& Company, Indianapolis, Indiana, and oxolinic acid (OA), 2 ug discs, supplied by the Warner-Lambert Research Institutes, Sir, Morris Plains, New Jersey). Antimicrobial susceptibility tests on the Bacterial agents which could not be identified were presumed to be responsible for much of 126 isolates were performed using a modificathe diarrhoea of travellers to areas where tion of the Kirby-Bauer method. Zone sizes illness was endemic in view of studies showing were measured to the nearest millimetre with that antimicrobials would prevent the disease a standard centimetre ruler. Zone size was (Kean, 1963; Turner, 1967; Richards, 1970). correlated with known values for susceptible Recently enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and resistant response to each drug. Values for (ETEQ were shown to be a major cause of cinoxacin and oxolinic acid discs were as diarrhoea in U.S. travellers to Mexico follows: CX-30,
Antimicrobial susceptibility of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli.
& Company, Indianapolis, Indiana, and oxolinic acid (OA), 2 ug discs, supplied by the Warner-Lambert Research Institutes, Sir, Mo...