Oil admission, I found that there was great tenderness and pain on pressure over the uterine region, the vagina hot and tender ; the os dilated, so as to admit the tip of finger beyond the base of the nail; no foreign body could be detected by the finger, because the os was not sufficiently dilated to allow the finger The os was in its normal to reach high enough. was enlarged, retroflexed uterus but the position, aud tender. An examination with the speculum showed the margins of the os lacerated in several places, red and inflamed, and a discharge of blood and mucus was seen issuing from the cervix. The uterine sound passed easily in a backward direction for 3J inches, but gave no indication of the presence of a foreign body. As it was impossible to introduce the finger further than a little beyond the base of the nail, and to be sure whether there was a foreign body in the uterine cavity or cervical canal higher up, I determined to dilate the cervix, and introduced two laminaria tents, put in a glycerine plug, aud ordered an opium enema every three hours. 8th October.?The patient slept fairly well during the night, the glycerine plug and tents were removed, and the vagina washed out with asolution of Condy's fluid. The os was nowdilated so as to admit the index finger, which, however, gave no indication of the presence of a foreign body. The uterus being retroflexed, it was impossible to steady it by pressure of the other handover the abdomen, and being free to move, the parts receded before the examining: EDEN



In order to steady the uterus the anterior and posterior lips of the cervix were seized by A PIECE OF STICK INTRODUCED BY A WOMAN INTO vulsellum forceps, and drawn down, aud the THE INTERIOR OF HER UTERUS FOR THE CURE OF AMENORRHEA.?REMOVAL. index fiuger now reached, and was just able to By James Clarke, m.d., touch the end of a piece of stick, which was Resident Surgeon. lying free iu the cavity of the retroflexed uterus. The patient was now put under chloroRampiyari, Hindu, aged 25 years, was admit- form ; the uterus steadied and drawn down with ted to the Eden Hospital on the 7th October and the piece of stick extracted, after a forceps, 1884, and gave the following history:?She was a pair of long forceps. confined in March, and being anxious for the good many trials, by Theafter-treatmeutconsistedof opium enemata menses to appear, she consulted some of her three hours, hot vaginal douche, with every into the who womb introduce told her to friends, glyceriue plugs, and a mixture of sulpho-cara piece of stick from a certain tree, which they bolate of soda and ext. ergot liq. every four pointed out to her. She, accordingly, having hours. The woman recovered without a bad procured the stick about 5 p. m. on the 5th, aud left hospital on 16th October. introduced it herself by putting one finger into symptom, Remarks.?This case is interesting for the folthe vagiua, feeling for the opening of the womb, reasons :? and with the other hand introduced the piece lowing 1. The woman herself introduced the piece of stick, in doing so, of stick into the interior of the uterus. The pushing it well up, and, experienced a good deal of pain. The irritation piece extracted measured If inches, but the probaof the foreign body gave rise to great pain bility was that it was originsilly much aud longer, over the lower disa and of the abdomen, part that it was broken when being introduced. charge of mucus and blood from the vagina. It was put in for the cure of amenorrhcea 2. An attempt to extract the foreign body was and not to cause abortion. My reasonsforsaying made outside, but failed, and, in consequence, so are, that the woman had been confined six she was sent to the hospital.




and was nursing her child. she did not try to conceal any




And the wood introduced is quite different from the kinds of wood usually introduced to bring on abortion; it was neither lall chitra, nor moaheeance.

The use of the vulsellum forceps in down and steadying the uterus, in order to facilitate the removal of a foreign body from its cavity. The increased difficulty in removing a 4. foreign body from the cavity of the uterus, when the organ is refroflexed. The sound failing to give any indication 5. of the presence of a foreign body. 6. The recovery of the patient without a single bad symptom. 3.




A Piece of Stick Introduced by a Woman into the Interior of Her Uterus for the Cure of Amenorrhœa: Removal.

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