Aberrant tonotopic organization in the inner ear damaged by kanamycin D. Robedson

and B. M. Johnstone

Departmentof Physiology,Universityof WesternAustralia, Nedlands.6009, WesternAustralia

(Received28 December1978;acceptedfor publication26 April 1979)

Spiralganglioncell recordings wereobtainedfrom normaland kanamycin-damaged guineapig cochleas. Resultsshowthat kanamycinpoisoning, whichcauseslossof outerhair cells,leadsto a lossof sharp, sensitive tuningand,in addition,a shiftto lowerfrequencies in the tuningcurvesfrom a damagedregion. The normaltonopticpatternof organization is thereforegreatlydisrupted in the damaged cochleas. PACS numbers: 43.63.La, 43.63.Pd, 43.63.Gw


sisted of 8-10 days subcutaneous injection according to

The neural output of the mammalian cochlea is organized tonotopically, inthat nerve fibers emanating from a given region of the organ of Corti are most sensitive to a particular frequency of acoustic stimulation. This

most sensitive or characteristic frequency (CF)varies in orderly fashion from the base of the cochlear spiral to the apex, the base subserving high and the apex low frequencies. The most direct,

and probably the most accurate

"place-frequency" maps of the neural output have been obtained for the basal coil of the guinea pig cochlea,

usingthe techniqueof spiral ganglionrecording. l's With this method the electrical activity of single primary afferent neurons is measured only about 400 p m from the organ of Corti. If a simple radial pattern of innervation

is assumed,4 the cf of a givenneuroncanbe directly related to the receptor location it presumably inner-

the procedureof Dallos and coworkersf Animalswere kept for 10-27 days after the final injection before acute experimentation. In the second schedule, approximately 10 mg of solid kanamycin sulfate was placed in the round window niche using sterile surgical techniques. Survival times ranged from 9 to 17 days. This latter method did not give reliable outer hair-cell loss in all animals.

Assessment of hair-cell loss in the basal coil was by scanning electronmicroscopy, using techniques similar

to thosereportedby Hunter-Duvar.7 The organof Corti locations opposite spiral ganglion recording sites were marked with small dabs of enamel paint which were readily visible in the scanning microscope. In this way, neural recording sites could be directly related to specific regions on the organ of Corti.



In this communication, we examine the "place-frequency" relationship in cochleas poisoned with kanamycin,


a drug which selectively destroys the outer hair cells of the organ of Corti. The results show that neurons emanating from damaged receptor regions are often most sensitive to quite inappropriate frequencies.

the guineapig havebeenpublishedpreviously? In the present study, extracellular recordings of spike activity were obtained using glass micropipettes filled with 150

mmol/1 NaC1. A neuron's cf was estimated from its tuning curve (a plot of threshold sound-pressure level versus stimulation frequency). A calibrated sound delivery system identical to that employed by WilSon and Johnstone5 was used. data were obtained from young, healthy

guinea pigs (150-350 g). Scanning electron microscopicof the basal



at most

two or

three outer hair cells missing from the first 6 mm of the organ of Corti in these control animals. Damaged cochleas were produced by one of two schedules of kanamycin sulfate administration. The first con466

The CF of these neurons

showed an orderly distance


in normal


dependence on location measured as

the basal

end of the basilar


Examples of typical ganglion cell tuning curves are shown in Fig. I and the relationship between cf and distance in Fig. 2. These neurons had CFs ranging from from

The essential details of surgical and recording procedures used to record from spiral ganglion neurons in

al examination

Normative data were obtained from 59 spiral ganglion

11-30 kHz encompassing locations on the organ of Corti




J. Acoust.Soc.Am. 66(2), Aug. 1979


mm from

its basal



all these

neurons, threshold sensitivity at the cf was better than 40 dB.

These results agreed quite well with previous record-

ingsfrom the spiral ganglion. l's They showa linear relationship between log (CF) and linear distance, which has a slope of 2.5 mm/octave. This relationship agrees very well with the location of the cutoff frequencies of the basilar membrane mechanical tuning curves reported

by Wilson andJohnstone 5 for the basal coil of the guinea pig cochlea (dotted line in Fig. 2). The results from kanamycin-poisoned animals were markedly different. Single neurons emanating from regions with totally absent outer hair cells (Fig. 3) showed very broad, insensitive tuning curves. The most sensitive high-frequency portion of the curves were elevated by some 40 dB compared to neurons from the same location

in normal




of threshold

(D1979 Acoustical Societyof America



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I 4










FIG. 1. Representative single neuron tuning curves from three separate cochlear locations. Solid curves are from normal guinea pigs. Dashed curves are from the same locations

FIG. 3. Scanning electron micrographs of A; normal organ of Corti, and B. kanamycin-damaged organ of Corti. IHC- inner hair cell region, OHC- outer hair cell region. Note absence

but in animals devoid of outer hair cells in these regions. Dis-

of outer


in mm from


end of basilar


is denoted




in B.



left-hand side of each group.

the tails of tuning curves were less; of the order of 1020 dB. This finding is in rough agreement with reports

by other workers, •-10who havefoundelevationof tuning [






curve tips and broad tuning curves from kanamycinpoisoned cochleas when single neuron activity is recorded


the cochlear



However, perhaps most significant was that the CFs of the neurons were shifted to frequencies up to 1 octave

lower than normal for their location (Fig. 2, Closed circles).

Many of these neurons were so broadly tuned

that the assignment of a CF was somewhat arbitrary. Nevertheless, the high-frequency cutoffs of the neurons were also dramatically shifted to lower frequencies than

normal (Fig. 4). mm




FIG. 2. Relationship between single ganglion cell C F and location of the radial projection of ganglion recording hole to the organ of Corti. Open circles; units from normal animals. Closed circles; units from regions devoid of outer hair cells in kanamycin treated guinea pigs. Dotted line is relationship between location and cutoff frequency of the basilar membrane

mechanicaltuningcurve.5 467

J. Acoust.Soc.Am., Vol. 66, No. 2, August1979

Neurons from these kanamycin-damaged cochleas which arose from undamaged receptor regions, showed

tuning curves more •{early approachingnormal shape

andsensitivity. Suchneuronsalso had•Fs closer to, or in exact agreement with, the normal CF for their location (Fig. 4.) These results clearly show that outer hair-cell loss resulting in threshold changes of 40 dB or more can be D. Robertsonand B. M. Johnstone:Tonotopicorganization


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incorrect conclusions about the relationship between cochlear receptor damage and single neuron response.

100r_l I I I I I I ' ' ''1''"l"'"""l A

Our findings are, in principle,

in accordance with the


statementby Kiang, Liberman, and Levinetø;"If there


cells, there will be a gap in the range of assignable

is a region in the cochlea which is devoid of outer hair

90r' B

CF." It seems from our data that this is probably due


to neurons from the outer hair cell-damaged region shifting their CF to a lower frequency, and not to a physical absence of responsiveness on the part of these auditory afferents.



It is perhaps debatable whether the phenomenonwe observe actually constitutes a "CF shift" in the strict sense of the term. Some authors have reported neurons which do tune to frequencies encompassed by regions devoid of outer hair cells. 8'tt Dallos and Harris tt in

% hair cell •HC present

100 0


5 4 3 mm from basal

2 end

chinchilla cochleas found tuning curves apparently

from such regions, which still possessedsharp tuning


tips, though greatly elevated in threshold and much reduced in depth. We have never found such units and in this respect our results are in closer agreement with


thoseof Kiang, Liberman, and Levine.9'tø Possibly what we observe is simply the residual low-frequency portion of the tuning curve with the tip completely missing. However, recent data from our laboratory (V. A. Alder, unpublished results; A. R. Cody, unpublished


results) strongly imply that there is a graded shift of 4







FIG. 4. Tuning curves from three spiral ganglion locations in a kanamyein-poisoned animal. A and B are from regions with missing outer hair cells, D from an undamagedregion. Pattern of hair-cell

loss shown in C.


in C has been

aligned with the frequency axes of A, B, and D according to the normal data shown in Fig. 2.



a dramatic


in the CF of neurons

emanating from these damaged regions. III.


The above results have far-reaching implications for studies on cochlear pathology. All previous recordings of single neuron activity from cochleas with hair cell loss have been obtained


the cochlear




the internalauditorymeatus.8'tt In thesestudies,the region from which a neuron emanates has to be inferred

from its CF and the place-frequency map of the normal

cochlea. • AsKiang,Liberman,andLevine tønote;"Any correlation of auditory physiology with cochlear histology is based on the premise that the CF dimension in the

auditory nerve maps in some continuousway onto the • longitudinal dimension of the cochlea."

Our results show

that the map may.be different in the normal and abnormal cochlea and that the only way to draw conclusions with certainty is to use a direct method of relating unit activity to location as we have done. For example, a unit whose CF is shifted from 18 to 12 kHz might be supposed to arise from a point 4.7 mm from the end of the basilar membrane when in fact it may actually innervate the 3.2-mm point. Such gross discrepancies could lead to

the CF to lower frequencies, accompanying threshold elevation, rather than a simple upward elevation and subsequent disappearance of the tuning tip. The discrepancy between our results and those of

DallosandHarristt mightbe explainedby partial inner hair-cell

damage in our animals,

for which we have

some ultrastructural evidence (Robertson, unpublished results). This, however, does not alter the basic point; that assigning a cochlear location to auditory afferents, solely on the bases of CF or high-frequency cutoff may be a risky procedure and could introduce errors of up to one octave. Future studies aimed at correlating receptor damage with changes in neural output, must take into account such alterations in tonotopic organization as we have demonstrated. We also feel our results may be important for understanding disturbances of hearing function in sensorineural deafness. If auditory neurons from regions with hair-cell damage are not only elevated in threshold but have their tuning curves shifted as we have found, then the ability of higher brain centers to frequency analyze incoming information must surely be greatly impaired. This impairment would be in addition to that which may be caused by any broadening of the tuning curve and loss of sensitivity. Other authors have previously drawn attention to this possibility that the presence of abnormal responses may be more detrimental than a complete abt0 sence of responsiveness. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

This work was supported by a grant to B. M. J. from the Australian


a Queen Elizabeth


II Fellow.


D. R. was

The authors wish to



J. Acoust.Soc.Am., Vol. 66, No. 2, August1979

D. Robertsonand B. M. Johnstone' Tonotopic organization



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acknowledge the participation of A. R. Cody in several experiments, and J. R. Johnstone for helpful discussion.

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7I. M. Hunter-Duvar, "Electronmicroscopicassessmentof the cochlea," Acta Oto. Larymgol. Suppl. 351 (1978).

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2D. Robertson,"Studiesof singleneuronactivity in the cochlear ganglion of the guinea pig," Ph.D. thesis, McGill University, Montreal, 1975.

3D.RobertsonandG. A. Manley, 'Wianipulation of frequency analysis in the cochlear ganglion of the guinea pig, "J. Comp. Physiol. 91, 363 (1974).

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J. Acoust.Soc.Am., Vol. 66, No. 2, August1979

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l•P. DallosandD. Harris, "Propertiesof auditorynerveresponses in absence of outer hair cells," J. Neurophysiol. 41, 365 (1978).

D. RobertsonandB. M. Johnstone:Tonotopicorganization


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Aberrant tonotopic organization in the inner ear damaged by kanamycin.

Aberrant tonotopic organization in the inner ear damaged by kanamycin D. Robedson and B. M. Johnstone Departmentof Physiology,Universityof WesternAu...
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