THROMBOSIS RESEARCH Vol. 13. PP. S-13. 0 Pngamon Press Ltd. 19% Printed inGreat Brimin.



AMPLIFICATION OF COLOR YIELD OF CHROMOGENIC SUBSTRATES USING p-DIMETHYLAMINOCINNAMALDEHYDE Hau C. Kwaan, Robert B. Friedman and Marija Szczecinski Northwestern University Medical School


Veterans Administration Lakeside Hospital Chicago, Illinois 60611 USA

form 13.4.1978. (Received C;.2.1978: in revised Accepted by Editor >f.T. Barnhart)

ABSTRACT A method is described for amplifying the color of 4-nitroaniline which is produced during enzyme catalyzed amidolysis of synthetic chromogenic substrates. The liberated chromogen is directly coupled with p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde to yield a colored schiffbase compound. The color complex has an absorption maximum at 570 nm and, under the reaction conditions described, has a molar absorbancy of 9.1 x 104. The application of this method is presented for the enzyme urokinase using two different chromogenic substrates. A micromethod adaptation of this method is also described. This method can be used to amplify the color obtained in all enzyme assays where 4-nitroaniline is the liberated chromogen.


Synthetic chromogenic substrates for measuring amidolytic activities in coagulation and fibrinolysis have recently been made available for a wide variety of enzyme assays.



the commercially available substrates uti.

lize 4-nitroaniline (paranitroaniline, PNA) as chromogen,

Recently, we re-

ported (1) a method for improving the color yield of the chromogen by coupling it with a second chromogen subsequent to diazotization of the released PNA.

We now wish to report the development of an alternate method for color

amplification of PNA.

This procedure involves the direct coupling of PNA,

an aromatic amine, with an aldehyde, 4-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (DACA).

This reagent provides additional advantages over our previous method in that the intermediate diazotization step is eliminated.

In addition, the molar

absorbancy of the PNA-complex is higher than that of our earlier color am5






plification, but the utility of the original procedure is not changed. METHODS Substrates:

Substrate S-2227 (H-Gly-Glu-Arg-PNA, substrate for urokinase)

was obtained from AB Kabi, Molndal, Sweden.

Chromozym UK analog (substrate

for urokinase) was obtained from Pentapharm AG., Basle, Switzerland. Enzymes:

Urokinase (UK) (urinary) was obtained from Abbott Laboratories,

North Chicago, Il. (Lot # 2021-209). Reagents:

4-Dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (WCA)

Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. fication.

was purchased from Aldrich

It was used without any further puri-

4-Nitroaniline (paranitroaniline, PNA) was purchased from East-

man Organic Chemicals, Rochester, N.Y.

It was recrystallized from water.

All other reagents were of reagent grade. Spectroscopy:

An Hitachi Perkin-Elmer Model 139 W-VIS


was used for measuring absorbancies. THE COUPLING REACTION:

Two methods could be employed, using hydrochloric

acid (HCl) or Trichloroacetic acid (TCA), respectively. is developed when TCA is used.

The strongest color

Precipitation of proteins would also occur

requiring remove1 by centrifugation.

This did not happen with HCl which,

however, produced a less intense color. Reaction with TCA:

A standard curve was generated by pipetting varying a-

mounts of PNA (a convenient range contained between 3 and 20 nmoles per tube) in 0.6 ml of water.

Aliquots of 40% trichloroacetic acid (TCA), 0.6 ml, were

added to each tube.

When preparing a standard curve to accompany an enzyme

assay, 0.3 ml of aqueous PNA solution was mixed with 0.3 ml of buffer. tubes were thoroughly mixed.


Aliquots of 1 ml each were transferred to a

second set oftubes and 0.5 ml of an alcoholic DACA solution (8 mg/ml) was added to each tube.

The tubes were mixed thoroughly and left at room tem-

perature for 15 minutes. Reaction with HCl: solution.

A volume of 0.5 ml was utilized for the PNA-containing

It was mixed with 0.5 ml of 0.2 g HCl.

Ethanolic (or methanolic)

DACA solution (8 mg/ml) was added directly to the tubes and the tubes were mixed thoroughly. The color was measured at 570 nm.

Under these conditions, a sample con-

taining 5 mnoles/ml should have an optical density of approximately 0.28 when using


A standard curve should accompany every enzyme assay.




TCA method:

numbered tubes

in an ice






of 0.6


ml of K% TCA were placed

A 5 mmolar aqueous

the urokinase



(100 I.U./ml),


and the buffer

NaCl, 0.15 E ea., pH 8.4) were pre-incubated at 37'.


the chromo(Tris-

Two sets of controls

were arranged for monitoring the reagents during the digestion in the incubator and in the TCA tubes.

Pre-digest controls consisted of aliquots of

0.24 ml urokinase, 0.3 ml buffer, and 0.06 ml substrate solution. was added to bring the sample volume to 0.6 ml. says are

to be performed,

the controls

enzyme must be added to the acid digest



substrate solution.


can be combined to avoid


When a larger number of asinto


one tube. high




2.4 ml buffer, 2;O ml urokinase solution, and 0.5 ml

The concentrations in the digest were then 40 Xl/ml

for the urokinase and 0.5 mnolar for the substrate. UK could be employed.

Lower concentrations of

Using the micromethod described below, enzyme digests

containing as little as 2 W/ml

could safely be measured with accuracy.

Aliquots of 0.6 ml were removed from the digestion tube at intervals of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10 minutes and added immediately to the appropriate TCA tube in the ice bath. After completion of the digest, another set of substrate,,enzyme, and buffer blanks was prepared to serve as post-digest controls.

The TCA tubes

were mixed at room temperature and centrifuged (550 x g, 10 min.).


quots of 1 ml were rembved and the DACA coupling reaction was performed as described above. HCl Method:

Aliquots from the enzyme digest of 0.5 ml were pipetted into

numbered test tubes containing 0.5 ml

0.2 E HC1 in an ice bath.

Pre- and

post-incubation controls were also prepared as described above, except that volumes of 0.5 ml were withdrawn instead.

After completion of the sampling

the tubes were removed from the ice bath and 0.5 ml of the WCA


was added. Micromethod:

The DACA-TCA assay could be scaled down to the microlevel.

The outline of the reaction procedure is the same except that the volumes are substantially reduced.

Buffer, 0.625 ml, was mixed with 0.5 ml of en-

zyme solution followed by 0.125 ml of substrate solution.

Aliquots of 0.25

ml were removed at 1, 2, 4, and 6 minutes and added to 0.25 ml of cold 40% TCA.

After mixing and centrifugation, 0.4 ml was removed and mixed with 0.2

ml of the DACA reagent. using


The color was measured in the spectrophotometer










0.3 0.2 0.1











Spectra of MCA-PNA complexes: -in the presence of TCA (PNA concentration 11.1 nmoles/ml);. -in the presence of HCl (PNA concentration 13.3 blank. nmoles/ml);-reagent

RESULTS Calorimetry: The spectrum of the DACA-PNA complex is shown in Figure 1. Little difference was observed between the colored material obtained in the presence of TCA and that obtained in the presence of HCl. tion was at565-570 MI. 555 nm.

Maximum absorp-

This maximum shifted, however, after 20 hours to

The molar absorbance obtained under the conditions described is

9.1 x lo4 with TCA and 3.7 x lo4 in the presence of HCl. tion obeys Beer's law in the

The color produc-

concentration range of 5-50 micromolar PNA.

optimal conditions for the reaction have been determined.

One of our main

concerns was the relatively high blanks obtained when the DACA was acidified. The blank obtained with the HCl was greater than when the reagent was mixed with TCA.

Thus, a specific concentration of &WA

minimal blank value was used in the present study.

which would produce a As acidifying agents,

TCA and HCl gave comparable results, though the color with the TCA was greater.

TCA has the advantage of precipitating proteins if their presence in-

terferes with the assay.

As is the case of our previous method (l), the

concentration of TCA is not too critical (between 30-40%) as long as the pH is below 1.4.

In the case of the HCl-mediated reaction, however, an optimal





concentration of 0.2 N, HCl was observed. proceed.



Above pH 2, the reaction did not

Higher concentrations of HCl significantly reduced the color yield.

Buffers in the concentrations specified for the enzyme digest did not interfere with color production though an increased salt concentration did reduce the color production by 11%.

The color yield rose as a function of the

concentration of DACA (Figure 2).

A working concentration of 8.0 mg/ml was

found to provide a satisfactory balance between higher color yield and excessive background. the DACA.

Either methanol or ethanol could be used as solvent for

An acidic aqueous solution could also be used, but the color de-

velopment was not as satisfactory.

Though WCA

reagent was prepared fresh

daily, there was no significant deterioration of the reagent on standing for prolonged periods.

The color was stable between 15 minutes and 3 hours.

Storage of the reacted samples in the light or the dark had no effect on the color produced, and similarly, maintaining the reacted samples at 37' produced no difference from those kept at ambient temperatures. Enzymology:

The Lineweaver-Burke plot for determining the kinetic values of

urokinase as measured using substrate S-2227 is shown in Figure 3. The KR 4 value using the conditions described is 3.3 x 10 molar, which follows close0 PTICAL DENSITY 570 nm 03







FIGURE 2 Color development of DACA-PNA complex as a function of the concentration of WCA in the alcoholic reagent.-DACA-PNA;s reagent blank.





1 -‘S -1






Lineweaver-Burke plot of the action of UK on substrate S-2227. Reaction conditions are described in the text.

Lineweaver-Burke plot of the action of UK on chromozym UK analog. Reaction conditions are described in the text.

ly, the values obtained in our earlier study. min.

The Vtix is 16.7 nmoles/ml/

This substrate has residual free PNA (approx. 2-3 mole %) and, similar-

ly, the Chromozym UK analog contained a percent of inactive material but no The latter substrate has a yellow color which could possibly in-

free PNA.

terfere with a direct spectrophotometric assay. has its color maximum in another region.

Tbe DACA complex, however,

Figure 4 shows the Lineweaver-

Burke plot for urokinase as measured using the substrate Chromozym UK ana'Thes


for the enzyme, under the conditions described using this sub-

strate is 8.91 x lo6 Molar and its V


is 1.55 nmole/ml/min.

The reaction

rates are linearly proportional to the enzyme concentrations in the ranges measured.

No differences were observed between the pre- and post-digest


Figure 5 shows the relationship between activity and enzyme con-

centration using the micromethod.

Enzyme activities of 2 Ill/mlcan be meas-

ured. DISCUSSION Aldehydes have long been used as calorimetric reagents for aromatic amines and vice versa (2,3).

Of these, p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde has been

proven to be effective (4,s). It has also been applied as a detecting re-

Vol. 13,rjo.l





Reaction Velocity



ml Digest

FIGURE 5 Reaction velocity of urokinase on substrate S-2227 as measured using the micromethod described in the text.

N”2 &NH (JH



‘F “2’2 ‘F”24 H,N-C-C+-C-C-V-C-C-NA6HHGHk6A



S-2227 Urokinase



H2N- 0

+ Peptide -NO2


+ (CH3)2N-

0 0




0 0




FIGURE 6 Reaction scheme for the amplification of the PNA liberated from a chromogenic substrate by urokinase.



agent in chromatography (6,7).



Vol. 13,No.l

The present study utilizes this aldehyde re-

agent for amplifying the color developed during the enzyme catalyzed hydrolysis of synthetic substrates.

Most of the commercially available synthetic

peptide substrates for coagulation and fibrinolytic enzymes use PNA as the chromogen.

The color yield from this chromogen can be unsatisfactory when

the enzyme activity is low.

This is especially apparent in the case of uro-

kinase, where the color yield may be in the area of 0.005 O.D. units per min. or less.

We have successfully amplified the color (1) by diazotizing the

liberated PNA and then coupling it with N-(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine (NED). This procedure, however, requires several intermediary steps.

The aldehyde

reagnet 4-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (D&CA), on the other hand , permits a one-step process for amplifying the color or PNA. advantage in that the color yield of the MCA-PNA than that of the NED reagent.

It provides an additional complex is even greater

The reaction scheme is depicted in Figure 6.

The color obtained is stable and the method is applicable under a variety of enzyme digest conditions.

The method may be used in any enzyme as-

say in which PNA is the liberated chromogen, as is the case with our earlier method (1).

When HCl is used as the acid, the procedure is simplified fur-

ther since a centrifugation step is eliminated.

This suggests that the DACA

method using HCl should be particularly attractive for adaptation to automated systems of analysis.

DACA has been used for the assay of para-amino-

hippuric acid in kidney function tests in automated systems (8.9).


should greatly facilitate the automation of these hematological assays for which synthetic substrates are available. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We gratefully thank Dr. Lars Mellstam of AB Kabi for the S-2227 and Dr. Kurt Stocker of Pentapharm for the Chromozym UK-analog. REFERENCES 1.

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Amplification of color yield of chromogenic substrates using p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde.

THROMBOSIS RESEARCH Vol. 13. PP. S-13. 0 Pngamon Press Ltd. 19% Printed inGreat Brimin. 0049-3W8/78iO701~ SOZ.oO/O AMPLIFICATION OF COLOR YIELD OF...
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