A. I. C L A R K ,


A. E. M c l N T Y R E ,


J. N. L E S T E R ,


Public Health Engineering Laboratory, Imperial College, London SW7 2BU England

(Received May 17, 1983) Abstract. Air quality impact assessment (AQIA) is an important technique for determining the relative

contribution to ground level pollutant concentrations of specific current or future source emissions at receptor sites. The principal activities in AQ1A are air quality modelling and monitoring techniques. The choice of techniques which are applicable to a particular situation is intimately related to the problem to be assessed. A review of relevant modelling techniques has been presented, with emphasis placed on Gaussian plume models because of their ease of use and broad applicability. Alternative modelling techniques have been suggested when departures from the Gaussian form in the atmosphere occurs or when more detailed information on atmospheric chemistry, deposition or long range transport is required. The objectives and techniques of ambient air quality monitoring have been examined and the siting of instruments, duration and frequency of sampling, choice of monitoring rationale (fixed or mobile), minimization of sampling errors, data storage and analysis are discussed. Modelling and monitoring are essential to successful AQIA. An orderly approach to the principles and procedures involved in performing AQIA studies, using these two techniques in conjunction, has been presented.

1. Introduction Air quality impact assessment (AQIA) can be defined as a method of determining the relative contribution to ground level pollutant concentrations of specific current or future source emissions at receptor sites of interest. As a decision-making tool it is most applicable when some type of emission alteration is involved which has been summarised by Youngblood, (1982) as: (i) a change in the mass emission rate from one or more existing sources; (ii) a change in the physical parameters of the emissions from one or more existing sources (such as release height, temperature, volume flow-rate, etc.); (iii) the introduction or deletion of one or more sources; and (iv) a change in the relative contributions of specific sources or source types to the total emissions. Emission alterations resulting from changes (i~), (iii), and (iv) can be regarded as 'engineering changes'. Of central interest in AQIA studies are a number of factors which include (i) distinguishing, with sufficient accuracy, the relative impact on current air quality of specific source emissions over background concentrations (Core et al., 1982); (ii) obtaining a reasonable estimate of the probable impact on future air quality of a proposed emission alteration; (iii) estimating current and future 'worst-case' pollutant concentrations and the expected frequency of their occurrence, (iv) identifying current and potential future sites where maximum ground level concenEnvironmental Monitoring and Assessment 4 (1984) 205-232. 9 1984 by D. Reidel Publishing Company.




trations are likely to occur (Bryan, 1977; Yamartino etaL, 1980) particularly with respect to potential population exposure; (v) to compare alternatives including alternative sites for proposed developments; (vi) comparing the air quality estimates with appropriate air quality standards or guidelines, as a means of placing the data in perspective with regard to possible health or other effects (Perry and Williams, 1981). The principal activities in AQIA are (a) observation (monitoring), to determine current air quality and (b) prediction (modelling), to identify the likely future state of air quality (Johnson and Ruff, 1975). The choice of techniques applicable in a particular situation is intimately related to the situation to be assessed and requires three categories of information: emission characteristics, air quality standards or criteria, and environmental characteristics. Emission characteristics are needed to provide information on the source or sources, manner of release, and the behaviour or nature of the pollutants. Air quality standards or criteria for the pollutant (or pollutants) of interest help to define the exposure times to be considered and the distance scales over which pollutant concentrations need to be assessed. Environmental characteristics may affect the dispersion and depletion of the pollutant and may also define sites of particular air quality importance which require consideration. The objective of this study is the examination of some of the available techniques in order to clarify the methodology for the use of AQIA as a decision-making tool. It is not intended for the specialist air pollution scientist but rather as a guideline for those who would undertake air quality impact assessments as part of a larger programme or as an occasional duty.

2. Air Quality Simulation Models Air quality simulation models have become an important technique in AQIA over the last twenty five years (Turner, 1979; Stern, 1980). The aim of models is to provide information on ambient air concentrations of one or more species of pollutants in space and time as related to varying emission and meteorological parameters and removal and transformation processes (Weber, 1982). The Clean Air Act Ammendments of 1977 (Government of the United States of America, 1977) provided in the United States specific impetus to employ air quality models to assist in AQIA and their use has become widespread around the world with the introduction of similar legislation. Models can be classified as deterministic, statistical or physical (Weber, 1982). A deterministic model, in terms of dispersion, was defined by Turner (1979) as "a mathematical expression of the effects of the atmosphere upon air pollutants". Statistical models employ an empirically derived relationship between meteorological and other parameters on measured ambient air concentrations and will be discussed later. A physical model is a simulation of actual meteorological and topographical conditions on a laboratory scale. A general review of all the modelling techniques is not feasible thus emphasis has been placed on the simplest deterministic models and those with a wide range of applicability with respect to AQIA.





The most commonly used model in AQIA is the Gaussian plume model and its performance has been evaluated in numerous studies (Weil and Jepsen, 1977; Barker, 1979; Harrison and McCartney, 1980). Hanna et aL (1981) have listed the following properties that have led to the Gaussian plume model achieving a 'blessed' status in the United States (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1978) and in other countries: (i) it has the ability to produce results that agree well with experimental data; (ii) it has reasonable ease of calculation; (iii) it is appealing conceptually; (iv) it is consistent with the random nature of turbulence; (v) it is a solution to the Fickian diffusion equations; and (vi) other methods often contain a large amount of empiricism in their final stages. The basic Gaussian plume equation, whose origin can be found in the work of Sutton (1932), Pasquill (1961, 1974) and Gifford (1961, 1968) assumes that material is carried downwind of the source giving rise to a plume; in this plume, lateral and vertical concentration profiles are described by Gaussian distributions characterised by standard deviations try and trz in the lateral and vertical directions respectively. The values of try and trz are specified as monotonically increasing functions of distance downwind from the source for a series of different atmospheric stability conditions corresponding to different intensities of turbulent diffusion. The basic equation for a release from a point source at height h is C(x, y, z) -

Q exp 2 rtu try trz ~a2y


2 tr2




2 o'~

d ./

where C(x, y, z) = the concentration at distance x downwind from the source, crosswind distance y from the plume axis at height z and u = wind speed Q = source strength h = source height. The two exponential terms in the closed brackets assume that the plume is effectively reflected at the ground. A temperature inversion acting as an impenetrable ceiling for the plume may be similarly treated with downwards reflection of the plume (Clarke, 1979): Q _

[-7- y2


C(x, y, z) - 2~U~rytrz expL~-m2,] F(h, z , A )


where F(h, z , A ) = e x p [ - ( - z - h)21+ exp[ . - ( z + h ) e l + expE-(2A + z-h)2-] +




+ e x p [ - (2A - z + h)2-] + -h)2] 2-027 exp[ - (2A2oa~ + + exp 9





where A = the height of temperature inversion. When the vertical dispersion coefficient (az) becomes greater than the inversion height, Equation (2) simplifies to C(x,y,z)

Q N//~uAO.y


[ _~ ya 2y2] .


As a result of the difficulty in measuring atmospheric turbulence, semi-empirical typing schemes have been devised to determine Cry and a z which attempt to take into account atmospheric turbulence induced by mechanical friction and thermal buoyancy. These attempt to relate certain average properties of the planetary boundary layer (e.g. temperature gradient, fluctuations in wind direction, wind speed, insolation, surface roughness, and heat flux) to atmospheric diffusion (Gifford, 1976). The most widely used scheme is that proposed by Pasquill (1961) which utilizes meteorological measurements of wind speed, daytime insolation and nighttime cloudiness. This has been adapted to include adjustment for different surface roughness of the ground, long distances ( < 100 km) (Clarke, 1979), elevated and buoyant sources (Briggs, 1974) and theoretical boundary-layer stability criteria (Pasquill and Smith, 1971). They have also been extended to attempt to account for turbulence additional to that induced by mechanical and thermal buoyancy (e.g. diffusion in near-calms, very stable conditions, over cities, over water, in the lee of flow obstacles, near highways, in irregular and rugged (terrain) although these lie outside the limits of Pasquill's original scheme (Gifford, 1976). However, in order to make the best use of Gaussian plume models, it has been recommended that specific on-site estimates of ay and a z should be made (Pasquill, 1961, 1976; Turner, 1979) as errors can be made in the estimation of stability categories from routine ground level observations which are designed primarily to serve aviation needs (Turner, 1979). In the United Kingdom, the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) recommend the use of a continuous index of atmospheric stability (Clarke, 1979). This method, developed by Smith (1972, 1983) for az attempts to take into account, the sensible heat flux in the lower layers of the atmosphere (the amount of heat per unit horizontal area passing between the air and the underlying surface as a result of air-surface temperature difference), wind speed and the effect of ground roughness and clearly distinguishes night-time conditions. The NRPB also recommend a method of estimating horizontal diffusion (Clarke, 1979), as a result of turbulence processes together with fluctuations in wind direction, derived by Moore (1976). These two methods have been successfully validated by Barker (1979) and although it is beyond the scope of this study to recommend one scheme over another, this methodology is particularly useful in AQIA. A similar emphasis should be placed on on-site measurement of wind speed (at 10 m) and wind direction as considerable differences may occur in local wind field patterns as compared to those determined at nearby meteorological stations. Difficulties arise in the accurate measurement of wind speed (u) which should be an average value over the plume depth. In practice, the wind speed at the effective release height (he) is used



and is usually determined by the use of the power-law formula,


= Vlo 76


where z = the height in metres and Ulo is the observed wind speed at height 10 m. The shape of the profile depends on n which is a function of surface roughness (values of n can be found in Irwin, 1979). However, in defining a long-term wind climatology, it is impracticable to use a 6 to 12 month on-site measurement of meteorological information and data from the nearest meteorological station is often used. 2.2. L O N G - T E R M G A U S S I A N PLUME MODEL

Equation (1) applies to a release over a relatively short period up to a few hours with the assumptions of a constant wind and atmospheric stability. Releases over longer periods, when for example, annual average or seasonally average concentrations are required can he considered in terms of the frequency distribution (fi, j) both of wind direction sectors (0 and of meteorological stability classification in those directions (j). The lateral distribution (ay) can he ignored and the concentration at any distance assumed to be uniform across a sector. The concentration at height z at distance r in a sector i of angle 0 radians is then given by

C(z,r,i)= ~ s (

Q~ Fexp( ' \2nUsaz,.,[_

-(z---h)U'~ + exp ( - (z +--k)2"~]'~

2a~,s ,



2az ,



where the subscript j indicates representative values for atmospheric stability j. 2.3. INSTANTANEOUS RELEASES

An instantaneous release is frequently simulated by a Gaussian puff, as opposed to a plume for a more prolonged release in steady conditions. Puff diffusion parameters (a) have been measured in few field experiments (Hanna et aL, 1981) and the consequent use of plume-derived o's has been criticised (Gifford, 1975). Hanna etal. (1981) recommend the use of the formula for travel times less than 104 s. y 2 = ~t 3


where e = the eddy dissipation rate. The standard deviation in the downwind distance is usually taken to be equal to try. A sequence of Gaussian puffs is also used sometimes with trajectory models when different parts of a prolonged release follow quite different trajectories in a varying windfield (ApSimon and Goddard, 1976). 2.4.


Pollutant emissions from industrial stacks often have high velocity and/or temperature. The plume rise must therefore be evaluated in order to estimate correctly the effective



release height of emission (he) due to momentum and buoyancy effects. This rise can be estimated from the heat flux, wind speed and atmospheric stability. Methods of estimating plume rise have been extensively reviewed previously (Briggs, 1975; Hanna et al., 1981). These effects may be represented in the Gaussian plume model by adjusting the effective source height (he) and the dispersion parameter to account for the increased initial spreading of the plume. The maximum ground level concentration resulting from a continuous emission from a stack can be found by setting y = 0 and h 2 = 2ay 2 in Equation (1) to give 2Q Cma x -


nh2eU cry


Buoyant plumes can be carried down to ground level by processes broadly categorised as fumigation (inversion breakup fumigation (IBF), high wind fumigation (HWF), and limited mixing fumigation (LMF)). Various equations have been derived to estimate ground level concentrations as a result of these atmospheric processes because of their potential in creating major air pollution impacts such as the Donara and Meuse Valley incidents (Gifford, 1975). 2.5.



Line sources, such as emissions from vehicles on a road, may be treated by integrating Equation (1) along a line perpendicular to the plume axis, and replacing the source strength Q by the emission per unit length of the line source. In a recent review of highway pollutant dispersion experiments (Chock, 1982), it was shown that: (i) dispersion is enhanced by traffic; (ii) traffic-induced turbulence dominates ambient stability downwind of the road; (iii) plume rise is important at very low crossroad winds; (iv) pollutant dispersion is not sensitive to changes in traffic density and vehicular speeds in their 'normal' ranges; and (v) wind shear due to local wind and the traffic direction is important in dispersing pollutants. These experiments have allowed the construction of roadway models which are more reliable than previous attempts. A two-dimensional Gaussian line-source model, developed by Chock (1978) avoids violation of the superposition principle of small point sources by using a wind-direction (0) dependent trz. Plume rise is also incorporated into this model with the assumptions of conservation of mass, momentum and buoyancy and the entrainment velocity proportional to the plume rise velocity. Comparisons with measured concentrations using this model have been found to be in good agreement (Sistla et aL, 1979; Rao et aL, 1980). 2.6. AREA SOURCES Gifford and Hanna (1973) have developed an urban diffusion model (ATDL) based on



the integral form of the Gaussian plume model and by agglomerating individual point sources into areas. This model is a box model with the height of the top lid proportional to trz (Ax). The basic equation of the ATDL model for ground level area sources is C=

2 1

1 -

n u a(1

(Ax'~l-b( b)k. 2 /

N Qo + ~ a;[(2i+ 1)1 - b - ( 2 i i=t

1) l-b]



where C = pollutant concentration in reference grid 0; Ax = grid size; Qo = emission rate in reference grid 0; Q; = emission rate in the ith grid; i = grid number in upwind direction with respect to reference grid; and the stability parameters (a and b) are those suggested by Smith (1968). This model can be modified to account for elevated sources (Munshi and Patil, 1982) and by comparing this model with observations, a useful approximation of Equation (9) is given by (10)

C = AQ~ U


a= j"



dz (rx


(Hanna, 1975). It can therefore be demonstrated that urban pollutant concentrations depend most strongly on source emissions and on wind speed. B enarie (1980) has found from pollutant concentration data that the inverse proportionality between pollutant concentration and wind speed in Equation (10) does not necessarily hold and empirically derived values for the wind speed exponent can improve model results. Similarly Gifford (1974) demonstrated that the results from Equation (10) could be considerably improved by utilising regional wind speeds for each receptor instead of local wind speeds.



Most air pollutants are eventually removed from the atmosphere, either by transport to vegetation, soil, or water or by chemical transformation to other compounds (Hanna etaL, 1981). Physical removal can take place through processes described as dry deposition and wet deposition. The rate of dry deposition at the ground is calculated as the product of the ground level concentration and the deposition velocity (I'd). T h e deposition velocity can be defined as an empirical function of the observed deposition rate (w) and the concentration near the surface (Co) (typically measured at 1 m).


A. I. C L A R K ET AL.

W v.- G


Dry deposition for gases and particles with radii less than about 10 gm can be incorporated into the Gaussian plume equation by several methods (Hosker, 1980), the 'source depletion' model being commonly used. This method assumes that downwards mixing is effectively instantaneous. Depletion of the plume is then treated by adjusting the source strength in Equation (1) as a function of downwind distance to reflect the amount of material lost by dry deposition (Slade, 1968):

Q*(x) = Qo[eXpFD(X)] v'~/u


where x

f ( [h2]

FD(X) = - x / ~







[-(h +



e x p [ - (2~--s h ) ] ) dx' "


Empirically derived values of Vd have been reviewed by McMahon and Denison (1979) and Sehel (1980). Typical values for inert gases, such as carbon monoxide, have nearly negligible deposition velocities of 10-3_ 10- 4 cm s- 1 whereas sulphur dioxide values vary between 0.1 cm s - 1 on dry snow and 0.8 cm s- 1 in urban areas (McMahon and Denison, 1979). Wet deposition (rainout and washout) can be incorporated by assuming that rain affects the entire depth of the plume equally, so that while the plume is traversing a rainy area the source strength is effectively depleted at a uniform rate. The rate of wet deposition (Dw(X, y)) at a point is proportional to the washout coefficient (A) and the integrated concentration in a column of air directly over the point and is given by gw

Dw(x, y) = A f C(x, y, z) dz



where z w is the depth of the wetted plume area. For gaseous pollutants, washout coefficients will depend on the chemical nature of the pollutant, and for aerosols on their particle size. This method is only applicable to particles of a single size and to highly reactive gases which are irreversibly captured by the precipitation. However, empirically derived coefficients may be applied to aerosols of a polydisperse nature and for important pollutants (values lie in the range 10- 3 to 10- 5 s- 1). For particles with radii greater than 5 gm, the effect of gravitational settling is often modelled in terms of a settling velocity based on Stokes' law for the terminal velocity of the particles relative to the transporting air. This can be included into the Gaussian plume model by tilting the plume downwards with the dipped axis angle proportional



to the rate of the settling velocity to the advecting wind speed i.e. by replacing z by (z - x Vg/u) in Equation (1) where Vg is the settling velocity (Pasquill, 1974). Adaptations for particles with different densities and aerodynamic shape are given by Van der Hoven (1968) and Chamberlain (1975). Radioactive decay is easily allowed for by depleting the source strength exponentially with travel time (x/u). Chain decay and simple chemical transformation can also be modelled, using the Gaussian plume model, by considering the separate pollutants simultaneously, with transformation from one to another (Gifford, 1975). However, complex chemical transformations cannot be modelled successfully and numerical solutions of the gradient-transfer equation become necessary (see below). 2.8.


Adjustments for gentle undulations in the terrain can be incorporated into the Gaussian plume equation (Egan, 1975; Egan etaL, 1979) by adjusting the parameter h in Equation (1) according to the relative heights of the ground at the receptor point and at the source. In neutral and unstable conditions, the plume tends to ride up a downwind slope while losing part of its effective stack height relative to the ground (Hanna etaL, 1981). Briggs (1974) suggests that h should be reduced by the terrain height, ht (measured relative to the base of the stack) or hi2, whichever is the smallest reduction, whereas Egan (1975) suggests a reduction of hi~2 instead of ht for terrain heights less than half the effective plume height. Briggs (1974) and Egan (1975) both suggest that the plume maintains a constant elevation (i.e. the effective plume height is reduced by ht) in stable conditions and may impinge on the slope if the terrain height is greater that the effective plume height. As mentioned previously, observations of wind flow and turbulence parameters should be used if available. However, if these are not available then it has been suggested that stable classes E and F should be shifted to D when selecting try and az (Egan et al., 1979), but that flat-terrain try and ~rz curves can still be used in neutral and unstable conditions. It is often important to assess building entrainment of plumes in Gaussian plume models by the following expression, C=

O (Zrayaz + CA)u


where A is the area of the building cross-section normal to the flow, and c represents the fraction of A over which the plume is dispersed by the wake. Wind-tunnel and atmospheric tests suggest a value of 89for c (Gifford, 1975). However, in conditions of low wind speed and stable turbulence conditions, the plume undergoes considerable meandering and consequently Equation (16) overestimates the concentration. In high wind speed and unstable turbulence conditions, Equation (16) may under-predict concentration values at large downwind distances with well-developed wake plumes. In more complicated topography, numerical techniques and physical modelling need to be applied.




The Gaussian plume model is appropriate for flat homogeneous terrain, and for travel distances over which meteorological conditions persist. Although the model can be adjusted to account for many other conditions (as seen previously), Pasquill (1978) has documented departures from the Gaussian form in the distribution of dispersal material in the atmosphere for (i) vertical spread in the first km downwind of a surface release and (ii) vertical distribution of power-station plumes. In the first case, models based on Lagrangian similarity theory can be successfully applied to estimate ground level concentrations from surface releases of pollutants. The basic hypothesis of Lagrangian similarity is that the statistical properties of the velocities of particles in the surface stress layer of the atmosphere depend on the same parameters which are known to charactedse Eulerian properties (Pasquill, 1974). In neutral flow this is by the friction velocity (U.) and by heat flux (H) in stratified flow, the two being combined in the Monin-Obukhov length scale (L) as defined by Pasquill (1974). Detailed derivations of Lagrangian similarity can be found in the work of Gifford (1968), Pasquill (1974), and Monin and Yaglom (1971). Graphical solutions and simple power-law formulae of Lagrangian similarity theory have been presented by Horst (1979) which provide the crosswind-integrated ground level concentration (Cy) for a continuous source. In addition, semi-empirical Lagrangian similarity methods of estimating ground level concentrations from near surface releases in the stable boundary layer have also been published (Venkatram, 1982). In the second case, a Gaussian shape can be fitted over the lower half of the power-station plume which as Pasquill (1978) points out, is the significant half in the development of the ground level concentrations to its maximum value. However, errors may occur when estimating concentrations in the upper half of the plume. Another difficulty occurs in low wind speeds (when Equation (1) has a singularity). Gaussian plume models are not valid when the rate of lateral dispersion is comparable to, or larger than, the rate of advection. Comparisons between observed and expected ground level concentrations in low wind speeds have been presented (Wilson et al., 1976; Koch and Thayer, 1971), in which the Gaussian plume model has been found to over-predict concentrations. This is due to the highly variable wind direction, under low-wind speeds, which enhances horizontal and vertical diffusion. However, under nearcalm conditions plume segments may become stationary which could result in higher concentrations (Benarie, 1980). Alternatives to the use of Gaussian plume models in near calm conditions, can be provided by Gaussian puff models (Yamartino, 1976; Ludwig et al., 1977). Diffusion in non-uniform and non-stationary wind and turbulence fields, such as may occur with sea-breeze flows and valley flows, are important to assess because it is in these areas of complex topography where much of industry is situated. As a consequence of the inhomogeneity of these local circulations, Gaussian plume models are inadequate in assessing pollutant dispersal.



As an alternative, particle trajectory models, based on G. I. Taylor's theorem (1921), can be successfully used in assessing complex flow situations (Reid, 1979; McNider and Pielke, 1980). In addition, Lagrangian similarity models have been used for shoreline fumigation studies (Kerman, 1982). Physical models provide a method of studying the flow kinetics in neutral and unstable conditions in regions of complex topography and help to define the most appropriate method of assessment (Egan, 1975). Strong inhomogeneity also exists in urban areas because the geometry of buildings dictates the flow pattern and consequently the concentration pattern (Chock, 1982). Empirical methods have been extensively used as a method of assessment (based on street canyon data from San Jos6 (Johnson et aL, 1973)) and perform relatively well with adjustments for each site. Deuber (1976) has reported a method using a recursive formula which calculates concentrations at each point in a three-dimensional network using every point as a source and a receptor. This discontinuous binomial distribution model is suitable for short distance dispersion in urban areas and appears to be in good agreement with the monitoring data reported. As mentioned previously, complex chemical reactions (such as those occuring in urban photochemical smogs) cannot be adequately treated using Gaussian plume methodology. Numerical solutions of the gradient-transfer equation, dC_




u_ dC _ +


dx +

v_dC +

w dC



d k~dC dz



d k x dC dx



d Icy dC dy


+ source, sink, and transformation terms


wlaere kx, ky, and kz "are diffusion coefficients in corresponding cartesian directions (varying in space and time) have previously been used in this context, utilising a fixed co-ordinate approach (also referred to as Eulerian, grid and multibox) or a trajectory approach (also referred to as Lagrangian and moving cell) (Turner, 1979). Many reviews of these models exist (Demerjian, 1976; Eschenroeder, 1975; Johnson et aL, 1976) which highlight the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques. Lamb and Seinfeld (1973) have described the fundamental mathematics which have recently been developed into a comprehensive modelling system which incorporates recent developments in photochemistry, turbulent diffusion, surface removal processes, objective analysis procedures and numerical solution techniques (McRae et al., 1982). These methods are, of necessity, complex and require long computational time and large computer storage. However, they are very useful in the evaluation of control strategies for photochemical air pollution. Long-range transport models can also utilise solutions of the diffusion equation, similar to those used in photochemical models (Knox, 1974; Maul, 1977) Gaussian plume techniques are not applicable because of the following reasons (Gifford, 1975). There is a paucity of reliable diffusion data for distances greater than 10 km, the effect of wind shear on horizontal diffusion becomes significant, large scale air motions affect


A . I . C L A R K ET AL.

plume trajectory and the assumptions of a constant wind speed and homogeneous and stationary turbulence do not hold at these distances. Gaussian puff models have been used as an altemative, in the case of accidential releases of radioactive material, by assuming source emissions as a series of discrete puffs of material throughout the release period beyond 10 km (ApSimon and Goddard, 1976). Detailed discussion on long range transport of air pollutants can be found elsewhere (Bass et al., 1979; Bass, 1980; Eliassen, 1980).

3. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Ambient air can be defined as that to which the general public is exposed, since it is the potential effects of air pollution on man which are usually of prime consideration (Larsen, 1973). Ambient air quality can therefore be defined as the quality of the ambient air near ground level, expressed as concentrations of air pollutants (Weber, 1982). The term monitoring is properly applied to the measurement of ambient air quality over time to discern any changes produced by alterations in various factors such as emissions, meteorology, etc. (Reay, 1979). In respect to AQIA, ambient air quality monitoring (AAQM) can provide valuable information in defining 'baseline' data. Subsequent analysis can yield information on the probable levels of background concentrations, and on the temporal and spatial distribution of the particular pollutants monitored. It is then possible to infer average and worst case pollutant concentrations and the expected frequency of their occurrence (Yamartino et al., 1980), for the specific sites monitored and existing source emission situations. However, only limited information can be obtained from such surveys for determining the contribution of specific source emissions to ambient pollutant concentrations, or for identifying sites of maximum ground level concentrations and critical receptor sites. AAQM is generally not sufficient in predicting air quality of proposed future actions (Core etal., 1982) except in the simplest situations. Such cases could include, for instance, the problem of identifying the contribution to observed ground level concentrations of the emissions released from a single source, when this is the only source of a particular pollutant. Provided adequate information is available on mass emission rates, an assessment could possibly be based solely on the results of a properly designed monitoring survey. To obtain statistically reliable information on the relative contribution to ground level concentrations of pollutant emissions from a number of sources, or the results of 'engineering changes', would require the setting-gp of a very dense and therefore, probably prohibitively expensive monitoring network (Weber, 1982). However, the availability of baseline monitoring data can prove to be an important factor in AQIA studies, not only for determining current air quality but also to ensure that modelling estimates are obtained in the most comprehensive manner. The contribution of baseline data can be significant by serving as a basis for model validation. Comparisons between measured and modelled pollutant concentrations



generally require that the value of background concentrations is taken into consideration - since this will not be incorporated in the model predictions (Core et aL, 1982). An estimate can be obtained, however, if monitors are suitable located for this purpose (Williams et al., 1981). Baseline data can provide valuable supportive information with regard to model input assumptions. Interpretation of the data on a directional basis (e.g. pollution roses) (Sutton, 1982), or on the basis of specific source emission chemical or physical characteristics, may result in the identification of emission inventory errors (Core et aL, 1982). Appropriate analysis of the observed pollutant concentrations in relation to meteorological parameters may indicate particular aspects of the local dispersion characteristics; corresponding adjustments of the relevant internal model assumptions can then be made. Evaluation procedures for assessing model accuracy usually depend on direct comparisons between measured and estimated values and statistical evaluation of the observed differences. However particular temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the monitored pollutant concentrations can also be used as a basis of comparison (Keddie et al., 1978). Such characteristics can be used to test the ability of a model to reproduce the observed pollutant distribution patterns, and thus aid in assessing the performance of the model with respect to its application in a given situation. AAQM is also important in the formation of statistical models which can be used for short-term forecasts in an area where concentration values are measured (Weber, 1982). They can also be used in determining background concentrations in other air quality simulation models. The objectives of AAQM with respect to AQIA can therefore be summarised as follows: (i) characterisation of present air quality as derived from particular sources; (ii) comparison of present air quality with air quality standards or criteria; (iii) provision of background data for air quality simulation models; (iv) evaluation of air quality simulation models; and (v) formation of statistical models for short-term forecasts of air quality. 3.1. DESIGN The design of an AAQM survey is clearly dependent on the aims of the AQIA to be performed, the nature of the problem, the instruments available, the staff available and the financial constraints. However, some general guidelines are available. Spatial scales of interest in impact assessment are usually related to the location of maximum ground level concentrations (Mahoney and Spengler, 1975), or the presence of critical receptor points such as hospitals. Preliminary dispersion modelling is often applied in defining these locations, taking into account important topographical features. For tall chimneys, an approximate evaluation of the location of maximum ground level concentration can be given by H2/12, where H is the plume height at the average wind speed (Moore, 1969). Sampling sites should be placed in a ring (or concentric rings if resources are


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sufficient) around discrete sources in the zone of maximum ground level concentrations with the sites separated by at least 13 ~ (Moore, 1977). In large urban areas, with many individual sources, a significance factor can be calculated for areas of maximum concentrations which can be used in assigning an order of priority for various monitoring sites (Munshi and Patil, 1982). Alternatively collection of a small number of random samples at multiple locations in urban areas, offers a method of obtaining more spatially-representative air quality data, less expensively than fixed-site approaches (Ott and Mage, 1981). In determining air quality in large inhomogeneous areas, two approaches can be adopted (Keddie et al., 1978). A grid system can be defined with monitoring sites located at the corners of the grid squares. Typically a 1 km grid is adopted in urban or industrial areas and a 5-10 km grid in rural areas free from major sources of emissions. Alternatively, monitoring sites are located in areas of differing emission characteristics having regard to the likely spatial variability and prevailing meteorological conditions. Fast-response continuous monitoring instruments and remote sensing equipment can be incorporated into a mobile sampling facility which has the advantages of acquisition of greater spatial resolution of air pollutants and differentiation between large high level sources and nearby local sources (Moore, 1977). A number of physical constraints exist in the selection of monitoring sites. Sites should be chosen so that sampling errors due to absorption of air pollutants by vegetation (e.g. hedges, trees, etc.) can be avoided. In addition, monitoring sites should not be sheltered from the effects of distant sources or be overly influenced by local sources. It is also important that monitoring sites should be secure and adequately protected from vandalism. A transportable monitoring system has a number of advantages which make it particularly useful for AQIA. Sites may be changed if they are found unsuitable; there is greater flexibility of geographical placement and adaptability for assessments of different air quality impact situations. An example of a typical mobile air quality monitoring facility is presented in Figure 1. Pertinent features are (a) particulate sampling head, (b)thermocouple with self-aspirating shield, (c)sampler head for particulates with a 15 ~tm cut point ( d ) P T F E sampling duct equipped with PTFE coated weather shield for gaseous air pollutants, and (e) anemometer fitted on a telescopic mast (not extended). Particulate and gaseous sampling is performed at a height of 4 m above ground level (1 m above the roof of the mobile laboratory), which is within the 2-5 m range sufficient to minimize losses due to absorption on the ground level surface (Moore, 1977; Bryan, 1977), and wind speed and direction measurement at a height of 10 m above ground level. The time scales appropriate for AQIA are determined by the time scales of effects of pollutant emissions, regulatory standards or criteria, meteorological variability and emission variability (Mahoney and Spengler, 1975). In most cases the minimum time scale of the information desired is determined by the time periods specified in the applicable air quality standards or criteria, and the duration of the AAQM survey on the number of samples needed to define adequately air quality resulting from changes

Fig. 1. Mobile air quality monitoring facility, including equipment for sampling total (a) and inhalable (c) particulates, gaseous components (d) and for measuring temperature (b) and wind speed/wind direction (e).





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in the aforementioned factors. The choice of methods and instrumentation is dependent on the minimum time scale and on a number of other considerations which include: sensitivity and limits of detection, accuracy and precision, specificity, reliability, field or laboratory analysis, versatility, operation and maintenance,data ouput and costs of running and purchase (Reay, 1979). A recent review of air monitoring needs (Hauser et al., 1983) highlighted many of the difficulties involved in the accurate assessment of air quality. Inorganic gases can be measured by a variety of continuously monitoring instruments. Examples of these instruments, data storage facilities and a sequential tape smoke monitor common to monitoring sites (fixed and mobile) are shown in Figure 2 (sulphur dioxide (a), oxides of nitrogen (b), smoke (c), ozone (d)). Also shown in Figure 2 is the thermal-desorption and analysis system for halogenated hydrocarbons (by electron capture detector/gas chromatography (ECD/GC) (e) and wind speed and wind direction monitor and directional sampling control box (f) (if required). Beneath the instruments are the loggers normally used for data acquisition, convenient for computer interfacing, and chart recorders which not only provide a back-up in the event of logger failure but also record real-time data between logger scanning intervals as well as providing an indication of instrument performance during unattended operation. Carbon monoxide, total and non-methane hydrocarbons are analysed by means of an air quality chromatographic system which is shown in Figure 3(d). Sampling errors of gaseous air pollutants due to wall losses and chemical degradation are minimized by the use of PTFE sampling duct and sampling lines (Figure 4). The flow in the duct is maintained at a sufficient rate to obtain a maximum residence time of 5s and the length of the sampling lines is kept to a minimum. Also included in Figure 4 is the heated filter inlet (a) essential for representative sampling of sulphur dioxide. Many organic compounds are present in ambient air at relatively low concentrations and normally must be concentrated during sampling before analysis. This is performed using solid adsorbents, such as charcoal or Tenax GC, or cryogenically. Each sampling procedure has a number of limitations which need to be assessed before use in the field (Clark et al., 1982). For the measurement of specific hydrocarbons, constant-flow sampling pumps (b) are attached, via the inlet ports (Figure 4), to draw air through Tenax GC sampling tubes for preconcentration. In addition, samples of ambient air can be taken at this point for analysis by photoionization detector/gas chromatography (PID/GC). Figure 3 shows this instrumentation (a) and also the thermal-desorption and analysis systems (b) for halogenated hydrocarbons (c) for aromatic hydrocarbons by flame ionization detector/gas chromatography (FID/GC). Inorganic particulate matter is sampled by passing a known volume of ambient air through a filter. Hauser et al. (1983) defined the properties required by the filter as inert, hydrophobic material with uniform physical characteristics and consistently low trace element content. However, it was also stated that manufacturers have difficulty in supplying filters with this property. It is also necessary to sample ambient air with the minimum disturbance to air flows in order to gain a representative sample without loss of large particles. It is often necessary to collect particulates in specified size ranges, especially those which are respirable ( < 10 pm) and of most environmental concern, by means of sampling inlets with well-defined cut points.

Fig. 2. Continuous monitoring instruments for sulphur dioxide (a), oxides of nitrogen (b), smoke (c), and ozone (d); gas chromatographic system for analysis of halogenated hydrocarbons (e) and wind speed/wind direction monitoring unit (f). Data logging units and chart recorders located beneath the instruments.





Fig. 3. Portable photoionisation gas chromatograph for rapid analysis of individual hydrocarbons (a); thermal desorption gas chromatographic systems lor analysis of halogenated (b) and aromatic hydrocarbons (c); air quality chromatograph (d) for analysis of carbon monoxide, total and non-methane hydrocarbons.




Fig. 4. PTFE Sampling duct for gaseous pollutants, showing heated filter inlet for sulphur dioxide (a) and portable constant-flow sampling pumps (b) for preconcentration of aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons.



The sampling of organic particulate material by collection on filters, has additional difficulties (Hauser et al., 1983) because (i) organic compounds with significant vapour pressures can be partially lost during samping (ii) chemical changes may occur during sampling due to exposure to oxygen, ozone, nitrogen oxides or water (iii)organic compounds may be absorbed onto collected particulates and (iv) catalytic effects on the surface of particulate matter could enhance chemical reactions of adsorbed organic matter. Therefore care must be taken to evaluate these factors before field use. It is important to recognise that continuous monitoring instruments produce large quantities of data, and therefore adequate means of data storage or transmission are essential, either by datalogging, autographic or telemetric techniques (or a combination), for subsequent analysis. In addition, regular calibration and zero checks should be carded out to ensure the accuracy of data. 3.2. DATA ANALYSIS A variety of mathematical techniques can be applied to data collected from a AAQM survey in order to assist AQIA. Air quality data can often be best described by simple frequency distributions (Larsen, 1971 ; Bencala and Seinfeld, 1976). A recent review by Georgopoulos and Seinfeld (1982) has presented methodologies and limitations in describing air quality through statistical distributions (such as log-normal, Weibull, three-parameter log-normal, Pearson IV (gamma) etc.). The log-normal distribution has often been applied successfully to air quality data sets from single point sources and homogeneous area sources (when the number of individual sources is greater than 10) (Benarie, 1980). However, deviations may exist in other situations and other distributions may be more accurately applied. Computer techniques have been developed in order to best fit distributions to air quality data (Fitz-Simmons and Holland, 1979) but simpler graphical methods may also be used. Frequency distributions of air quality are important in AQIA in that they can be used to describe fully air quality data and can provide background concentration values and comparisons with air quality standards or criteria. Cats and Holtstag (1980) have described an empirical procedure, based on a log-normal approach, which is capable of estimating changes in frequency distributions due to the introduction of new sources in a complex industrial area, when the contribution of the new sources to the long-term average concentration within wind direction sectors can be estimated (using a Gaussian plume model). In addition, Nieuwstadt (1980) demonstrated, using the same data set, that high percentile 24 hr SO2 values could be better calculated than by a Gaussian plume model using the relationship Co~% = Cexp(xo~ tr - 0-2/2) where 6' = xo~ = Co~~o = = (7


long-term average; the value at which the normal distribution function P(xo~) -- oc % ; the percentile short-term concentration; and the empirically derived logarithmic standard deviation of short-term concentrations.



Concentration values over specific periods of time (parts of day, seasons, years) may be averaged to investigate diurnal, seasonal or annual variations. For example, trafficrelated air pollutants such as CO, at roadside monitoring sites, demonstrate a significant diurnal variation (Clark etal., 1983) and can be correlated with diurnal variation in vehicle numbers. Similarly, subdivision of concentration values by meteorological parameters can provide interesting information. Particularly useful techniques are the use of normalised concentration roses and concentration boxplots (Graedel, 1977) which relate concentration values with horizontal wind direction and can provide remote identification and semiquantitative estimation of both sporadic and continuous sources and their relative emission rates. Using pollution rose techniques, Sutton (1982) has described a method of estimating an ambient sulphur dioxide emission inventory technique for the Southampton city area. Multi-regression techniques have been successfully applied to AAQM data which relate concentrations to meteorological parameters such as temperature, wind speed etc. (Witz et aL, 1982; Marsh and Foster, 1967; Smith and Jeffrey, 1972) and can be successfully applied in calculating air quality concentrations. It has been demonstrated that time series of air quality data over a number of years are strongly auto-correlated (Hirtzel and Quon, 1979). As a result, empirically-derived relationships can be demonstrated between maximum concentrations and long-term mean concentrations (Drufuca and Giugliano, 1978) and the probability distribution of the maximum concentration can be estimated as a function of the auto-correlation function, the number of measurements and certain statistical descriptors of the air pollutant concentration measurements. An important role of AAQM is to evaluate the modelling techniques described in Section 2. Numerous statistical techniques have been described (Bencala and Seinfeld, 1979; Rao and Visalli, 1981; Benarie, 1980) to evaluate fully a model's performance in comparison with monitored data which include the use of cumulative frequency distributions, temporal correlations, spatial alignments, extreme value statistics, time series analysis etc. However these statistical comparisons between observed and predicted concentrations are compromised by difficulties in generating accurate emission inventories, by limitations in the accuracy of the AAQM data and by other factors. They provide little direct evidence of the model's ability to approximate actual impacts from specific sources (Core et al., 1982). Using chemical mass balance studies of monitored particulate concentrations, Core et aL (1982) identified major errors in emission data bases which, when corrected, drastically improved the dispersion model's performance. Ultimately, evaluation procedures enable judgements to be made as to the quality of the study and as to the level of confidence that might therefore be assigned to the results.

4. Discussion

It is evident from the above that the modelling and monitoring aspects of AQIA are mutually consistent and should be used in conjunction with each other. An orderly




approach to the principles and procedures involved in AQIA and the determination of the associated requirements is desirable. In practice, an AQIA is generally initiated as part of a specific air quality management programme and therefore depends on a clear definition of objectives which such a study would be expected to meet within the framework of the particular programme (Rossano and Thielke, 1976). Once these have been identified, it is then possible to structure the study optimally on the basis of the specific data needs. A comprehensive AQIA study would encompass the following components (Weber, 1982): (i) an emissions inventory component (including data on the current and expected emission characteristics for all the relevant sources); (ii) a meteorological component, providing information on the past and current atmospheric dispersion characteristics, from which future conditions can be inferred; (iii) a monitoring component providing an assessment of current air quality; (iv) a data management programme, essential for data acquisition, storage, processing and analysis; (v) an operating model component, capable of effectively integrating the available information, which can be used to simulate current air quality and to predict changes resulting from alterations in the emissions characteristics. However, the ultimate usefulness and relevance of the individual elements are determined by a number of constraints which include (Rossano and Thielke, 1976): (i) the specific needs of the potential data users (in terms of quantity, quality, time, etc.); (ii) existing resources, particularly funds, manpower, and existing facilities and developed methods; (iii) available technology, e.g. equipment, and techniques; (iv) possible legal requirements, e.g. air quality standards or criteria; (v) operational criteria, such as cost-effectiveness, performance requirements, etc.; and (vi) operational responsibility. Generally, the existing resources, especially in terms of available funds, are found to be the major limiting factor. Sections 2 and 3 have dealt with the variety and complexity of issues involved in the effective employment of the different elements involved in an AQIA study. Because each situation is characterised by a unique combination of factors, the development of each AQIA will necessarily depend on case-by-case considerations. Thus a systematic approach to AQIA is essential in order to achieve a reasonable compromise between desirable objectives and limiting factors. The planning and execution of an AQIA study should be as follows. (i) Definition of objectives and intended end use of the data. (ii) Programme design and preparation stage. Major considerations at this stage include, (a) selection of a suitable model and specification of the relevant model input requirements; (b) design of the monitoring network, and the data management system.



(iii) Development and testing stage. The purpose of this phase is to provide the means for preliminary verification and evaluation of the design system with respect to the operational and performance requirements of the study. (iv) Assessment of current air quality. The relevant activities include: execution of the AAQM survey, data analysis and interpretation of the baseline data; modelling, to simulate the impact of existing source emissions on air quality; model performance evaluation; comparison of current air quality characteristics - as estimated on the basis of monitoring and modelling data - to appropriate air quality standards or criteria. (v) Assessment of future air quality. Activities at this stage involve modelling the probable impact on air quality of a proposed emission alteration and possible alternatives; comparison of these estimates with air quality or criteria. (vi) Data presentation and reporting. The presentation of the results in a clear manner is an essential aspect of this final element if the AQIA study is to form the basis of decision-making. The evaluation of proposed future action(s) in terms of overall impacts may well be influenced by considerations other than those derived from AQIA. These include costs expected to result from acceptance or rejection of the proposals or possible alternatives, energy costs and resulting social and other environmental impacts. 5. Conclusions

The use of the Gaussian plume model has been reviewed with regard to AQIA and has been demonstrated to be feasible for a number of different applications. However, alternative modelling practices should be used when: (i) departures from the Gaussian from in the distribution of dispersed material in the atmosphere occurs; (ii) more detailed information on atmospheric chemistry, deposition or long range transport is required; The role of AAQM with respect to AQIA can be summarised as: (i) characterisation of present air quality as derived from particular sources; (ii) comparison of present air quality data for air quality simulation models; (iii) provision of background data for air quality simulation models; (iv) evaluation of air quality simulation models; and (v) formation of statistical models for short-term forecasts of air quality. General guidelines have been presented in the design of a monitoring survey with regard to spatial and temporal scales of interest, choice of instruments, practical difficulties, data management and subsequent analysis. The use of a transportable monitoring system, with on-site measurement of wind speed, wind direction, try and trz is particularly advantageous for AQIA. Useful statistical treatments are the use of frequency distributions, pollution roses and concentration boxplots, multi-regression and auto-correlation methods. These statistical treatments of air quality data can be used in the formation of empirical models and may also be used as a basis of model validation efforts.


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The two aspects o f A Q I A (modelling a n d monitoring) can be j o i n e d to form a systematic a p p r o a c h which can be s u m m a r i s e d as (i) definition o f objectives; (ii) p r o g r a m m e design a n d p r e p a r a t i o n stage - selection o f a suitable m o d e l and - design o f monitoring survey a n d d a t a m a n a g e m e n t system; (iii) d e v e l o p m e n t a n d testing stage; (iv) a s s e s s m e n t o f current air quality; (v) a s s e s s m e n t o f future air quality; (vi) d a t a p r e s e n t a t i o n and reporting. H o w e v e r , evaluation o f p r o p o s e d future actions, in terms o f overall impacts, will also be influenced by social a n d economic considerations.


T h e authors wish to t h a n k D r F. B. Smith, o f the Meteorological Office, Bracknell and D r H. A p S i m o n o f the N u c l e a r P o w e r Section, Imperial College for useful discussion. O n e o f us ( A I C ) wishes to a c k n o w l e d g e the Science a n d Engineering R e s e a r c h Council ( S E R C ) , U n i t e d K i n g d o m , for the a w a r d o f a p o s t g r a d u a t e research studentship.


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Air quality impact assessment.

Air quality impact assessment (AQIA) is an important technique for determining the relative contribution to ground level pollutant concentrations of s...
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