Rhythm puzzle J.M.E. van Dijen, L.V.A. Boersma, P.J. van Hartingsveldt, E.F.D. Wever

______________________ II


A patient with chest pain An 81 -year-old male was referred to the emergency ward because ofchest pam radiating to the left arm, and nausea. He had no palpitations. The | arterial blood pressure was 130/90 mmHg. His ECG on admission is shown in figure 1. He had a history a large anteroseptal myocardfial ~~~~~~~~~~of infarction in 1976, leaving a large


aneurysm and a markedly reduced






ventricular ejection fraction of ,A,, Tleft 19%. A recent ECG (figure 2)


showed sinus rhythm with a normal PR interval (0.20 sec), QRS duration

of 0.14 sec, left heart axis', and left bundle branch block (BBB) cona_:S__|.@d_".,l._|.


are visible figuration; Qwaves



I and aVL.

1. Mr,


in leads

Scintigraphy performed

recently showed slight pen-infarction ischaemria. His clinical status had been

stable until now. The patient underwent electrical cardloversion with 50 J resulting in sinus rhythm with relief of symptoms. A recurrent myocardial



a [ 110111 E211a f H r-f i


was excluded; no acute myocardial ischaemia was detected.

What would your diagnosis and Answer

N 2


You wil find the answer on page 435.

Figure 2 J.M.E van Den. LVA. Bow_a. PJ. van Haveldt E.F.D. Wever. Departrnent of Cardiology, Heart Lung Centre Utrecht, St Antonius Hospital, Koekoekslaan 1, 3435 CM Nieuwegein. Address for correspondence: E.F.D. Wever. E-mail: [email protected]


Netheriands Heart Journal, Volume II, Number 10, October 2003

Anwwr to rhythm puzzle (peg 416) The patient's symptoms were not catued by an acute coronary syndrome but by a wide-QRS tachycardia (QRS duration, 0.14 sec, figure 1). The diffcrential diagnosis of a wide-QRS tachycardia is as follows: 1. Ventricular tachycardia (VT); 2. Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) with either functional or preexstent BBB or IV conduction delay; 3. Atrioventicular reentry tachyardia with anterograde conduction over an accessory bypass (WolffParkdnson-White syndrome). Carotid sinus massage and intravnous administraton of adenosine may be of help in settling the diagnosis. Figure 1 shows VA disocation befirc the first, fifth, ninth, and twelfth QRS complexes (see leads I, 11, and V1). The fiffh QRS complex is preceded by thre QRS complexes, the first two ofwhich show VA conduction with slightlyincreasing VAduration (see leads I and V1). Between the fifth and sixth, the ninth and tenth, and the

twcelfi and tiirteentl QRS complexes, no atral activity is seen. Thus, the VA ratio is >1. This rules out the diagnosis of antidromic circus movement tachycardia during which a 1:1 AV ratio is obligatory. Also, atal tachycardia is excluded (AVratio 1). The QRS complex in V1 was positive, thus, the tachycardia had a RBBB morphology. The electrical heart axs was orientated to a superior direction, more leftward when compared with the ECG during sinus rhythm. The R/S nadir interval (V3) is about 0.10 sec. Considering these tatures, the diagnosis must be set at VT. If the hacmodynamic saituation is stable during VT, the patient may be treated with intravenousadministraton of an antiarrhythmic drug (e.g. procainamide): For firther differentiation (VT versus SVT), electrical cardioversion using low energy (5 or 10 J) may be useful. Successftl low-energy cardioversion points to the diagnosis of VTI.

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A patient with chest pain.

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