Mini-review Received: 29 July 2013

Revised: 30 September 2013

Accepted article published: 4 November 2013

Published online in Wiley Online Library: 19 November 2013

( DOI 10.1002/ps.3678

Can we forecast the effects of climate change on entomophagous biological control agents? Ernestina Aguilar-Fenollosa and Josep A Jacas∗ Abstract The worldwide climate has been changing rapidly over the past decades. Air temperatures have been increasing in most regions and will probably continue to rise for most of the present century, regardless of any mitigation policy put in place. Although increased herbivory from enhanced biomass production and changes in plant quality are generally accepted as a consequence of global warming, the eventual status of any pest species will mostly depend on the relative effects of climate change on its own versus its natural enemies’ complex. Because a bottom-up amplification effect often occurs in trophic webs subjected to any kind of disturbance, natural enemies are expected to suffer the effects of climate change to a greater extent than their phytophagous hosts/preys. A deeper understanding of the genotypic diversity of the populations of natural enemies and their target pests will allow an informed reaction to climate change. New strategies for the selection of exotic natural enemies and their release and establishment will have to be adopted. Conservation biological control will probably become the keystone for the successful management of these biological control agents. c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry  Keywords: conservation; genotypic diversity; global warming; natural enemy; parasitoid; pest; predator



Pest Manag Sci 2014; 70: 853–859

Correspondence to: Josep A Jacas, Universitat Jaume I (UJI), Unitat Associada d’Entomologia Agr´ıcola UJI-IVIA (Institut Valenci`a d’Investigacions Agr`aries), Departament de Ci`encies Agr`aries i del Medi Natural, Campus del Riu Sec, E-12071, Castell´o de la Plana, Spain. E-mail: [email protected] Universitat Jaume I (UJI), Unitat Associada d’Entomologia Agr´ıcola UJI-IVIA (Institut Valenci`a d’Investigacions Agr`aries), Departament de Ci`encies Agr`aries i del Medi Natural, Castell´o de la Plana, Spain

c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry 


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defined the climate as a highly complex system consisting of five major components: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, the land surface and the biosphere, and the interactions between them.1 This system evolves in time under the influence of its own internal dynamics and because of external forcings including persistent anthropogenic modifications. These differences can result in changes in the mean and/or the variability of climate properties that persist for an extended period, typically decades or longer, which constitute climate change.2 Climate trends over the past few decades have been fairly rapid and ubiquitous around the world.3 Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2 ) concentrations have been rising rapidly since the start of the industrial era.4 In May 2013, for the first time since accurate measurements of atmospheric CO2 began, a daily value of 400 ppm was observed.5 This value is more than 40% higher than the level at the start of the Industrial Revolution.6 Global average tropospheric ozone (O3 ) concentrations have also increased relative to the preindustrial era owing to emissions of O3 precursors associated with industrial activity.1 As a consequence of these increases, air temperatures have been rising in most regions around the world. The average model-projected rates of warming are similar to the mean observed rates since 1980 of roughly 0.3 ◦ C per decade.7 Regardless of any climate change mitigation that may occur in the future to reduce the release of greenhouse gases, even the most optimistic scenarios mean that there is the inevitability of future warming for most of the present century.8 In contrast to temperature, historical changes in rainfall have been more mixed and generally not significant relative to natural variability.9 However, the intensity of rainfall has increased significantly in many parts of the world,10 and since 1970 significant increases in drought extent and severity have been observed for Africa, southern Europe, east and south Asia and eastern Australia.11,12

Climate change can significantly shape living communities directly and indirectly. On the one hand it can affect the physiology, phenology and distribution of any living species independently of its position in the trophic chain. On the other hand it can produce further changes in composition and diversity of communities, as all trophic levels are intimately coupled. Consequently, climate change can dramatically affect agricultural systems and their productivity. Herbivore populations are regulated by ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ forces. In biological control, the ‘top-down’ control concept13,14 is integrated into the management of agricultural communities by using natural enemies that will cause a higher crop productivity by consuming herbivores, a phenomenon known as a trophic cascade. On the other hand, ‘bottom-up’ control strategies focus on the management of the first trophic level to impair the performance of herbivores, thus reducing pest impact on crop yield. Differential responses to climate change within15 and between16 trophic groups may lead to a rearrangement of communities through asymmetric changes in competitive, ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down’ control effects. Foden et al.17 proposed a set of characteristics that would make a species more vulnerable to climate change. These include species with (1) specialised habitat and/or microhabitat requirements, (2) narrow environmental tolerances or thresholds that are likely to be exceeded owing to climate change at any stage in the life cycle,

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(3) dependence on specific environmental triggers or cues that are likely to be disrupted by climate change, (4) dependence on interspecific interactions that are likely to be disrupted by climate change and (5) poor ability or limited opportunity to disperse to, or colonise, a new or more suitable range. Therefore, those species with the highest specialisations in terms of lifestyle or habitat are typically most at risk. Climate change may trigger farmers to change crops for better adaptation to new climatic conditions. In the case of arthropods, it is predicted that a warmer climate will induce increased activity18 – 20 and an enlarged geographical range.21 – 25 If natural enemies cannot follow herbivores, climate change could lead to an intensification of pesticide use, with increasingly important social, environmental and economic costs that could compromise the sustainability of agricultural systems26 and food security.27 In this mini-review the authors will focus on the effects of the main components of climate on the three most relevant trophic levels for agriculture and their interactions and consequences for biological control (BC) of arthropod pests.

under elevated CO2 may modulate the intensity of the impact of herbivores in all possible ways, either by direct or indirect plant defence mechanisms,43,44,49,50 and therefore predictions are difficult.

2 DIRECT EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON CROPS Changes in plant physiology, morphology, phenology and chemistry in response to climate change have been reviewed by different authors.28,29 While the individual mechanisms by which the main climatic factors affect crops are well understood, the interactions between them under real field conditions create substantial complexity that has not been fully appraised. Moreover, validating these effects is challenging because they are sometimes non-specific and may vary with environmental conditions and plant genotype.3,30,31 In agricultural systems, the change in rootstock/cultivar or even crop species in response to climate change will affect their response to pest attack. From the point of view of BC, it will be crucial to understand how this replacement can affect the performance not only of pests and pathogens but also of their natural enemies.32 – 36


2.1 Effects of CO2 Enhanced photosynthesis, increased water use efficiency and reduced damage from O3 have been reported under higher CO2 concentrations.37 Furthermore, plant organs (e.g. leaves, branches) may increase in number and size when plants are exposed to increased CO2 amounts.38 Likewise, elevated CO2 can affect the chemical composition of leaves, including increased C:N ratios, altered concentrations of allelochemicals and non-structural carbohydrates, starch and fibre contents and increased concentrations of substances involved in pest resistance, including jasmonic acid among others.39,40 As a consequence, increased biomass and changes in plant architecture and nutritional quality are expected under elevated CO2 levels.41 These changes may result in higher crop productivity and denser plant growth, which may lead, all else being equal, to increased herbivory.41 – 44 Increased water use efficiency increases leaf temperature,45 and this may affect arthropod dwellers of the phylloplane (e.g. leafminers, scales, mites, aphids, etc., and their natural enemies). The decrease in the nutritional quality of foliage may also result in increased herbivory by compensatory feeding.46,47 Moreover, increased herbivory can also result from the phagostimulant effects of increased sugar content in plants.48 However, the nature of the secondary metabolites produced

2.2 Effects of O3 O3 enters leaves through the stomata, generating reactive oxygen species and causing oxidative stress, which results in premature senescence of leaves and decreased photosynthesis, plant growth and biomass accumulation.51 Additionally, O3 may activate the jasmonic acid signalling pathway,52 which constitutes a direct defence response of plants. This mechanism may also trigger the production of plant volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which constitutes an indirect defence response of plants.49 However, under controlled conditions, O3 has also been demonstrated to increase plant susceptibility to frost, pests and pathogens.31 2.3 Effects of temperature and drought When exposed to high temperatures, plants respond with changes in their RNA metabolism and protein, enzyme and plant hormone synthesis.28,29 Depending on the season and the latitude, the expected effects of these changes can differ greatly. In temperate areas, warming may relieve plant stress during the coldest parts of the year and enlarge the window of plant development.28,29 However, the opposite is expected during the summer, and symptoms such as wilting, leaf burn, leaf folding and abscission can appear.44,53 These changes can affect plant productivity, phenology and susceptibility to herbivorous arthropods, although the wide range of changes may make interactions difficult to predict. Heat and water stress often appear simultaneously, and their symptoms are similar. Both factors have a positive relationship with leaf temperature, with the same consequences on arthropods living in close association with the leaves as with increased CO2 .54 – 57

3 DIRECT EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON ARTHROPODS Modifications in life-history parameters of arthropods, such as development times and voltinism, resulting from direct effects of climate change on physiology, behaviour and phenology, have been described.58 These effects can ultimately result in changes in species abundance and distribution.59 – 61 However, most evidence of these changes has been obtained from experiments where climate variables have been manipulated and the arthropod response has been measured after a limited time period, especially if compared with the timeframe in which climate change is occurring.62,63 Therefore, these assays may overestimate the effects, as species can exhibit phenotypic plasticity and evolutionary responses, which may alter the predicted effects of climate change.64 – 70 In general, it is expected that arthropod performance can be enhanced under conditions of global warming.64,65 Furthermore, for herbivores, consumption of plant foliage altered at elevated temperatures71 could lead to changes in their quality (e.g. chemical defences or body size) and phenology, and these changes might, in turn, affect the fitness, abundance and activity of their natural enemies.66,67 In agricultural systems, populations of both pests and natural enemies will be subjected to these changes, which could ultimately result in a change of pest

c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry 

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Climate Change and Biological Control

status, from non-economic phytophagous to key pest species, or vice versa, depending on the balance between the impact on any particular pest relative to its natural enemies.72 3.1 Effect of CO2 Increased insect mortality has been associated with elevated CO2 concentrations compared with those in air (2–3% versus 0.03% v/v respectively).73 – 75 However, these concentrations are much higher than the levels associated with climate change. At these concentrations, direct and indirect effects have been described. On the one hand, insects using CO2 to detect their food source or oviposition site (such as moths, fruit flies or hematophagous insects) can be directly affected.76,77 On the other hand, as described before, altered leaf chemistry and temperature can affect second and higher trophic levels in all possible ways.43,44,78 For instance, in aphids, even a single clone has been reported to display different responses to high CO2 content, depending on the host plant.79 – 81 As a consequence, in spite of the many studies carried out on this subject, it is not possible to establish general rules or to predict the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on arthropods and their pest status. 3.2 Effect of O3 In general, the effects of O3 on insect development and growth are counteracted by elevated CO2 .82 All types of response have been observed, depending on the interaction considered, from positive83 – 86 to negative85,87,88 and, most frequently, neutral.82 3.3 Effect of temperature As poikilothermic organisms, arthropods have a body temperature that is highly dependent on the ambient temperature. Many of the key processes of arthropods, such as metabolism, behaviour, growth, reproduction, development and survival, are mediated by temperature.89 – 92 Therefore, in temperate climates, global warming is expected to enlarge the window for development (i.e. the period when temperature lies between lower and upper development thresholds) and voltinism. However, if temperatures rise above the upper development threshold, a negative impact would be expected. In that case, even assuming that animals have behaviours providing some thermoregulation (seeking shelter, for example), a negative effect would be anticipated, as these behaviours have fitness costs in terms of lost foraging and reproduction opportunities.93 Most of the processes mentioned govern species interactions in food webs.93 – 96 As a consequence, divergence in thermal preferences of the species involved, which may lead to different spatiotemporal distribution, could disrupt the equilibrium of interactions relevant for BC.97 These mismatches could lead to the extinction of part of the system98 and thereby seriously affect BC.

4 EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON ECOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS: BIOLOGICAL CONTROL Although all trophic levels can be altered by climate change, it is widely recognised that, the higher the level, the stronger the impact,99 as a bottom-up amplification effect often occurs to trophic webs subjected to any kind of disturbance.100 Therefore, climate change is likely to result in a higher impact on natural enemies than on herbivores. However, not all natural enemies are expected to be affected to the same extent. According to Foden et al.,17 species with highest specialisations would be most at risk. Hence, within a continuum of increasing risk, omnivorous predators, which can switch their feeding preferences in response to the relative availability of alternative food types,101,102 would be the most robust, whereas koinobiont endoparasitoids, which have the most intimate relationship with their hosts, would be the most susceptible species.97 Likewise, tropical species, which are adapted to a fairly steady climate that never gets extremely hot or cold, may be particularly vulnerable to climate change.103,104 In natural ecosystems, the tritrophic interactions between plants, herbivorous insects and their natural enemies are the result of long coevolutionary processes specific to particular environments and relatively stable climatic conditions.98 However, in agricultural systems, these interactions have been deeply altered by humans, and coevolution cannot always be taken for granted.105,106 Many crop plants are grown far away from their area of origin, and therefore new associations with both herbivorous and entomophagous indigenous arthropods have appeared. This situation can be further complicated when exotic arthropods get into the system. According to the origin of target pest and natural enemy, different types of BC can be defined (Table 1),107,108 and origin is a key feature to predict the robustness of these associations and, therefore, how they may respond to climate change. These predictions should take into account the potential of invertebrates to adapt to changing climate on the basis of existing genotypic diversity.109 Figure 1 shows an adaptation of Lewis et al.,110 which illustrates the importance of genotypic diversity to the response of a hypothetical species when exposed to a different environment. Under the genotypic diversity heading, the response potential for two representative individual genotypes (G1 and G2) belonging to one particular population (P4) of the same hypothetical species is shown. This response potential consists of the genetically fixed maximum range of suitable environmental conditions to which the species could respond (the total white area plus the shaded area). This maximum level of response to the array of environmental conditions is shown as a curve, which indicates that the maximum response level varies with different environmental conditions in its range. As reflected by the different range and curve configuration for G1 and G2, the response potential may vary substantially among individuals within a population. The activated response potential of

Table 1. Types of biological control (BC) strategies based on the geographical origins of pest and natural enemy and the history of their association Origin of target pest

Origin of natural enemy (NE)

New environment


Classical New association, classical Fortuitous Neoclassical Natural

Exotic Exotic Exotic Indigenous Indigenous

Exotic (same as pest) Exotic (different from pest) Indigenous Exotic Indigenous

For both For both For pest only For NE only No

Yes No No No Yes

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c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry


Type of BC

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Figure 1. Factors determining the eventual response of populations to climate change (see text for explanation).


G1 and G2 (shaded area) that could be realised at any given time is somewhat less than the overall potential (white area) and depends on the actual environment encountered by these genotypes. Under the new environment heading, five different environments (E1 to E5) are proposed. The interaction of the two genotypes with these environments can have different outputs included under the phenotypic plasticity heading. For instance, new environment E5 would result in the disappearance of G1. The same would happen with G2 under E1, E2 and E3, whereas E4 would allow the conservation of both genotypes. Because the response potential to environmental change of individuals determines the response potential of the whole population that they make up, and the populations in turn determine the response potential of a species,110 the genetic diversity of herbivorous insects and their natural enemies will ultimately define their response to climate change. Individuals that colonise a new habitat are, by definition, a genetic subset of their source population, representing a genetic bottleneck relative to the source population.111,112 Therefore, indigenous pests and their natural enemies will have highest genotypic diversity and potential to respond to climate change when at their native ranges. Given the time pace at which this phenomenon is occurring, indigenous species may have the ability to respond and successfully adapt and coevolve in a warmer climate. However, whether the extent of the genotypic diversity of natural enemies, particularly that of specialists, will allow them to adapt successfully remains to be seen.113 Future studies will have to consider genotypic diversity of natural enemies and their hosts/preys and assess the ability of these enemies to track their hosts/preys through evolutionary changes113 to predict the effect of climate change on BC. Because higher tropic levels, especially predators and parasitoids, are more sensitive than herbivores to habitat fragmentation and connectivity,114 – 116 conservation BC practices, providing shelter or alternative food sources, especially when applied at a higher scale (landscape), may offer tools to alleviate the negative impact of global warming on BC.117 – 119 In the case of exotic invasive pest species, as most of them are originally from warmer climates than that occurring at the new habitat,120 even with limited genotypic diversity in this new location, they may be favoured by climate change relative to their

natural enemies.17,121,122 For instance, introductions of tropical species of spider mites into Europe have increased 50% in the last 30 years.123 Moreover, warmer conditions in temperate areas may create new possibilities not only for invasive species to become established but also for pest outbreaks. Indeed, recent studies have attributed herbivore control disruption in some agroecosystems to severe environmental conditions.56,122,124 In the case of BC strategies exploiting exotic natural enemies, either classical, inoculative or inundative108 (Table 1), it is widely known that the practices used in collection, importation, quarantine, rearing and release phases of an introduction may lead to reduced fitness, or at least to reduced genetic variation.111,125 In fact, de Boer et al.126 illustrated how bottlenecks associated with BC could be particularly detrimental in parasitoid Hymenoptera. The numbers of individuals eventually introduced for BC are typically small, resulting in reduced genotypic diversity of the initial founding population.105,112 This reduced genetic variation may seriously hamper the response of exotic natural enemies to new environmental conditions. In these cases, it may be possible to respond to climate change by selecting in their areas of origin and releasing in the target region natural enemies better adapted to these new environmental conditions. Genetic diversity and phenotypic plasticity to different environmental conditions have been demonstrated for several natural enemies. For example, White et al.127 successfully selected for tolerance to extreme temperatures various populations of Aphytis lingnanensis Compere (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) derived from a large gene pool in California. Similarly, evidence for genetic variation in populations of Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) with different thermal requirements was demonstrated by Shufran et al.128 Walzer et al.129,130 found natural variation in response to dry conditions for Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) strains collected in different geographic areas. Even more complex traits, such as generation time in Trichogramma aurosum Sugonjaev and Sorokina (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae),131 or the ability to synthesise lipids in Leptopilina boulardi (Barbotin et al.) (Hymenoptera: Figitidae),132 have been shown to change between populations subjected to different environmental conditions. As before, once identified, successfully reared and released,

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conservation BC may help these recently introduced genotypes to persist in the new environment and show their full potential.



It is difficult to forecast the effect of climate change on the interactions between trophic levels, as these interactions are generally complex. For the practice of BC, new strategies for selecting exotic natural enemies and their release and establishment will need to be adopted. A thorough understanding of the genotypic diversity of the populations of natural enemies and their target pests will be necessary to adequately react to global warming. Furthermore, conservation BC techniques will have to be put in place to facilitate populations of natural enemies to endure in our changing world.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A Tena and A Urbaneja (IVIA, Montcada, Spain) made valuable comments on an early draft of this manuscript. While working on the manuscript, the authors received financial support from the Spanish Plan Nacional R+D (AGL2011-30538-C03-01) and European FP7 (KBBE.2011.1.2-12).


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c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry


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c 2013 Society of Chemical Industry

Can we forecast the effects of climate change on entomophagous biological control agents?

The worldwide climate has been changing rapidly over the past decades. Air temperatures have been increasing in most regions and will probably continu...
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