17 th.?Quantity of milk taken and of urine passed, the

as yesterday. General health improving. 18M.?Drank 128 oz. of milk, and passed 40 oz. of urine. Says he feels a new man. 19th.?Drank 128 oz. of milk, and eat a little thin, welltoasted eliuppatee. Passed 32 oz. of urine. 20th.?Drank 128 oz. of milk, and passed 24 oz. of urine. Did not eat any bread. 2lst.?Passed 20 oz. of urine, and drank 64 oz. of milk. Feels weaker than he has done for some days. 22nd.?Passed 20 oz, of urine, and drank 128 oz. of milk. 23rd.?20 oz. of urine passed ; drank 64 oz. of milk. Feels weak; complains of dimness of sight, and of pain in head. 24th.?Same as yesterday. Drank 128 oz. of milk.





26th. Complains of pain in head and of constipation. Drank 96 oz. milk, and passed 16 oz. of urine. 15 grains of carbonate of soda were given. 27th.?Feels easier. Drank 28 oz. of milk, and passed 16 oz. of urine. 28th.?Feels much better. Slept well, but still complains of not seeing so well as formerly. No abnormal appearance about eyes. 16 oz. of urine passed ; 64 oz. of milk taken. Eat 4 oz. of meat, and two thin, well-toasted chuppatees. 29th.?Drank 96 oz. of milk, and passed 16 oz. of water. 30th.?Feels much better and stronger; thirst much less. Drank 64 oz. of milk, and ate 4 oz. of meat; passed 16 oz. of water. 31s?.?Drank 64 oz. of milk, and eat 4 oz. of meat and one eliuppatee ; passed 32 oz. urine. Complains of dyspepsia. August ls^.? Drank 64 oz. of milk ; eat 6 oz. of meat, three chuppatees, and 4 oz. of vegetables. Took 15 grains of carbonate of soda. Urine was inadvertently thrown away before being measured. 2nd.?Feels unwell. Bowels confined. Suffers from dyspeptic pains. Drank 64 oz. of milk (no meat or bread taken), and passed 32 oz. of urine. 15 grains of carbonate of soda were




M.D., Agency Surgeon, Bhurtpore.

On the 9th of July, while in the district, F. H. , thanadar (aged 49),consulted me about himself. He said he had been suffering from diabetes for more than six months, that lie had been treated by many hakeems without benefit, and that his disease lie complained much of pain in was rapidly gaining ground. back and legs?said he had lost and was losing ilesh?that he was quite unfit for work?and that lie had little hope of being ablo to retain his appointment. lie looked wretchedly ill, emaciated, and miserable. Skin was dry and parched ; pulse quick and feeble; bowels confined.; eyes glassy; thirst intense, and constant; appetite large, but not ravenous. He made water about thirty times in the twenty-four hours, but ho did not know the quantity passed. Urine contained much sugar, as shown by potash, copper, and blue-bottles. Neither urinometer I ordered liim as much nor weighing machine was available. skim-milk as lie chose to drink, and he promised to abstaiu food. of Like kind Naaiuan of old, ho was from every other disposed to be disgusted at the simplicity of the prescription. oz. of milk, aud passed 196 oz. of 100 10th.?Drank July urine. 11 th.?Drank 128 oz of milk, and passed 196 oz. of urine ; complains of pains in arms and legs, and of constipation. 12th.?Complains of dyspeptic pains about stomach. 128 oz. of milk taken, and 188 oz. urine passed. 13th.?Drank 128 oz. of milk, and passed 188 oz. of urine. 14th.? Made water 25 times. Drank 128 oz. of milk, and passed 188 oz. of urine. Dyspeptic symptoms continue. Complains of fulness and distension; thirst very great. To have 15 grs. of carbonate of soda. 15th.?Feels much better. Took 128 oz. of milk, and voided 64 oz. of urine ; made water 20 times during the 24 hours. Dyspepsia relieved; complains of pains in legs; thirst less. 16th.?Drank 128 oz. of milk, and passed 56 oz. of urine. Feels much better.


3rd.?Relieved ; bowels opened ; pain gone. Drank 54 oz. of milk; and eat 4 oz. of meat, 6 oz. of vegetables, and three chuppatees. 40 oz. of urine passed. From this date to the 17th there is no variation worth recording. Soup was sometimes substituted for meat, and the quantity of chuppatees and vegetables eaten was sometimes slightly varied. 64 oz. of milk were taken daily. The amount of urine passed during each successive 24 hours fluctuated between 32 oz. and 40 oz. 17th.?Began from to-day to eat eight chuppatees (half a seer of atta), 8 oz. of meat, 6 oz. of vegetables, and 64 oz. of milk. Passed 40 oz. of urine. 18th.?Feels well and strong. Can walk a considerable distance without fatigue, and do his work without trouble to himself. Makes water about six times in the 24 hours. The character of the urine has completely changed. Only a faint trace of sugar perceptible. Appetite and thirst normal. Complains of impaired eyesight. Remakes.?The patient had improved remarkably by the 18tli; the expression of his face had completely changed. He looked like a man, and no longer resembled the animated corpse of six weeks before. lie and I were equally astonished at the rapid relief obtained by Dr. Donkin's skim-milk treatment. Whatever the action of the milk may be, there can be no doubt that, in this case at any rate, it so far arrested the elaboration of sugar as to enable the patient to regain strength and, comparatively, robust health in a wonderfully short time. Whether the benefit derived prove temporary or permanent, remains to be seen. I should think it depended upon the patient's self-denial as regards diet. If so mueli ordinary diet equals so much sugar, and so much skim-milk equals minus that quantity of sugar, then indeed there will be a beautiful simplicity and mathematical certainty about this milk treatment, unequalled by any known cure for any known disease !

Bhuetpoee, August 23rd, 1872. Dengue, says the Friend of India on the authority of a Bombay paper, has attacked the cattle in Baroda in large numbers. It generally causes temporary paralysis of one or more legs, but has never yet proved fatal, the animals recovering on the third or fourth day.

Case Illustrating the Skim-Milk Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus.

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