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BIOMAT., ART. CELLS & IMMOB. BIOTECH., 20(5), 1121-1143 (1992)

ARTIFICIAL CELLS IN lMMOBlLIZATION BIOTECHNOLOGY Thomas Ming S w i Chang, O.C.,M.D.,Ph.D.,FRCP(C) Professor a n d Director Artificial Cells & Organs Research Centre F a c u l t y of Medicine, McCill University 3655 Drummond Street, Montreal, P.Q., Canada, H 3 G 1Y6 ABSTRACT Artificial cells contain biologically active materials. Artificial cells containing adsorbents have been a routine f o r m of treatment in hemoperfusion f o r patients. This includes acute poisoning, high blood a l u m i n u m a n d iron, a n d supplement t o dialysis i n kidney failure. Artificial cells a r e being tested f o r use a s r e d b l o o d c e l l s u b s t i t u t e s . A r t i f i c i a l c e l l s e n c a p s u l a t e d c e l l c u l t u r e a r e being tested in animals f o r t h e treatment of diabetes a n d liver f a i l u r e . A novel 2 s t e p method h a s p r e v e n t e d x e n o g r a f t rejection. A r t i f i c i a l cells containing enzymes a r e being studied f o r treatment in hereditary enzyme d e f i c i e n c y diseases a n d o t h e r diseases. R e c e n t d e m o n s t r a t i o n of e x t e n s i v e e n t e r o r e c i r c u l a t i o n of a m i n o a c i d s in t h e i n t e s t i n e h a s a l l o w e d i t s o r a l a d m i n i s t r a t i o n t o d e p l e t e s p e c i f i c a m i n o acids. A r t i f i c i a l cells c o n t a i n i n g complex enzyme system convert wastes like urea a n d ammonia into esscntial a m i n o acids. A r t i f i c i a l cell is b e i n g used f o r t h e p r o d u c t i o n of monoclonal antibodies, interferons a n d other biotechnological products. It is also being i n v e s t i g a t e d f o r d r u g d e l i v e r y , a n d f o r use i n o t h e r a p p l i c a t i o n s i n biotechnology, chemical engineering a n d medicine. I. I N T R O D U C T I O N i. Immobilization

A n international committee o n nomenclature used the term IMMOBILIZATION t o classify the following 4 groups of technology used in biotechnology ( I ) : I . Covalent Linkage 2. Adsorption 3. Matrix e n t r a p m e n t 4. Microencapsulation (Artificial Cells)

This is a n expanded a n d updated version of the opcning lecturc prcscntcd a t t h e X Intcrnational Symposium on Hcmopcrfusion,Sorbents & Immobilized Bioreactnnts, Rome, Italy.


Copyright 0 1992 by Marcel Dekker, Inc.


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Fig. I Schematic representation of artificial cells: I - Intracellular environment of artificial cell x - Substrates and other materials entering the artificial cell y - Products, secretions etc leaving the artificial cell

ii. Basic prineiple of artificial cells

What is artificial cell ? I n t h e author's 1972 book on Artificial Cells (7). he gave the following description: "Artificial cell is not a specific physical entity. It is a n idea involving t h e p r e p a r a t i o n of a r t i f i c i a l s t r u c u t r e of c e l l u l a r d i m e n s i o n s f o r p o s s i b l e r e p l a c e m e n t o r s u p p l e m e n t of d e f i c i e n t cell f u n c t i o n s . I t i s c l e a r t h a t d i f f e r e n t approaches c a n be used to demonstrate this idea." a r t i f i c i a l c e l l s is s u c h t h a t i t s m a j o r The basic principle of applications a r e in Medicine a n d Biotechnology. Figure I summarises t h e basic prinicplc of artificial cells. T h e permeability can be controlled over a wide range. This way, t h e enclosed material can be retained a n d separated f r o m undcsirable external materials (Fig. I ) . At the same time, the large s u r f a c e area a n d the ultrathin membrane allows selected substrateso(), a n d products(Y) to permeate rapidly (Fig. I ) . Mass transfer across 100 ml of artificial cells can be 100 times higher t h a n t h a t f o r a standard hemodialysis machine.

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1 I23

Fig. 2 Variations in contents. O n e o r more of the above materials c a n be enclosed within t h e same a r t i f i c i a l cell.

L i k e b i o l o g i c a l c e lls , a r t i f i c i a l c e l l s c o n t a i n b i o l o g i c a l l y a c t i v e materials. However, the content of a rtific ia l cells can be more v a r i e d t h a n biological cells ( Fig 2 ) . These inc lude both biological a n d s y n t h e t i c materials. T h e m em br anes of a rtfic ia l cells c a n also be extensively v a r i e d using s y n t h e t i c or biological materials.

iii. A r t i f i ci al cells in t h e last 35 years By 1965, h e T h e a u t h o r firs t reported a rtific ia l cells 35 years a g o (2). showed t he feasibility of a rtific ia l cells for blood subsitutes; e n z y m e therapy; encapsulation of cell c ulture s f o r dia be te s a n d liver f a i l u r e ; d r u g delivery, u r e a r e m o v a l a n d o t h e r a p p l i c a t i o n s (3,4,5). U n f o r t u n a t e l y , a t t h a t t i m e , o t h e r s s h o w e d l i t t l e o r n o i n t e r e s t in d e v e l o p i n g t h i s a p p r o a c h . T h e f i r s t major interest shown by othe r groups was a f t e r t h e author’s r cpor t on his research a n d development of a rtific ial cells f o r h e m o p e r f u s i o n in 1966(4). This interest intensified a f t e r successful clinical trials a n d a ppl i cat i on of hemoperfusion in pa tie nts here (7). T h e second major impetus was in the 1980’s. T h i s was t h e time o f incrcasing i n t e r n a t i o n a l interests in all a r e a s of biotcchnology. M a n y m a j o r g r o u p s s t ar t ed to actively c a r r y out rescarch a n d dcvclopcmcnts o n t h e biotechnological T h e p o t e n t i a l problem of appr oaches of ar t ific ia l cells s ta rte d in t h e 1960’s. AIDS in t r ans f us i o n blood is a nothe r major stimulus in a n o t h e r a r e a of research of ar t i f i ci al cell, blood substitutes. T h e r e a r e now n u m c r o u s major c e n t r e s a c t i v e l y c a r r y i n g out research on a r t i f i c i a l cells f o r immobilization biotechnology. This ha s led to very ra pid progress in this field in the recent years (8-1 I ) .


Many methods a r c now a va ila ble f o r the pr e p a r a t i o n of a r t i f i c i a l cells. Thi s brief over vie w is not t h e place to describe these methods. G e n c r n l l y speaking, t he most commonly used approaches a r e based on:


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Fig. 3 Preparation of small artificial cells by emulsification method.

i. hlethod of preparation

Sinall artificial cells. This is prepared by emulsification procedures which a r e u s u a l l y m o d i f i c a t i o n s of t h e a u t h o r ' s b a s i c p r o c e d u r e s ( 2 - 6 ) ( F i g . 3 ) . However, there has been tremendous improvements and modifications by d i f f e r e n t centre. This has resulted in d i f f e r e n t procedures f o r specific applications (7I I) Larger artificial cells. Drop techniques a r c generally used to prepare l a r g e r a r t i f i c i a l c e l l s , e s p e c i a l l y f o r e n c a p s u l a t i o n o f cells. T h e a u t h o r ' s original d r o p technique ( 5 - 7 ) forms t h e basis of these methods. T h e large n u m b e r of c e n t r e s i n t h i s a r e a h a s p r o d u c e d e x t e n s i v e i m p r o v e m e n t s a n d This will be discussed variations f o r d i f f e r e n t biotechnological applications. later. A r t i f i c i a l cells containing sorbents. This is usually based o n t h e author's use of ultrathin membrane coating of sorbcnt granules (4,7,12). Again d i f f e r e n t approaches a r e n o w available f o r d i f f e r e n t applications.

ii. Variations in membrane materials. a. Synthetic polymers.Different types of synthetic polymers can be used (Fig.4). Variations in configuration a r e also possible(Fig.4). A single ultrahin polymer membrane is the most common one. T h e unlimited type of polymers used allow for possible v a r i a t i o n s in permeability, b i o c o m p a t i b i l i t y a n d o t h e r Artificial cells can also be made to contain smaller characteristics (2-1 I). "intracellular compartments" ( 5 - 7 ) (Fig.4). Others c a n be prepared t o f o r m s o l i d p o l y m e r m i c r o s p h e r e s c o n t a i n i n g m i c r o d r o p l e t s of b i o l o g i c a l l y a c t i v e Liquid hydrocarbons f o r m microdroplets containing biologically materials ( 5 ) . active materials which a r c useful i n biotechnology a n d other applications (13).

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Fig. 4

b.Biodegradable or biological materials. These a r e useful f o r a r t i f i c i a l cells w i t h shorter d u r a t i o n of functions a f t e r injection. D i f f e r e n t materials have been used. This is outlined schematically (Fig. 5). Protein Protein membrane artificial cells a n d polyhemoglobin a r e t w o examples (3.5-7). Lipid T h e use of lipid is another common approach. T h i s includes the use of lipid-protein membrane (7). concentric lipid membranes a n d submicron ultrathin lipid membrane (14). Biodegradale synthetic polymer Another approach is biodegradable synthetic polymer. T h e first one used is polylactide (15) (Fig.5). Many types of polylactides a n d polyglycolic acids a r e being used f o r artificial cells a t p r e s e n t (16). O t h e r s y n t h e t i c b i o d e g r a d a b l e p o l y m e r s c a n a ls o b e u s e d . Polyanhydride is one example (17). Biodegradable artificial cells is n o w a very active field iii. Variations in contents As discussed earlier (Fig.Z), extensive variation i n contents is possible. Figure 6 shows the first report of some of the most commonly studied systems. Some of thcse will be discussed.

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Fig. 5

Biological and biodegradable a r t i f i c i a l cells

Fig. 6 Examples of variations of cantciits

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Fig. 7 Schematic representation of artificial cells containing activated charcoal f o r hemoperfusion.


This is t h e simplest f o r m of artificial cells which h a s already been used in routine clinical applications f o r some time. i. General. Sorbents like activated charcoal, resins a n d immunosorbents cannot be used in direct blood perfusion. T h i s is becausc of particulate embolism a n d blood cells removal. T h e a u t h o r showed t h a t sorbents like activated charcoal inside artificial cells n o longer caused particulate cmbolism a n d blood cells removal (4,7,12)(Fig.7)

T h i s was therefore developed a n d used succcssfully i n patients (7). T h e hemoperfusion dcvicc being used in patcints is shown in Fig. 8. It contains 70 gm o f a r t i f i c i a l cells. E a c h a r t i f i c i a l cell is f o r m c d by applying a n ultrathin coating of collodion membrane on each of the 100 micron diameter activated charcoal microsphcres. T h e mass t r a n s f e r f o r t h i s s m a l l d c v i c c is m a n y t i m e s higher t h a n t h a t for a standard dialysis machine. Extcnsive clinical d a t a is now available f r o m this a n d other groups. Fig. 8

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Fig. 9 Preparation of artificial cclls encapsulating intact biological cells

ii. Acute poisoning.Our demonstration of its use i n patients with acute This is now a routine poisoning (18), is now supported by other groups. t r e a t m e n t f o r b o t h a d u l t a n d p e d i a t r i c p a t i e n t s (19). T h e r e a r e c e r t a i n requirements (19). I . Drug o r toxin can be adsorbed by activated charcoal. 2 . Volume distribution should allow sufficient level in circulating blood f o r removal. 3. Treatment must be started before irreversible damage. iii. Chronic renal failure. In chronic renal failure, we showed that it is more effective t h a n hernodialysis in removing organic metabolites (7,12,20). T h i s is b e i n g u s e d i n 2 w a y s . ( I ) In s e r i e s w i t h d i a l y s i s , w e s h o w e d t h a t i t shortened dialysis time a n d improved dialysis resistant symptoms (7,20). This i s s u p p o r t e d b y m a n y o t h e r g r o u p s (21-25). ( 2 ) In s e r i e s w i t h a s m a l l ultrafiltrator (20) it can replace t h e dialysis machine (20). Here we used oral adsorbents to control potassium a n d phosphates. A n urea removal system is being developed t o complete t h e hemoperfusion-ultrafiltratorapproach. i v . Liver failure. The a u t h o r showed that t h e detoxifying functions of hemoperfusion resulted in temporary recoveries of coma in grade IV hepatic coma patients (26). Williams, Odaka, Winchester, Agishi a n d others supported this o b s e r v a t i o n ( 19,22,23,24,25,27). We c a r r i e d o u t r a n d o m i z e d c o n t r o l s t u d i e s i n f u l m i n a n t hepatic f a i l u r e ( F H F ) rats(28). Hemoperfusion significantly increased the survival rates of F H F rats in earlier coma but not i n latc coma(28) Williams’ g r o u p l a t e r r e p o r t e d t h e s a m e r e s u l t i n p a t i e n t s ( 19,27). Hemoperfusion is more effective than the liver in detoxication. On the other h a n d , i t d o e s n o t f u l f i l l t h e o t h e r c o m p l e x h e p a t i c f u n c t i o n s . In a l a t e r s e c t i o n w e s h a l l be d i s c u s s i n g t h e use of a r t i f i f i c i a l c e l l s c o n t a i n i n g hepatocytes as possible supplement to hemoperfusion




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(1st ref: Chang,1965, Chang et al 1 9 6 6 )






CRETIONS ormones etc)


pq -4Fig. 10 Schematic representation of use of artificial cells cncapsulated cells to prevent rejection.

v . Aluminium and Iron overload. We used this with desferroxaimine in patients with high a l u m i n u m levels (29). This is now a routine treatment f o r removing a l u m i n u m or iron in patients (19,30).

v i . lininunosorbents a n d other adsorbents T h e a u t h o r used a r t i f i c i a l cells for other sorbents (4.7) a n d immunosorbents ( 3 1 ) . This is a n o t h e r exciting a r e a under laboratory a n d clinical investigation by a number of groups.

IV. ARTIFICIAL CELLS C O N T A J N I N C LIVING BIOLOGICAL CELLS i. Basic principle In 1965, the a u t h o r devised a d r o p method to microencapsulate biological cells(5) (Fig. 9). A crosslinked protcin membrane was used(5,6,7). His earlier d r o p technique bascd on interfacial coacervation (2) could also be used.


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1 I30

Fig. 1 1 Standard procedure f o r the preparation of alginate-polylysine-alginate membrane artificial cells containing cells

The a u t h o r proposed this f o r use as follows (5,6,7) (Fig. 10): " . . p r o t e c t e d f r o m . . i m m u n o l o g i c a l p r o c e s s ... e n c p a s u l a t e d e n d o c r i n e c e l l s might survive a n d maintain a n effective supply of hormone" (5)

"For organ deficiency ...cultures of liver artificial cells"(5) i i . Diabetes We persuaded Connaught Laboratory of insulin f a m e to develop this f o r diabetes. Finally, Sun a t Connaught with Lim (32) a n d later others (33.34) reported t h e i r studies. T h e y s h o w e d t h a t islets inside a r t i f i c i a l cells a r e indeed prevented f r o m immunorejection a f t e r implantation into animals. Islets c a n indeed remain viable a n d continued to secrete insulin to control t h e glucose levels of diabetic rats. Goosen a n d Sun improved t h e biocompatibility by t h e use of a alaginate-polylysine-alginate membrane improved biocompatbility (33). SoonShiong's group used a special alginate to f u r t h e r improve t h e biocompatibility (34).

iii. Liver failure Wong a n d Chang f o u n d t h a t artificial cells containing hepatocytes increased t h e survival time of f u l m i n a n t hepatic f a i l u r e rats (35). T h e y also showed t h a t xenografts of r a t hepatocytes i n artificial cells were not immunorejected in mice (36). Instead of rejection the viability of t h e enclosed liver cells increased a f t e r intraperitoneal implantation(36). Kansani a n d C h a n g showed t h a t this was d u e to the accumulation of hepatotrophic f a c t o r in t h e artificial cells (36). Hepatocytes secrete a hepatotrophic factor (36). B r u n i a n d C h a n g showed t h a t a f t e r i m p l a n t a t i o n , hepatocytes in a r t i f i c i a l cells c a n lower t h e high

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F i g u r e 12 Partial exposure of evcn I cell on the s u r f a c e of artificial cell c a n result i n imrnunorejection of thc artificial cell.

Fig. 13 N e w 2 Step method of encapsulation of cells to prevent exposure of cells on s u r f a c e of artificial ccll.


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Fig. 14 New 2 step method prevents the exposure of cells o n the s u r f a c e of artificial cells

bilirubin level in the G u n n rats (37). Recent reports by the groups of S u n , Shu, Dixit a n d others (38) also support the use of artificial cells containing hepa tocytes. iv. Novel method t o improve t h e alginate-polylysine-alginate method The most commonly used method a t present f o r cell encapsulation is thc alginate-polylysine-alginate method (33). T h i s m e t h o d is t h e r e s u l t o f extensive research by Sun’s group to improve our original method ( 5 ) (Fig. 10). We recently f o u n d t h a t using this method, occasional hepatocytcs were sometimes exposed on t h e s u r f a c e of artificial cells (Fig. 1 1 , 12). Partial cxposurc of just 1 hepatocyte would result i n the rejection of the whole artificial(Fig. 12).

We have therefore devised a new method to allow f o r better inimuneisolation of cells in artificial cells (39) (Fig. 13, 14). v. Artificial cells containing microorganisms and other cells Artificial cells containing microorganisms can convert cholesterol in serum in-vitro into carbon dioxide (40)(Fig 15). Many other groups a r e also s t u d y i n g a r t i f i c i a l cells c o n t a i n i n g living cells. These include those of Sefton, Tice a n d Meyer, Goosen, Shiotani, Soon-Shiong a n d many others (41). T h i s approach is also useful in biotechnology. For example, Damon Co. in B o s t o n u s e d a r t i f i c i a l c e l l s c o n t a i n i n g hybridoma f o r the production of monoclonal a n t i bodies.

Fig. 15




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(1st Ref: Chang,l957,1964)





Fig. 16 Schematic representation of enzyme inside artificial cells


i. Principle Artificial cell protects t h e enclosed enzyme f o r immunological rejection or tryptic enzymes (3-7) (Fig. 16). Substrates can equilibrate rapidly into t h e artificial cells for conversion into products (Fig. 16). ii. U r e a removal We showed t h a t artificial cells containing urease c a n convert urea to ammonia which is t h e n removed by ammonia adsorbent (3-7). T h i s approach has been developed f u r t h e r by us a n d other groups including Sparks, G a r d n c r a n d others (8-1 l,42). I n 1981, Kjellstrand’s group showed t h e clinical feasibility of this approach in uremic patients (42). We a r c continuing with research to of i m p r o v e i t s c a p a c i t y (43). A l a t e r s e c t i o n w i l l d e s c r i b e o u r s t u d i e s artificial cells to convert urea a n d ammonia to essential a m i n o acids. i v . Hereditary enzyme d e f e c t s

A r t i f i c i a l c c l l s h a v e b e e n uscd i n h c r c d i t a r y e n z y m c d c f c c t s . T h i s i n c l u d c s i t s use b y C h a n g a n d P o z n a n s k y f o r r e p l a c e m c n t of c a t a l a s c i n acatalasemic mice (44). Chang a n d Chong studied asparaginase artificial cclls f o r asparaginc removal (45). Shu a n d Chang studied t h e use of tyrosinasc a r t i f i c i a l c c l l s f o r r e m o v i n g t y r o s i n e (46). B o u r g e t a n d C h a n g u s c d


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Fig.17 Extensive enterorecirculation of body amino acids. Oral enzyme artificial cells can deplete specific body amino acids.

Fig. 16




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( D a t a & Chang.1989)





Fig. 19

phcnylalanine ammonia lyase artificial cells in phenylketonuria (47). K h a n n a a n d C h a n g used histidinasc artificial cclls to remove histidine (48). C h a n g a n d his collaborators studied orally administercd artificial cclls containing x a n t h i n e oxidase(49). T h i s resulted in decrcase in systemic hypoxanthine in a pediatric patient with hypoxanthinuria (Lesch-Nyhan Disease) (49). Wang a n d Shao (50) s t u d i e d lactase a r t i f i c i a l cells f o r possible a p p l i c a t i o n i n lactoseintolerance. iv. Enterorecirculation Chang a n d Lister (51) f o u n d a n extensive enterorecirculation of a m i n o acids in the intestine. T h i s allows them to give enzyme artificial cclls orally to selectively remove specific a m i n o acids f r o m the body(51) (Fig. 17). v. Multienzyme system

Most enzymes in biological cells f u n c t i o n as complex enzyme systems. We have prepared artificial cells to contain multienzyme systems w i t h cofactor recycling (52). Gu a n d Chang ( 5 3 ) used this approach to convert urea a n d ammonia into csscntial a m i n o acids like lcucine, isoleucine a n d valine (Fig. 18). Daka a n d Chang (54) prepared artificial cells containing hemoglobin with pseudoperoxidase activity a n d glucose oxidase t o remove bilirubin (Fig. 19). Protein bound bilirubin can be removed this way using cross-linked system w i t h thc enzyme systems exposed on t h e s u r f a c e (54).


The 2 major approaches are ( i ) Modified hemoglobin a n d (ii) Perfluorochemicals. Detailed reviews by t h e a u t h o r a n d experts in t h e field a r e availablc in rcccnt symposium volumes in this journa1(55,56). Therefore the prcscnt overview on artificial cell only includes a vcry brief s u m m a r y of this very large a n d active field. Please r e f e r to t h e symposium volumes(55,56) of this journal f o r specific references which will not be repeated here.



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i. Modified hemoglobin: ]Microencapsulated hemoglobin. T h e author prepared t h e first modified hemoglobin i n the f o r m of artificial red cells microencapsulating hemoglobin (2). T h e enclosed hemoglobin continued to reversibly c a r r y oxygen. We showed t h a t these artificial red blood cells h a d n o blood group antigens(5,7). T h e We modified their s u r f a c c circulating time a f t e r infusion was short (3.5-7). properties a n d diameter. This increased the circulating time (3,5-7). In 1980, Djordjevich & Miller prepared lipid membrane artificial red cells of submicron sizes(S5). T h i s r e s u l t e d i n f u r t h e r i n c r e a s e in c i r c u l a t i n g t i m e (55). M a n y other groups have since made f u r t h e r important progress - Hunt, Farmer, Tsuchida, Schmidt, Rudolph, Beissingcr, a n d many others (55,561. Crosslinked hemoglobin. In 1964 the author reported cross-linking hemoglobin into polyhemoglobin or conjugated hemoglobin to f o r m membranes or small microspheres (3.5-7). In 1968, Bund & Jondl prepared soluble polyhemoglobin to increase circulating time (55.56). In 1975, Benesch pyridoxalated hemoglobin to improve the P50 of polyhemoglobin (52). F u r t h e r studies by many groups include new crosslinking agents, intramolecular crosslinkage, conjugated hemoglobin, These groups bovine hemoglobin, physiopathology a n d clinical trials (55,S6). include Abuchowski, Agishi, Bakker,Biro, Bucci,Chang, DeVenuto, Estep, Faivre, Feola, Grccnburg, Hedlund, Hori, Hsia, Iwashita, Jesch, Messmer, Moss, Nose, Pristoupil, Sekiguchi, Sideman, Valeri, Winslow, Wong a n d many others (55,56). New approaches. T w o new approaches a r e in t h e horizon (56). Tsuchida in Japan incorporates synthetic heme into artificial cells. T h e other is t h e use of recombinant techniques to produce human hemoglobin in microorganisms or in animals. Present status. Most modified hemoglobins a r e effective as short-term blood substitute (5536). As a result clinical trials a r e forthcoming. However, animal safety results a r e not complctely applicable t o human. We used h u m a n plasma f o r testing complement activation of modified hemoglobin (57). This test may bridge t h e g a p between animal studies a n d clinical trials i n h u m a n (57). ii. Perfluorochemicds: Developments. Fluorocarbon ( 5 5 ) was first studied i n 1966 by Clark a n d later Sloviter f o r organ perfusion. I n 1968 Geyer showed t h a t i t can replace all blood in rats breathing oxygen (55). Naito’s group in J a p a n developed this f o r clinical trials in 1976 (55). One of the problems i n these initial clinical trials was complement activation (55). Changing t h e surfactant, especially i n studies by Reiss’s group, has solved this problem (56). Present status. It is now used in coronary perfusion i n patients (56). Its use f o r transfusion is being explored(56). This includes f u r t h e r studies on increase in oxygen carrying capacity a n d effects o n t h e reticulocndothelial systems(56). M a n y g r o u p s h a v e been m a k i n g i m p o r t a n t p r o g r e s s i n perfluorochemical research. These a r e Chen, Clark, F a i t h f u l , Geyer, Goldstick, Long, Lowe, Lutz, Meinert, Mitsuno, Ohyanagi, Riess, Rockwell, Shrewsbury, Spence, Teicher, Yokoyama a n d many others (55.56). V1. BIODEGRADABLE ARTIFICIAL CELLS

Another a r e a is the use of biodegradable artificial cells especially for d r u g delivery. T h i s has a l r e a d y been discussed u n d e r t h e section on p r e p a r a t i o n . We h a v e used c r o s s - l i n k e d p r o t e i n (3,s-7) a n d b i o d e g r a d a b l e



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TABLE I PRESENT S T A T U S O F ARTIFICIAL CELLS IN IMMOBILIZATION BIOTECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE 1. Hemoperfusion for a c u t e poisoning - routine treatment in patients 2. Hemoperfusion f o r a l u m i n i u m a n d iron overload - routine treatment in patients 3. Supplement to hemodialysis in end-stage renal f a i l u r e - routine treatment in patients 4. Artificial liver support: hemoperfusion a n d hybrid systems - experimental 5. Red blood cell substitutes f o r transfusion - clinical trial & experimental 6. Blood group antibodies removal (immunosorbents) - clinical trial 7. Hereditary enzyme deficiency - clinical trial 8. Clinical laboratory analysis - clinical application 9. Production of monoclonal antibodies 10. Diabetic mcllitus a n d other endocrine diseases - animal experiment 11. D r u g delivery systems - clinical application a n d experimental 12. Conversion of cholesterol into carbon dioxide - experimental 13. Bilirubin removal - experimental 14. Production of f i n e biochemicals 15. Food a n d a q u a t i c culture 16. Conversion of wastes i n t o useful products - experimental 17. O t h e r biotechnological a n d medical applications

Many groups a r e extending these approaches polylactide artificial cells ( I 5). for use in drug delivery (medications,hormones, peptides and proteins)( 16,17,58,59). We prepared lipid-protein a n d lipid-polymer artificial cells to encapsulate biologically active materials(60). Later, Gregoriadis prepared concentric lipid membrane liposomes containing enzymes (14). Liposomes a r e multiple lipid layers onion-skin-like microspheres originally used by Bangham f o r basic membrane research. Workers in liposomes more r e c e n t l y t u r n c d t o p r e p a r i n g small submicron a r t i f i c i a l cells with a single bilayer lipid membrane. These lipid membrane artificial cells a r e no longer concentric lipid membrane liposomes. Some s t i l l c o n t i n u e t o c a l l t h e s e " l i p o s o m e s " ( 1 4 ) . T h i s h a s c r e a t e d s o m e confusions i n t h e field. These submicron bilayer lipid membrane a r t i f i c i a l cells a r e now used f o r microencapsulation of hemoglobin f o r red blood cell substitutes(55,56). T h e most extensive research is in its use f o r d r u g delivery (14). Since d r u g delivery is not the subject of the present overview, readers a r e referred to t h e detailed reference on this topic(l4).


T a b l e I summarizes t h e present status. Artificial cells can contain a n unlimited number of biologically active materials. T h e r e a r e t h e r e f o r e m a n y other a r e a s of applications a n d research. For example, t h e a u t h o r h a s enclosed This magnetic a n d biological materials together inside artificial cells ( 4 ) . allows for localization with external magnetic fields (4). K a t o appplied magnetic f i e l d a p p l i e d o u t s i d e t h e b o d y of a n i m a l s ( l 1 ) . T h i s c a n d i r e c t magnetic artificial cells containing radioactive materials a n d chemotherapeutic agents to specific sites of bladder cancer. Magnetic artificial cells a r e also used i n bioreactors. Others have used artificial cells in laboratory analysis of f r e e a n d protein-bound hormones in patients ( 1 1 ) . We have studied its use for I-shot vaccine (61) a n d for removing large lipophyllic molecules f r o m small h y d r o p h y l l i c m o l e c u l e s (62). Still1 o t h e r s h a v e used a r t i f i c i a l c e l l s f o r



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industrial a q u a t i c culture f o r shrimps, lobsters a n d oysters. We have also studied artificial cells containing hepatic rnicrosomes a n d cytosol (63). Spirin used this approach f o r gene expression in biotechnology (64). Future perspective The a u t h o r wrote the following f u t u r c pcrspcctive i n his 1972 book on "Artificial Cells"(7). T h i s f u t u r e perspective is even more valid i n 1992

" A r t i f i c i a l c e l l is a c o n c e p t ; t h e e x a m p l e s d e s c r i b c d ....a r e b u t p h y s i c a l examples f o r demonstrating this idea. In addition to extending and modifying t h e p r e s e n t p h y s i c a l e x a m p l e s , c o m p e t e l y d i f f e r e n t s y s t e m s c o u l d be m a d e a v a i l a b l e t o f u r t h e r d e m o n s t r a t e ...... t h e i d e a o f a r t i f i c i a l c e l l s . T h e i s l i m i t e d o n l y b y one's i m a g i n a t i o n . A n p o t e n t i a l o f a r t i f i c i a l c e l l s ___. entirely new horizon is waiting impatiently to be explored." V I I I . ACKNOWLEDGMENTS T h e support of t h e Medical Research Council of C a n a d a in t h e operating term grant (MT-9100) a n d the MRC career invcstigatorship is gratefully acknowledged. T h e support of the Quebec Ministry of Education, Science a n d Technology f o r the Virage Award of C e n t r e of Excellence in Biotechnology i n 1985 a n d its permanent integration into this research centre in 1990 is also gratefully acknowledged.

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36.Wong H, Chang TMS. T h e viability and regeneration ofartificial cell microencapsulated rat hepatocyte xenograft transplants in mice. J Biomat Artif Cells and Artif Oraans 1988;16:731-40. Kashani S.Chang TMS. Physicalchemical characteristics of hepatic Stirnulatory factor prepared fromcell free supernatant of hepatacyte cultures. 3- BiOmaterialS, Artificial Cells and Immobilimtian Biotechnology 1991;19:565-578. Kaahani S, ChangTMS. Effectsofhepatic stimulatory factor released fromfree or microencapsulated hepatocytes on galactoaamine inducedfulminant hepatic failure animal model. JBiamaterials.Artificial Cells and lmmobilimtion Biotechnoloa 1991;19:579-598.

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37. Bruni S , Chang TMS. Hepatocytea immobilized by microencapsulation in artificial cells: Effects an hyperbilirubinemia in Gunn Rats. J Biomat Artif Cells and Artif Oraans 1989;17:403-12. Bruni S, Chang TMS. Encapsulated hepatocytes for controlling hyperbilirubinemia in Gunn Rats. Int.J Artificial Oraana 1991;14:239-241.

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48.K h a n n a R , Chang TMS Charaeterieatian ofL-histidine ammonia-lyase immobiliced by microencapsulation In artificial cells Preparation kinetics, stabiiity, and in vitro depietion of histidine. Int. J . Art. Or& 1990;13.189-195.

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50 Wang XL, Shno

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I1 (Todd P , Sikdur

Artificial cells in immobilization biotechnology.

Artificial cells contain biologically active materials. Artificial cells containing adsorbents have been a routine form of treatment in hemoperfusion ...
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