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Madras Medical Service, Civil

Surgeon, Amraoti. On the 3rd of December 1887, a Mahommedan boy, named Yassein, two-and-a-half years of age, appeared before me, at the Civil Hospital, accompanied by his father, who said his child would not remain at rest, had given up speaking sensibly, and was, in fact, mad. This condition has commenced five mouths pre-


Previous history.?Formerly the child talked well, and was very intelligent for a child of its About five months ago, three days preage. vious to the appearance of the insane condition, the child had malarial fever; while very bad with this fever, the family changed from one house to another, and in the transit, the child got wet, with evident increase of the fever, for next morning the child began to run about the house, catch at every thing and put it in his mouth, bite his own hand, and also the mother's breast at which he was still being suckled. The fever appears to have left now, or its manifestation to have been marked by the signs of insanity, as happens in many of tbese cases. The parents gave him native remedies, some internally, and others applied externally, the last consisting of movvha leaves, a hot cake of oorottd dlial, mixed with impure bisulphuret of mercury, and applied like a cap to the head. The matrons then took over the case, and gave him some medicines; then they bound him and tried another variety of native medicines, He arrived eventually at but with no effect. the Charitable Dispensary, and was sent on by the medical officer to the Civil Hospital. ?





Present condition.?On admission

as an


this young child showed all the usual symptoms of an attack of mania. He was incessantly moving about, catching at every piece of paper or other piece of rubbish lying on the floor, and tearing it, either with his teeth or with his hands. He cannot apparently articulate any word at all, though before the attack he could speak, calling father, mother, &c. (bap, ma, chichik, &c.), and make his wants known. He has not uttered a single word since he became insane, save ' nmmahj which sound he makes without any comprehension of its meaning. He has completely forgotten the words he formerly made use of. He is encouraged to go to sleep by having his head beaten with the flat of the hand, but his sleep does not last long ; he his day at 3 A.M., always begins



until the of Potass.

sleeps again mixture

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On December 13th, the following note is ' recorded : " The boy is improving ; says e bap ' ' and booboo (7. e., sister), and, in addition, is less restless, and sleeps better. He eats his food greedily."


By Surgeon-Major i. HUME, M.B.,



ordered Iodid.


Remarks.?This case is one which merits record, for, as far my experience goes, and I

have had a good deal in asylums both at home and in this country, I have never seen or heard of an attack of mania in so young a subject. It is a case where all expressed delusions are wanting, and raving delirium absent. The much more primitive effect of the total loss of articulate speech,?the most recently acquired and difficult accomplishment of this young brain has taken place. Under treatment, which is a matter foreign to this paper, the child is improving and articulation returning, though there are as yet no ideas connected with the spoken words. The prognosis is favourable, and it may be reasonably expected that the child will recover. I need hardly say that the original narcotic of thumping his head has been ?


Case of Mania in a Child.

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