JAW Vol. 20, No. August 1992:3&L9



alloon pulmonary valvuloplasty is the treatment of choice alve stenosis. Fused commiss~res~ condition, are disrup

re (1-4). In vdua-

defect includes functional and morphologic abhloiirlalitiesof the pi)lk~rohk~ y vaive-anuius-rrurikstructure responsible for the obstruction (5,6). The value of balloon pulmonary valvulopiasty in valvular dysplasia is controversial even when large bore or oversized balloons are used. Some investigators (7-12) have obtained poor to good results with this procedure, whereas others have found an unexplained increase in transvalvular gradient (13).This controversy can be attributed to the existence of a spectrum of abnormalities ranging from typical fusion to complete dysplasia (14). The severity of the underlying defect could possibly determine the outcome after balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty. From the Hwzital de Pediatria “JP Garrahan.” Sanatorio Giiemes and Hospital &alioi, Buenos Aires and Hospital Privado, Cirdoba, Argentina. Manuscript received July 30, 19!N; revised manuscript received January 31. 1992, accepted February 27, 1992. *Present address and addre&&ew Mario Cazzaniga, MD, Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Hospital “Ramdn y Cajal,” Apartado 37. 28034, Madrid, Spain. 01992 by the American College of Cardiology

In children 50%, 35% to 49% and

Balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty in infants: a quantitative analysis of pulmonary valve-anulus-trunk structure.

The present study was designed to establish possible predictors of unfavorable outcome in infants with pulmonary valve stenosis...
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