Photosynthesis Research 1 0 : 5 0 7 - 5 1 4 (1986) © Martinus N i j h o f f Publishers, Dordrecht - Printed in the Netherlands


ACTIVE TRANSPORT IN PHOTOTROPHIC BACTERIA DAVID B. KNAFF Department of Chemistry and .Biochemistry, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409-4260 (U.S.A.)

ABSTRACT Phototrophic bacteria utilize light-driven, cyclic electron flow to pump protons out of their cytoplasm, creating an electrochemical proton gradient, A~H+, outside acid and. positiye. K+These b+a~teria exchange external protons for internal catlons (Na , and C a ' ) , allowing the cells to maintain a nearly constant internal pH while maintaining the electrical component of A ~u+. Na /H exchange a l s o establishes an electrochemical Na" gradient" Phototrophic bacteria are able to utilize these electrochemical gradients as energy sources for the uptake of a wide variety of metabolites (e.g., sugars, organic acids and amino acids) via metabol ite/cation symports. I.

INTRODUCTION The study of active transport in bacteria occupies a central position in current research in bioenergetics. While a wealth of information is available concerning transport processes in prokaryotes that derive the energy for active transport from respiration or fermentation, until recently l i t t l e data had been collected on transport phenomena in phototrophic bacteria. However, more recently, a significant body of information on light-dependent transport processes has accumulated. This overview will concentrate on transport by phototrophic purple sulfur and purple non-sulfur bacteria. Some data obtained from studies with halobacteria will be included because, although halobacteria are not truly photOtrophic prokaryotes, t h e r e are many similarities between lightdependent transport in halobacteria and in true phototrophic bacteria. The majority of transport systems that will be discussed meet criteria usually set forth for active transport in that substrate transport requires an energy source and proceeds without chemical modification of the transported substrate. A brief discussion of sugar phosphOrylation with concomitant phOsphorylation (via the PTS system) in a purple non-sulfur bacterium will also be included. A considerable body of evidence suggests the transport of ions and of non-PTS substrates (e.g., amino acids) in these lightutilizing prokaryotes oCCurs via "chemiosmotic" mechanisms [41,73]. The evidence indicates that light does not serve as the direct source of energy for active transport but rather the role of light is confined to the generation of an electrochemical gradient of protons (A~H+). The electrochemica I proton gradient (or in some cases an electrochemical gradient of Na ions) then serves as the actual energy source for secondary active transport. 2.

THE ELECTROCHEMICAL PROTONGRADIENT IN PHOTOTROPHICBACTERIA There are generally considered to be five distinct families





phototrophic bacteria [69]. As l i t t l e is known about active transport in the two families of green bacteria (the Chlorobiaceae and Chloroflexaceae), this overview will discuss transport in only the three families of purple bacteria (Rhodospirillacea, Chromat~acea and Ectothiorhodospiracea). In these bacteria, light-driven cyclic electron flow results in proton efflux from the cells, producing a A~u+ with both ApH (outside acidic) and membrane potential (outside pd'sitive) components [32,62]. Membrane potential (A~) and ApH measurements [7,14,21,57,58,60,61] have been made using intact cells of representative purple sulfur (Chromatium vinosum) and purple non-sul fur (Rhodopseudomonas s.phaeroides and Rhodopse~onas capsulata) bacteria. The most detailed measurementsof ApH i n intact cells have been made with C, vinosum and .Rps. sphaeroides. In both bacteria, the ApH maintained by c e T l s ~ s e d WI-~EITincreasing external pH. For example, in Rps. sphaeroides pH decreased from 2 units at an external pH - 5 to 0 at ~H--8 0 [61] '+Both bacteria maintain a significantly smaller Ap, when suspended in Na containlng medlum, compared to K contalnlng medium. Furthermore, in C. vinosum i t was demonstrated that the largest ApH values were maintained Tn ~ i - ~ + f r e e o~^alkali or alkaline earth metal cations and that addition of Na , K+ or Ca z significantly decreased ApH [14~ lhese e~fe~ts of metal cations have been attributed to the action of Ca-~/H- and K-/H- exchange systems (+antiports) in C vinosum [12,13] and to the posslble presence of Na /H antlports in C, vlnosum [14] and Rps. sphaeroides [26]. (See below.) Light-induced ~ has--B'e-en"measured in ce-l~Fs of Rp_s.. sphaeroides, Rps. capsulata and C. vinosum [57,58,79,14,21,39] and sho~ to 1"ncrease with-1'---~ncreasingextern~ ~ r example, in C. vinosum A~ (inside minus outside) increased from -60 mV at pH 5.5 to - 1 9 1 ) m ~ 8.0. The A~ maintained by these cells was relatively unaffected by the ionic composition of the medium. In Cj_ vinosum, reciprocal changes in ApH and A~ with increasing external pH produce apnet Ap.,+hospha(~ that varies l i t t l e as a function of external pH. In potassium buffer, for example, A~H+ values never exceed -220 mV nor fall below -180 mV as the external pH wa'~ varied from 5.5 to 8,0 [14]. Cells of both Rp_s. sphaeroides and C, vinosum [21,39] also can maintain a A~, (but apparently not a'ApH) in tl% ~nder anaerobic conditions. This dark A~ appears to result from proton pumping coupled to ATP hydrolysis by the FnF~ ATPase [39]. Membrane vesicles with opposite membrane sid'e@ness compared to whole cells (chr~matophores) can be prepared from a number of phototrophic purple bacteria [29,36,55,5_8]. Light-driven cyclic electron flow in chromat~phores generates a APu+, inside acidic and negative, the opposite polarity to that produced by ~ t a c t cells. The magnitudes of A~H÷ and of i t s two components; A~ and ApH, have been measured in chromatopBbres prepared from three species of photosynthetic purple non-sulfur bacteria Rps. sphaeroides [22,57,58], R~. capsulata [3,6,8] and Rhodospirillum ru~um [5,34,47]. Results obtalned from the' three different- species agree rea'sonably well qualitatively, but there are significant quantitative differences in the values reported for A~ and ApH. It is l i k e l y that many of these differences can be attributed to the different techniques used to measure ApH and A~. Measurement of ApH using the fluorescent amine, g-aminoacridine, gave larger values for Z~pH than did techniques using the distribution of radioactively labeled, permeant weak bases [5,58]. Estimations of z~ based on the amplitude of band shifts of i n t r i n s i c membrane carotenoids or on the response of an extrinsic fluorescent probe [5-8] were higher t h a n values estimated from the distribution of •








radioactively labeled, permeant anions [22,58]. Recently attempts have been made to quantitate possible sources of error in the A pH and A~ measurements and to reconcile these differences in A~ and ApH meas~ements [1,4,16,48]. One general feature observed in these studies of Ag,+ in chromatophores was that the values of A pH and A~ maintained by chfbmatophores were dependent on the anion composition of the suspension medium [47,57,58], with the presence of a permeant anion resulting in a decrease in A~ and a concomitant increase in ApH. Halobacterium halobium in contrast to phototrophic bacteria, contains a membrane bound, bacteriorhodopsin-containing protein that couples the absorption of light to the formation of an electrochemical proton gradient by direct proton pumping without intermediate elecjtron" transfer reactions [18,28,70]. The light-induced ApH and A~ generated by intact cells of H. halobium have been quantitated as a function of external p14 [2,56]. TITe magn--~e of A~ and Apll and the effects of medium constituents on these parameters described above for C, vinosum and Rps. ,sphaeroides are similar to those observed in H. halobium. i 3.

CATIONTRANSPORT~I+N PHOTOTROPHICBACTERIA Light-induced Ca~ movements have been observed with Rps. capsulata chromatophores [31] and with cells and chro+mLatophores of C~ ~osum and R. rubrum [12]. Whi~ the mechanism of the Ca flux seen w1~h Rps. capsul~a no~-----'t us known, Ca~ efflux in C~2~vi~osum and R. rybru~has ~ n ~shown to occur via an electrogenic ~=~tiporE(3I"TL'~"L ~> 2.0). These an~port~+do not respond to Mg=-, Zn='2+or monovalent cations. 2+However Sr , Mn and, to a lesser extent, Ba can substitute for Ca . Rps. capsu],~ta a] so ;p~ssess two ~ s t i n c t systems for the energy-dependent upl~al~e of Mg=" and Mn= [31]. Ca = effl~x h~s been seen in H. halobium ve}~cle~ and shown to be catalyzed by .a Ca=-/Na- anti+port. The-~nergy for Ca-=/Naexchange is provided by a Na-gradient ([Nay = > [Na-]. ) maintained by illuminate~ vesicles (see below). The H. °n~aT1obium N~/Ca -~z antiport involves K- as a reg~ulatory agent [42]. Light-induced K" movements have been observed in three phototrophic bacteria. K- flux in cells an~ chromatophores of C. vinosum was shown to occur via an electroneutral K~/HT+antiport [13]. -Thls~-s--anTiport probably results in the extrusion of K f r o m the cell under physiological conditions. ~he rate of the antiport shows considerable cooperativity with respect to [K-]. This cooperativity ma~ reflect the c e l l ' s requirement to maintain rel+atively high i n t e r n a l [K-]. C. vinosum also contains an ATP-driven K uptake system ,[15] which appea'rs responslble for maintaining appropriate intracellular K - l e v e l s and allowing the cell to adjust i t s internal osmotic strength. Energy- independent K+ accumulatio+n has also been observed in Rps. capsulata [30]. In Rps. sphaeroides, K uptake is energized by A~ v i ~ an electrogenic transper-t="system that u+til ized neither ApH nor ATP as an energy source [26]. Li+ght-induced K uptake by H~ was shown to occur via aA~-driven K uniport [23,71]. Na transport is of particular interest, because in mony bacteria active transport of }olutes can be either directly driven or stimulated by the presence of a Na- gradient [42]. Na+/H+ exchange has also been shown to play a key role in the regulation of internal pH by bacteria [63]. Light-induced, uncoupler-senslt]ve Na extrusion has been observed from intact cells of C. v inosum and R. rubrum a+nd, as expected from the reversed membrane sidedne-ss~omatophores'res'~, a uptake is seen with chromato-



phores from C. vinosum, R~ rubrum and RiPs. sphaeroides [26,37]. The mechanisms by-which-h--t'~-6"se ~T m ~ n t s occur is not yet fully unders~oo~ but much of the available data is co.~sistent with the operation of a Na-/Hantiport ~14126]. Light-induced Na-~efflux from H~ halobium also occurs via a Na /HT antiport [17,44]. NaT flux via tITe ant~port is a gated process requiring a threshold A~u+ of -130 to -155 mV for rapid ~a-+ extrusion [45]. Data from a serid~ of mutants established that the Na /H~ antiport is responsible for the+large majority of the light-induced Naefflux and for maintaining the Na gradient in H. halobium [52]. METABOLITEUPTAKECOUPLEDTO ION CO-TRANSPORT IN PHOTOTROPHICBACTERIA Light-induced uptake of glucose and its non-metabolizable analog, ~-methylglucoside has been observed in C. vinosum [38] and considerabl~ evidence exists to support the proposal ti~at u p ' ~ o c c u r s via a glucose/Hsymport [38,64]. C. vinosum appears to lack a phosphoenolpyruvate dependent phosphotransfe~ ~'ansport system (PTS) for glucose [38]. Reports of light-dependent, uncoupler-sensitive uptake of amino acids by cells of the purple non-sulfur bacteria Rp..s. sphaeroides [27] and _R. rubrum [74] and the purple sulfur bacterlum C. vinosum [9,11,35,64] s u - ~ t e d that both families of bacteria possess"A1~H+------'ar-~ven transport systems for amino acids For C vinosum, direct eviden'~e has been obtained for H co-transport wlth u p ~ k e ~ e non-polar amlno aclds L-phenylalanine, L-leucine, Lrisoleucine and L-valine [11] and of L-~spar~ate [9]. There ap~ar to be "three separate C_ vinosum amino acid?'H~ co-transport systems (symports) involved in the-upt-a-ke--o-~ the three non-polar amino a c i d s - one for phenylalanine, one for leucine and a third that can transport either valine or isoleucine. The uptake of D-alanine and of L-alanine (and its non-metabol.izable analog, ~-aminoiso-I)utyrate} in C~ vinosum occurs via separate Na /amlno acid symports rather than via sym-~s [11,37,64]. There also appears to be a second aspartate transpor~ system in C. vinosum, of lowe+r affinity for aspartate than the aspartate/Hsymport, : E h a ~ I v e s Na as the co-transported cation [9]. Of considerable interest was the finding, that while isoleuci~e/valine transport in C. vinosum exhibits the attributes of an amino acid/H- symport at pH valuesl~e~ow-~, the transport system appears to be able to utilize either H- or Na as the co-tran+sported ion at pH > 7.5 [11]. For several of these transport systems, Na gradients also produce allosteric effects on the apparent affinities for the transported, amino acids [9,11,64]. Separate co-transport and allosteric sites for Na- are apparently present. The most surprising result obtained from this series of amino acid transport studies in C. vinosum calne from experiments suggesting that glycine uptake was acc~mpanle-6T6B--~'y K~ co-transport [10]. Should further research support this interp~retation, i t would represent the f i r s t documentation of a substrate/K- symport in a prokaryote. The C. vinosum amino acid transport systems appe~ir to be constitutive and, a l ~ h o u g - ~ amino acids are incorporated into a number of cellular constituents after uptake, the amino acids cannot serve ~as sole carbon sources for growth [25,72]. Relatively l i t t l e is known about transport in the Ectothiorhodospiracea, but light-dependent proline and glutamate have been observed with Ectothiorhodospira h~lophila. Transport of these amino acid~ in E. halophila exhibits Na stimulation but i t is unclear whether a Na sympo~t exists for these amino acids [66]. Light-induced accumulation of amino acids has also been extensively 4.










studied in H. halobium, with at least partial characterization having been accomplishe~ f ' ~ t r a n s p o r t of 19 amino ~cids [41,42,53,54]. All 19 amino acids studied are transported via Na symports, with no direct involvement of ATP. With the exception of glutamate, a~ino acid uptake is electrogenic and can be energized either by A~ or ApNa . The A~ (outside positive) is ~ i n i t i a l l y generated by the bacteriorhodopsin-mediated, light-driven+ H- efflux. The ~ApNa" result~ fr~om the subsequent exchange o~ internal Na for external H- via the Na-/H- antiport. The glu~amate/Nasymport is electroneutral and thus can only be energized ~yApNa- [44,46]4 A gating effect has been observed for the aspartate/Na- and serine/Nasymports of_H. ~ , with the stoichiometries of these systems changing at A~ = -35 my Light-induced accumulation of a number of other metabolites has been observed in phototrophic bacteria. Separate systems for the l i g h t dependent uptake of C~ dicarboxylic acids and of pyruvate have been reported for ~ . sph~eroides [24]. Ectothiorhodospira shana~oshnikovii cells take up succinate, fumarate and malate in. l i g h t and N~(-dependent reactions. Evidence has been presented for a Na /succlnate symport in E. shaposhnikovii [33]. Light-dependent, uncoupler-sensitive uptake ~f malate, succinate, acetate and propionate has been observed in C. vinosum [35] but these transport systems were not characterized furtheF. transport has also been observed in R: rubrum and the quantum yield for both realate and alanine uptake measur~ in-"t-h'T~"purpl e non-sul.fur bacterium [74]. Identical values of 1 molecule accumulated per 60 to 70 absorbedl quanta were obtained for both alanine and malate. These very high quantum requirements suggest that a r e l a t i v e l y small portion of R. rubrum's available energy is devoted to the uptake and accumulation-of organic substrates in comparison to other energy-requiring processes (e.g., ATP synthesis and m o t i l i t y ) . While there has been general agreement that A~ or ApH and Z~pNa provide the driving force for secondary active transport in phototrophic bacteria, recent quantitative studies by Konings and co-workers suggest a lack of correlation between the magnitude of A~H+ and the rate of solute uptake under certain conditions. These studid's (carried out with intact Rps. sphaeroides cells) have raised the possibility of a direct involvement in the control of solute uptake by the electron transport system. In conventional chemiosmotic theories of transport, one would predict that electron flow and active transport are not directly connected but rather are indirectly coupled through A~+ or A~u=÷ [42,73]. The ~_Rps. sphaeroides studies indicated that c)/~lic elect~n flow above a t h r ~ o l d level was necessary before alanine uptake occured, independent of the magnitude o f A~H+ [lg-21]. Above this threshold, the rate of alanine uptake was propdi'tional to the l i g h t intensity (the rate of electron flow was assumed to be proportional to l i g h t intensity) a t a given A~. (The experiments were conducted under conditions where ApH = O, SOA~u+ = A~). Under certain conditions, the rate of light-dependent alani~e uptake actually decreased with increasing A~[19-21]. These results, while not ruling out a central role for AgH+ as the energy source for secondary active transport in phototrophic bacteria, point to a possible direct interaction between electron transfer and active transport, perhaps by changing the redox state of d i t h i o l / d i s u l f i d e groups in the transport proteins [40].




PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE(PTS) SYSTEMS IN PHOTOTROPHICBACTERIA PTS systems have been known to be present in phototrophic bacteria for a considerable time, with the earliest report describing PTS systems for fructose, but not f o r glucose, in R. rubrum and Rps. sphaeroides grown under aerobic, non-photosynthetic co~ditlon~40]. Recently Robillard and co-workers have performed a series of interesting mechanistic studies on the fructose-specific PTS system in phototrophically-grown Rps. sphaeroides [50,51]. The Rps.R s sphaeroides.PTS system [50,51]. is simpler than those of E, co l i or S~ typhimurium i n that i t conslsts of only two protein components (on-e membrane-bound and one soluble) compared to the three or four proteins found in E. coli and S. typhimurium PTS systems for different sugars [65]. I~ p a r ~ u l a r , The Rps. sphaeroides PTS system lacks the small HPr protein that serves as the intermediate phosphoryl carrier in E. coli and S. typhimurium [65]. It appears that the phosphoryl group of ph~spoI~6"enolpyr'uvate is transferred to the Rps. sphaeroides soluble protein (which complexes to the membrane-bound protein) and then to the membrane-bound protein component. Phosphorylation of the membrane-bound component induces the formation of a high-affinity fructose binding site by a "ping-pong" mechanism [51]. The mechanistic similarities between the Rps. sphaeroides and E. coli/S, t vphimurium PTS systems, despite the simpler composition of-the"f'o-rmer, have been interpreted in terms of the Rps. sphaeroides PTS representing an early stage in the evolution of PTS systems [51,67]. 6.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Work carried out in the author's laboratory has been supported, in part, by grants from the National Science Foundation (PCM-8109635 and POM-8408564). The author would like to thank Prof. W.N. Konings, B.A. Melandri, J.B. Jackson and T. A. Krulwich for their helpful and stimulating discussions and Prof. Konings and Prof. G.T. Robillard for access to manuscripts prior to publication. The author would especially like to acknowledge a great personal debt to the late Warren Butler for valuable advice and considerable inspiration during the early part of his scientific c areer. 7. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

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Active transport in phototrophic bacteria.

Phototrophic bacteria utilize light-driven, cyclic electron flow to pump protons out of their cytoplasm, creating an electrochemical proton gradient, ...
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