British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1990;47:342-348

Assessment of occupational exposure to inorganic arsenic based on urinary concentrations and speciation of arsenic J

G Farmer, L R Johnson

Abstract An analytical speciation method, capable of separating inorganic arsenic (As (V), As (III)) and its methylated metabolites (MMAA, DMAA) from common, inert, dietary organoarsenicals, was applied to the determination of arsenic in urine from a variety of workers occupationally exposed to inorganic arsenic compounds. Mean urinary arsenic (As (V) + As (III) + MMAA + DMAA) concentrations ranged from 4-4 pglg creatinine for controls to

Assessment of occupational exposure to inorganic arsenic based on urinary concentrations and speciation of arsenic.

An analytical speciation method, capable of separating inorganic arsenic (As (V), As (III] and its methylated metabolites (MMAA, DMAA) from common, in...
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