Thcrc 3rc two other ispccts in thc nianagcment orasthma in this counrry t h a t nccd to bc qucstioncd - namcly thc role

prcxnr plan to include not only a n accurate diagnosis and adequate invcsrigation bur also total care for cvcry pa:icnr.l)

ofdrug comp3nics and !he submission ofarticlcs to mcdical

R. MUNRO FORD, Emeritus Consultant Physician, Royal Adelaide Hospital. now of Southport, Q D .


A liiilc whilc 390 wc saw thc specraclc of two authorities urging thc nccd for caution with rcgard to B2 agonkts. However, following an approach by o drug company, thcy changed their mcrsagc to rcad thar ‘there I no doubt abour the safety ofall ofthcm’. Drug compania have made many worthwhile contributions to thc management of asthma in this country sponsoring scholarships, rcxarch projms, symposia fw Royal Wkges and &&tics c t c bur we ShOuM never forget tbe fan that there is no such thing as a ‘fret

References 1. Sale JP.Asthma darhsr whcrc arc we now? Aurt NZ j Mcd 1991;31: 6789. 2. Ryan G , Musk AW, Pcrcra DM cr d. Risk fact- GN datb in paticntr admined to bospinlvirh athrm:a h l h v up study. A m

NZ J Mrd 1991; 21: 681-5. 3. M z y R, P e v a N,Cranel a d k h m r monalhyad iahakd beta agonk thmpy. A m NZ J Mcd 1991; 21: 753-61.

lunch’. F i l l y , we have the pncticc ofeditors rcfrrring submitted utidu, wen simplc letters, to cxpcn referees who ifthey disagree with their contents, or ifthey thausdvcs arc aiticiscd, will ensure thai they n c v u reach tbe tight of day. U n f o r m n a t e l y ~j€fumdsucthcoalyfmumthat m y dicians have to u p r a t their viewr. The bucasing incidence and dath rates fram asthma in this country surely demands that we shcmld broaden our

4. M u n r o F o r d R E r i d n n h m r A c o n t i n u i n g m i c w . h n n of Allergy 1983; u): 47-50. 5. Robcruon CF, Haycock E,Bishop J er uL P r d Ocpthmr in Mclbaurnc school childFaL Q u t p o v a 26 yeus. Br Mad

J 1991; M2r I l l a a 6. SpiUtr WO, Suiw S,

Ermt P a d A nested cumd studyof thcrdrdonbmtm B-8geniscs.bddegbanar darbfrom ostbma. Lcchur to Tbor SocA & NZ 1991; Scpemaz 3.


Breast cancer treatment outside teaching hospitals A rccept h e r tothe Lamr’r c p o r t a i ~ d i E ~for cure in early stage disease and probagation ofswvivd in Rwival krwem patienu treated for early ragc ovarian in metutpticdiscvc T s l r o g r o u p s o f WcRcoIlSidcIDd ~ .MCU in teaching hospitals WS~EInon-ccaching barpirrlr -tba6epsithsclgr in ScntIad I f this trend were g c n d k e d to othtr f;onnr 2 disasc d e n e d for xijuvmt t€laapy md those Wi& . ofcmcxr therapy it wouid haw important i m p ~ f b r w u n a t i c ~ ~ t c d ~ ~ P. .a t . i u u andwullldisePerpedficurddapsc6ccsuzvivduthrcc the Apltrplion setting where vast diumccsdooat.tbrdl yeus arc sbown in Tabk 1 far stage 2. patients 10 rcccin dl oftbdr IrmmalCirrtadlingbwpi9lt. Tbuc was no signiticpnr M iin outmme krwctn onerespoosc to such wilcuna has bccntbcdtpebpmmt o f ~ o c n r i c a i n l v g a r c g i o r u l ~ ~ ~ n u the n t two uc?tmQItanvCr(L0gulkp> o*oq. Tbcsl lc3ub arc comparable to t k rcpwncd roccLltlp in the ovcnkw specirlisulad visited regutarty by teaching aospitpl mcdof systcmic treatment ofearly brast cam& fk trmoxifm ogists fix rbt of patients a d t h Ippavirioa of or polychanothcnpy in randomid &Is. chcmotbcmpy;Pdminir~don site O w d s e r v i a inNcw Median suMval from the time ofmetosrois was uxd as South Wala has k n in operation since 1985 and pmmpcd a measure of a a c y ofpallttivc tbeapy in 146 patients by the lcttcr referred to above, wc have audited our prticnts treated for metastatic disasc Thc perrrntrgc ofparicnts in with brcw cancer r r a t c d in 1987188 and compared nuriVa1 at thrcc yean wirh similar patients rratcd in our teaching each group with a short disease fm intuval is shown in Tabk hospital Breast cancer was chasen rather than ovarian cancer 2 below, as this was the major @aor of poor prognosis largely because of patient numbers, but shares with ovarian in the ovenll group (DFI

Breast cancer treatment outside teaching hospitals.

Thcrc 3rc two other ispccts in thc nianagcment orasthma in this counrry t h a t nccd to bc qucstioncd - namcly thc role prcxnr plan to include not on...
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