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New Zealand Veterinary Journal Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:

Bovine nasal granuloma a


M.P. James B.V.Sc , D.E. Lake B.V.M.S. M.R.C.V.S. & C.G. Sinnclair B.V.Sc



Ruakura Animal Health Laboratory , Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries , Private Bag, Hamilton b

P.O. Box 3012, Greerton, Tauranga Published online: 23 Feb 2011.

To cite this article: M.P. James B.V.Sc , D.E. Lake B.V.M.S. M.R.C.V.S. & C.G. Sinnclair B.V.Sc (1975) Bovine nasal granuloma, New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 23:4, 63-64, DOI: 10.1080/00480169.1975.34196 To link to this article:

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INTRODUCTION BOVIN~ r-.:A~AL ?RANULOMA (chronic granular rhmitIs) IS a chronic prO'liferative rhipitis, of common and apparently umque occurrence in Australasian cattle (Gallagher, 1972; Hore et al., 1973). The disease is characterized by the presence of numerous nodules 1 to 4 mm in diameter on the muco~ membrane of the anterior tl?rd of the nasal cavity (Gorrie, 1961). EVIdence for the role of viruses particularly infectious bovine rhino~ tr~ch~itis (I~R) v~rus, in the aetiology O'f this dIsease; IS equIvocal (Curtis and Sutton, 1972). No clear association, between the acute catarrhal rhinitis caused by the IBR virus (Webster and Manktdow 1959) and bovine nasal granuloma, ~ been demonstrated. The presence. of large numbers of eosinophils in nasal scrapings (Curtis and SuttO'n, 1972) and also the marked infiltration of eo'sinO'phils into the nasal mucosa of affected animals (Pemberton and White, 1974), strongly suggest that bovine nasal granuloma is an alle:rgic disease. However, the nature of the allergen O'r allergens has yet to be determined. The following is a report of recent observations made during an epidemic of severe. rhinitis in a group of calves on a Bay of Plenty farm.


Twenty-two 6- to 9-months-old Angus heifers and steers were grazing as a single mob on a 20 ha dry-stock farm. The calves were separated from livestock on adjacent farms by a wide gully and a road. A mild catarrhal nasal discharge in a fe:w calves was observed by the owner in early April 1974 and by midApril most were affected with a copious, mucopurulent nasal discharge. Snoring and respiratory distress were pronounced in a few. The; nasal mucosa of some was covered by a croupous pseudomembrane. *M. P. James, B.V.Sc., and D. E. Lake, B.V.M.S., M.R.C.v.S., Ruakura Animal Health Laboratory, Mini~try of Agriculture and Fisheries, Private Bag, Hamdton. te. G. Sinclair, B.V.Sc., P.O. Box 3012, Greerton, Tauranga.


fresh nasal discharge and mucosal scrapmgs were collected from each calf. Paired sera were collected, 14 days apart, from 4 affected and 2 unaffected calves. The n~sal ~avities of all calves were palpated m mId-May at which time 16 calves (73%) had nodular roughening of the antenor nasal mucosa consistent with nasal granuloma. Two weeks later, the same calves were; still affected, with an additional calf exhibiting slight mucosal roughening, suggestive of an early stage of nasal granuloma. LABORATORY EXAMINATIONS

About 2 ml of nasal discharge was diluted with 5 ml of 10% KOH heated in a boiling water bath for 5 min~tes and centrifuged for 5 minutes. The supernatant was de.canted and the deposit resuspended in a drop of distilled. water. The suspension was smeared on to a microscope slide covered with a coverslip and examined microscopically. .. , . Methanol-fixe~ smear~ of 'nasal scrapmgs were stame,d WIth Giemsa and ·examined. The paired sera were referred to the Animal Health Reference Laboratory fDr IBR and bovine virus diarrhoea CBVD) virus neutralization tests.

RESULTS All the samples of nasal discharge contamed fungal spores of the Alternaria sp., and two samples from clinically affected calves contained numerous pasture mites identified as Tyrophagus palmarum (Hughes, 1961). . Large ofeosinoDhils were seen in nasal scrapings from 16/17 calves with palpable nasal lesions and from 1/6 calves with nO' palpable lesions. Large ~umber~ of neutrophils were also present m scrapmgs from two affected animals. The tit res. to BVD and IBR viruses are given in Table 1. DISCUSSION

The large numbers of .eosinophils in nasal scrapings from most of the affected calves is suggestive of a hypersensitivity reaction. Recently Pemberton et ai.




No. Virus BVD IBR

of Animals 6

3* 1 It It

Acute Negative < 1/2 < 1/2 < 1/2 1/8

Convalescent Negative < 1/2 1/4 1/12 1/24

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*2 of these animals were clinically normal. tTherise in ,titre indicates recent infection with IBR virus.

(1974) have provided supporting evidence of the role of hypersensitivity in nasal granuloma, by experimentally reproducing the disease in a steer following repeated intranasal and conjunctival challenge with ovalbumen. However, in field cases no allergens have been identified as a cause of nasal granuloma. In the present case, little significance can be placed on presence of Alternaria spores. This fungus is a common isolate from nasal mucus of both normal and affected cattle (Hore, 1966). The importance of pasture mites as allergens in nasal granuloma is 'speculative, as we have seen, no previous reports of these mites occurring in bovine nasal mucus. Although the presence of the mites in only 2 affected calves argues against a significant role as an allergen, this may only reflect their transient presence during the course of the disease. Other species of mites from the same genus have been recorded as inducing dermatitis in humans (P. S. Dale, pers. comm.). Also D. H. Pemberton (pers. comm.) has demonstrated cutaneous hypersensitivity in cows, affected with nasal granuloma, to a wide range of allergens, including pollens, fungal spores and mites. The rising antibody resDonses to IBR virus in 2 of the 4 clinically affected animals cannot be ignored but the precise role of this virus in this epidemic is uncertain. While acute catr>.rrhal rhinitis caused by the IBR virus frequently occurs without subsequent development of nasal granuloma (Curtis and Sutton, 1972), this does not preclude the possibility that IBR rhinitis could predispose to a subsequent allergic disease (Snowdon, 1964).




There; is evidence to suggest that bovine nasal granuloma (chronic granular rhinitis) is an allergic disease. However, the nature of the allergen in field cases of nasal granuloma has yet to be determined. During an investigation of an epidemic of severe rhinitis in twenty-two, 6to 9-month-old Angus calves, pasture mites identified as Tyrophagus palmarum were found in nasal discharge from 2/17 affected calves. Also 2/4 affected calves had rising antibody responses to IBR virus. The po1ssible role, of the mites and IBR virus infection in the aetiology of bovine nasal granuloma is discussed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

We would like to thank P. S. Dale, Entomologist with the Plant Diagnostic Station, Plant Diseases Division, DSIR, Auckland, for identifying the pasture mites. . REFERENCES Curtis, R. A.; Sutton, R. H. (1972): Chronic granular rhinitis (nasal catarrh) of cattle. N.Z. vet. f., 20: 125.

Gallagher, P. (1972): Chronic granular rhinitis (nasal catarrh) of cattle. N.Z. vet. ,., 20: 4()'1. Gorrie, C. J. R. (1961): Nasal granuloma in cattle. II. Epidemiology and pathology. Vict. vet. Proc., 1960-61 : 11. Hore, D. E. (1966): Nasal granuloma in Victorian 42: 273·8. dairy cattle. Aust. vet. Hore, D. E.; Thompson, W. H.; Tweddle, N. E.; Brough, E. M.; Harris, D. J. (1973): Nasal granuloma in dairy cattle: distribution in Victoria. Aust. vet. J., 49: 330-4. Hughes, A. M. (1961): The mites of stored foods. Tech. Bull. No.9, Min. Agric. Fish. Fd, pp. 44-5, HMSO, London. Pemberton, D. H.; White, W. E. (1974): Bovine nasal granuloma in Victoria; 2. Histopathology of nasal, ocular and oral lesions. Aust. vet. J.,


50: 89-97.

Pemberton, D. H.; White, W. E.; Hore, D. E. (1974): The experimental reproduction of nasal granuloma by repeated acute episodes of immediate hypersensitivity. Aust. vet. ,., 50: 233-4. Snowdon, W. A. (1964): Infectious bovine rhinotraoheitis and ~nfectious pustular vulvovaginitis in Australian cattle. Aust. vet. J., 40: 277·88. Webster, R. G.; Manktelow, B. W. (1959): Some observations on infectious bovine rhinotracheitis in New Zealand. N.Z. vet. J., ~: 143-8.

(Received for publication December 11, 1974)

Bovine nasal granuloma.

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