Analytica Chimica Acta, 80(1975)61-66 0 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Compnny,



in The Netherlands


and A.&Y.






for Inland






21st April 1975)

The concentration of metals in lake or stream sediments is of particular importance in environmental and geochemical studies. Because of their environment, these sediments are somewhat different in their makeup from inorganic siliceous rocks; the essential difference is their higher organic matter content. Curtis [ 1 ] has discussed the incorporation of soluble organic matter into sediments and their association with trace metals. The correlation between organic matter and trace metal content of sediments is now well known for several elements [ 21. Therefore, in the preparation of sediment samples, the important step of destruction of organic matter must be very rigorous. The method of Bernas [3] for the analysis of silicates has been applied to several types of siliceous materials. Lerner et al. [4] decomposed soils, Buckley and Cranston [ 51 decomposed marine sediments, and Langmyhr and Paus [6,7] decomposed inorganic siliceous material by the hydrofluoric acid dissolution method. All of these techniques are very effective in dissolving siliceous material but they do not destroy the large quantities of organic matter present in some silt and clay lake sediments. A black residue remains, even after treating the sediment for extended periods of time with the aqua regia-hydrofluoric acid mixture used by Bernas [3]. Therefore it was necessary to develop a much stronger oxidizing mixture which would give complete recovery of as many metals as possible after the destruction of the organic matter. Hartstein et al. [S] decomposed coals by first destroying the organic matter with fuming nitric acid in a teflon bomb and then dissolving the siliceous material with hydrofluoric acid. Gorsuch [9] compared the recoveries of a large number of metals from organic matter by different acid mixtures. A mixture of nitric and perchloric acids [ 10,111 was found to be the best for the majority of the metals. The use of sulfuric acid was omitted because of the low recoveries of lead [9] and the formation of barium sulfate


The acid mixture employed must satisfy a few important conditions. It should dissolve the silica matrix of the sediment, it should destroy the organic matter and it should put all the metals into solution; no interfering ions should


be introduced. A mixture of nitric, perchloric and hydrofluoric acids satisfies these conditions. The nitric-perchloric acid mixture was adapted to the bomb technique and a mixture of the three acids was used to decompose the samples. This mixture was found to be excellent for all kinds of sediments ranging from fairly inorganic sand samples to organic-rich silt and clay samples. The method combines the efficient decomposing power of the triple acid system with the advantages [3,5 ] of the bomb technique to produce an effective means of recovering the total amount of an element from a sediment sample. EXPERIMENTAL

Apparatus A Parr 4745 acid digestion bomb (Parr Instrument Co., Moline, Ill. 61265) was used for the decompositions. The atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer Model 403) was fitted with either a Boling (3.slot) air-acetylene burner or a nitrous oxide burner, and used with an A-25 Varian strip-chart recorder. All instrumental settings, including wavelength, slit and grating, were those recommended in the Perkin-Elmer Analytical Methods Book. Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined by using an air-acetylene flame. A Boling 3 slot burner was used for all metals except Na and K, for which a 2-in. airacetylene burner was used. Al, Ba, Be, Ca, Mg, MO, Sr and V were determined with a nitrous oxide-acetylene flame. The burner position for all the metals was parallel to the hollow-cathode light path except for Ca, K, Mg and Na, when it was held perpendicular, in order to reduce the sensitivity since these metals were too concentrated in the solutions. Perkin-Elmer hollow-cathode lamps were used at the lamp currents specified on the lamps. Reagents

and samples

High-purity certified reagents were used for all analyses. All standards were prepared from certified atomic absorption reference standards (Fisher Scientific Co.). Eight Lake Ontario sediments were taken for analysis: (1) fine sand, (2) mixed sand, (3) fine and medium sand, (4) fine sand, (5) medium sand, (6)-(8) silt and clay. Procedure Decomposition of sample Frozen sediment samples were thawed and air-dried at room temperature. The dried sample was crushed to a fine powder and a representative sample of about 2 g was taken. This was further ground until a very fine powder passing through a 270-mesh sieve was obtained.


The prepared sample (100 mg) was transferred to the teflon cup, and 4.0 ml of nitric acid (concentrated), 1.0 ml of perchloric acid (60 %) and 6.0 ml of hydrofluoric acid (48 %) were added. The bomb was sealed and heated for 3.5 h at 140°C. After cooling, the contents of the teflon cup were quantitatively transferred to a 125-ml polypropylene bottle containing a solution of 4.8 g of boric acid in about 30 ml of deionized water to dissolve the precipitated metal fluorides. The solution was transferred to a IOO-ml volumetric flask and made up to volume, and then stored in a 125-ml polypropylene bottle. Analysis

All standards were made to contain 4.0 % (v/v) nitric acid, 1.0 7%perchloric acid (60 V&j), 6.0 YO hydrofluoric acid (48 7%)and 4.8 9%of boric acid. A blank sample was prepared similarly to the unknown samples and was taken through all the steps involved. Some samples were spiked in the bombs before the decompositions, to obtain recovery values, and to check such factors as losses by volatilization, adsorption on the walls of the teflon container, or transference errors, as well as unsuspected chemical interferences. Be, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Li, Mg, Pb, and Zn were determined by direct aspiration of the main sample solution. Chromium was determined by making all solutions and standards 2 % (w/v) in ammonium chloride to overcome interference [12,13] from iron. For molybdenum and vanadium, all solutions and standards were prepared [14,15] with 500 mg Al 1-l (as AICIJ). Mn, Fe and Al were determined by diluting the main sample solution by a factor of 10 and analyzing by direct aspiration. For the determination of Ba, Ca and Sr, all sample and standard solutions contained 3000 mg Na 1” (as NaCl), in order to remove the ionization interference in the nitrous oxide-acetylene flame. To prevent ionization interference in analyses for Na and K, all solutions contained 1000 mg Cs I-’ (as CsCl) [6]. The acid matrix used in the decomposition could suppress the signal of some metals. Nitric acid is known to suppress the signal for iron. Therefore, all reagents added to the samples were added to the standards in the same amounts. RESULTS


It was found that when a less oxidizing mixture than the one described above was employed, a black residue was left on the walls of the teflon cup. This residue was difficult to remove. The use of the nitric-perchloric acid mixture solves this problem. The rate of decomposition of a sample is a function of temperature, hence as high a temperature as possible should be used. The manufacturer of the bomb suggests an upper limit of 150 “C, and 140 “C was chosen so as not to damage the bomb. It was found that heating the bomb at 140 “C overnight


produced similar results as heating for 3.5 h, which means that decomposition is complete after 3.5 h. After the development of an acid mixture which would satisfactorily achieve complete dissolution of a resistant sediment sample, it was necessary to determine the degree to which the elements of interest could be recovered from the mixture. For this purpose, different levels of each element were added to the bomb before decomposition and the concentrations of the final solutions after decomposition were determined. For all elements except Al, Fe and Mn, 50,100 and 1509~ g amounts were added to the teflon cup together with the acid mixture, so that the expected increases in the concentration levels were 0.50, 1.00 and 1.50 pg ml”, respectively, for the final solutions. For Al, Fe and Mn, 500,lOOO and 1500-p& amounts were added; with the lo-fold dilution of the main sample solution involved, the increase in concentration of the spiked samples was again 0.50.1 .OO and 1.50 pg ml-‘, respectively. These added levels were of the same order of magnitude as the actual concentratipn of the metal in the solution. TABLE


Accuracy and precision of trace metal determination from the ---. - -.--.-_ --Element Average 96 % conf. Amount Element recovery leval added (ms: 1-l 1 (%I (me 1-l 1

data on 8 lake sediments Amount added (mg l-*1

Average recovery (%I

0.60 1.00 1.60


96 % c level (mg 1-l

o.sio.1 1.OiO.l 1.4+0.1



0.49*( 1.01 i( 1.6Oit(

101 100 101

0.61 to.01 1.00*0.02 1.61 kO.02


0.60 1.00 1.60

96 102 98

0.48t( 1.02*.( 1.47*t(

0.60 1.00 1.60

99 100 100

0.49io.02 1.00*0.04 1.49*0.06


0.60 1.00 1.60

99 97 96

O.SO*t( 0.97*:( 1.44*t(


0.60 1.00 1.60

98 97 96

0.49*0.04 0.97io.04 1.43*0.06


0.60 1.00 1.60

91 92 91

0.46*:( 0.92*:( 1.36ztt(


0.60 1.00 1.60

101 96 99

0.61+0.02 0.96+0.02 1.48iO.04


0.60 1.00 1.60

104 106 100


0.60 1.00 1.60

96 94 96

0.48+0.01 0.94*0.01 1.44iO.02


0.60 1.00 1.60

96 96 96


0.60 1.00 1.60



0.60 1.00 1.60

90 98 96


0.60 1.00 1.60


0.6OiO.01 0.99io.01 1.49io.02 _____. ___-._..-._


0.62*( 1.04*( 1.60*( 0.48iC 0.96*:( 1.46&C


Tables 1 and 2 show the percentage recovery (accuracy) and the 95 % confidence limit (t-test) which gives a measure of the reliability of the recovery. The recovery at each of the spike levels was calculated by averaging the percentage recovery of each metal from the 8 sediment samples; this method was preferred to doing 8 replicate analyses on one sediment, because it shows that different matrices have no effect on the recovery and its limit of reliability. The recoveries ranged from an average of 91 % for strontium to 103 % for vanadium for the trace metals, and from an average of 96 % for sodium to 102 % for iron for the major elements. The recovery for strontium is a little low because of incomplete removal of matrix interferences 116, 173 in the nitrous oxide--zlcetylene flame. The possibility of loss of strontium by volatilization or retention on the walls of the teflon container was ruled out, when similar spikes in the main sample solution after decomposition gave similar recoveries. Since complete dissolution of the samples was obtained, the recoveries also indicated the efficiency of the recovery of an element from the sediment. TABLE


Accuracy and precision of major element determination from the detn on 8 lake sediments --___-_-. --Element Average Amount 95 % conf. recovery level added (mg 1-l 1 (%I (mg 1-l) __-_------Al 0.60 98 0.6*0.1 1.00 99 l.O*O.l 1.60 100 1.5*0.1 Ca

0.60 1.00 1.60

93 100 98

0.6*0.1 l.O*O.l 1.6 *to.1


0.60 1.00 1.60

108 101 98

0.5*0.0 l.O*O.l 1.5 *to.1


0.60 1.00 1.60

103 96 94

0.6*0.1 1.0 *O.l 1.420.2


0.60 1.00 1.60

98 98 98


0.60 1.00 1.60

98 98 100


0.60 1.00 1.60

93 98 98 ___~_____________

0.49* 0.02 0.98*0.01 1.47*0.04 O.S*O.l 1.040.1 1.5tO.l 0.5io.o 1.0 io.0 1.5 *o.o

_..... -. ---_-





The 95 % confidence limit depends jointly on the method of decomposition and on the detection limit for the element of interest in atomic absorption spectrometry. All solution were stored for 40 days in the polypropylene bottles at room temperature. It was found that there was no appreciable loss of any of the 20 metals within this period of time. This should be long enough for the completion of any analyses. Conclusions The proposed method suggests a rigorous means of preparing a sediment sample by completely destroying the organic matter and thus effecting complete dissolution. Essentially no losses of elements occur during the preparation of the sample. The 95 % confidence limit data reflect not only the atomic absorption detection limits but the uncertainty involved in the method of decomposition. Recovery experiments showed that there are no serious interferences other than those known in atomic absorption spectrometry. Methods of suppressing these interferences successfully provide a system in which complete matching of the matrix of the standards to that of the sample is not necessary. SUMMARY The teflon-lined bomb method for the decomposition of siliceous material is shown to be applicable for the determination of 20 elements in lake sediments. The sediment is digested at 140 “C with a mixture of nitric, perchloric and hydrofluoric acids; this destroys all organic mnttor as well as the silica matrix, and yields complete dissolution of the sediment. Quantitative recovery of 20 trace and major elements is obtained when atomic absorption spectrometry is used to complete the doterminations. REFERENCES 1 CD. Curtis, in G.D. Hobson and M.C. Louis (Eds.), Advances in Organic Geochemistry, Pergamon Press, New York, 1966. 2 R.I. Thomns, Can. J. Earth Sci., 9 (1972) 636. 3 B, Bernos, Anal. Chom., 40 (1968) 1683. 4 ‘L.A. Lerner. L.P. Orlova and D.N. Ivanov. Sov. Soil Sci.. 3 (1971) 367. 5 D.E. Buckley and R.E. Cranston, Chem. Geol., 7 (1971j 27‘3. . 6 F.J. Langmyhr and P.E. Paus, Anal. Chim. Actn, 43 (1968) 397. F.J. Lnngmyhr and P.E. Paus, At. Absorption Newslett., 7 (1968) 103. : A.M. Hartstein, R.W. Freedman and D.W. Plotter, Anal. Chem., 45 (1973) 611. 9 T.T. Gorsuch, Analyst (London), 84 (1959) 135. 10 0. Frederick Smith, Anal. Chim. Acta, 17 (1957) 175. 11 G.K. Hoops, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 28 (1964) 405. 12 L. Barnes, Jr., Anal. Chem., 38 (1966) 1083. 13 A. Giammarise, At. Absorption Newslett., 5 (1966) 113. 14 R. Goacke, Talanta, 15 (1968) 871. 15 T.V. Ramakrishnn, P.W. West and J.W. Robinson, Anal. Chim. Actn, 44 (1969) 437. 16 J.B. Willis, Appl. Opt., 7 (1968) 1295. 17 M.D. Amos and J.B. Willis, Spectrochim. Acta, 22 (1966) 1325. _.

An atomic absorption method for the determination of 20 elements in lake sediments after acid digestion.

Analytica Chimica Acta, 80(1975)61-66 0 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Compnny, Amsterdam -Printed in The Netherlands AN ATOMIC ABSORPTION METHOD...
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