CASE REPORT Advanced testicular cancer associated with life-threatening tumour lysis syndrome and choriocarcinoma syndrome Kohei Kobatake, MD; Masao Kato, MD; Koji Mita, MD Department of Urology, Hiroshima City Aso Hospital, Hiroshima, Jopon

Cite os: Can Urol Assoc J 2015;9(l-2):62-4. Published online February 5,2015.

TLS and CS as complications of the hemorrhage at the lung métastasés in advanced testicular cancer leading to death.

Abstract Case report Tumour lysis syndrome (TLS) and choriocarcinoma syndrome (CS) are severe complications of chemotherapy for testicular cancer. They are rare, but can be life-threatening. A 37-year-old man complain­ ing of persisting cough was referred to our hospital. A computed tomography (CT) scan revealed huge tumours that occupied the peritoneal cavity, with multiple lung, liver, and para-aortic métas­ tasés. Although there was no abnormal finding in the testes, serum testicular tumor markers showed marked elevation. A CT-guided biopsy for the peritoneal tumours revealed extragonadal germ cell tumour (GCT), including yolk sac tumour and choriocarcinoma. Chemotherapy with bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin (BEP) was started after admission. The morning after the beginning of BEP, the patient developed hemorrhagic shock, in addition to acute pulmo­ nary and renal failure, because of TLS and massive hemorrhage at bilateral lung métastasés. He was intubated and resuscitated. Despite appropriate therapy, his renal function did not recover and hemodi­ alysis was started. The patient eventually died of severe respiratory distress syndrome and infection. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of TLS and CS as complications of hemorrhage at the lung métastasés of advanced testicular cancer leading to death.

Introduction One of the standard chemotherapies for advanced testicular cancer is BEP (bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin). This chemotherapy has serious adverse effects, such as chorio­ carcinoma syndrome (CS) and tumor lysis syndrome (TLS). CLS can manifest as hemorrhage at metastatic sites and can cause acute pulmonary disorder when those sites are in the lungs;12 TLS can be caused by antineoplastic-drug-sensitive tumours or bulky tumours. We present the clinical course of an extragonadal germ cell tumour cancer in a patient who died after developing both CS and TLS. To our knowledge, this is the first report of 62

A 37-year-old man com plaining of persisting cough was referred to our hospital. He had m ultiple shadows in his chest x-rays. A computed tomography (CT) scan revealed m ultiple bilateral nodules, including up to 50-mm lesions in both lungs and huge tumours (up to 188 mm in diam ­ eter) in the peritoneal cavity (Fig. 1), m ultiple liver nodules up to 44 mm in diameter, and m ultiple para-aortic lymph node enlargements (Fig. 2a). Furthermore, there was bilateral hydronephrosis due to the abdominal tumour. W hile there was no abnormal finding of the testes, marked elevation of serum testicular tumour markers was noted with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) 150670 mlU/mL, P-hCG 9772 ng/mL, a-fetoprotein (AFP) 2232 ng/dL, and lactate dehydrase (LDH) 1682 IU/L. The pathology of the CT-guided biopsy for the peritoneal tumors revealed an extragonadal germ cell tumour (GCT), including yolk sac tumor and choriocarcinoma. We started chemotherapy with BEP (single-dose bleomycin [30 mg]), etoposide [100 mg/m2], and cisplatin [20 mg/m2]) on day 1 after placing bilateral ure­ teral stents to preserve renal function. In the morning on day 2, the patient showed oliguria, hypotension, and drastic dys­ pnea. He was transferred to the intensive care unit, leading to intubation and mechanical ventilation because of rapidly developing acute respiratory insufficiency. A CT scan revealed severe bilateral lung métastasés (Fig. 2b), in addition, the serum hemoglobin level decreased to 5.3 g/dL and the serum creatinine level increased to 4.74 mg/dL. Hyperkalemia and hypocalcemia also appeared. Blood tests and the patient's vital signs showed that TLS and a hemorrhagic shock due to intrathoracic hemor­ rhage from pulmonary métastasés occurred simultaneously. Immediately after bilateral thoracentesis to remove the com­ pression by the hemothorax, 900 mL of blood was evacuat-

CUAJ • January-Februory 2015 • Volume 9, Issues 1-2 © 2015 Canadian Urological Association

Advanced testicular cancer with TLS and CS

Fig. 2a. Bilateral lung métastasés. Chest computed tomography before initiation of bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin (BEP) showed multiple nodules.

Fig. 1. Primary extragonadal germ cell tumours.

ed. O perative techniques to stop the bleeding were thought to be d iffic u lt because the respiratory specialist w e consulted thought that there m ight be m ultiple bleeding sites in both lungs. W e therefore managed the bleeding conservatively using styptics. The hem orrhage was m arginally controlled, and the thoracostom y tube was removed on day 7 because o f the decrease o f drainage. The acute renal failure was suspected to be due to both hypovolem ia and TLS, so blood, sodium bicarbonate, and a llo p u rin o l w ere infused intravenously. The renal failure, how ever, kept exacerbating, so hem odialysis was started on day 4. M e a n w h ile , bone m arrow suppression was e vident on day 14, and septic shock and dissem inated intravascular coagulation w ere e vid en t on day 18. Despite a dm inistra­ tio n o f several a n tib io tic s and y g lo b u lin , on day 21 the patient died o f the exacerbation o f respiratory fa ilu re due to the severe respiratory infection and respiratory distress syndrome.

Discussion W e present the c lin ic a l course o f an advanced metastatic extragonadal GCT case w ith life -th re a te n in g p u lm o n a ry hemorrhage and TLS. Logothetis has described the hem or­ rhage at the site o f metastasis in advanced GCTs w ith high volum e choriocarcinom atous elements and termed it "ch o ­ riocarcinom a syndrom e"1or CS. Both TLS and CS are rare, but sometimes lethal. W h ile there are several case reports o f either TLS or CS in w hich the patient was able to be saved, there is o nly 1 in w hich both the syndromes occurred at the same tim e (liver and small intestine hemorrhages associated w ith hyperuricem ia).3 CS is liable to occur in cases w ith significantly high hCG; tum our invasion into pulm onary small vessels can cause the syndrome.4 The mechanism and the frequency o f occurrence is s till unclear. A cute p ulm o n ary hem orrhage is the most frequent m anifestation o f CS, but hemorrhages due to CS can develop at any site o f metastasis: liver, brain, and small

b ow el.3 It may develop im m ediately after chem otherapy, or in patients w ith rapidly progressing disease.2 There are some reports describing cases in w hich pulm onary bleeding was controlled by lobectom y.5 TLS is know n as a syndrom e deve lo pin g co m m o n ly in hemodyscrasia, such as leukem ia or m alignant lym phom a. Physiolysis of the cancer cells or destruction o f cancer tissue by chem otherapy makes the cancer cells release n u c le ic acid, potassium , phosphorus, cy to k in e , and u ric acid as m etabolites o f n u c le ic acid. Furtherm ore, the release o f cytokines can cause a systemic inflam m atory response that sometimes leads to m ultiple organ fa ilu re .6 After Blonke reported the first case o f TLS in 2 0 0 0 / there have been s im ila r reports about TLS in te sticula r cancer. These reports included a case associated w ith acute respira­ tory failure, but none w ith choriocarcinom a. Know n risk factors fo r TLS inclu de an LDH level more than the tw ice the normal upper lim it, intravital total tum our volum e more than 10 cm, and solid cancer w ith a p ro life r­ ating a b ility and higher sensitivity to treatm ent.8 Adequate hydration and the adm inistration o f a llo p u rin o l and rasburicase are recommended, but these preventive measures might be inadequate; one case describes acute renal failure o ccur­ ring despite th eir use.9 C urrently, there is also no effective prevention for CS.

Conclusion These 2 syndromes are extrem ely rare and their onset is d if­ fic u lt to predict accurately, but they may lead to treatm ent-

Fig. 2b. Bilateral lung métastasés. Chest computed tomography on day 2 of bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin (BEP), immediately after onset of choriocarcinoma syndrome.

CUAJ • Jonuary-February 2 0 1 5 • Volume 9 , Issues 1-2


Kobatake et al.

related death. The risk of these complications should be recognized; in addition, physicians should explain the risk to patients starting chemotherapy for a testicular cancer with significantly high hCC, a huge primary lesion, or metastatic lesions.


4. 5.

Competing interests: Authors declare no competing financial or personal interests.


This paper has been peer-reviewed.

7. 8.

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Correspondence: Dr. Kohei Kobatake, Department of Urology, Hiroshima City Asa Hôpital, 2-1-1, Kabe-minami, Asakita-ku, Hiroshima 731-0293, Japan; [email protected]

CUAJ • January-February 2015 • Volume 9, Issues 1-2

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Advanced testicular cancer associated with life-threatening tumour lysis syndrome and choriocarcinoma syndrome.

Tumour lysis syndrome (TLS) and choriocarcinoma syndrome (CS) are severe complications of chemotherapy for testicular cancer. They are rare, but can b...
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