidemiology and control and, following the incorporation of appropriate genetic mechanisms, anthelmintic resistance. INDEX KEY WORDS: Nematodiasis; gastrointestinal nematodes; simulation: lambs; Ostertagia; Trichostrongylus; Haemonchus.
The epidemiology of nematodiasis is complicated by interactions between the effects of weather on the development, migration and survival of the free-living stages, the variety of mechanisms of host resistance to the parasitic stages, the numerous grazing management practices used by farmers and the number of nematode species involved. As many as eight nematode genera may be present in lambs/sheep at one time (Brunsdon, 1970a; Douch, Harrison, Buchanan & Brunsdon, 1984). Disease dynamics are therefore highly variable and difficult to predict, and it may be unwise to generalize from the results of short-term field experiments (Callinan, 1987). In this situation, simulation modelling offers a useful avenue towards improved understanding of parasite dynamics, the development of new control strategies and the evaluation of control options for their likelihood to result in drench resistance. Previous models have focused on single species (Ractliffe, Taylor, Whitlock & Lynn, 1969; Paton, Thomas & Wailer, 1984; Grenfell, Smith & Anderson, 1987b; Barnes & Dobson, 1990), although Callinan, Morley, Arundel & White (1982) present parameter values for two species and Paton (I 987) assumes that an Ostertugiu spp. model could be applied to other species by varying egg output. However, processes other than egg output differ between species, and
THE control of nematodiasis in New Zealand is cyrrently based almost exclusively on the use of anthelmintic drenches (Kettle, Vlassoff, Lukies, Ayling & McMurtry, 198 I ; Kettle, Vlassoff, Ayling, McMurtry, Smith & Watson, 1982; Brunsdon, Kissling & Hosking, 1983). New Zealand sheep farms typically involve intensive, all year round grazing of pastures. Since climatic conditions are generally suitable for parasite development in the spring and autumn, and to a lesser extent during summer, there is considerable reliance by farmers on anthelmintic treatments to maintain animal growth throughout the year (Vlassoff & Brunsdon, 1981). Although grazing management has been promoted as a means of enhancing parasite control in lambs (Brunsdon & Adam, 1975), a 1979/1980 survey of farmer drenching practices (Brunsdon ef al., 1983) found that the annual number of drenches administered to lambs was 6.3 (range 0 to > l2), to I-2-year-old animals was 1.8 (range O-l 2) and to animals older than 2 years was I .2 (range O-10). However, the rapid rise, in recent years, in the reported incidence of anthelmintic resistance (McKenna, 1989a, b; Mason, 1989; West, Pomroy, Probert & Charleston, 1989) clearly indicates the need for a change from this strategy of regular drenching at short intervals. 789
rather than attempt to model each of these separately we use a different approach. Our primary objective is to increase understanding, in general terms, of the dynamics and control of nematodiasis in the field. This reflects the custom of regarding the disease as a single clinical entity (Brunsdon, 1966a). A model has therefore been developed for mixed nematode infections which reproduces the generalized epidemiological patterns observed in New Zealand (Brunsdon & Vlassoff, 1982; Vlassoff, 1982). This paper describes the model, the derivation of parameters, the results of a sensitivity analysis and an evaluation of the model’s performance. MATERIALS
L_________, 4 withinthe raeces -----------_----,
The model was run as an interactive
computer simulation with a discrete time step of 1 day. The basic model structure is presented in Fig. 1 and the derivation of parameter values is discussed below. Ene egg inpuls. Values for faecal egg production by lactating ewes were based on data from Brunsdon (1966b, 1970b, 1971) and Brunsdon & Vlassoff (1971). A pattern was assumed over time with 400 epg at lambing (late August), rising to a peak of 1000 epg midway through lactation (6 weeks post-lambing) then declining to 50 epg by weaning (late November/early December). After weaning no further ewe contribution to pasture contamination was allowed for, on the assumption that in New Zealand the ewe contribution to parasite epidemiology outside lactation is minimal (Brunsdon, 1982; Brunsdon & Vlassoff. 1982). Development of the non-i&five stages. The rate of development of the free-living stages is primarily dependent on temperature (Thomas, 1974; Young. Anderson, Overend, Tweedie, Malafant & Preston, 1980). As a result, seasonal differences in development times may be large. Under ideal conditions development from the egg to the infective third larval stage (L3) requires just a few days whereas at low temperatures the combination of slow development and high mortality results in few, if any, infective larvae developing. TABLE l-SEASONALLY
Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
FIG 1.Structure of the model for nematodiasis in lambs. The major driving variables are: seasonal variation affecting development rate of the egg and Ll:L2 stages (I and 2). survival from egg to L3 (3) and migration of L3s onto herbage (4); the vertical distribution of L3s on herbage and herbage height influences the number of L3 ingested (5) and developing host resistance reduces establishment of ingested larvae (6) and survival of adult worms (7). Monthly average values for the duration of the egg stage (I-7 days) and first two larval stages (7-21 days) were calculated using the observed seasonal pattern of development under New Zealand conditions (Vlassoff, 1982) and are presented in Table I. This gave a range in development times from egg to L3 of 8-28 days which, when combined with the seasonal survival values outlined below, mimicked the expected rapid transition under warm conditions and slow development with low survival during winter (e.g. Boag & Thomas, 1970). Survival of /hc non-irzfective stages. Survival of the egg and non-infective larval stages has been shown to vary enormously with temperature, humidity and aeration (Rose. 1963; Anderson & Levine. 1968; Young & Anderson. 198 I : Wharton, 1982). In laboratory cultures the proportion of
Egg (days)
Survival egg to L3
Daily migration L3 onto herbage
(kg ha ‘)
1.3 1.6 2.1 2.8 5.3 7.0 3.5 2.9 2.5 2.0 1.6 1.3
7.0 7.7 9.8 14.7 19.6 21.0 21.0 19.6 16.1 12.6 9.8 7.7
0.9 2.0 8.0 9.8 2.5 0.7 0.2 0.3 0.7 2.8 5.0 3.0
0.14 0.32 1.30 1.60 0.40 0.11 0.03 0.05 0.11 0.45 0.80 0.48
1900 1850 1400 1250 1050 950 750 850 950 I600 1900 2050
Duration Month
Herbage dry matter
A model for nematodiasis eggs producing third-stage larvae ranges from 18 to 67 (Salih & Grainger. 1982). 54 to 70 (Young et ul., 1980) and 0 to 100% (Berberian & Mizelle, 1957). In the field survival to the third larval stage in ovine parasites has been estimated as up to 21 (Dinaburg, 1944) l-7 (Rose, 1963), O-8.9 (Callinan, 1978b), O-16 (Callinan, 1978a) and O-5% (Callinan, 1979). We therefore followed the seasonal pattern of development success outlined in Vlassoff (1982) with maximum and minimum values set at IO and 0.2%. Migrafion of i&tive larvae. The migration of infective larvae onto herbage is influenced substantially by temperature and humidity (Rees, 1950; Silangwa & Todd, 1964; Callinan & Westcott, 1986). The climatic factors favourable for migration are also those likely to favour survival of eggs and non-infective larvae. We therefore used the curve for seasonal variation in survival of the non-infective stages (Vlassoff, 1982; see previous section) to estimate seasonal patterns of larval migration. To estimate actual migration rates we used a pasture phase submodel utilizing the relationship for survival and development of the free-living stages described in the following and previous two sections. Known faecal egg counts were entered into the submodel and the height of the migration curve adjusted to give the appropriate pasture larval counts from the data sets. The resulting estimates for average instantaneous migration rate ranged from 0.016 (in autumn) to 0.00016 (in winter) with an annual mean value of 0.00486. This range of values encompasses the maximum likelihood value of0.00884 estimated by Grenfell. Smith&Anderson (1986) for Ostertugiu osrertugi in cattle and is similar to the rates measured experimentally by Rees (1950). Silangwa & Todd (1964) and Callinan & Westcott (1986). Survival of i&/ire lurvue. Of the free-living stages the infective third-stage larva (L3) is the most resistant to temperature and desiccation, and the longest lived (Rose, 1961, 1963; Young & Anderson, 1981). The survival of L3 larvae may vary with temperature, moisture, sunlight and larval age (Rose, 1963; Grenfell et al., 1986) although Rose (1961) reports no effect of climate. Grenfell et al. (1986) suggest that although climatic factors affect L3 survival, field sampling procedures are not always rigorous enough to detect their influence. In their model of larval demography a constant survival rate gave equivalent output to a climatedriven variable survival (Grenfell et al., 1986). The limited data available on the survival of infective larvae under New Zealand climatic conditions indicate that some larvae may survive on pasture for over 6 months (Vlassoff, unpublished data). We therefore used a constant daily survival of 0.977. While this value is less than the maximumlikelihood value (0.9911) for 0. ostertugi and Cooperiu oncophoru in calves estimated by Grenfell et al. (1986) it is close to the 0.97 for Osrertugiu circumcincfu in lambs used by Paton et al. (1984). When applied to a single cohort of larvae this value yields a steady decline in numbers with I .5% surviving longer than 6 months. This is not dissimilar to the observations of Gibson & Everett (1967, 1972) and Boag & Thomas (1970). Larvae ingested. Equations from White, Bowman, Morles, McManus & Filan (1983) were used to develop a relationship between intake of dry herbage and age of the lambs. After the
in New Zealand
first 14 days of life during which herbage intake is assumed be zero, dry-matter intake is estimated by: I = 1.45 x (7’ -
14)‘i (3600 + (T ~ 14)‘);
where I is kg dry herbage ingested per lamb per day and Tis time in days since birth. In order to calculate the number of larvae being ingested, and to compare pasture larval populations with observed data (larvae per kg wet herbage), dry herbage values were converted to wet weight. This was done using weekly means for herbage percentage dry matter calculated from data collected over 2 years from six sites throughout New Zealand (Vlassoff, unpublished data). The vertical distribution of larvae on the sward is not uniform (Callinan & Westcott, 1986) and the height of grazing is variable. This is likely to result in more larvae being ingested as available herbage, and hence grazing height, is reduced (Martin, Beveridge, Pullman & Brown, 1990). In the model we assume an exponential relationship for the vertical distribution of larvae on herbage (Vlassoff, 1982). By arbitrarily setting grazing height at half that of the herbage we calculate the number of infective larvae ingested daily by multiplying the herbage intake (kg per lamb per day), larval density on the herbage (larvae kg ‘) and the proportion of those larvae available to the lambs. Thus:
Li = I x Lt x Pa
where Li is the number of the intake of wet herbage number ofinfective larvae proportion of total larvae as;
infective larvae ingested daily, I is per lamb per day, Lt is the total per kg of wet herbage and Pa is the available to the lambs, calculated
pa = e 05H.” where H is herbage dry matter ha ’ (for simplicity herbage biomass is used as an indicator of herbage height) and a is a constant (463 kg ha ‘) estimated by equating the data of Silangwa and Todd (1964) with conversion estimates for pasture height to kg ha- ’ dry matter. The establishment of ingested larvae. The proportion of ingested L3 larvae which establish in the host has been shown to decline with the host’s experience of infection (Gibson & Parfitt, 1973, 1976; Callinan & Arundel, 1982; Gibson & Whitehead, 1981; Barger & Le Jambre, 1988). Some data suggest that this decline in establishment is dependent entirely on the duration of infection and that the magnitude of the parasite burden and the rate of infection have no influence (Barger, Le Jambre, Georgi & Davies, 1985; Smith, 1988). However, with some worm species at least it has been shown that animals exposed to high larval challenge develop immunity faster than those receiving fewer larvae. This implies that regulation is at least partially a function of the intensity of larval exposure (Chiejina & Sewell, 1974b; Waller & Thomas, 1981; Dobson, Wailer & Donald, 1990). The effect of host age on establishment of infective larvae was estimated directly from the data sets of Douch et al. (1984) and Douch (1988, 1989). Worm burdens of previously uninfected ‘tracer’ lambs were divided by estimates for
number of larvae ingested. These were calculated from pasture larval counts and estimates of daily herbage intake (see previous section). Data presented in Waller, Dobson, Donald & Thomas (1981) suggest that in tracer lambs significant mortality of established worms does not occur within the first 4-6 weeks. This supports the assumption. implicit in these calculations, of near zero death rate for worms established in the tracers. What is not accounted for. however, is the possibility of density-dependent regulation of worm burdens through a direct effect of infection rate (Waller et al., 1981). Under New Zealand field conditions the probability of lambs being free from larval challenge is almost zero and so host age and the duration of Infection are effectively the same. The proportional establishment of infective larvae as a function of host age, or the duration of infection, is therefore described by: p=rr-hT where p is the proportion of ingested larvae which establish, u = 0.466, b = 8.02 x 10 ’ (estimated from the data of Douch et al. (1984), Douch (1988, 1989); r’ = 0.60) and T is the age of the lambs in days. By assuming minimal mortality of fourth-stage (L4) larvae (Grenfell, Smith & Anderson, 1987a; Smith, 1988) it was also possible to calculate approximate establishment rates for permanently grazed lambs from the data set of Douch el al. (1984). The difference in larval establishment between permanently grazed and tracer lambs reflects the host’s experience of infection. Combining these two factors gives:
where ELI is the cumulative daily total of L3 larvae ingested. The data set was incomplete with regard to pasture larval counts so it was not possible to calculate directly the effect of experience of infection on establishment rate. We therefore set a lower limit on establishment based on the available data and estimated the coefficient c (= 7.23 x 10 ‘) by tuning the model to give the required output. Under a normal pattern of larval challenge (in the absence of drenches) the resulting decline in larval establishment is a declining sigmoidal shape similar to that used by Smith (1988). The death rate of established ~wrms. Once third-stage larvae become established in the host they develop through a fourth stage where mortality is negligible (Hong, Michel & Lancaster, 1986; Grenfell ef al.. 1987a; Smith, 1988). We therefore assume no mortality in these stages and applied mortality to the adult (LS) stage only. Some authors have related mortality of established worms to the current rate of larval intake (Anderson & Michel, 1977; Callinan & Arundel. 1982; Barger & Le Jambre, 1988). However, in our model a death rate equation of this type failed to explain the observed changes in the lamb’s worm burdens. In particular, when the number of larvae ingested declined following the autumn peak in pasture infestation, the adult worm death rate would also decline. This resulted in unrealistically high worm burdens over the winter when self-cure would normally have occurred (Brunsdon, 1970a). We therefore follow Grenfell PI al. (1987a,b) and Smith (1988) in relating survival of adult worms to cumulative experience of infection.
Thus: where .v is the daily survival rate for adult worms, ZLI is the cumulative daily total of L3 larvae ingested and c1and h are constants (a = 0.9993: h = 5.603 x 10 ‘: r’ = 0.36) estimated from the data of Douch e( ul. (1984). When used in the model, this equation produces estimates of daily survival for adult worms ranging from 0.999 to 0.904 which are similar to the estimates of Anderson & Michel (1977), 0.9@ 0.98; Barger & Le Jambre (1988).0.913-0.964 and Paton (21trl (1984), 0.96. Fecundif! o/ /emcde ~wrm.s. Numerous authors have reported the effect of increasing host resistance in reducing fecundity of adult female worms in single species Infections (Gibson & Parfitt, 1973; Chiejina & Sewell. 1974b: Coop. Sykes & Angus, 1977: Smith, Grenfell & Anderson. 1987). However, nematode species differ considerably in thclr fecundity (Dineen & Wagland, 1966; Callinan c’t (I/., 1982). and so the effect of host resistance may not be so obvious in I field situation. with multiple species infection and with species composition changing over time. Analysis of the detailed field data set of Douch (II al. (1984) failed to indicate a decline in mean eggs per adult worm (all species pooled) over a 12 month period. It was also found, by running the model, that the ef?ect of a decline in fecundity w’as insignificant in terms of model output, compared to the efrcct of declining worm burdens. Fecundity was therefore held constant at 450 eggs per female per day and a constant 50:50 sex ratio assumed. The resulting predictions of daily pdecal egg counts were not dissimilar to those based on Paton c’t (I/. (1984)‘s conversion of 0.225 x the number of adult worms. Ho.c/ thrifi. The parasite host interaction is complex, and at present is not fully understood. Parasitism is manifcxt in the host as a reduction both in food intake and the eficiencq of utilization of metabolizable energy. This results in reduced skeletal development. weight gains and wool growth (Coop. Sykes. Spence & Aitchison. 1981: Sykes & Poppl. 1982). At least two components are known to be responsible for the parasites’ effect on the host. Histological and metabolic changes associated with the presence of parasites in the ho\t are well documented (Coop ef ul.. 1977. 1981; Steel. Symons & Jones. 1980) and the production advantages due to removal of established worms by the use of anthelmintic drenches are well recognized. There is also clear evidence for production losses in lambs (McAnulty. Clark & Sykes. 1982) and mature sheep (Barger & Southcott, 1975: Brunsdon. Vlassoff & West, 1986) associated with the intake of larvae per .se. apparently through the stimulation of a host tmmune response. In order to reproduce the parasite effect on host thrift it was therefore necessary to consider both n,orm burdens and larval challenge. Data from Brunsdon ( 1966a) m which drenched and undrenched lambs were exposed to equal larval challenge were used to derive a relationship between cumulative worm burdens and weight loss. The effect 01 different larval intakes at the same worm burden was deduced from VlassofT& Brunsdon’s (198 1) comparison of protective and preventivedrenching regimes. In their trials thecumulatlve faecal egg counts were approximately equal. Under the assumption that faecal egg counts generally reflect relative worm burdens in lambs (McKenna, 1981: Douch CI ul.. 1984). the
A model for nematodiasis
in New Zealand lambs
production differences between treatments are the result of differences in the number of larvae ingested. Losses due to the two components, larval intake and worm burden, appeared not to be additive as unrealistically high losses were predicted when both are high. The simplest interaction was therefore assumed, with the effect of cumulative larval intake declining with high cumulative worm burdens. The effect of parasitism on lamb liveweights was therefore estimated as:
where WL is loss of liveweight due to parasitism, ZWB is the cumulative daily worm burden, ZLLi is the cumulative daily intake of infective larvae, and a and h are constants (a = 2.54 x IO ‘; rz = 0.94 and b = 3.21 x IO ‘; ? = 0.95) derived as outlined above. Fis the discount coefficient for the interaction between ZWB and ZLLi, defined as;
where JWB,,,
is the maximum cumulative worm burden. Fuecal output. Faecal output is assumed to be directly proportional to dry matter ingested and an equivalent relationship to that used to predict intake (see above) was used to predict faecal production up to a maximum of 1400 g per day at the two-tooth stage (Gillingham A., unpublished PhD thesis, Massey University. 1978).
RESULTS Sensitivit? The model successfully reproduces the generalized scenarios of Brunsdon and Vlassoff (1982) (Fig. 2). These scenarios represent the average values taken from a large number of data sets collected over a number of years and sites and thus are a useful indication of patterns of parasite epidemiology under different management options. However, as these scenarios were used in estimating some of the coefficients used in the model they could not be used for validation. No attempt was made to reproduce specific data sets for three reasons. Firstly, the model was developed not as a tactical tool but rather as a strategic aid in the management of nematodiasis and anthelmintic resistance. Secondly, because of the highly variable nature of individual field data sets, comparing them with model output is of limited value (Grenfell et al., 1987b). Finally, the use of experimental single species, trickle infection data was avoided on the grounds that it may not fully represent the epidemiology of mixed infections in the field. For example, pure infection of Trichostrongylus colubriformis may result in worm burdens reaching 100,000 (Chiejina & &well, 1974a) whereas in the field, numbers of this species seldom exceed 20-30,000 and total worm burdens above 50,000 are uncommon (Brunsdon, 1970a; Douch et al., 1984; Vlassoff, unpublished data).
FIG. 2. Faecal egg counts and the corresponding larvae per kilogram of herbage for (a) undrenched lambs and (b) for lambs given four protective drenches (v) at 28 day intervals from weaning, from the generalized scenario of Brunsdon & Vlassoff (1982) (-) and estimated by the model (0 l 0). Simulation involved lambing in late August, weaning at 12 weeks and set-stocking lambs at 15 ha ‘. Sensitivity analysis was used to test the robustness of model output, in the undrenched situation, to variations in parameter values. For the free-living stages, parameters for survival of eggs to L3s and migration of L3s onto herbage were varied by & 50%. The survival of L3 larvae was also varied by adjusting the time to 50% death for a cohort by f 50%. These perturbations produced similar variations in model output. However, while the first two parameters varied within the range of values measured in the field, the third parameter did not. For example survival of eggs to L3s was varied such that maximum values were between 5 and 15% which is within the 5-20% range observed in the field (Dinaburg, 1944; Callinan, 1979). Values for daily survival of L3s were varied between 0.9847 and 0.9548 which yield cohort survivals outside the ranges observed in New Zealand (Vlassoff, unpublished data). It follows then that for field populations, climate affecting survival of eggs to the L3 stage and migration of L3s onto the herbage is likely to play a greater role in determining parasite dynamics than changing levels of L3 survival. Other parameters including worm fecundity, the number of eggs deposited by ewes prior to weaning and the rate at which the host becomes refractory to incoming larvae and influences worm death rate were also varied by f 50% in turn. These substantial changes in any one parameter value yielded patterns of faecal egg counts and pasture larvae (Fig. 3) within the ranges observed in the field (Brunsdon, 1970a; Vlassoff, 1982).
L3s outside the host, rate of development of host immunity and worm fecundity were all varied by i 10% to establish effect on model output. The resulting variation in faecal egg output and pasture larval populations (Fig. 4) was within acceptable limits set by field data (Brunsdon, 1970a; Vlassoff, 1982) particularly as all five parameters are unlikely to vary in the same direction at the same time. The sensitivity analysis also indicates, under the mechanisms of the model, the relative importance of different factors in determining the overall pattern of parasite dynamics. Large differences in pasture larval populations, brought about by changing parameter values for parasite survival and migration (Fig. 3a,b) were not translated into equivalent differences in faecal egg output, due to the density-dependent effect of host immunity. Similarly, large differences in faecal egg output induced by varying the rate of development of host resistance to infection (Fig. 3d) resulted in only minor changes in pasture larval infestation. This was due to the high faecal egg counts occurring in late autumn and early winter when survival of eggs is normally low. Varying worm fecundity, however, resulted in an equivalent response in pasture larva1 populations (Fig. 3c), reflecting the well established relationship between egg production by lambs in the summer and the size of the autumn peak in pasture larvae (Vlassoff, 1982). FIG. 3. Model estimates for faecal egg output and pasture larval counts when parameter values for (a) survival of eggs to the L3 stage, (b) migration of infective larvae onto pasture, (c) worm fecundity, (d) rate of development of host immunity were varied by f 50%. Simulation involved lambing in late August, weaning at 12 weeks and set-stocking lambs at 15 ha ’ with no drenching.
. . . L. -. u. L---fK
8 =
rz K 0
_.--: .-
82 0
-4 8
. --.
FIG. 4. Model estimates for faecal egg output and pasture larval counts when the parameters for survival of eggs to the L3 stage, migration of infective larvae onto pasture, survival of L3 larvae, worm fecundity and host immunity were concurrently varied by f 10%. Simulation as for Fig. 3.
in parameter values was also tested. Five parameters; survival of eggs to L3s, migration of L3s onto herbage, survival of The influence
of concurrent
FIG. 5. The effect of setting parameters for host immunity (a) and survival and migration of free-living stages (b) constant at their yearly average (-) compared with normal model output (* l l). Simulation as for Fig. 3.
The role of the two factors having the greatest effect on model output (i.e. variation in the survival and migration of the free-living stages and the rate of development of host immunity) in determining the
A model for nematodiasis in New Zealand lambs overall pattern of parasite epidemiology was examined further. The influence of each in turn was removed by setting parameter values constant at their yearly average value. A constant value for host immunity (Fig. 5a) resulted in lower pasture larval populations due to the slow build up of worms in the host, but the seasonal pattern of larvae on pasture was as expected. Faecal egg counts, however, failed to decline as expected indicating that density dependence, acting through acquired host immunity, is largely responsible for the decline in worm burdens and hence faecal egg output at the end of the season. Conversely, removing the effect of seasonality on the free-living stages had a significant effect on pasture larval populations (Fig. Sb), but the minor effect on faecal egg output could be accounted for as a delayed expression in the densitydependent effect of host immunity resulting from lower larval intake. The general pattern of parasite dynamics within the host can therefore be explained largely by the host’s ability to resist infection. This has also been demonstrated elsewhere (Roberts & Grenfell, 1991). Similarly the dynamics of pasture larval populations appears to be determined largely by the influence of climatic factors. Both effects are necessary to account for the overall within-year dynamics of the nematode populations.
A number of control strategies were compared using the model. These included preventive drenching (PD) consisting of five drenches at 28 day intervals starting in early December (Brunsdon & VlassofT, 1982), two integrated control (IC) strategies (Brunsdon & Adam, 1975) and the common farmer practice of drenching iambs monthly from December to June (seven drenches) (Brunsdon et al., 1983). The first integrated control strategy consisted of a drench and move to ‘safe’ pasture in early December followed by a second drench and move, again to safe pasture, in the first week in March. The second integratedcontrol strategy included an additional anthelmintic treatment given 21 days after each move (Brunsdon & Viassoff, 1982). Mean lambing date was taken as the last week in August, lambs were weaned at 12 weeks of age and set stocked at I5 ha-‘. Model output is in accordance with published data (Brunsdon and Vlassoff, 1982; Davis, 1986; Bell, 1987) in suggesting that under average climatic conditions all the strategies are approximately equal in their ability to control parasites (Table 2). However, the level of control decreased, and differences between the strategies increased, when parameters were varied to simulate autumn conditions of above average suitability for parasite development and migration. To
Farmer Preventive Integrated
Number of drenches
7 5 2 4
12 MONTHSOFACE Weight loss Weight loss (kg) (kg) (average year) (good autumn*) 1.8 2.6 3.7 2.1
2.6 4.8 8.0 3.8
* Parameters modified to simulate above average conditions for parasites. simulate these conditions, survival of eggs to L3s was allowed to vary up to a maximum of 20%, which is the highest value recorded in the field (Dinaburg, 1944) and daily migration of L3s onto the herbage varied up to a maximum of 3.2%, which is less than the highest value (4.5%) recorded by Calhnan & Westcott (1986). Under these conditions, the period of protection offered by the basic PD programme was found to be insufficient, and only IC with four drenches appeared capable of maintaining a level of control close to that of protracted drenching (farmer practice). Again this is in keeping with current understanding of the dynamics and control of nematodiasis. Bell (1987) compared PD and preventive plus (PDi-) drenching (i.e. four additional drenches at 28 day intervals) with suppressive (fortnightly) drenching (SD) on nine farms. Average live-weight differences were 2.9 kg between PD and SD and I .8 between PD + and SD compared with model estimates of 2.2 kg for PD vs SD and 1.8 for PD vs PD + . The model therefore, appears capable, at least qualitatively, of reproducing observed parasite epidemiology under a range of management options and of estimating average production advantages due to parasite control for those strategies for which field measurements are available. DISCUSSION The model’s sensitivity to variation in the parameters for host resistance and survival and migration of the free-living stages suggests that these are the major determinants of the observed pattern of parasite epidemiology. As such they may offer the greatest potential for manipulation in order to influence parasite dynamics. The potential for manipulating the freeliving stages appears small, although there may be scope for using pasture species and management to manipulate microclimate, or predatory fungi to reduce larval survival (Hashmi & Connan, 1989). Model sensitivity (Fig. 3a,b) suggests, however, that large
reductions in pasture contamination would be required to significantly reduce worm numbers in the host, due to the density-dependent effect of host immunity. There may be more potential to influence parasite dynamics through selecting for increased host resistance, or through the development of vaccines. The model has highlighted several points relating to this. Figure 3c shows that when egg output is reduced throughout the whole season the effect on autumn pasture contamination is large, but when egg output is only reduced in late summer and autumn (Fig. 3d) the resulting reduction in pasture contamination is relatively small. Therefore, to obtain maximum benefit from reduced pasture contamination. efforts to develop vaccines or select resistant lines of sheep need to concentrate on the earliest possible expression of host immunity. This work is in progress (Baker, Watson, Bisset & Vlassoff, 1990; Bisset, Vlassoff & West, 199 I ) and preliminary results have demonstrated the ability of young lambs to express some immunity (Douch, 1988). Also, it should be noted that if the development of host resistance is a function of cumulative larval exposure and/or worm burden, as assumed in this model, then any benefits attained from increasing host resistance are likely to be negated under frequent drenching. The dynamics of nematodiasis in the field is a highly variable process due to the changing complex of worm species, climate driven variables, differences in host resistance/tolerance to infection and the numerous management options possible. This high variability complicates the understanding of detailed parasite epidemiology and the evaluation of new management options, particularly those which do not rely heavily on the use of anthelmintics. The model outlined here represents our current understanding of the dynamics and driving variables of nematodiasis under New Zealand conditions. Its performance is consistent, in general terms, with current expectations and understanding of parasite dynamics under a range of control options. As such it forms a useful tool with which to focus discussion and research on key aspects of nematode epidemiology and management. The next step will be the incorporation of genetic mechanisms for anthelmintic resistance in order to address New Zealand’s escalating resistance problem. wish to thank Stewart Bisset and Mick Roberts for constructive comments on the manuscript and Phil Douch for access to his data. Acknowledgements-We
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