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Ann. Rev. Med. 1979. 30:25-39 Copyright © 1979 by Annual Reviews Inc. All rights reserved



. EVENTS IN CHEMICAL CARCINOGENESIS Henry C. Pitot, MD., Ph.D. McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, Departments of Oncology and Pathology, Medical School, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706

INTRODUCTION That chemicals and ionizing radiation induce cancer in mammals was first observed in the human. Percival Pott, an eminent English surgeon of the 18th century, published the first clear demonstration of an occupational cancer resulting from chronic exposure to a specific environmental agent, soot. A century later, soon after the discovery of x rays by Roentgen, "radiation cancers" in humans were reported in scientists who utilized radioactive sources. More than a decade later, in 1908, Clunet demon­ strated the experimental production of neoplasia by irradiation (1). Although 200 years have passed since Dr. Pott's report, it has only been within the last three decades that our knowledge of the natural history and biochemistry of chemical carcinogenesis has progressed beyond that of descriptive pathology. The critical experiments allowing for our expanded knowledge of the biology and chemistry of carcinogenesis can be traced to the investigations of Berenblum & Shubik (2, 3) on the natural history of skin carcinogenesis in mice, and to the brilliant experiments of Drs. James and Elizabeth Miller and their associates (4, 5) on the metabolism of chemi­ cal carcinogens. This brief review acquaints the reader with the knowledge that stems from the critical experiments cited above of the biological and enzymatic events in chemical carcinogenesis. 25




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THE NATURAL HISTORY OF CHEMICALLY INDUCED NEOPLASIA The systematic study of the natural history of the neoplastic process in vivo dates principally from the pioneering studies of Berenblum & Shubik (2, 3), who demonstrated that the induction of carcinomas of the skin of mice by hydrocarbons could be separated into two distinct stages. Only recently, however, have these pioneering experiments been extended to other experi­ mental systems as well as to cancer in the human. Stages in Carcinogenesis

Some aspects of the basic experiment of Berenblum & Shubik are diagramed schematically in Figure 1. These workers demonstrated that the stage of carcinogenesis that they termed initiation could be induced by the single application of a relatively small dose of a carcinogen. Following this, if the animals were not subjected to any further form of treatment, no neoplasms resulted (Figure 1, line 1). They further showed that compounds such as urethan when administred by mouth were also capable of initiating the skin (6). Initiation occurred relatively rapidly after the administration of the initiating agent either by mouth or by skin painting, and the change effected in the epidermal cells was not characterized by a specific or even detectable morphological alteration in the structure of the epidermis or dermis. Al­ though not mentioned by Berenblum & Shubik, it is of interest that in the painted area virtually all epidermal cells, numbering in the millions, are







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Application of Initiator

Figure 1


No Tumors





..... ,

No Tumors


No Tumors




Application of Promoter

Schema of the experimental basis for the two-stage process of epidermal carcino­

genesis in mice. See text for further details.

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exposed to the chemical, but the total number of neoplasms ultimately produced is extremely small (usually less than 20). On the basis of modern concepts of the clonality of neoplasms (7), initiation in mouse skin appears to be an extremely inefficient process as compared with transformation in cell culture (8). Subsequent to the single administration of the initiating agent, if a second material was repeatedly applied to the initiated area of skin, neoplasms arose in response to the combination of treatments (Figure 1, line 2). This second material was termed a promoting agent, and the process itself, promotion (2, 3). The promoting agent used at first in most experiments was croton oil. This material was highly irritating and stimulated an inflamma­ tory and proliferative response in the epidermis. Most promoting agents induce significant hyperplasia of the skin, although hyperplasia itself with­ out the initiator is insufficient to provoke the neoplastic transformation (9). A number of investigators generally agree that cell replication is necessary for tumor formation but does not appear to be sufficient (10, 11). In the case of urethan initiation of skin, the time at which the croton oil was first administered in relation to the urethan was critical (12). Urethan acted on the skin as a "pure initiator" or incomplete carcinogen in that no neoplasms resulted unless a promoter was subsequently applied. In the case of many polycyclic hydrocarbons and other skin carcinogens such as ,B -propiolac­ tone and N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, repeated application of only these materials resulted in skin cancer. Such compounds were termed complete carcinogens, capable of both initiation and promotion. Promoting agents such as croton oil or its purified derivative, tetradecanoyl-phorbol acetate (TPA), when applied to mouse skin in the absence of an initiating agent produced few if any neoplasms (Figure 1, line 5). Although some contest this statement (13), it is interesting to speculate that the few neo­ plasms produced by continued treatment with promoting agents may result from initiation by ambient environmental initiating agents. Studies by Tannenbaum (14), Boutwell et al (15), and others demon­ strated that the stage of tumor promotion could be modulated by dietary manipulation. Furthermore, studies by Boutwell (16), using graded-dose regimens of croton oil application but a constant total dose of the promoter, demonstrated that tumor promotion was reversible. On the other hand, the process of initiation appears to be irreversible in that the time between initiation of the neoplastic transformation and the beginning of the process of promotion may be prolonged quite extensively (Figure 1, line 3). Al­ though a report by Roe and his associates (17) suggested that an extended time between initiation and promotion resulted in fewer neoplasms, Van Duuren and his associates (18) pointed out that this effect is probably a reflection of the modulation of promotion by the increased age of the

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animal. As can be seen from Figure 1, line 4, promotion prior to initiation results in no neoplasms. Since the original experiments of Berenblum & Shubik (2, 3), other phases or stages of the process of carcinogenesis have also been defined. Boutwell (16) suggested from studies utilizing a combination of croton oil and turpentine that the stage of promotion could be divided into two separate phases, that of conversion from an initiated cell to a dormant tumor cell and that of propagation of the dormant tumor cell to a grossly visible neoplasm. The latter process was dependent on cellular proliferation, whereas the former was dependent on unspecified intracellular alteration. Foulds (19) formulated an extension of the two-stage concept: he proposed the process of the progression of neoplasms from their earliest discernible form, usually a relatively benign lesion, to the highly malignant, rapidly growing neoplasm. The characteristics of tumor progression identified by Foulds included (a) the independent progression of tumors, i.e. progression occurs independently in different primary neoplasms within the same host, and (b) the independent progression of characters, meaning that the various characteristics of a particular neoplasm progress independently of one an­ other. Such characteristics might include growth rate, invasiveness, meta­ static extension, hormone responsiveness, and morphologic appearance. Although it is not always possible to distinguish between the phase of tumor promotion and that of tumor progression, since these two blend with each other in the natural history of many neoplasms, it has been suggested that the latter process is characterized by cellular aneuploidy, whereas tumor promotion may result in neoplasms with minimal or nonexistent identifi­ able chromosomal abnormalities (20). In addition, a number of neoplasms even shortly after their induction may already represent a fully progressed population of neoplastic cells, yet it is likely that the natural history of most spontaneous neoplasms of man and animals involves all the stages of initia­ tion, promotion, and progression (21). Only within the last decade, how­ ever, have stages analogous to those seen in experimental epidermal carcinogenesis been readily demonstrable in tissues other than skin. Sequential Aspects of the Development of Specific Neoplasms Induced by Chemicals

For almost two decades the stages of initiation and promotion were thought to be applicable only to carcinogenesis of squamous epithelium. Within the past decade, however, a number of systems have been reported in which stages in the pathogenesis of neoplasms can be identified. STAGES IN HEPATOCARCINOGENESIS On the theory that hepatocar­

cinogenesis was a dynamic process occurring in stages, researchers in the

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late 1950s and early 1960s made cytologic and cytochemical studies of livers of animals undergoing chemically induced hepatocarcinogenesis. In this way, they hoped to identify cell populations that might be the precursors of hepatocellular carcinomas, and several such studies (22-24) did indeed seem to support such a thesis. Farber and his associates (25, 26) presented both morphological and biochemical evidence that nodules of hepatocytes, termed regenerating or hyperplastic nodules, that resulted from feeding any one of a variety of chemical hepatocarcinogens were the preneoplastic lesions from which malignant hepatocellular carcinomas developed. Later, Teebor & Becker (27) as well as Farber and his associates (25) demonstrated that the majority of the regenerating or hyperplastic nodules disappeared on cessation of the feeding of the carcinogen. Therefore, despite the more recent suggestion that such lesions should be termed neoplastic nodules (28), it is difficult to understand how the precursor relationship of the nodule to carcinoma can be maintained if the existence of the putative precursor is so transient. More recently Farber (29) suggested that the cells of the hyperplastic nodule do not disappear when the nodule vanishes from the livers of rats after they are returned to a normal diet, but rather that the cells are "remodeled" and again become part of the normal liver structure. By means of a marker antigen, the PN antigen, found in microsomes of hyperplastic nodules at levels four times greater than that in the surrounding liver (30), Farber and his associates (26) demonstrated that many of the cells of the nodule remained in the remodeled liver and might under appropriate stimuli give rise to neoplasms. Other investigators have also suggested that cells that are the precursors of malignant hepatocytes may be distinguished by their cytochemistry. Bannasch (31) suggested that "clear" glycogen storage cells evolved through a phase of acidophilia and finally to the basophilic cells generally accepted as probable precursors of hepatic neoplasms. Williams (32) sug­ gested that the inability of cells in foci to accumulate iron in siderotic liver characterized early, possibly preneoplastic lesions. However, earlier studies by Friedrich-Freksa and his associateS (33) demonstrated that in animals given diethylnitrosamine small foci of cells, indistinguishable by standard histopathological techniques from normal liver cells, appeared within six weeks. These cells exhibited a marked deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6phosphatase and were demonstrable in sections histochemically stained for the enzyme. These investigators theorized that these cells were the precur­ sors of hepatocellular carcinomas. Later, Rabes and his associates (34) showed that islands of tissue deficient in canalicular ATPase, as well as glucose-6-phosphatase, possessed a greater rate of DNA synthesis than did normal hepatocytes. In a number of such islands, foci of cells developed that

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had an increased rate of DNA synthesis and an altered morphology quite comparable to that of hepatocellular carcinomas (35). In these latter stud­ ies, Scherer & Emmelot (35) reported that such foci were linearly related to the dose of diethylnitrosamine (up to 30 mglkg) given within a day after partial hepatectomy. No linear relationship was maintained at doses in excess of 30 mglkg, but carcinomas developed in such animals, whereas those receiving less than this amount developed only the enzyme-deficient islands or foci of hepatic tissue. At the lower doses the size of the islands increased as the animal aged, but their number did not. These studies strongly supported the precursor relationship of the enzyme-deficient foci to hepatocellular carcinomas and further suggested that diethylnitrosamine in sufficient amounts could "promote" the enzyme-deficient islands to hepatocellular carcinomas. The first clear evidence that hepatocarcinogenesis could be dissected into stages of its natural history was reported by Peraino and his associates (36), who showed that the feeding of acetylaminofluorene to rats for 3 weeks resulted in an almost negligible incidence of hepatomas 4 months after this regimen. However, if after administration of the carcinogen 0.05% pheno­ barbital was fed in the diet beginning I week after cessation of carcinogen feeding, a tenfold greater number of hepatomas resulted after 4 months. Similar results with the hepatocarcinogens diethylnitrosamine (37) and 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene (38) have also been reported. In ad­ dition, Peraino et al (39) demonstrated that dietary butylated hydroxytol­ uene, given in a regimen similar to that for phenobarbital, can also enhance or promote acetylaminofluorene-induced liver tumors. In addition, Kimura et al (40) demonstrated that polychlorinated biphenyls were effective pro­ moters in 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene-induced hepatocarcino­ genesis. More recently Pitot and his associates (41) combined the studies of Scherer & Emmelot (35) with those of Peraino and his associates (36) in order to demonstrate two distinct stages of hepatocarcinogenesis. The ad­ ministration of a single low dose of diethylnitrosamine following partial hepatectomy (35) resulted in hepatomas only if phenobarbital was adminis­ tered after initiation by this carcinogen. Although enzyme-altered foci re­ sulted from the partial hepatectomy/diethylnitrosamine treatment, the number of these foci was increased fivefold by subsequent phenobarbital administration. By means of serial frozen sections, these investigators stud­ ied the activities of three enzymes in each of the foci and demonstrated that all possible phenotypes were obtained. Farber and his associates (42) earlier showed that deficiencies of cytochrome P450 and arylhydrocarbon[benzo­ (a)pyrene]hydroxylase were characteristic of many hyperplastic nodules. The deficiencies in these enzymes were utilized in later studies by Solt et al (43) to stimulate the rapid formation of enzyme-altered foci in vivo.



Furthermore, Laishes et al (44) demonstrated that carcinogen resistance could be used to monitor the number of altered cells in vitro.

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Lesions simi­ lar to if not identical with the hyperplastic nodules of the rodent have been identified in the human. The most common of these fall into two groups-:­ the hepatic adenoma and focal nodular hyperplasia (45). These lesions have recently become of considerable interest because of their possible relation to the use of oral contraceptives (46-48). Some of these lesions regressed (49) and a few patients on oral contraceptives exhibited hepatocellular carcinomas (48); these findings suggest that such lesions are analogous to the hyperplastic nodule of the rat in their natural history. Furthermore, the evidence of Peraino and his associates (50) that phenobarbital promoted the spontaneous incidence of hepatomas in mice and that the long-term admin­ istration of phenobarbital to rats may result in a late incidence of hepato­ cellular carcinomas (51) suggests that contraceptive steroids are more likely to be a class of promoting agents than complete or incomplete car­ cinogens. STAGES IN CHEMICALLY INDUCED MAMMARY CARCINOGENESIS

The existence of stages in mammary carcinogenesis has been established for some years. The existence of the hyperplastic alveolar nodule as an interme­ diate stage in mammary carcinogenesis was recognized by many investiga­ tors (52). Such nodules are probably not the only intermediate stage in mammary carcinogenesis. Medina (53) has suggested that carcinogen­ induced mammary ductal hyperplasias can also progress into mammary car­ cinomas. The hyperplastic alveolar nodule depends for its existence on hormones of the host, especially prolactin (54). Thus prolactin may be considered an endogenous promoting agent for mammary carcinoma in the rodent, although it is clear from the report by Armuth & Berenblum (55) that exogenous agents such as phorbol may act as promoting agents during mammary carcinogenesis by chemicals. Furthermore, removal of prolactin and estrogen from the host internal environment results in the regression of hyperplastic alveolar nodules, which finding suggests that such growths may be analogous to the hyperplastic nodules seen in hepatocarcinogenesis. Whether ductal hyperplasias are comparable to enzyme-altered foci in liver is, however, not apparent. Although the evidence for a major role of prolactin in human mammary carcinogenesis is not as convincing as that in animals (56), a morphologic investigation suggested that early, possibly preneoplastic lesions in the hu­ man breast may be homologous to hyperplastic alveolar nodules and to other lesions found during the development of mammary carcinomas in the rodent (57).



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In addition to skin and liver, a number of other model systems of carcinogenesis exhibit stages of development. Following administration of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine to rats, early changes in the replication and number of intestinal epithelial cells indicate that such foci are probably the precursors of neoplastic lesions of the colon (58). Richards (59) suggested a two-stage process in colon carcinogenesis induced by this compound. Reddy et al (60) presented evidence that bile acids act as promoters of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N­ nitrosoguanidine-induced colon cancer in rats. It has long been suspected (61) that colonic polyps are an early stage in the development of malignant neoplasms of the colon in the human. An excellent example of two-stage carcinogenesis is the induction of bladder cancer in the rat by N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (62). In this study a single dose of the carcinogen instilled in the bladder yielded no neoplasms, but almost all animals fed saccharin for more than 50 weeks during and following such treatment developed bladder carcinomas. The production of hyperplastic nodules in the rat pancreas by the administration of azaserine may also be an example of two-stage carcinogenesis of this organ (63). Although the production of neoplasia in cell culture is a relatively new phenomenon, studies on the two-stage process of cell transformation in culture have been reported. MondaI & Heidelberger (64) reported that low doses of ultraviolet light given to a mouse cell line in culture resulted in no transformation unless, after irradiation, tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate was added to the cultures. Transformation of rat embryo cells in vitro by poly­ cyclic hydrocarbons was also shown to be promoted by the same agent (65). MOLECULAR EVENTS IN THE CHEMICAL INITIATION AND PROMOTION OF NEOPLASMS Knowledge of the natural history of the disease process is incomplete unless the etiology of the disease is understood. Obviously our knowledge of neoplasia is quite incomplete; however, a number of agents that induce neoplasia are known. Without considering the historical aspects of carcino­ genesis further, one may summarize our general knowledge in this area by saying that carcinogens-agents that induce the neoplastic transformation in vivo or in vitro-may be classified as physical, chemical, or biologic. In the latter class are viruses and parasites. One may also consider neoplasms resulting directly from congenital or genetic abnormalities as induced by biologic causes. Radiation is the principal physical carcinogen; chemical agents are discussed in greater detail below.



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The Chemical Nature of Initiating Agents

Only in this century have we been able to identify specific chemicals that when administered to certain animal species result in the production of neoplasms. The most confusing aspect of these compounds is their varied chemical nature. Table 1, column 1, lists representative examples of several carcinogenic chemicals, some produced naturally and others synthesized for specific uses. The chemical structures of these compounds bear no obvious relation to one another. For years scientists puzzled over this problem, and it was not until the pioneering experiments of the Millers and their associates (4) that a common pattern for all chemical carcinogens became apparent. It is of interest that these studies revealed the metabolism of carcinogens to be the critical factor in their effectiveness, whereas most earlier experimental evidence seemed to indicate that the metabolism of carcinogens destroyed their effectiveness as causative agents of cancer (66). THE METABOLISM OF CHEMICAL CARCINOGENS AND ITS CONSE­ QUENCES It has been known for more than two decades (67, 68) that

compounds foreign to an organism (including drugs, carcinogens, toxins, etc) are metabolized by enzyme systems located primarily in the endoplas­ mic reticulum of most cell types, but especially liver cells. In general, these enzymatic reactions involve either oxidation or reduction as well as hydro­ lysis and/or conjugation with one of several endogenous metabolites such as acetyl or glucuronyl radicals (68). Electronic alterations in the structure of such xenobiotics are catalyzed through a final common pathway to oxygen by the microsomal P450 system or, to a lesser extent, by the cyto­ chrome b5 pathway (20, 69, 71). This review will not consider in detail each Table 1 Metabolism and metabolic products of some chemical carcinogensa

Proximate form(s)

Ultimate form

Key enzyme reactions

Benzo [a] pyrene

Benxo [a] pyrene-7 ,8-epoxide

7, 8-Dihydroxy-9, lO-oxy, 7,8,9,lO-tetrahydrobenzo [a] pyrene

Aromatic hydroxylation and epoxidation




N-hydroxylation and esterification

Aflatoxin B I-2,3-oxide



Aflatoxin B I Safrole

I' -Hydroxysafrole


O-ester of hydroxy safrole

Alkylhydroxylation and esterification



Methyl carbonium ion



Vinyl carbamate

[Ethylene oxide carbamate]

Desaturation and epoxidation

aSee text for discussion of terms used in column headings. The reader is referred to references 66, 67, and 72 for structural formulas and further details of the enzymatic reactions. The ultimate form of urethan seen in brackets is the proposed form.

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of the enzymatic reactions catalyzed by these microsomal enzymes; how­ ever, some of the more critical enzyme reactions in the metabolism of carcinogens are listed in the final column of Table 1. All of the enzymatic reactions listed in the table, with the exception of the esterification reac­ tions, involve microsomal oxidative enzymes, especially the P450 complex. It should be noted, however, that a number of carcinogenic compounds undergo a series of reactions leading to a highly reactive form. The Millers (72), on the basis of their studies of the metabolism of acetylaminofluorene, showed that the initial metabolic reaction may not lead to the production of a form of the carcinogen directly responsible for the carcinogenic effect. Their studies demonstrated that the first metabolite in the pathway was the hydroxylamine form of acetylaminofluorene. Later studies (73) showed, however, that this compound was nonmutagenic and not more chemically reactive than the parent compound. In their search for further metabolites of this compound, they discovered that esterification of the N-hydroxyl group resulted in an ester that was highly reactive, in the absence of any enzymes, toward a variety of macromolecules including DNA, RNA, and protein. On the basis of these findings they suggested that the initial metabo­ lism of acetylaminofluorene produced a proximate form, N-hydroxy­ acetylaminofluorene, which was more carcinogenic than the precarcinogen, acetylaminofluorene (74). Further metabolism of the proximate form led to the ultimate form of the carcinogen, the N-O- ester, a highly reactive molecule. The table shows the proximate and ultimate forms of several representative chemical carcinogens. It is apparent that virtually all chemi­ cal carcinogens that are themselves not ultimate forms, such as the nitrogen mustards (75), undergo reactions to ultimate forms with or without an intermediate proximate form. The enzymatic pathways involved are pri­ marily those associated with microsomal enzymes and the cytochrome P450 system. The Interaction of the Ultimate Forms of Chemical Carcinogens with Cellular Constituents

Since cancer is transmitted in a hereditary manner from cell to cell, present knowledge of molecular biology strongly suggests that the critical site of action of the ultimate forms of chemical carcinogens- is DNA. Support for this hypothesis has been increasing steadily as further experimentation in chemical carcinogenesis is carried out. With few exceptions the administra­ tion of all carcinogens that have been studied adequately has yielded DNA-, RNA-, and protein-bound derivatives in those tissues in which neoplasms arise (76). The few exceptions to this generalization appear to be com­ pounds such as adriamycin (77), which may be active through tight non­ covalent binding to DNA, resulting in an alteration of its replication and/or

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transcription; 2,3,7,S,-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, which does not bind to DNA (A. Poland, personal communication), although published studies have indicated its carcinogenicity (7S); and plastic or metal films, the im­ plantation of which in subcutaneous sites results in sarcomas (79). This last example of "chemical" carcinogenesis remains an enigma in relation to most theories of carcinogenesis, which are based on the concept of somatic mutation. Although it is clear that the vast majority of chemical carcinogens are metabolized to an active or ultimate form, if they are not in such a form initially, there is a large class of actual and potential carcinogens that does not fit this pattern. The hormones, both steroid and polypeptide, have been shown to be carcinogenic in a variety of organisms (SO). In view of our discussion of the natural history of neoplasms and the fact that under certain circumstances the administration of known promoting agents may induce neoplasms, one may hypothesize that hormones act as promoting agents and that neoplasms resulting from continued hormonal action are initiated by other factors, probably environmental in nature, e. g. chemicals, radiation, and/or biological agents (see above). The Chemical Nature and Metabolism of Promoting Agents

Like initiating agents, promoting agents also comprise a wide variety of chemical species. For the skin these include phorbol esters, detergents such as polysorbate SO, iodoacetic acid, anthralin, and certain fatty acid esters (11). For the liver, phenobarbital (36), butylated hydroxytoluene (39), and polychlorinated biphenyls (40) are all effective promoting agents. Hor­ mones may also act as promoters (54, 56). As with complete or incomplete carcinogens, an underlying similarity in metabolism and reactivity among promoting agents has been sought. Promotion does not appear to involve any interaction with DNA, since there is no evidence that promoting agents undergo such metabolic or chemical reactions. Exactly what promoting agents do to cells to stimulate the production of tumors from initiated foci is unclear. Boutwell (11) proposed that promoting agents act as gene activa­ tors and assembled a substantial amount of information to support his contention. Alternative suggestions include the inhibition of DNA repair (SI) by proflloting agents, which thus increases the possibility of error during cell replication. Another theory is that promoting agents suppress host immune responsiveness, so that initiated cells can express themselves as neoplasms more efficiently (S2). Although none of these theories has an experimental basis comparable to that on which the mechanism of initiation rests, Boutwell's theory of promoting-agent action fits most of the facts to date. This concept goes far toward reconciling the "carcinogenic" effects of hormones and possibly of



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dioxins and related compounds with their lack of direct interaction with the genome of the cell. Many of these compounds activate genes or regulate genetic expression through a receptor mechanism, but do not themselves interact with DNA nor alter it in any way such as by intercalation. Further­ more, evidence has been presented (83) or at least proposed (84) that phorbol esters may interact with specific receptors in or on the cell mem­ brane, in complete analogy to a hormonal-receptor interaction (85, 86). CONCLUSIONS Although the etiology of cancer is critical to our final knowledge of the carcinogenic process, a complete understanding of the natural history of neoplasia in organismal, cellular, and molecular terms is our primary hope of understanding and ultimately controlling cancer as a disease. In this brief review we have described our present knowledge of the natural history of the development of neoplasia and some aspects of our knowledge of the molecular events involved in this natural history. Since, on the basis of the prevalence of initiating agents in our environment in the form of air pollu­ tion, diet, drugs, radiation, etc, it is quite likely that the initiation of neoplas­ tic cells is a frequent event, a number of oncologists feel that the critical component of the natural history of neoplasia in human cancer is that of promotion. This appears to be the case in many of the more common human neoplasms (87). The study of the basic molecular mechanisms of initiation and promotion may allow us to distinguish clearly between complete car­ cinogens, incomplete carcinogens, and promoting agents in our environ­ ment, and thus provide more rational methods for the protection of the human population from such agents and for the regulation of such agents in our environment. Literature Cited 1. Shimkin, M. B. 1977. Contrary to Na­ ture, pp. 95, 247. Washington, DC: US Dept. Health, Educat., Welfare. 498 pp. 2. Berenblum, I., Shubik, P. 1947. The role of croton oil applications, asso­ ciated with a single painting of a car­ cinogen, in tumour induction of the mouse's skin. Dr. J. Cancer 1:379-91 3. Berenblum, I., Shubik, P. 1949. An ex­ perimental study of the initiating stage of carcinogenesis, and a re-examination of the somatic cell mutation theory of cancer. Dr. J. Cancer 3:109-18 4. Cramer, J. W., Miller, J. A., Miller, E. C. 1960. N-hydroxylation: A new meta­ bolic reaction observed in the rat with the carcinogen, 2-acetylaminofluorene. J. Dial Chem. 235:885-88

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Biological and enzymatic events in chemical carcinogenesis.

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