Anaesthesia, 1976, Volume 31, pages 1101-1102 APPARATUS

An economic power spray

The spraying of the larynx and trachea with a local anaesthetic solution is a desirable addition to many anaesthetic techniques, but the hand-squeezed’ bulb type of spray has some disadvantages; for example the stroke volume is limited and adequate spraying may take too long, especially with an apnoeic patient and small leaks and obstructions frequently develop, resulting in homeopathic doses of solution, and transient ‘pumper’s palsy’. Commercially available pressure-operated sprays overcome these disadvantages, but with the operating button sited on the spray, they tend to be rather heavy and, in our hospital they have often failed to survive for long the inevitable violent contacts with the hard theatre floor. They are also incredibly expensive when compared with the bulb type (the ‘Oxycaine’ (British Oxygen Company) power spray costs f47 (plus nozzles, plus VAT) but the manually operated ‘Swerdlow’ (Medical and Industrial Equipment) costs 57 plus VAT, (both prices mid-1975). Apparatus Low oxygen flow can be used to power hand-operated sprays, but if the flow is constant the operator cannot interrupt the spray. A very simple modification of the Swerdlow

Fig. 1. The power spray. A, 3 mrn hole for occlusion by finger or thumb; B, nipple soldered to nonreturn valve; C, oxygen supply tube carrying a flow of 2 litres per minute. J. A. Collie, MMed, FFARCS, Consultant Anaesthetist, Plymouth General Hospital and C. Lyle, MIOTT, Theatre Technician, Greenbank Hospital, Plymouth.



J. A . Collie and C.Lyle

spray (Fig. 1) has resulted in an eminently satisfactory and cheap anaesthetistoperated power spray, which is not too fragile for normal hard usage. Similar modifications can be made to the MacIntosh and other bulb-operated manual sprays.

Summary A simple adaptation which can be made to enable a manually operated spray to be used and controlled with low-flow oxygen is described.

An economic power spray.

Anaesthesia, 1976, Volume 31, pages 1101-1102 APPARATUS An economic power spray The spraying of the larynx and trachea with a local anaesthetic solu...
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