Respirology (2015) 20 (Suppl. 2), 1–6
doi: 10.1111/resp.12492
AO 002
THREE, SIXTEEN SECOND MEASUREMENTS OF RESISTANCE AND REACTANCE MEASURED BY THORASYS™ TREMOFLO™ FORCED OSCILLATION TECHNIQUE (FOT) GIVES COMPARABLE RESULTS TO LONGER PROTOCOLS HANDLEY B1, SCHOEFFEL R1, DAME CARROLL J2, BERTOLIN A1,2, KING G1,2,3 1 Departments of Respiratory Medicine, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, NSW 2065, 2Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, Glebe NSW 2037, 3Northern Clinical School, University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Introduction: The clinical use of FOT demands the easiest protocol for both technician and patient. Standardisation of protocols is important so that clinical and/or research results are comparable The aim was to establish an appropriate protocol for the measurement of resistance (Rrs) and reactance (Xrs) by FOT using the Thorasys tremoFlo in a clinical setting and to determine which protocol would both maximise the accuracy of the results and minimise the patient’s testing time and effort. Method: In normal subjects with no known lung disease and a smoking history of 50 tests were included. A target quality score of 90% was expected for each of acceptability, repeatability, appropriate technical comments and spirometric pattern interpretation. Mann Whitney U tests compared quality scores. Pearson correlations compared quality against number of tests performed and frequency of testing sessions. Results: A total of 5702 tests were assessed (range 55 to 915 tests at 2 to 12 days between tests).The table shows median (range) quality scores for the 19 testers. Quality Category
1st 10
Last 10
Acceptability % Repeatability % Comments % Interpretation %
70 (30–100) 80 (30–100) 70 (40–100) 90 (30–100)
70 (40–100) 80 (20–100) 90* (60–100) 100* (70–100)
76 (64–92) 86 (70–96) 86* (74–95) 96* (82–99)
*Significant improvement (p < 0.05) from baseline score. Significant improvement was found in appropriate comments and interpretation but not in acceptability or repeatability. The operator satisfied the requirements for a quality testing session if they provided appropriate comments when a patient failed to achieve acceptable and/or repeatable spirometry. No significant correlation was found between quality and number of tests performed nor frequency of testing. Conclusion: Continuous feedback on spirometry quality for ‘spirometry certified’ community nurses leads to an improvement in the quality of their spirometry reporting. Key words: Spirometry, Quality, Community.
AO 014
SPIROMETRIC REFERENCE VALUES IN INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIANS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW BLAKE T1,2,3, MCELREA M1,2,3, PETSKY H3, RODWELL L1,2, BROWN M4, HILL D1, CHANG A1,2,5 1 Indigenous Respiratory Outreach Care (IROC) Program, 2Royal Children’s Hospital, 3Queensland Children’s Medical Research Institute, 4Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, 5Menzies School of Health Research Aim: Spirometry is widely available for assessing lung disease even in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) communities. Ethnicity-based reference values are recommended however none are well established for Indigenous Australians. The aim of our systematic review was to evaluate published Indigenous spirometry data and note differences from Caucasian values. Method: Systematic review methodology was used for a PubMed search of all studies that performed spirometry on Australian Indigenous people. Titles and abstracts were screened by one author before full text reviews. Results: 115 studies were identified but only nine were relevant. No studies specified Torres Strait Islander inclusion. Of the nine studies, four examined Aboriginal lung health, four developed reference equations and one did both. All studies reported lower lung volumes, up to 30%, in Aboriginal people compared to Caucasians. All papers suggested lower volumes were related to ethnicity plus confounding factors e.g. respiratory history, environmental and socioeconomic. No study performed spirometry to current ATS/ERS standards nor have their reference equations been validated. Conclusion: The clear lack of spirometric reference data for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people impedes the ability to distinguish abnormal from normal lung function in this population. Development of reference ranges specific for Indigenous Australians will enable accurate interpretation of spirometry in this group. Key words: Indigenous Australians, reference values, spirometry. Grant Support: IROC Program, Queensland Health funded
© 2015 The Authors Respirology © 2015 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
Respirology (2015) 20 (Suppl. 2), 1–6
AO 016
INHALED TERBUTALINE ATTENUATES HYPERPNOEA-INDUCED BRONCHOCONSTRICTION AND MAST CELL ACTIVATION IN ATHLETES SIMPSON A1, KIPPELEN P1, BOOD J2, DAHLEN S2, ANDERSON S3 1 Brunel University, 2Karolinska Institutet, 3Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Background: Anderson et al.1,2 proposed that β2-adrenoceptor agonists taken by inhalation were superior to tablets for inhibiting exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) because sufficiently high concentration of drug was delivered directly to the airway to prevent mediator release from mast cells. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a clinically recommended dose of β2-adrenoceptor agonist on mast cell activation in response to dry air hyperpnoea in athletes with EIB. Methods: A randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, cross over design in 18 subjects. Terbutaline (0.5 mg) or placebo was inhaled 15 min before 8 min of eucapnic voluntary hyperpnoea (EVH) with dry air at ∼80% predicted maximum ventilation. The response to EVH was measured as the maximum % fall in FEV1 from baseline after EVH. Mast cell activation was measured by urinary 11β-prostaglandin(PG)F2α concentrations at baseline and 30, 60 min post-EVH. Results: The ventilation achieved was 100 ± 18 (SD) & 101 ± 18 L·min−1 (p > 0.07) & the % fall in FEV1 after EVH was of 17 ± 9 and 8 ± 6% after the placebo & terbutaline, respectively (p < 0.001). Terbutaline afforded 54 ± 35% bronchoprotection & 14 of the 18 subjects had