bladder had formed adhesions to the parietes of the abdomen but some urine had escaped into the peritoneal cavity, as, when I saw him, peritonitis had been set up ; the abdominal muscles were as hard as boards ; there was great pain and tenderness on the least pressure all over the abdomen ; the body was bent forwards and the knees drawn up ; the countenance was anxious and the pulse small, quick and liard; the skin was dry and warm ; the bowels had not been moved since the accidont, nor had any urine been passed by the urethra. Notwithstanding all these bad symptoms, the boy recovered under very simple treatment :?half a grain of opium was given every 3 hours, a piece of lint kept constantly on the wound, and warm fomentations On the 4th day after were applied to the abdomen ; milk diet. admission his bowels were moved, and he passed urine by the natural passage ; the wound gradually closed, and the inflammation of the peritoneum subsided ; he left the hospital, well, on the 12th day after admission. In this caso I departed from the rule laid down, and did not pass a catheter for fear of disturbing the adhesions which the lips of the wound had formed to the abdominal parietes. The lad was in such pain from the peritonitis, that the least attempt at eatheterisation would have produced serious l'esults; so matters were left as much as possible to nature.



J. A. Geeene, M.D., Civil Surgeon, Serampore.

Whilst medical officer of Tipperah, on tlie 16th August, 18GG, a Mahomedan lad, 12 years old, was brought to tlio Charitable Dispensary with a penetrating wound of the bladder; the boy was a cowherd, and whilst out grazing cows three days previously to my seeing him, was knocked down and gored by lie had a lacerated wound 2 inches long, half one of them. an inch above and parallel to Poupart's ligament on the left side ; the lips of the wound were sloughy and half an inch apart, and through this aperture urine was constantly flowing out, sometimes with a gush ; the separated lips of the wounded

Case of Penetrating Wound of the Bladder; Recovery.

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