Calcium signaling at fertilization Sheldon S. Shen Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA Calcium is well established as a second messenger in a diverse array of cell activities. Changes in intracellular Ca2+ activities range from localized releases to complex oscillations, which may encode specific cellular signals. The full variety of calcium responses is observed during the fertilization of different animal oocytes and eggs. Current research has focused on the cellular mechanisms that generate these Ca2+-activity changes.

Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 1992, 2:642-646 Introduction

mechanisms generate the observed natural responses still remains elusive.

The importance of changes in intracellular Ca 2 + activities as a regulatory agent in non-muscle cells was established by Steinhardt and colleagues [1-5] in a series of experiments using the fertilization reaction in sea-urchin eggs. They initially demonstrated that raising intracellular Ca 2 + activity with the ionophore A23187 was sufficient for parthenogenetic activation of animal eggs [1,2]. Then using first aequorin [3] and later fura-2 [4], they reported changes in Ca 2 + activity during fe~lization and subsequent cell division. Finally, by injecting a Ca 2 + chelator they prevented developmental events during fertilization and thus demonstrated that a rise in Ca 2 + is necessary for development [5]. Others have elegantly corroborated and extended these observations to demonstrate the necessity of Ca 2+ activity for fertilization in a wide variety of other organisms as well as in many somatic cellularactivation events [6°]. Since the initial simple observation of a transient rise (60-120s) in Ca 2+ activity from ~0.1 to ~2p.M in the sea-urchin egg, diverse changes during fertilization have been noted. These extend from localized Ca 2 + increases during polyspermy in Pleurodeles [7] to repetitive Ca 2+ transients during mammalian fertilization [8,9,10"]. This variety of Ca 2+ responses reflects the scope of Ca 2 + changes reported in somatic cells and may be important for determining the regulation of a broad range of Ca2+-dependent cellular events [11,-13-]. Several models of Ca2+ mechanisms for generating the different patterns of Ca 2 + changes have been proposed [14-17] and these mechanisms have generally involved inositol 1,4,5trisphosphate (InsP3)-induced Ca 2+ release and Ca 2+induced Ca 2+ release (CICR). Because of their size, eggs offer an ideal system for studying temporal and spatial interactions between different Ca 2+ regulatory mechanisms to generate Ca 2 + responses. Perhaps underscoring the importance of Ca 2 + as a regulatory messenger, animal eggs apparently have different arrangements of regulatory Ca2+-release mechanisms; but how these

InsP3-induced Ca 2+ release The principal source of Ca a+ during fertilization and parthenogenetic activation appears to be intracellular. Because animal sperm-activation requires external Ca 2+ , it has been difficult to explicitly demonstrate the independence from Ca 2 + irfflux of the Ca 2 + response in eggs during fertilization, but there is no doubt that eggs like most cells contain an intracellular Ca 2+ store. In all animal egg cells where it has been studied, Ca 2+release may be induced by InsP 3 (reviewed in [18"]). These observations suggested an analogy with somatic cell activation of a sperm-triggered inositol phospholipid hydrolysis during fertilization [19]. Unfortunately only in sea-urchin eggs [20,21.] and Xenopus oocytes [22.], has inositol phospholipid hydrolysis been studied. While several inositol phosphates may act as Ca 2+release agonists, InsP 3 is by 20-fold the most potent [23,24"]; however, other inositol phosphates, especially inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate, may have physiological functions [24.]. The InsPyinduced Ca 2 + -response differs amongst different al~nal eggs. In Xenopua oocytes, the spatial pattern of the InsPygenerated Ca2+-response by receptor activation as viewed by confocal microscopy, may propagate either as a planar or a circular wave [25"]. Furthermore, different receptor-coupled Ca2+-responses can be spatially and temporally distinguished [26-]. Similar spiral waves of Ca 2+ releases are produced by direct introduction of InsP 3 into the oocytes [27-.]. In sea-urchin eggs viewed by confocal microscopy, injection of InsP 3 induced a rapid planar wave of Ca 2 + elevation with an enllanced pronuclear response (SS Shen, unpublished data), which was similar to the Ca 2+ rise observed during fertilization [28-]. The InsPyinduced Ca 2+ increase is more rapid than that occurring during fertil-

Abbreviations cADPR--cyclic-ADP ribose; cGMP--cyclic-GMP; CICR--Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release; Dil--dicarbocyanine dye; ER-~endoplasmic reticulum; InsP3--inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate. 642

(~ Current Biology Ltd ISSN 0959-437X

Calcium signaling at fertilization Shen 643 ization and neither of the Ca 2+ responses are uniform through the egg [28.,29"]. Hamster and mouse oocytes both generate Ca2+ oscillations in response to InsP 3 injections [10",30]. These InsP3-induced oscillations do not continue for as long as the Ca 2+ oscillations during fertilization, which apparently required continued Ca 2+ influx.

release, but dithiothreitol blocks the action of thimerosal. As heparin does not block the Ca 2 + release induced by thimerosal [47"], the effect may be by increasing sensitivity of ClCR. A similar increase in sensitivity of ClCR may occur during fertilization [44].

Ca 2 +-induced Ca 2 + release

A variety of other agents has also been reported to act on Ca 2 + release in eggs. Of special interest is Ca 2 + release precipitated by cyclic-GMP (cGMP) [48-] and cyclic-ADP ribose (cADPR) [49] in intact sea-urchin eggs. Treatment of egg homogenates or injection of nanomolar concentrations of cADPR have been shown to induce rapid heparin-insensitive Ca 2+ release. The natural enzyme for cADPR generation is found in sea-urchin eggs and various mammalian tissues [50], but changes in endogenous levels of cADPR have not been determined. Interestingly cADPR does not affect Ca 2+ release in Xenopus oocytes (WB Busa, personal communication) or hamster eggs (K Swann, personal communication), although it may act to release Ca 2+ in rat pituitary cells [51]. It has been proposed that cADPR acts as the natural modulator of CICR in sea-urchin eggs [41"] and that its lack of effect in other animal eggs may be a consequence of an absence of ClCR (in Xenopus) or a different ClCR mechanism (in mammals). Injection of micromolar concentrations of cGMP induced a fertilization-like transient rise in Ca 2+ after a latency of at least 15s [48"]. The action of cGMP appears to be indirect, as it fails to release Ca 2+ in digitonin-permeabilized eggs. Furthermore, cGMP action is not heparin-sensitive and appears to stimulate Ca 2+ release through an unidentiffed InsPyindependent pathway [48.]. Delayed Ca 2+ release by cGMP has also been reported in Medaka eggs [52] and cGMP injection mimicked acetylcholineinduced membrane currents in Xenopus oocytes [53].

It has been suggested that a second Ca 2+-release mechanism of CICR, which is modeled after the mechanism active in muscle cells, occurs in eggs during fertilization [31]. This InsPyinsensitive CICR is characterized by sensitivity to caffeine and ryanodine, and inhibition by ruthenium red [32]. Although ClCR was originally proposed for Xenopus oocytes [31] and supported by observations that the Ca 2 + wave-propagation velocity is similar to the rate of Ca 2+ diffusion in the cells [25.], it appears that the oocytes lack ClCR. Rather, InsP 3 is absolutely required for generation of the Ca 2+ wave and heparin, an inhibitor of InsPyinduced Ca 2+ release [33], blocks Ca 2+ wave propagation [34"]. Rather than acting through CICR, Ca 2 + stimulated sensitization of the InsP 3 receptor [27"]. Absence of the CICR mechanism in Xenopus oocytes is further substantiated by reports that caffeine not only fails to induce Ca 2 + release, but inhibits the action of InsP 3 [33,34"]. In contrast, the seaurchin egg does contain a ClCR-like mechanism. While heparin blocked InsPyinduced Ca 2+ responses, it failed to block the Ca x+ rise during fertilization [37,38]. Caffeine and ryanodine induced Ca 2+ release in intact eggs, which was partially sensitive to ruthenium red [39",40]. Heparin has also been reported to block ryanodine action in isolated cortices preparation of Paracentrotus [40]; however, we have observed enhanced ryanodineinduced Ca 2+ release in heparin-loaded Lytechinus eggs [39"]. Antagonists of ClCR appear to have different activities in intact eggs and egg fractions. For example, ruthenium red at 30 I.tM has been reported to block caffeine and ryanodine action [41"], and InsP 3 action [42] in egg homogenates, but we have found only partial inhibition of Ca 2 + release by ryanodine and no effect on Ca 2 + release by caffeine or InsP 3 in the intact egg [39"]. Regardless of the differences in action of CICR antagonists, the ClCR mechanism active in sea-urchin eggs differs from that described in muscle and most somatic cells. Sudden changes in Ca 2+ fail to elicit CICR [29"] and agonist responses are graded, such that caffeine and ryanodine have synergistic actions [39*]. The absence of direct Ca 2 + action may be the result of the high Ca 2 + buffer capacity of the cytosol [29",43]; however, ClCR is observed in sea-urchin egg homogenate preparations only after excess Ca 2+ loading of the microsomes [41.]. A ClCR mechanism has also been suggested in hamster [44] and mouse [45] oocytes. Ca 2+ release in mammalian oocytes is neither caffeine nor ryanodine sensitive, but thimerosal, a sulphydryl reagent, causes Ca 2 + oscillations similar to those seen at fertilization and enhances the sensitivity of eggs to injections of Ca 2+ [46.]. How thimerosal acts is unclear as other sulphydryl reagents do not induce Ca 2 +

cGMP and cADPR-induced Ca 2+ release

Localization of Ca2+-release mechanisms Understanding the mechanism of Ca 2+ release during fertilization requires information on the distribution of the different Ca2+-release mechanisms. For example, it is unclear whether eggs contain separate Ca 2+ stores with different release mechanisms, or a single store with multiple Ca 2+ -release mechanisms, or a condition inclusive of both possibilities, which has been reported in Purkinje cells [54]. Ryanodine receptors have been reported to immuno!ocalize to the cortex in sea-urchin eggs and form a reticulum that is associated with cortical granules and the plasma membrane [55"]. This region corresponds to that to which the calsequestrinlike protein is localized [56"] and is also InsPysensitive [57"]. In a study using the diffusion of dicarbocyanine dye (Dil), the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of sea-urchin eggs has been suggested to be a cellwide interconnected compartment [58"], although it is possible that some other Ca2+-regulatory regions are discontinuous with the Dil-stained ER. An InsPyindependent cADPR-specific receptor associated with Ca 2 +storing microsomes from sea-urchin eggs has been reported [59"], but its distribution throughout the egg


Pattern formation' and developmental mechanisms is u n k n o w n . F u r t h e r e v i d e n c e for a single Ca 2+ store in the sea-urchin egg was p r o v i d e d by the a b s e n c e o f Ca 2+ release i n d u c e d by the i o n o p h o r e A23187 after Ca 2+ release i n d u c e d by a p o o r l y m e t a b o l i z e d InsP 3 analog [48.], H o w e v e r , h y p e r t o n i c sea w a t e r released Ca 2+ in fertilized eggs, w h i c h was u n r e s p o n sive to i o n o p h o r e A23187 t r e a t m e n t [60]. A m o r e c o m p l e x regulation o f Ca 2+ s t o r e is s u g g e s t e d by cADPR-induced Ca 2 + release in thapsigargin-treated eggs after I n s P y i n d u c e d Ca 2+ release (SS Shen, u n p u b lished data). Thapsigargin is an i n h i b i t o r o f ER Ca 2+ ATPase [61] and b l o c k s Ca 2 + s e q u e s t r a t i o n in sea-urchin h o m o g e n a t e s (SS Shen, u n p u b l i s h e d data).

References and recommended reading Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have been highlighted as: • of special interest •. of outstanding interest 1. STEINHAP, DT R, EPEI. D: Activation of Sea Urchin Eggs by a Calcium ionophore. Proc Naa Acx+d Sci U S A 1974, 71:1915-1919. 2.

STEINHARDTRA, EPEL D, CARROLLES, YANAGANIACHIR: Is Calcium Ionophore a Universal Activator for Unfertilized Eggs? Nature 1974, 252:41-43.


STEINHARDTRA, ZUCKER R, SCHATI~N G: Intracellular Calcium Release at Fertilization in the Sea Urchin Egg. Dev Biol

1977, 58:185-196.

How does sperm trigger

Ca 2 +


Perhaps the m o s t intriguing q u e s t i o n associated with fertilization is h o w s p e r m triggers the Ca 2+ release. Evidence for InsP3-sensitive Ca 2+ release and analogy with somatic cell-activation has s u g g e s t e d s p e m a interaction with a r e c e p t o r and G - p r o t e i n - c o u p l e d p h o s p h o lipase-C [19]. E x p e r i m e n t a l a n o m a l i e s d u r i n g sea-urchin and m a m m a l i a n fertilization have cast s o m e d o u b t s o n the i m p o r t a n c e o f inositol p h o s p h o l i p i d hydrolysis during fertilization ( r e v i e w e d in [18"'] ). An earlier h y p o t h e sis that the s p e r m carries an activating factor, w h i c h sets off the c h a n g e in Ca 2+ [62], is again favored. A stud), using electrical m e a s u r e m e n t s d u r i n g fertilization o f seaurchin eggs, has s h o w n that the continuity o f s p e r m and egg c y t o p l a s m is a p p a r e n d y r e q u i r e d for egg activation [63"']. T h e r e are a n u m b e r o f putative activating factors ( r e v i e w e d in [ 1 8 . . ] ) , b u t the m o s t p r o m i s i n g a p p e a r s to b e a p r o t e i n factor in h a m s t e r s p e r m , w h i c h triggers fertilization-like Ca 2+ oscillations in h a m s t e r eggs [64], m o u s e eggs and n e u r o n s (K Swarm, p e r s o n a l c o m m u n i cation). A s o l u b l e s p e m a factor has also b e e n r e p o r t e d for sea-urchin fertilization [65].

Conclusion T h e rise in Ca 2 + activity d u r i n g fertilization is u n d o u b t edly r e q u i r e d for activation o f the egg, but the bases o f the Ca 2+ c h a n g e s r e m a i n unclear. C u r r e n t r e s e a r c h suggests the different Ca 2+ signaling o b s e r v e d d u r i n g fertilization is the result o f different Ca 2 + -release m e c h a n i s m s p r e s e n t in eggs. T h e c o n t r o l a n d interactions o f t h e s e m e c h a n i s m s a p p e a r m o r e c o m p l e x than initially hypothesized. F u r t h e r e x p e r i m e n t s are r e q u i r e d b o t h to clarify regulation o f t h e s e C a 2 + - r e l e a s e m e c h a n i s m s , and h o w s p e r m initiates Ca 2 + signaling d u r i n g fertilization.

Acknowledgements 1 thank Drs K Campbell, D Clapham, R Nuccitelli, G Schatten, K Swarm and M Whitaker for sharing their manuscripts and thoughts on this subject. Work in my laboratory has been supported by National Science Foundation DCB 89-03837.


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39. •

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Patternformation and developmental mechanisms CICR in a sea-urchin egg homogenate preparation is described. The authors suggest that cADPR may be the natural agonist of ClCR during sea-urchin fertilization. This provocative idea is marred by several experiment procedural ditficulties, which are not described in the article. For example, the authors use ruthenium red, which significandy quenches fluorescence signals, which prevents accurate measurement of Ca 2+ changes. 42.

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46. .

SWANNK: Thimerosal Causes Calcium Oscillations and Sensitizes Calcium-induced Calcium Release in UnfertiliTed Hamster Eggs. FEBS Lett 1991, 278:175-178. This work demonstrates that hanlster eggs are not responsive to caffeine, but that thimerosal, a sulfhydryl reagent, causes Ca 2+ release and enhances file sensitivity of eggs to Ca 2 + injections. Why other sulthydryl reagents do not have a similar effect is unclear, but dithiothreitol prevents the effects of thimerosal on CICR. 47. •

CARROLLJ, SWANN K: Spontaneous Cytosolic Calcium OsciUations Driven by Inositol Trisphosphate O c c u r during in Vitro Maturation of Mouse Oocytes. J Biol Chem 1992, 267:11196-11201. Heparin injection blocks lnsPyinduced Ca 2 + oscillations, but does not affect thimerosal actions on CICR. 48.

WHAILEYT, MCDOtlGAU. A, CRO.'~SLEY 1, SWANN K, WHITAKER M: Internal Calcium Release and Activation of Sea Urchin Eggs by cGMP are I n d e p e n d e n t of the Phosphoinositide Signaling Pathway. Mol Biol Cell 1992, 3:373-383. cGMP causes delayed Ca 2+ release in intact eggs, but not in digitoninpermeabilized eggs. The action of cGMP is insensitive to heparin, which suggests that cGMP activates an InsPyindependent Ca 2+-release pathway. In eggs previously activated by a poorly metabolized lnsP 3 analog, neither cGMP nor A23187 cause Ca 2+ release. This result suggests a single Ca 2+ store in the egg. •


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SS Shen, Department of Zoology and Genetics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA.

Calcium signaling at fertilization.

Calcium is well established as a second messenger in a diverse array of cell activities. Changes in intracellular Ca2+ activities range from localized...
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