AI)A House Of Delegates Reference Committe Cies Concerns Las Vegas The Reference Committee on Scientific Affairs of the American Dental Association House of Delegates, in its report to the House at the 1976 Annual Session, noted its concern about the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) document that imposes the same stringent requirements relating to trace anesthetic gases for the dental operatory as it does for the hospital operating room. An Ad Hoc committee has been appointed (and assigned to the ADA's Council on Dental Therapeutics) to attempt "in every way possible" to convince NIOSH to develop a separate document for dentistry or to prepare an addendum to the existing document.

In its report to the House of Delegates, the Council on Dental Therapeutics noted continuing concern with potential hazards from prolonged exposure of dental professional personnel to high concentrations of inhalation anesthetics. Also involved in this question is the Association's Council on Dental Materials and Devices. The Association's Ad Hoc committee will seek to determine whether there is a potential health hazard to the dentist, his wife and auxiliaries who are exposed to anesthetic gases such as nitrous oxide, and will make appropriate recommendations to the ADA Board of Trustees. The Ad Hoc committee plans to provide governmental regulatory agencies with information relevant to criteria documents and standards that may be established.

Members of the House Reference Committee were Drs. S. N. Bhaskar (Army), James D. Mendenhall (West Virginia), John H. Mosteller (Alabama), and Frank B. Rice (Texas); chairman was Dr. Louis V. Fourie, of Illinois.

NovEmBER-DEcEMsER, 1976


ADA House of Delegates Reference Committee cites concerns.

AI)A House Of Delegates Reference Committe Cies Concerns Las Vegas The Reference Committee on Scientific Affairs of the American Dental Association Ho...
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