Atlas of Esophageal Atresia By Dietrich Kluth (Translated by Michael W. L. Gruderer) TYPE I

Definition: Belonging to Type I are all the cases of esophageal atresia in which a distal esophagus cannot be demonstrated as a hollow viscus above the diaphragm.

Ph~'~~l'irOel"~~iil BrL?-~~Br ~,0 I1 Sonderland (1820) Lozach (1816)

12 Brodie ( 1810) Anders (cited by Fischer, 1926)

i 1I 13 Durston (1670)

14 Vancryck (1824) Pinard (1873)

~176 Oe I Oel A

Oe2 ~

~ Is Cleaver (1892) Kraus (1902)

Ma Ie R~derer (1754)


DeMuth et al. (1957)

From the Department of Surgery of the Children's Hospital, Bremen, Germany. Address for reprints." Dr. Dietrich Kluth, Waetjenstr. 43, D2800, Bremen, Germany. 9 1976 by Grune & Stratton, Inc. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Vol. 11, No. 6 (December),1976




SUBTYPE I1--Agenesis of the entire esophagus. Br--Bronchus, LawLarynx, Ma--Stomach, Ph--Pharynx, Tr--Trachea SUBTYPE 12--Agenesis of the distal part of the esophagus. Oel--Proximal esophageal blind pouch. SUBTYPE 13--Extremely long proximal blind pouch. Agenesis of the distal esophagus. SUBTYPE 14--Total atresia of the esophagus. Ph--Pharynx, A--Esophagus in the form of an atretic strand. SUBTYPE 15--Atresia of the distal esophagus (A). Oel--Proximal esophagus. SUBTYPE 16--Atresia of the distal esophagus (A). The stomach (Ma) is missing. Oel--Proximal esophagus. SUBTYPE 17--Agenesls of the midportion of the esophagus. The distal esophagus (Oe2) is present as an atretic structure.


Definition: Belonging to Type II (of the esophageal malformations) are all the cases in which there are proximal and distal segments without a fistula.

Oel Fi

II 1 Pagenstecher (1829) Steele (1888)

112 Daum (1970)

113 Mason (1855) Jlott (cited by Kreuter, 1905)

Cy A

Mu Oe~

II4 Keith ( 1910)

II s

Matsumoto et al. (1972)



SUBTYPE II 1- Agenesis of the midportion of the esophagus. Oei--Proximal esophagus. Oe2--Distal esophagus. SUBTYPE 112--Same as Subtype II 1. Between the two segments there is a cyst (Cy) that communicates with the trachea through a fistula (Fi). SUBTYPE 113--The midportion of the esophagus is atretic (A), SUBTYPE 114--Same as Subtype II 3. A muscular strand (Mu) is present between the trachea and the diaphragm. SUBTYPE 115--Same as Subtype II 3 with a cyst (Cy) located in the atretic strand.

T Y P E Ilia

Definition: Belonging to Type IIIa are the atresias of the esophagus with tracheoesophageal fistula of the proximal segment only.



Oe ~ $ t

Ilia 1

Ilia 2

Ilia 3

Vogt (1929)

Dudgeon et al. (1972)

Mahour et al, (1971)

SUBTYPE Illal--Esophageal atresia with fistula (Fi) of the upper segment (Oel). Oe2--Distal segment. SUBTYPE Illa2--Same as Subtype Ilia 1 with an additional fistula (Fi I ) of the proximal segment. SUBTYPE IIla3--Same as Subtype Ilia 1. The distal segment of the esophagus exhibits a stenotic (St) a rea.



T Y P E Illb

Definition: Belongingto Type IIIb are the atresias of the esophagus with tracheoesophageal fistula of the distal segment only.




~ e 2



IIIb 1 Gibson (1697) Martin ( 1821 )

IIIb2 Schiller (1838)

- Fi Oe,




IIIb5 Rehbein (1972)

IIIb3 Howston (1830) Vincent (1887)




jr" IIIb4 Holcomb & Daniel (1966) Bienayme (1967)



Oe~ IIIb6 Dafoe & Ross(1960)


IIIb7 Waterston et al (1962) Koop & Hamilton

IIIb8 Overton & Creech (1958)



Fi, Cy

IIIb9 Tuqan (1962) Koop & Hamilton (1968)

IIIbl0 Humphreys et al. (1956)


Cy IIIbl 1 Koop & Hamilton (1968)

IIib12 Roberts (1958)



SUBTYPE IIIb I --Esophageal atresia with fistula of the lower segment (Oe 2) with a short distance between the segments. (Oe 1)--Proximal esophagus. SUBTYPE I I I b 2 --Atresia as in Subtype IIIb 1 with a long distance between the segments. There are fibromuscular strands (Mu) that connect the segments (Mu) (can also happen in Subtype IIIb 1). SUBTYPE IIIb 3 --The proximal blind pouch (Oel) ends quite high. The fistula from the lower segment (Oe2) ends high on the trachea. There is no overlapping of the segments. SUBTYPE IIIb 4 - - T h e fistula from the distal segment (Oe2) ends high on the trachea. There is overlapping of the segments. SUBTYPE IIIb s --Same as Subtype IIIb 4. The fistula (Fi) is a long atretic strand. SUBTYPE I I I b 6 --Long proximal esophagus (Oe 1). The fistula from the distal segment ends at the usual (normal) site. There is overlapping of the segments. SUBTYPE I I I b 7 --Same as Subtype IIIb 1. The fistula (Fi) is closed at its connection w i t the trachea. SUBTYPE I I I b s --Same as Subtype IIIb 7 with an additional membranous atresia (Me) of the distal segment (Oe2). SUBTYPE nlb 9 --Same as Subtype lllb 1 with an additional stenosis (St) of the distal esophagus (Oe2). SUBTYPE IIIbl0--1nstead of a distal esophagus and a fistula, multiple cysts (Cy) are found. These are connected to each other by a fibretic band and are suspended between the cardia and the trachea. SUBTYPE IIIb11--Same as Subtype IIIb 1 with multiple cysts (Cy) present at the distal esophagus. SUBTYPE IIIb12--Esophageal atresia with two fistulas arising from the distal esophagus, both reaching the trachea. (Fi 1 and Fi2)

Oe, / Du--




IIib13 Devens & Ritz (1965)

IIib14 Holden & Wooler (1970)

IIIbl s Keep & Hamilton (1968)

L a 9A

IIib16 Sayre & Hall (1954)

La Oe~





Tr. St Br

IIIbl 7 Sayre & Hall (1954)

IIIbl s Franklin & Graham (1953)

IIIblv Welch & Husain (1958)

Br A

IIIb20 De Buse & Morris (1973)



SUBTYPE IIIb13--Esophageal atresia with two fistulas arising from the distal segment. The first one (Fi 1) enters the trachea, the other one (Fi2) enters the right main bronchus. SUBTYPE IIIb14--The external continuity of the esophagus is maintained but the lumina are separated from each other by an atretic segment (A). The fistula arises below the upper end of the distal esophagus. SUBTYPE IIIbls--Same as Subtype IIIb 1 with the proximal esophagus existing as duplication (Du). SUBTYPE IIIb16--Same as Subtype IIIb 1 with stenosis of the larynx (La St). SUBTYPE IIIb17--Same as Subtype IIIblwith atresia of the larynx (La A). SUBTYPE IIIbls--Same as Subtype IIIb 1 with additional tracheal stenosis (Tr St) below the entrance of the fistula in the trachea. SUBTYPE IIIb19--High atresio of the esophagus (Oel). Between the larynx and the stomach there is a tube with tracheal (Tr) and esophageal (Oe2) characteristics. From this tube arise two normal bronchi (Br). SUBTYPE IIIb20--Esophageal atresia with fistula from the distal segment and additional atresia of both main bronchi (Br A) as well as agenesis of both lungs.


Definition: Belonging to this group are the cases (of esophageal atresia) with fistulas from the proximal and distal segments.

Oe, [ Oe



IIIc 1 V. D. Water (1857) B. Fischer (1905)

IIIc2 Krediet (1955)



IIIc4 Rehbein (1973)



FL ' FOel~i 2//.,~ ___.Fi, Oe~,~

IIIc3 Holden & Waoler (1970)









IIIcs Heineken (1952)



SUBTYPE IIIcl--Esophageal atresia in which there is a fistula from the proximal esophagus (Oe 1) and the distal esophagus (Oe2) , each one communicating with the trachea. (Fi 1 and Fi2). SUBTYPE IIIc~--Between the upper esophagus (Oe 1) and the lower esophagus (Oe2) there is a short atretic esophageal segment (A). Both segments have a fistula (Fi 1 and Fi2) communicating with the trachea. SUBTYPE IIIc3--Same as Subtype Illc 1 except for the proximal fistula (Fil) that exhibits an atretic segment. SUBTYPE IIIc4--Same as Subtype IIIc 3 with an additional atretic segment in the distal fistula (Fi2). SUBTYPE IIIcs--Besides the atretic Subtype IIIcl, there is a laryngeal atresia (La A).

T Y P E IV." M e m b r a n o u s atresias

Definition: The esophagus exhibits external continuity, but its lumen is divided into a proximal and a distal segment by a transverse or oblique, purely mucous, m e m brane.



Fi Me-~

Fi Me



J IV 1 Abel (1928) Schwartz (1962)

IV 2 Haight (1957)


Me~ Fi

IV s Matsumoto et al. (1972) Azima & O'Hara (1973)

IV 3 Kate, ten (1952)

Fi, rl\~

IV 6 Goldenberg (1960)

IV4 Lister (1963)

Me Fi


|V 7 Touloukian (1973) Rehbein (1973)



SUBTYPE IV1--The lumen of the esophagus is interrupted by a transverse membrane (Me). There are no fistulas. SUBTYPE IV2--The esophagus is closed by a transverse membrane (Me). Proximal to the closure is a stenosis (St). SUBTYPE IV3--The mucous membrane does not occlude the esophagus completely. Its ventral part is pulled upwards providing a fistulous tract (Fi) between the proximal and distal segments. SUBTYPE IV4--The proximal and distal esophagus are divided by a moderately oblique membrane. The distal esophagus communicates with the trachea through a fistula just below the ventral insertion of the membrane. SUBTYPE IVs--The fistula (Fi) ends relatively high in the trachea. The membrane has a very oblique course (Me). SUBTYPE IV6--There are two fistulous tracts (Fi 1 and Fi2) to the trachea. One of the tracts is proximal and the other one is distal to the membrane (Me). SUBTYPE IV7--The membrane (Me) is at the level of the tracheo-esophageal fistula (Fi). It occludes the lumen of the esophagus and penetrates the fistulous tract. Both segments communicate through the fistula.

T Y P E V: Complete and partial duplication of the esophagus.

Atresia with intramural duplication. Definition: Besides the patent esophagus, there is a second one that may show a variable length and is in communication with the main lumen or the stomach. The atresia with intramural duplication is morphologically similar to the atresia by membrane, but the dividing wall between the segments also contains a layer o f muscularis.




Gi~rup (1933) Butler & Ende (1950)


v~ Blasius (1674) Frank & Paul (1949)





Kathe (1907) Ciechanowski & Glinski (1910)

Maier (1957)





Oe~_ _

Oe~ j Vs Yahr et al. (1962)

Oe~ ~ Mu Fi -Oe~ Oe~-~ ~-St

V6 Minnis et al. (1962) Wiersema (1956)

Vz Bienayme (1967)

SUBTYPE V i - - T h e esophageal duplication is present throughout the whole length of the esophagus (Du). SUBTYPE V2--Only a part of the esophagus is duplicated (Du). SUBTYPE V3--The duplication (Du) is a submucous tract that is present in the ventral part of the esophagus. SUBTYPE V4--Only a short segment of the esophagus is duplicated. The duplication is a structure resembling a diverticulum but it does not have the characteristics of a traction or pulsion diverticulum. SUBTYPE Vs--There is a fairly long overlapping of the proximal blind pouch (Oel) and the distal esophagus (Oe2). Along practically the whole segment of duplication, both segments share a common muscular wall (Mu). SUBTYPE V6--There is a muscular septum (Mu) between the proximal (Oel) and the distal (Oe2) segments of the esophagus. The fistula arising from the distal segment ends high on the trachea. SUBTYPE VT--This Subtype is similar to the preceding one, but the fistula (Fi) is not patent and the muscular membrane is pierced, forming a stenosis (St).




111."Esophagobronchial communications.

a - - E s o p h a g o b r o n c h i a l fistulas. b--Bronchoesophageal fistulas. Definition (a): The fistula coming from the esophagus reaches a main bronchus or a secondary (sequential) bronchus. It may also communicate with an intra or extra lobar pulmonary sequestration. It may even replace a main bronchus.


Oe~F~ .lli~o~i~

,~.~ Fi

Vial Heiderich

Via 2 Moscarella & Wylie


Via 3 Ellerbroek (1922)

Via 4 Gans & Potts



Morton et al. (1950)


~'.A Via s Nikaidoh & Swenson ( ! 971 )





Via 6 Toyama (1972)

Eu Via 7 Hanna (1964)

~ Vla$ Kee|ey & Schairer (1960)

SUBTYPE V i a l - - T h e fistula (Fi) enters the main or lobar bronchus a short distance from the esophagus. SUBTYPE Vla2--The fistula (Fi) enters isolated "ectepic" pulmonary tissue (Lu). SUBTYPE Vla3--Esophageal atresia in which the proximal esophagus (Oel) ends with a fistulous tract (Fil) in a main bronchus. The distal esophagus (Oe2) originates with its fistula from the trachea. SUBTYPE Vla4--Total sequestration of the lef t upper lobe, which is also aplastic (ap. Lu). This sequestered segment communicates with the esophagus via a fistula. SUBTYPE Vlas--"Ectopic origin" of the right aplastic lung (ap. Lu) from the esophagus by a fistula (Fi) with atresia of the right main bronchus (Br.A). SUBTYPE Vla6--Esophageal atresia with "ectopic origin" of the right aplastic lung (ap. Lu) from the distal esophagus (Oe2). There is also a tracheal stenosis (Tr.Sto) below the entrance of the fistula and atresia of the right main bronchus (Br.A).



SUBTYPE VlaT--"Ectopic origin" of the right lung from a fistula (Fi). The trachea ends directly in the left main bronchus (Br.) without a bifurcation. SUBTYPE Vlas--Esophageal atresia with "ectopic origin" of the right lung from the distal esophagus (Oe2). There is a long segmental stenosis of the trachea (Tr.St,) which ends directly in the left main bronchus without a bifurcation.

Definition (b): Esophageal atresia with origin of the distal esophagus from a bronchus.

Tr Oe~ ~ Oe~--

Oe~ Fi


r -










VIb] Levy (1845)

Vlb2 Roe & Nobis (1963)

Vlb3 Willich & Rehbein (1965)

VIb4 Rehbein

SUBTYPEVlbl--The proximal blind pouch (Oel) ends at the level of the tracheal bifurcation. The distal esophagus (Oe2) originates as a fistula (Fi) from the right main bronchus. SUBTYPEVIb2--The proximal esophageal pouch (Oel) is longer than usual. The distal esophagus (Oe2) originates from the left main bronchus (Br). SUBTYPEVIh3--Esophageal atresia with the right main bronchus dividing into a cystic structure (Cy) and the beginning of the distal esophagus (Oe2). Fi--fistula between the right main bronchus and the distal esophagus. (La--Larynx; Tr--Trachea). SUBTYPEVIb4--Esophageal atresia in which the right main bronchus (Br) goes directly in the distal esophagus (Oe2). Br.Oe--brenchoesophageal transition.

T Y P E VII: H Fistulas

Definition: Fistula (Fi) between the esophagus and the trachea. No atresia.


Fi~ ~- FJ2 ~L~Fi~ ~Fi~ St


Vll I


Vll 3

Vll 4

Lamb (1873) Pinard ( ! 873)

H~Jbner (1943) Leven et al. (1952)

Eckstein & Somasundaram (1966)

Moyson (1970) Stephens (1970)




~/~! -- Fi


VII s Brenner (1892)




VII 6 Knox ( 1951 )

VII 7 Robb (1952)

VII1--One tracheoesophageal fistula (Fi) between esophagus and trachea. VII2--Two tracheoesophageal fistulas (Fi 1 and Fi2). VII3--Three tracheoesophageal fistulas (Fil, Fi2 and Fi3). VII4--Besides a tracheoesophageal fistula (Fi), there is a stenosis of the esophagus (St) distal to the fistula. SUBTYPE VIIs--The esophageal stenosis (St) is proximal to the fistula. SUBTYPE VII6--The esophagus presents an outpauching (Du) at the level of the fistula (Fi). SUBTYPE VIIT--The esophagus has a double lumen distal to the H-fistula (Fi). The dorsal lumen (Di) ends blindly. SUBTYPE SUBTYPE SUBTYPE SUBTYPE

T Y P E VIII: Stenoses

Definition: Narrowing of the esophageal lumen of congenital origin. No evidence of signs of inflammation.

Me St


~,, St

VIII 1 Bonilla & Bowers (1959)


St ~

VIII 2 Budgen & Delmonico (1956) Adler (1963)


VII| 3 Handousa Bey (1949) Greenough (1964)




VIII 4 Jewsbury (1971)



Cy St

VIii s Vargas (1956)

Vii| 6 Soave & Mezzano ( 1965 ) |shida et al. (1969)

VIii 7 Hecker (1968)

SUBTYPE Villi--Segmental stenesis. The esophagus is stenotic (St) over a certain segment. SUBTYPE Vlil2--Esophageal stenosis produced by a ring or a semicircular mucous membrane (St). If this membranous stenosis is in the lower third of the esophagus it is called "lower esophageal web." SUBTYPE Vl|13--There are two simultaneous stenoses. One is segmental (St) and the other one is membranous (Me). SUBTYPE Vill4--1n this form there is a morphological similarity to the Type Inb. There is a communication between the upper and the lower esophageal segments which is considerably narrower than these segments, acting as a stenesis. (St)--stenetic communicating segment. SUBTYPE VIIIs--Stenosis above the cardia produced by muscular hypertrophy (Mu). This is also known as "lower esophageal ring." SUBTYPE VIII 6 - Stenosis produced by inclusion of trachea-bronchial rests (St). SUBTYPE VIIIT--The lumen ef the esophagus is narrowed by a submucosal cyst (Cy), preducing a stenosis. (St)

T Y P E IX: Tracheal atresias.

Definition: Agenesis or atresia of the trachea combined with tracheoesophageal fistula.

r. A

iX~ Devenis & Otis (1957) Josh| (]969)

|X 2 Fritz (1933) Sand|son (1955)


IX 3 Peison et al. (1920)

Tr. A

IX4 Walcher (1928) Floyd et al, (1962)



SUBTYPE IXl--Total agenesis of the trachea. The larynx (La) is normal. Both main bronchi (Br) are normal and form a bifurcation that communicates with the esophagus by a fistula (Fi). SUBTYPE IX2--Tracheal atresia in which this organ sometimes can be identified as an atretic strand (Tr.A) orbital to a normal larynx. Distally the trachea (Tr) is normal, dividing into two main bronchi. Between the esophagus and the normal segment of the trachea there is a fistula. SUBTYPE IX3--Similar to Subtype IX 2 with additional atresia of the larynx. (La.A) SUBTYPE IX4--Agenesis of the trachea. It is possible that there is tracheal tissue (Tr.A) below the normal larynx (La). Both main bronchi arise from the esophagus. (Br)

TYPE X." Fissure formation. The forms of Type X are divided in four groups according to the depth of the fissures (after Pettersson, 1969). Group Xa--Fissure formation at the level of the larynx with and without esophageal atresia. GroupXb Fissure formation at the level of the larynx and the proximal trachea with and without esophageal atresia. Group Xc--Total fissurization, involving the larynx and the trachea down to the level of the bifurcation. Group Xd Fissure at the distal level of the trachea. The larynx and the proximal trachea are normal. Group Xa:




L Xa! Finlay (1949)

I Xa 2 Cameron & Williams (1962) Delahunty & Cherry (1969)

Xa 3

Jahrsdoerfer (1967)



La.St Sp Oe~


Oe2 Xa 4 Cameron & Williams (1962) Delahunty & Cherry (1969~

XQ5 Delahunty & Cherry (1969)

SUBTYPE X a l - - T h e fissure (Sp) between the esophagus and the larynx is not complete. The arytenoid incisura is caudally deepened and leads to the formation of the fissure~ SUBTYPE Xa2--Simple laryngeal fissure (Sp) i The formation of the fissure does not reach the level of the trachea. SUBTYPE Xa3--Same as Subtype Xa 2. There is esophageal musocal tissue in the fissure (Oe.Sc) SUBTYPE Xa4--Same as Subtype Xa 2. In addition there is esophageal atresia of the Subtype IIIb 1. SUBTYPE Xas--Same as Subtype Xa 2. In addition there are esophageal atresia of the Subtype II 1 and a subglottic stenosis of the larynx (La.St).

Group XO:

liSp [~~SpOe,/SPi="~ Oe~~~~FI' ~L~Br'St Oe~-~l~. !!

Xbl Imbrle & Doyle (1969) Geiger (1970)

Xb 2 Blumberg et al. (1965)

Xb 3 Oaum et al. (1965) Donahoe & Hendren (1972)


Xb 4 Mahour et al. (1973)

SUBTYPE X b i - - T h e fissure (Sp) goes beyond the limits of the larynx into the upper level of the trachea. SUBTYPE Xb2--Same as Subtype Xb I. In addition there is a stenosis of both main bronchi (Br.St). SUBTYPE Xb3--1n addition to the fissure (Sp) that extends into the upper level of the trachea, there is an atresia of the Subtype I|lbl, with fistula of the lower segment. SUBTYPEXb 4 - Corresponds to the Subtype Xb 3. In addition to the fissure formation and the atresia of the esophagus with fistula (Fi3) from the lower segment, there are two more fistulas (Fi I and Fi~) from the proximal segment.



Group Xc:

- -






J Xcl Frates (1967) F~disch & Sauer (1972)

Xc2 Stolze (1952)

SUBTYPE Xcl--The fissure (Sp) goes from the larynx to the carina. There is therefore a complete fissure between the esophagus on one side and the larynx and the trachea on the other side. SUBTYPE Xc2 - Besides the complete fissure (Sp) there is an accessory lung (N.L) that communicates with the alimentary tract by a fistula to the stomach (Ma).

Group Xd:

Xd~ Rehbein (1974) SUBTYPE Xd~--In the lower segment of the trachea there is a large communication with the esophagus (Sp). Proximal to this fissure there is a fistula (Fi).



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Atlas of esophageal atresia.

Atlas of Esophageal Atresia By Dietrich Kluth (Translated by Michael W. L. Gruderer) TYPE I Definition: Belonging to Type I are all the cases of esop...
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