Archs oral Bid



pp. 449 10 454.

Pergamon Press1977. Printed in GreatBritain



and L. E.


The Dental Research Center, University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill,

North Carolina U.S.A., and the Department of Oral Histopathology. Faculty of Odontology, University of Lund, Malmii, Sweden Summary-The distribution of 65Zn in young rats was studied by whole-body autoradiography following single and repeated intraperitoneal injections of the isotope. The distribution of Zn after repeated injections was similar to that after a single injection. There was very slow release of the isotope from the site of injection. The liver showed a high concentration of 65Zn a few hours after injection. Zn concentration gradually increased in bone and dentine during the following days, eventually becoming the highest in the body. No 6’Zn was found in cartilage. Only traces, if any, were detected in developing enamel.


Numerous investigations have demonstrated that zinc is a normally occurring element in mineralized tissues, including the dentine and enamel of teeth (Cruickshank, 1936, 1937; Lowater and Murray, 1937; Monsell and Hendershot, 1960; Haumont, 1961; Brudevold et al., 1963; Angmar, Carlstrom and Glas, 1963; Vincent, 1963; Lundberg, Soremark and Thilander, 1965; Babicky and Taylor, 1966; Nixon, Livingston and Smith, 1967; Baratieri, Miani and Picarelli. 1970; Bergman, 197Oa, b, c; Losee, Cutress and Brown, 1974). In bone, it is found most prominently in newly mineralizing areas (Haumont, 1961; Kinnamon, 1963 ; Vincent, 1963 ; Bergman, 197Oa, b, c). Distribution of zinc in developing teeth has been studied using histochemical methods (Fiore-Donno and Baume, 1966; Baratieri et al., 1970). Brudevold et al. (1963) presented evidence that, in man, most of the zinc in enamel is incorporated prior to eruption. Our aim was to obtain information on the distribution of Zn in developing rat teeth by autoradiography. MATERIALS AND


activity = (specific from the Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, England. Three series of animals were used. In the first series, each of four litter mate. eight-day-old rats was given an intraperitoneal injection of 10 &i of 65Zn. The dose was contained in 0.1 ml of solution and delivered 1.3 pg of zinc/kg of body weight. The animals were killed with ether at 30 min, 4, 24 and 96 h respectively. A second series of four litter mate, 14&y-old rats were injected in the same manner with a similar dose of 6SZn and killed at 1, 4, 24 and 96 h respectively. In a third series, six litter mate rats were injected with 65Zn intraperitoneally twice a day starting on the fourth day of age. Each dose contained 2.5 PCi 65Zn in 0.05 ml saline. The animals were killed at 8. 9, 13, 14, 15 and 18 days of age. Thus the total dose per animal ranged from 20 to 70&i. [6”Zn]-zinc


0.4 mCi/pg) was obtained

All animals were embedded in carboxymethyl cellulose and frozen by immersion in hexane cooled with solid CO1 (-75°C). Sag&al 20 w thick frozen sections were taken at various levels, with particular attention directed to inclusion of the dental structures. Whole-body autoradiography was performed according to the method of Ullberg (1954, 1958). Structrix X-ray film (Agfa-Gevaert) was used with exposure times of 6 weeks in series one and three, and 8 weeks in series two. RESULTS

Acute experiments (series I and II) The general distribution of 6”Zn was characterized by a slow resorption from the site of injection. Most of the isotope then seemed to pass through the liver before appearing in other tissues such as bone and dentine. Concentration in the circulating blood as observed in the lumen of the heart was low throughout the period of the experiment. Autoradiographs obtained from animals injected at 8 days of age, and killed 30min post-injection, showed that the dose was still localized mainly in the intraperitoneal cavity. The concentration in the blood was low but exceeded that of most soft tissues. in which distribution was only marginally detectable. At four hours (Fig. 1), much of the dose remained in the intraperitoneal cavity, but a high concentration was also found in the liver and a moderate concentration in the kidney. Other soft tissues. such as muscle and epithelium, still showed low concentrations of 65Zn but exceeded that of the blood. In bone, particularly in areas of bone growth, uptake of the isotope was clearly demonstrable. No 65Zn was demonstrable in the epiphyseal cartilage. In the teeth. trace amounts of 6sZn were seen in newly formed dentine. At 1 day post-injection (9 days of age). the amount of 65Zn remaining in the intraperitoneal cavity was reduced but uptake in mineralizing tissues was more distinct. Also, in the liver the concentration was lower 1 day after injection than after 4 h. Muscle and epithelium continued to show higher concentrations than


J. W. Bawden and L. E. Hammarstriim


blood. A distinct line of the isotope was found in the pulpal part of the dentine of both the molars and incisors. At 4 days (Fig. l), the distribution of the isotope was similar to that after 1 day. The accumulation in bone and dentine was markedly visible against the low concentrations of isotope in the soft tissues, but no, or perhaps a very slight amount of, 65Zn was found in developing enamel. There was a very faint line of activity in the area of the ameloblasts. In the anterior part of the oral mucosa, apparently in the epithelium, a distinct uptake of 65Zn was noted. The concentration of 65Zn in this area was higher than in any other epithelium and in other soft tissues (Fig. 1). A distinct uptake was also noted in the growing parts of the tactile snout hairs and in the pancreatic islets. In the animals injected at 14 days, 65Zn distribution patterns were similar to those in animals injected at 8 days. Uptake in the dentine was obvious, but it was doubtful whether there was even a trace in the enamel. Chronic experiments (series III) The distribution of 65Zn in the rat after chronic administration was very similar to that after a single injection. The highest concentrations were in bone and dentine, followed by liver and kidney. Other major soft tissues, such as muscles and epithelium, showed low concentrations which, however, exceeded that of the blood. The concentration of 65Zn in the dentine was very high in the animal killed at 8 days of age (4 days after initiation of the twice-daily injections). It was questionable if any 65Zn was present in developing enamel (Fig. 2). The faint line of uptake in the zone of ameloblasts was visible. In the rats killed after longer periods of daily injections, the uptake of “Zn in bone and dentine progressively increased, but the content of 65Zn in the more mature enamel seemed to be even less than in the eight-day-old animal (Fig. 3). The concentration in the enamel organ was very low. The specific uptake of 65Zn in a certain area of the oral mucosa, noted in the acute series, was also apparent in this chronic experiment. DISCUSSION The general distribution patterns of 65Zn were in agreement with the findings of other investigators (Craig and Seigel, 1960; Haumont, 1961; Klnnamon, 1963; Vincent, 1963; Bergman, 197Oa, b, c). The slow distribution of the isotope from the site of injection, early appearance in the liver and subsequent distribution to other tissues suggests that zinc is metabolized in some way before general distribution, possibly being bound to a protein, as suggested by Craig and Seigel (1960). The uptake in mineralizing bone we noted is in agreement with other investigations (Haumont; Kinnamon; Vincent; Bergman). However, the rate of accumulation was relatively slow, as Rubini et al. (1961) also found. This is probably due to the protein-binding of the zinc, because Samachson et al. (1967) showed that the in vitro uptake of “‘Zn by powdered whole and inorganic bone is greater than that for

4sCa. They speculated that uptake of zinc by bone in uivo would be much higher if so much of the zinc in the extracellular fluids were not protein bound. Accumulation of zinc in the developing dentine has been shown by several investigators (Cruickshank, 1936; Lowater and Murray, 1937; Brudevold et al., 1963; Lundberg et al., 1965; Babicky and Taylor, 1966; Fiore-Donno and Baume, 1966; Huxley and Leaver, 1966; Baratieri et al., 1970). We expected to find uptake of 65Zn in developing enamel because zinc has been found in enamel in concentrations of 2&460 parts/lo’ (Cruickshank; Lowater and Murray; Monsell and Hendershot, 1960; Brudevold et al.; Babicky and Taylor, 1966; Huxley and Leaver; Nixon et al., 1967; Bergman, 197Oa).The larger value occurred in response to a high zinc diet after eruption of the teeth. Brudevold et al. observed that most of the zinc accumulated in human enamel was deposited before tooth emergence. Baratiere et al. identified zinc in the enamel of developing rat teeth by staining undecalcified sections with the dithizone technique. However, we found very low concentrations of 65Zn, of questionable significance, in our experiments, in spite of the high doses of 65Zn and long autoradiographic exposure times. Similar methods have easily demonstrated uptake of fluoride, cadmium, molybdenum, selenium and vanadium in developing rat molar tooth enamel and enamel organ (Hammarstriim, 1971; Bawden and Hammarstrom, 1975, 1976). These substances, with the exception of fluoride, are in lower concentrations in the mature human enamel than has been reported for zinc (Losee et al., 1974). It would seem that, in the rat, most of the zinc in mature enamel accumulates posteruptively. The uptake of zinc by oral mucosa is interesting because dietary zinc deficiency induces parakeratosis in orthokeratinized epithelia in a wide variety of species (Follis, Day and McCollum, 1947; Miller and Miller, 1962; Ott et al., 1964; Anderson, Cooper and Hoekstra, 1967; Barney et al., 1967). Rats, for example, develop parakeratosis of oral epithelia and these areas also show increased rates of mitosis and cellular hypertrophy (Alvarez and Meyer, 1968 ; Osmanski and Meyer, 1969; A. B. Sjogren, A. B. Larsson and L. E. Hammarstriim, unpublished) found high alkaline phosphatase activity in the same anterior region of the oral mucosa, where zinc accumulated in the present investigation. As alkaline phosphatase is a zinc-metallo enzyme (Vallee, 1974) the accumulation of zinc in the oral mucosa may be associated with the presence of this enzyme. On the other hand little or no 65Zn appeared in the enamel organ which also has high alkaline phosphatase activity (Reith and Butcher, 1967). Acknowledgement-This investigation was supported by a grant from the Swedish Medical Research Council (B76-24x-04549-02A), and by NIH grant number RR-05333 from the Division of Research Facilities and Resources.


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Plates l-2 overleaf


in rat teeth and



‘4 hour&

Plate 1 Fig. 1. Autoradiograms showing the distribution of 65Z in rats injected with the isotope at 8 days of age and killed 4 h and 4 days later. Above: at 4 h. Most isotope is still at the site of injection in the intraperitoneal cavity, but there is a marked accumulation in the liver. Bone and kidney show a Ion concentration. In developing teeth the concentration is very low. Below: 4 days. High concentration of isotope in bone and dentine. Low concentrations in kidney and liver and most soft tissues. There is notable uptake in the anterior oral mucosa. C_I 2)


J. W. Bawden and L. E. HammarsrrGm

Plate 2 Fig. 2. Autoradiogram (left) and the corresponding stained section (right), showing distribution of “Zn in developing molar teeth of rat injected twice daily with the isotope beginning at age of 4 days and killed 10 days later. High concentration of the isotope in bone and as distinct line in dentine. Low concentration in enamel organ and gingival epithelium, and none in enamel. B bone; D dentine; E = enamel: P = pulp: GE gingival epithelium. ( :$ 30) Fig. 3. Autoradiograph from a rat injected twice daily with ??In beginning at 4 days of age and killed at 14 days of age. High concentration of Zn in bone and dentine. Uptake in enamel is doubtful. There is a concentration in part of the oral mucosa (white arrows) and in the tactile hairs (black lower incisor. (7 7) arrows). B bone: M first molar; L

Autoradiography of 65zinc in developing rat teeth and bones.

Archs oral Bid Vol. 2. pp. 449 10 454. Pergamon Press1977. Printed in GreatBritain AUTORADIOGRAPHY OF 65ZINC IN DEVELOPING RAT TEETH AND BONES J...
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