J Cancer Res Clin Oncol (1992) 118:468-473
C iiicer mesearch Clinical 9 9 Springer-Verlag1992
Alterations of the c-erbB2 gene in human breast cancer B. Zoll 1, B. Kynast 2, B. Corell a, D. Marx 3, G. Fischer 3, and A. Schauer 3 1 Institut fiir Humangenetik der Universit~it Gfttingen, GoBlerstr. 12d, W-3400 G6ttingen, Federal Republic of Germany 2 Chirurgische Onkologie der Universit~t G6ttingen, Robert-Koch-Str. 40, W-3400 G6ttingen, Federal Republic of Germany 3 Pathologisches Institut der Universitfit G6ttingen, Robert-Koch-Str. 40, W-3400 G6ttingen, Federal Republic of Germany Received 12 August 1991/Accepted 11 December 1991
Summary. D N A amplification, R N A overexpression and p185 protein expression of the c-erbB2 oncogene were investigated in 109 cases of breast cancer with the aim of evaluating any correlation between the different methods. A correlation between Southern blotting and immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded material was found. Thus, amplification of the c-erbB2 oncogene leads to overexpression of the p l 8 5 protein. By contrast, no statistical correlation could be shown between R N A overexpression, measured by Northern blotting, and immunohistochemical p185 membrane stainings. It is o f special interest that most of the cases that are positive for Northern blotting and negative for immunochemistry are negative for Southern blotting as well. Contradictory findings between R N A overexpression and lack of immunohistochemical staining of p185 give rise to the assumption that a defective protein is encoded, which cannot be incorporated into the substructures of the tumour cell membrane. When screening for point mutations in the transmembrane domain of the c-erbB2 oncogene, no point mutation could be detected, either by using the endonuclease FokI, which cuts at position 2012 (the point mutation in the neu gene of the rat), or by direct sequencing.
Key words: c-erbB2 oncogene - c-erbB2 point mutation Breast cancer - Oncogenesis
Introduction In 1987 the first reports of a study of the correlation of relapse and survival with amplification of an oncogene in breast cancer were published (Slamon et al. 1987). Independently, different groups isolated a c-erbB-related gene called the H E R - 2 (Coussens et al. 1985) or erbB2 gene Abbreviations: PCR, polymerase chain reaction. Offprint requests"to: B. Zoll
(Schechter et al. 1985) by screening a human c D N A library with c-erbB probes. This gene is homologous to the rat neu gene (Yamamoto et al. 1986) and is localized on chromosome 17q21-22 (Fukushige et al. 1986). It contains seven exons and codes a transmembrane glycosylized phosphoprotein of 185 k D a with tyrosinase activity (Akiyama et al. 1986). Different mechanisms for activating the gene are known, and the normal rat gene and the transforming counterpart differ only by a point mutation (Bargrnann et al. 1986) at position 2012, where a change from T to A is observed. An amplification of the c-erbB2 gene was ascertained in different human tumour cell lines (Fukushige et al. 1986). The intention of our study was to compare the alterations of the c-erbB2 gene, the amplification, the R N A overexpression, the p185 expression and the existence of a point mutation with regard to the oestrogen receptor status and the histology of the tumour tissues.
Materials and methods We tested 100 samples of breast neoplasms for gene amplification, 56 samples for RNA overexpression and 93 sections of tissue, which had been fixed in formalin and embedded in paraffin, for p185 overexpression. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products of the transmembrane region of the c-erbB2 gene were produced from 100 breast tumours and screened for point mutations at position 2012; 20 PCR products were directly sequenced. The diagnoses, oestrogen receptor status and histological analyses were classified by pathological investigations in the clinics. After surgery, tissue samples were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen. The diagnoses were made by clinicians, the classification of oestrogen receptor status and the histological analyses by pathological investigations. DNA amplification. DNA extraction was carried out using techniques described previously (Corell and Zoll 1988a). DNA (7.5 ~tg) was digested with EcoRI, separated on 0.8% agarose gels and transferred to nitrocellulose filters by the Southern procedure (Southern 1975). Blots were hybridized to the 32p-labelled pliER2-436 plasmid, carrying a 1.6 x 103-base(l.6-kb) EcoRI fragment, which represented the first five exons of the c-erbB2 gene (Coussens et al. 1985). To control the amount of DNA applied to each lane a rehybridization or double hybridization with a 32p-labelled 2.6-kb
469 EcoRI fragment recognizing the 3' end of the c-mos locus (Corell and Zott 1988 b) was done. The intensity of the resulting signals was determined by densitometry. RNA overexpression. Tumour biopsies were shredded in liquid nitrogen. RNA extraction was done as described by Chirgwin et al. (1979). Electrophoresis was on formaldehyde gels and RNA was checked by staining with ethidium bromide. After RNA transfer onto nitrocellulose filters, blots were hybridized to a 32p-labelled pCER-204 plasmid (Yamamoto et al. 1986; Maniatis et al. 1982). To determine the amount of RNA in each lane a rehybridization with a n a-actin probe (Hanauer et al. 1983) was carried out. On each filter, RNA from a mammary tumour cell line BT20 with normal cerbB2 expression (Kraus et al. 1987) was run.
purified using Geneclean, and 20 PCR products from the breast cancer DNA were directly sequenced using the appropriate primers by the method of Sanger (Sanger et al. 1977).
Results F r o m a total of 100 tested D N A samples of breast neoplasms, 19 showed an amplification (19%) (Fig. 1). No amplification was found in the D N A o f white blood cells from the same patients - this can be assessed as a tumour-specific phenomenon. The correlation between
Immunohistochemical analysis. For the purpose of immunohistochemical analysis we used the c-erbB2-specific monoclonal antibody acting against the external domain (9G6, Oncogene Science Dianova, Hamburg) and against the internal domain (3B5, Oncogene Science Dianova, Hamburg; Van de Vijver et al. 1987). Screening for point mutations. A 272-bp fragment of the c-erbB2 gene containing the coding region of the transmembrane domain was amplified by means of the PCR method (polymerase chain reaction) (Saiki 1989) and, by means of the specific cutting enzyme FokI, screened for the point mutation known in the neu oncogene. PCR amplification used the following oligonucleotides, which flank the transmembrane domain, as primers: BC9, 5' CAT GCC AGC CTT GCC CCA TCA ACT; BC10, 5' CAT CTG CGC CTG GTT G G G CAT CGC. The oligonucleofides were synthesized in the Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry, G6ttingen. The reaction mixture consisted of 0.5 ~tg genomic DNA, 5 Ixl polymerase buffer (10-fold) 5 ~tl dimethylsulphoxide, 1.25 mmol each dNTP and 50 pmol each primer, made up to 50 ~tl with double-distilled water. Before undergoing 35 cycles of PCR denaturation at 95 ~ C for 45 s, annealing at 55 ~ C for 45 s and elongation at 63 ~ C for 3 rain in a Biomed Thermocycler, the reaction mixture was incubated at 95 ~ C for 7 rain. A 3-~tl sample of the amplification product was electrophoresed on a polyacrylamide gel and visualized under ultraviolet light after ethidium bromide staining. PCR-amplified material was
Fig. 2. Overexpression of c-erbB2 in mammary carcinomas. RNA of six different tumours (T1-T6) and of the mammary carcinoma cell line BT 20 (MC) (Kraus et al. 1987) was isolated and hybridized with pCER 204. The RNA of tumour T4 shows a 2- to 5-fold increased c-erbB2 level. The expression of tumour T5 was estimated separately as being more than 10-fold
Table 1. Copies of the c-erbB2 gene in relation to the oestrogen
receptor (ER) status and clinical status in breast cancer" Parameter
Fig. 1. Gene amplification for c-erbB2 (lane 6) in a mammary carcinoma. DNA of white blood ceils (B) and tumour tissue (73 of four different patients was digested with EcoRI and double-hybridized with plier2-436 (Coussens et al. 1985) and c-mos (Corell and Zoll 1988 b). The 6.6-kb and 4.6-kb fragments correspond to the c-erbB2 and the 2.6-kb fragment to the c-mos signal
All turnouts investigated
No amplification
Receptor status ER + + ER + ER (+) ER-
91 b
Clinical status I 11 III
88 b
17 28 23 23
27 55 6
74 (18.7) (30.7) (25.3) (25.3)
16 22 18 18
17 (21.6) (29.8) (24.3) (24.3)
74 (30.7) (62.5) (6.8)
23 46 5
1 6 5 5
(6.9) (35.3) (29.4) (29.4)
14 (31.1) (62.2) (6.7)
4 9 1
(28.6) (64.3) (7.t)
a Receptor status: ER + +, elevated level > 100 fmol/ng protein; ER +, positive 20-100 fmol/ng protein; ER (+), decreased level 5-19 fmol/ng protein; E R - , negative < 5 fmol/ng protein. Clinical status: classification after the TNM system b Clinical data were not available from all tumours investigated
470 Table 2. Expression of the c-erbB2 gene in relation to prognostic parameters Parameter
Normal expression
Expression 2- to 5-fold
ExpresExpression sion 5- to 10-fold > 10-fold
Receptor status E R ++ ER + ERt+) ER-
41 b
Clinical status I II III
40 b
11 12 10 8
12 25 3
11 (26.8) (29.3) (24.4) (19.5)
4 5 1 1
(36.4) (45.4) (9.1) (9.1)
10 (30.0) (62.5) (7.5)
1 1
(50) (50)
3 6 1
(30.0) (60.0) (10.0)
1 I
Receptor status: E R ++, elevated level > 100 fmol/ng protein; E R +, positive 20-100 fmol/ng protein; E R (§ decreased level 5-19 fmol/ng protein; E R - , negative < 5 fmol/ng protein. Clinical status: classification after the T N M system b Clinical data were not available from all tumours investigated
Table 3. Correlation between D N A amplification and R N A overexpression (Sn = 49) Parameter
DNA amplification
No D N A amplification
R N A overexpression No R N A overexpression
5 -
(10.2) -
6 38
(12.2) (77.6)
DNA amplification and the oestrogen receptor status and the clinical status did not show any significant difference (Xz test) with respect to the low number of cases (Table 1). R N A was extracted from 56 tumours. In 15 samples (27%) RNA overexpression was ascertained and, by means of a dilution series, was subdivided into 2to 5-fold, 5- to 10-fold and > 10-fold expression (Fig. 2). A comparison of the c-erbB2 expression with the oestrogen receptor status and the clinical status, in view of the pathological staging, did not show any statistically significant differences (Table 2). Out of the total number of tested tumours, 49 could be compared with regard to their DNA amplification and R N A overexpression. Correlation between D N A amplification and R N A overexpression was found in 5 of 49 tumours (10.2%), whereas an R N A overexpression without D N A amplification was found in no fewer than 6 tumours (12.2%). For 5 patients both D N A amplification and R N A overexpression were found; for 6 cases R N A overexpression without DNA amplification was demonstrated. We could not find any case with DNA amplification that lacked R N A overexpression (Table 3). An immunohistochemical analysis was carried out on the sections of 93 breast neoplams: 76 (81.7%) turned out negative; 17 (18.3%) were found positive (Figs. 3, 4). D N A amplification, R N A overexpression and p185 overexpression could be examined on 42 tumours (Table 4): 32 tumours (76.2%) turned out negative in respect of all parameters examined; 1 tumour (2.4%) was positive in all aspects; 6 of the tumours (14.3%) had no D N A amplification but R N A overexpression and no p185 overexpression. An association could be shown between D N A amplification and p185 overexpression. Out of 14 cases 11 were positive not only for Southern blotting but also for immunohistochemistry (Table 5). On the other hand there
Fig. 3. Invasive ductal carcinoma with p185 overexpression (membrane staining); incubation with a monclonal antibody directed against the external domain of the tumour cell membrane
Fig. 4. Invasive ductal carcinoma with nonspecific cytoplasma staining; incubation with a monoclonal antibody directed against the internal domain of the tumour cell membrane Table 4. Correlation between DNA amplification, RNA overexpression and p185 overexpression (Sn = 42)
Table 6. Correlation between RNA overexpression and pl85 overexpression (Sn=45)
RNA overexpression p185 overexpression No RNA overexpression p185 overexpression RNA overexpression no p185 overexpression No RNA overexpression no p185 overexpression Total
DNA amplification
No DNA amplification
RNA overexpression
No RNA overexpression
p185 overexpression No p185 overexpression
2 6
(4.4) (13.3)
2 35
(4.4) (77.9)
Table 7. Correlation between the histology of the tumours and
c-erbB2 alterations a 3
p185 overexpression No p185 overexpression Total
DNA amplification
No DNA amplification
11 3
(12.4) (3.4)
3 72
(3.4) (80.8)
was no positive correlation between RNA overexpression a n d p 1 8 5 o v e r e x p r e s s i o n ( T a b l e 6). C o m p a r i n g t h e r e s u l t s o f t h e h i s t o l o g i c a l a n a l y s e s to DNA amplification, RNA overexpression and p185 overexpression, no statistically significant correlation w a s f o u n d ( T a b l e 7). Since m o s t o f t h e t u m o u r s i n v e s t i g a t e d were i n v a s i v e d u c t a l c a r c i n o m a s , we o b s e r v e d m o l e c u l a r a l t e r a t i o n s m o s t f r e q u e n t l y i n these t u m o u r s .
Additional in situ carcinomas
TableS. Correlation between DNA amplification and p185 overexpression (2;n = 89) Parameter
DNA amplification
RNA overexpression
p185 overexpression
13 -
14 1 -
15 1 1 . -
1 1
1 1
CLIS 1 -
83 9 5 3 2 3 4
6 . -
a ID, invasive ductal carcinoma; LOB, lobular carcinoma; SC, scirrhous carcinoma; MUC, mucinous carcinoma; SR, signet-ring cell carcinoma; TUB, tubular carcinoma; MED, medullary carcinoma. DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ; CLIS, lobular carcinoma in situ S c r e e n i n g o f 100 P C R p r o d u c t s o f t h e t r a n s m e m b r a n e r e g i o n o f t h e c-erbB2 g e n e for t h e FokI c u t t i n g site, w h i c h a p p e a r s i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h a p o i n t m u t a t i o n , i n n o case showed any deviation from the normal fragment length.
Fig. 5. Direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction products of the 272-bp c-erbB2 region. The part that contains the point mutation in the rat neu oncogene is marked with brackets
The subsequent direct sequencing of the 272-bp fragment of the transmembrane region has not shown a point mutation (Fig. 5).
Discussion The value of the c-erbB2 investigations regarding oncogenesis and prognosis is a subject of controversy. Some investigators confirm a connection between the c-erbB2 amplification and the prognosis (Zeilinger et al. 1989). In our study, gene amplification was found in both the advanced and early stages of disease, therefore the c-erbB2 gene may possibly be regarded as an important factor of oncogenesis in a subgroup of human breast cancer. Since our patients were investigated during the last 2 years we cannot yet suggest a prognosis, Some studies have shown that an amplification does not necessarily correlate with an overexpression (Van de Vijver et al. 1987). In the latest reports (Borg et al. 1991) an association between c-erbB2 amplification, a high proliferation rate and a poor prognosis could be demonstrated in steroid-receptor-positive tumours but not in receptor-negative tumours, whereas members of our study group (Marx et al. 1990) have shown a positive correlation of p185 expression - measured by monoclonal antibodies and histological grade-but a negative correlation with steroid receptor status. It seems that gene alterations do not depend on the histology of the turnouts. No correlation to the histological subtypes was observed but here the low number of tumours investigated has to be taken into account. In our
study we ascertained an overexpression without prior amplification in 12.2% of the tumours tested. Principally different mechanisms are conceivable as a reason for overexpression. On the one hand, translocations might result in changes of expression (Hooberman et al. 1989), on the other hand, expression-regulating sequences might have changed within the c-erbB2 gene. In some genes, e.g. the Ha-ras, c-mos and c-myc genes of the mouse (Blair et al. 1986), negative transcription elements have been found in the 5' region. After deletion of these regions the expression increases. Furthermore, it is known that the expression depends on the interaction of specific factors (e.g. trans-acting proteins) with promotor or enhancer elements (e.g. cis-acting regions) (Ostertag et al. 1987; Schtler et al. 1989). A change within these cis-acting regions or in the concentration of the trans-acting factors may also result in a deviation from the normal expression. Since the 5' region of the c-erbB2 gene has not been characterized yet, it is not known whether transcription-regulating regions exist. The difference in the concentration of R N A and p185 can be explained by the dilution effects in analyses of tumour tissues permeated with normal tissue. Using this method the measured R N A concentration is lower than that of protein measured directly on stained sections. A non-detectable p185 overexpression with R N A overexpression can be interpreted as a defective protein not recognized by the monoclonal antibody. A defective protein could arise because of a mutation in the coding region of the gene. Contrary to Borg et al. (1991), who reported a correlation to a poor prognosis, another group (De Potter et al. 1990) has found neu protein overexpression to be a predicting factor in the ability to create haematogenous metastases in human breast cancer patients. As our investigations give a correlation between Southern hybridization and immunohistochemistry this might be a suitable method on which to base a prognosis. A point mutation in the transmembrane region of the protooncogene, which is found to be a mechanism for transformation in the neu gene of the rat, seems not to play an important role in transformation of the human cerbB2 gene. Nevertheless, since we have screened only 20 tumours by directly sequencing the transmembrane region it is not impossible that a point mutation somewhere in the gene sequence may be responsible for malignant transformation. Further studies on, for example, the importance of p53, the so-called tumour-suppressor gene, are necessary to clarify tumorigenesis. As our investigations show a correlation between Southern hybridization and immunohistochemistry, this might be a suitable basis for a prognosis. Acknowledgements. Thanks are due to R. Bertram for technical help and I. Reise and M. DeseniBfor secretarial assistance. We thank A. Ullrich and T. Yamamoto for making the different Her-2 probes available to us. Further, the authors are grateful to A. Hanauer for the a-actin probe. We are indebted to the hormone laboratory of the Pathology Centrum of the Universit~itsklinikG6ttingen for examination of the oestrogen receptor level. We especiallythank T. Bauknecht, P. B6hme, E. Gallasch, M. Kneba, W. Rath and R. Rauskolb, who sent us blood samples and tumour tissues.
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