Cataract surgery in patients with late-onset retinal degeneration Vasileios T. Papastavrou, MD, MRCOphth, FEBO, Shyamanga Borooah, FRCOphth, PhD, Jill M. O’Brien, BA(Hons), Neeta Ray-Chaudhuri, FRCOphth, FRCS(Ed), FRCS(Glas), Baljean Dhillon, FRCOphth, Rute V. Vieira, PhD, Andrew C. Browning, BM, PhD

Purpose: To review the outcomes in a series of patients with long anterior lens zonular fibers associated with late-onset retinal degeneration who had phacoemulsification cataract surgery. Setting: Newcastle Eye Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.

Design: Retrospective case series. Methods: Inclusion criteria were patients with genetically confirmed late-onset retinal degeneration requiring cataract surgery. Perioperative data relating to surgery were collected. In addition, the corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) and retinal imaging data were recorded. Selected lens capsules were examined using immunohistochemistry or scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: Eleven eyes of 7 patients were included. The long anterior lens zonular fibers made capsulorhexis challenging; however, it was completed safely in all cases. There were no intraoperative or


ate-onset retinal degeneration is a rare progressive autosomal dominant rod-cone dystrophy (OMIM 605670) caused by a mutation in the gene C1QTNF5, leading to a substitution (Ser163Arg) in the protein.1,2 The normal role of C1QTNF5 is still unclear; however, it is highly expressed within the eye in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), ciliary body, and lens epithelial cells.2,3 The onset of the disease is usually in the fourth decade, with patients reporting nyctalopia, although with few retinal findings except some fine macular drusen. The disease progresses to first macular and then peripheral chorioretinal atrophy, with most patients registered blind by the seventh decade.4,5

postoperative issues with lens stability. The CDVA improved postoperatively in those cases with intact foveal photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium. Over the longer term, the CDVA slowly declined because of progressive atrophy of the macula. Most patients noticed a subjective improvement in vision, even those with advanced disease at baseline. Immunohistochemistry showed that the C1QTNF5 protein was expressed within the lens capsule epithelial cells, although SEM of the long anterior lens zonular fibers showed them to be smaller in diameter than normal anterior lens zonular fibers and to be composed of a helix of fibers.

Conclusions: In this small series of patients with late-onset retinal degeneration, cataract surgery was successfully performed without long-term complications involving intraocular lens stability. The objective improvement in CDVA seemed to be limited to patients with good foveal photoreceptor architecture. J Cataract Refract Surg 2017; 43:1036–1043 Q 2017 ASCRS and ESCRS

Long anterior lens zonular fibers are consistently found in eyes with late-onset retinal degeneration.2 It is not known whether these long anterior lens zonular fibers are structurally important or are accessary zonular fibers. The long anterior lens zonular fibers reduce the zonulefree area available for capsulorhexis during cataract surgery, and therefore they might make surgery technically challenging.6,7 Because the symptoms of late-onset retinal degeneration present later in life, removal of age-related cataract might be considered as a way to improve declining visual function. In retinitis pigmentosa (RP), another type of rod-cone dystrophy, cataract surgery for predominantly posterior subcapsular opacities might be complicated by zonular

Submitted: December 1, 2016 | Final revision submitted: March 27, 2017 | Accepted: May 21, 2017 From the Newcastle Eye Centre (Papastavrou, O’Brien, Ray-Chaudhuri, Browning), Royal Victoria Infirmary, the Institute of Genetic Medicine (Browning), International Centre for Life and the Institute of Health and Society (Vieira), Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, and the Department of Ophthalmology (Borooah, Dhillon), Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. Kathryn White, PhD, and Tracey Davey, BSc, Newcastle University Electron Microscopy Research Services, performed the scanning electron microscopy on the lens capsule samples. Corresponding author: Andrew C. Browning, BM, PhD, Newcastle Eye Centre, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4LP, United Kingdom. E-mail: andrew. [email protected]. Q 2017 ASCRS and ESCRS Published by Elsevier Inc.

0886-3350/$ - see frontmatter http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrs.2017.05.041


weakness, causing intraoperative zonule dialysis, late phacodonesis, and lens subluxation.8–10 Visual outcome after cataract surgery in patients with RP is also affected by the state of macular photoreceptors, in particular the status of the foveal ellipsoid zone.11,12 We describe a retrospective series of 11 eyes of 7 patients with late-onset retinal degeneration who had phacoemulsification cataract surgery, with a particular emphasis on the perioperative findings, the potential visual benefits of the procedure, and the long-term stability of the intraocular lens (IOL). PATIENTS AND METHODS In this retrospective case series, the clinical records of patients with late-onset retinal degeneration who previously had cataract surgery were reviewed. All patients had been diagnosed with late-onset retinal degeneration by the carriage of the Ser163Arg mutation in C1QTNF5. All aspects of the study were approved by the local research ethics committee, and all procedures used conformed to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. The corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) was measured preoperatively, 1 month postoperatively, 12 months postoperatively, and at the most recent clinic visit. At the 1-month postoperative visit, the patient was also asked whether he or she noticed subjective improvement in the quality of the corrected vision. When the CDVA was measured as Snellen acuity, it was converted to logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR). The type of cataract was noted. The patient’s disease was graded using the system of Borooah et al.4 In addition, the status of the macula ellipsoid zone as determined by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) was noted preoperatively using the system of Nakamura et al.12 Briefly, this grading system has been used as a surrogate measure of foveal and parafoveal photoreceptor health in patients with RP, another type of rod-cone dystrophy. In grade 1, the subfoveal and parafoveal ellipsoid zone is not visible; in grade 2, the ellipsoid zone is abnormal/discontinuous; and in grade 3, the line is normal. At the most recent clinic visit, any evidence of lens subluxation was noted. Because late-onset retinal degeneration is a rare retinal dystrophy and the number of eyes included in the study was limited, the main analysis of the overall results was qualitative with no hypothesis testing. The CDVA between surgery-related timepoints and the grade of the ellipsoid zone defects were described and compared graphically and numerically using appropriate measures of location and spread (median, interquartile range [IQR], and range). The zonule-free zone was measured in several patients with late-onset retinal degeneration who were participating in a separate observational study. Retroillumination anterior segment photographs (BX900 slitlamp camera, Haag-Streit AG) were taken that allowed simultaneous visualization of the long anterior lens zonular fibers and the tips of measuring calipers, set to 4.0 mm, which were held at the limbus. This ensured that the calipers were in the plane of the anterior lens. Figure 1, which is an anterior segment photograph of a typical eye with late-onset retinal degeneration, shows the reduced zonule-free area and iris margin atrophy caused by long anterior lens zonular fibers. Cataract surgery was performed under sub-Tenon local anesthesia by 1 of 3 surgeons (V.T.P., N.R.C., A.C.B.) and included standard phacoemulsification and in-the-bag implantation of an IOL (Acrysof SN60WF, Alcon Laboratories, Inc. or Hoya iSert 250, Spectrum UK) through a superior or temporal corneal incision. After the anterior chamber was filled with sodium hyaluronate 1.0% (Bio-Hyalur), the zonule-free area was noted and the capsulorhexis was started centrally with a vertical puncture of the capsule using a preformed 25-gauge cystotome (Altomed Ltd.)


or a bent 29-gauge U-100 insulin needle (Becton, Dickinson and Co.). An approximately 4.0 mm radial incision was made from this puncture site extending centrifugally into and parallel with the anterior zonular fibers. A small triangular-shaped flap was lifted using the tip of the needle and carefully turned over, overcoming the resistance of the attached zonular fibers. The flap was then grasped with the capsulorhexis forceps and a gradual spiral movement used to complete an approximately 5.0 to 5.5 mm diameter capsulorhexis.13 Care was taken by frequently regrasping the edge of the free flap to reduce the risk for the capsulorhexis to run out. Enhanced visualization of the capsule and long anterior lens zonular fibers was performed using trypan blue (Bio Blue, SD Healthcare Ltd.), if the surgeon determined it was necessary. After hydrodissection, phacoemulsification was completed using an Oertli OS3 phaco machine (Oertli Instrumente AG), a single-piece posterior chamber IOL was inserted, and standard postoperative care was initiated. Complications or evidence of intraoperative phacodonesis were noted. Selected anterior capsules with attached zonular fibers were immediately placed in buffered formalin solution 10.0% for immunohistochemistry or glutaraldehyde 2.0% in Sorenson phosphate buffer for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Immunohistochemistry Samples were embedded in paraffin wax after dehydration in a graded ethanol series. Sections of the capsule were cut at 3 mm thickness, mounted on Superfrost Plus glass slides (Menzel Gl€aser), deparaffinized in xylene, and exposed to a rabbit antiC1QTNF5 (LS-B1343, Lifespan Biosciences, Inc.) at a 1:250 dilution for 2 hours at room temperature. After multiple washes with Bond wash buffer solution (Leica Biosystems, Inc.), antibody binding was visualized using 3,30 diaminobenzidine as a substrate for peroxidase, resulting in a positive brown color. A negative control in which the antibody was omitted and replaced with normal goat serum was also examined. Sections were counterstained with hematoxylin to aid tissue visualization. Scanning Electron Microscopy After the samples had been fixed overnight in glutaraldehyde 2.0% in Sorenson phosphate buffer, they were rinsed in several changes of buffer then dehydrated through a graded series of ethanol. After the samples were immersed in ethanol 100%, the final dehydration was performed by critical-point drying with carbon dioxide. Then, the samples were mounted on an aluminum stub, coated with 15 nm gold, and examined with a Stereoscan 240 scanning electron microscope (Cambridge Instruments, Ltd.).

RESULTS Seven patients (11 eyes) with late-onset retinal degeneration had uneventful phacoemulsification cataract surgery. The median age of the patients was 69 years (range 65 to 79 years), and 10 of 11 cataracts were nuclear sclerotic. The median ocular axial length (AL) was 23.0 mm (range 21.85 to 24.20 mm). The median preoperative spherical equivalent was 0.5 diopter (D) (range 3.5 to C3.0 D). At the time of surgery, 8 of 11 patients had stage 3 disease and 3 of 11 had stage 2 disease. Trypan blue was used to stain the capsule in 2 eyes to better visualize the zonular fibers during capsulorhexis. During the capsulorhexis step, all surgeons had difficulty turning the capsule flap over at the start of the procedure and noted marked resistance when attempting to tear the capsule because of the strength of the zonular fibers, which had to be broken to allow the capsulorhexis to proceed. There was also a distinct tendency toward the curvilinear process Volume 43 Issue 8 August 2017



Figure 1. Peripupillary iris atrophy and long anterior lens zonular fibers in a patient with late-onset retinal degeneration. Note the small central capsular zonule-free area.

to veer toward the equator, and care was required to prevent this. The desired size of capsulorhexis (approximately 5.5 mm) was achieved in all patients, allowing safe surgery to proceed and to provide small overlap of the capsulorhexis and the edge of the IOL optic. In all cases, the rest of the surgery was uneventful, with no evidence of intraoperative IOL instability, anterior chamber deepening, or zonular dialysis. No capsular tension rings were inserted. Table 1 summarizes the patient demographics, the ellipsoid zone grade, and the CDVA measured preoperatively, 1 month postoperatively, 12 months postoperatively, and at the most recent clinic visit. In a separate group of patients with late-onset retinal degeneration who were not having surgery, the mean central zonule-free area in 15 eyes of 11 patients was measured as 2.7 mm (range 2.3 to 5.2 mm). The mean age of these patients was 59 years (range 36 to 71 years). In some patients, the long anterior lens zonular fibers were seen to be isolated, with no connection to more peripheral anterior lens zonular fibers.

at the fovea when assessed by clinical examination and by macular OCT and autofluorescence imaging (data not shown). The CDVA in 5 eyes was stable at 12 months, although some already had poor CDVA at baseline because of foveal RPE and photoreceptor atrophy. At the last follow-up visit (mean 40 months, range 6 to 84 months), the CDVA had deteriorated further in most eyes, again because of progressive macular RPE and photoreceptor atrophy. Figure 2 shows the overall distribution of CDVA at each timepoint. The median CDVA improved 1 month postoperatively (0.6 logMAR) compared with baseline (0.8 logMAR); however, it deteriorated considerably by 12 months postoperatively (1.2 logMAR). Although the range was similar at baseline and 1 month postoperatively, the CDVA was consistently worse at 12 months. Figure 3 shows the range and the median CDVA over time, according to the grade of the ellipsoid zone defects. As expected, the preoperative CDVA differed between grades; however, there was a tendency toward worsening vision 12 months postoperatively for grades 2 and 3 (interrupted and intact ellipsoid zones, respectively) At the last follow-up visit, all IOLs remained centered and no eye required a neodymium:YAG capsulotomy. Figure 4 shows the representative Goldmann visual fields of patients with mild (early stage 2) and severe (advanced stage 3) lateonset retinal degeneration, respectively. Immunohistochemistry

Two anterior lens capsules from patients with molecularly confirmed late-onset retinal degeneration and 1 normal control were stained for C1QTNF5 protein. This showed an expression of C1QTNF5 within the cytoplasm of the capsule epithelial cells (Figure 5, A). No staining for C1QTNF5 was found in the negative control (Figure 5, B). No attached zonular fibers were seen in the sections examined. Scanning Electron Microscopy

Visual Acuity

Of the 11 eyes with late-onset retinal degeneration, 3 had an objective improvement in CDVA 1 month postoperatively (2 eyes had grade 3 [intact] ellipsoid zones and 1 was grade 2 [interrupted] ellipsoid zone) The CDVA in 4 eyes was unchanged 1 month postoperatively (1 grade 3 [intact] ellipsoid zone and 3 grade 1 [absent] ellipsoid zones). Three eyes had a deterioration in CDVA; 2 of the 3 eyes had preexisting poor vision (absent ellipsoid zones). No recognized cause of postoperative CDVA deterioration, such as cystoid macular edema, was found to account for the worsening of vision. The third patient (grade 3 or intact ellipsoid zone) developed a macular-involving choroidal neovascular membrane. This eye was subsequently treated with intravitreal aflibercept but responded poorly. Of the 11 eyes, only 3 had an objective improvement in vision 1 month postoperatively, although 7 eyes had a subjective improvement. However, by 12 months, 5 eyes had a reduction in CDVA compared with the 1-month level because of progression of RPE and photoreceptor atrophy Volume 43 Issue 8 August 2017

Two anterior lens capsules from patients with molecularly confirmed late-onset retinal degeneration were examined using SEM. Macroscopic examination of the capsule showed that although some zonular fibers remained attached, many had been lost during surgery or processing. A detailed examination showed that before insertion, the free zonular fibers were between 2 mm and 5 mm in diameter and were composed of bundles of fibers wound together in a spiral (Figure 6). Near the point of insertion, the zonular fibers tapered to approximately 1 to 2 mm in diameter (Figure 7) and individual fibrils began attaching the underside of the zonular fibers to the capsule surface (Figure 8). Then, the zonular fibers blended with the surface of the capsule (Figure 9). DISCUSSION In humans, developing lens zonular fibers are recognizable at 10 weeks of gestation, at which point they are termed the tertiary vitreous.14 They are thought to originate from the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium, and their main roles are



Table 1. Patient demographics, ellipsoid zone grade, and CDVA over time. Corrected Distance Visual Acuity Age at Surgery (Y) Pt Eye 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7


69 69 66 66 79 71 71 65 69 69 65

Disease Stage

Cataract Type

Preop SE (D)

3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2


0.50 C0.50 3.50 C3.00 C2.00 1.25 2.25 1.50 C1.00 C0.75 C0.75

1 Mo Preop Postop 0.5 1.0 0.3 0.3 1.6 1.0 1.5 0.1 1.6 1.6 0.6

0.3 0.5 0.6 0.3 1.6 1.5 1.5 0.0 CF 1.6 0.6

Subjective Improvement at 1 Mo Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No

12 Mo Postop

Last Recorded (Mo Postop)

Preop Ellipsoid Zone Grade

AL (mm)

IOL Inserted*

0.5 1.0 1.6 0.3 1.6 1.4 1.4 NA CF CF 1.0

1.4 (84) 1.6 (79) 1.6 (23) 0.3 (27) 1.6 (30) 1.5 (38) 1.4 (41) 0.0 (6) HM (19) CF (11) CF (84)

3 2 3 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 2

23.23 23.40 22.46 22.29 23.46 23.64 23.55 24.20 22.14 21.85 22.32


AL Z axial length; CF Z counting fingers; HM Z hand movements; IOL Z intraocular lens; NA Z not applicable; NS Z nuclear sclerosis; PSC Z posterior subcapsular; Pt Z patient; SE Z spherical equivalent *All Alcon Laboratories except model 250 (Hoya)

to hold the lens in place and to mediate the forces of accommodation. In the normal state, the anterior lens zonular fibers insert into the lens capsule approximately 1.5 mm anterior to the equator of the lens.15 In late-onset retinal degeneration, the anterior lens zonular fibers insert farther forward on the capsule surface, reducing the size of the capsule zonule-free area (mean 2.7 mm in this series). This finding has also been described occasionally in elderly hyperopic women, in whom it is associated with a short AL, pigment dispersion, and possibly a plateau iris configuration.16–18 In a study of these patients, 50% of cases had a zonule-free area of less than 3.0 mm.19 The protein C1QTNF5 is known to be highly expressed in the human ciliary body as well as the RPE,2 and in mice it is expressed at the junction of the pigmented and nonpigmented ciliary epithelium.3 It is therefore feasible that in patients with lateonset retinal degeneration who carry the disease-causing mutation, zonule development or function might be abnormal. These long anterior lens zonular fibers could pose several potential problems during and after cataract surgery, such as difficulty in achieving a satisfactory

capsulorhexis size, lens instability during surgery because of widespread disruption of the insertion of the long anterior lens zonular fibers, and postoperative lens subluxation.6,7,20 This study reviewed the surgical and visual outcomes of 11 eyes of 7 patients with late-onset retinal degeneration who had phacoemulsification cataract surgery between 2008 and 2016 in a single surgical unit. In all cases, a satisfactory capsulorhexis of between 5.0 mm and 5.5 mm was achieved, although difficulty was noted in turning over the initial flap and there was a marked resistance to tearing and a tendency of the capsulorhexis to veer out, which required the use of numerous small controlled tearing movements rather than the more usual sweeping motion. Some authors have recommended staining the capsule and zonular fibers with trypan blue or indocyanine green to enhance visualization of idiopathic long anterior lens zonular fibers to prevent complications6,7; however, in the 2 cases in which we used it, we found no advantage to using this technique. After the capsulorhexis stage, the rest of the surgery was routine. There was no evidence of anterior chamber

Figure 2. Distribution of CDVA over time. The range and median CDVA and the IQR are shown (CDVA Z corrected distance visual acuity).

Volume 43 Issue 8 August 2017



Figure 3. Median and range of CDVA over time according to grade of ellipsoid zone defects (CDVA Z corrected distance visual acuity).

deepening or lens instability. This would suggest that although the capsule attachments of the long anterior lens zonular fibers are broken during capsulorhexis, sufficient support is provided by the equatorial and posterior zonular fibers to prevent subluxation. In addition, in some patients, the long anterior lens zonular fibers were seen to be isolated, with no connection to more peripheral anterior lens zonular fibers, a finding similar to that described by Roberts and Wilensky21 in patients with idiopathic long anterior lens zonular fibers. During long-term follow-up (7 years in 1 case), the IOLs in all eyes remained well centered. Roberts et al.22 recently published a retrospective case series of the surgical outcomes in 29 eyes of 19 patients from an African-American subpopulation with long anterior lens zonular fibers. There was no mention of any type of retinal dystrophy in their patients. Although the underlying cause of long anterior lens zonular fibers in their cohort is probably different from that in our patients with late-onset retinal degeneration, the authors did not report surgical complications or episodes of IOL

decentration (up to 6.8 years of follow-up). This study supports our surgical findings and suggests that the long anterior lens zonular fibers are not critical for IOL stability. Scanning electron microscopy of normal anterior lens zonular fibers shows them to initially consist of bundles of fibers approximately 25 to 60 mm in diameter.23 Just prior to where they insert, they rapidly spread out on the capsule surface as 5 to 10 mm bundles, which continue to decrease in size.16 They end as 0.3 to 0.4 mm fanning fibers whose terminal fibrils blend into the surface of the capsule.15,23 When the capsules along with attached zonular fibers from eyes with late-onset retinal degeneration were examined by SEM, the zonular fibers were narrower in diameter than the diameter of normal anterior zonular fibers in published literature. They were also found to be composed of fibrils wound in a helical fashion, which has not previously been reported in normal anterior zonular fibers. To our knowledge, at present only the posterior segment of a globe from a patient with late-onset retinal degeneration has been examined and showed the well-

Figure 4. A: Visual field of 69-year-old patient with mild late-onset retinal degeneration who had well-preserved peripheral vision but also a central scotoma (ellipsoid zone grade 3, CDVA 0.2 logMAR). B: Visual field of a 70-year-old patient with advanced late-onset retinal degeneration who had only a temporal island of residual visual field remaining (ellipsoid zone grade 1; CDVA 1.5 logMAR).

Volume 43 Issue 8 August 2017



Figure 5. A: Anterior lens capsule from a patient with late-onset retinal degeneration stained for wild-type C1QTNF5. The capsule epithelium cytoplasm stains brown (arrow) for the C1QTNF5 protein. B: Negative control from the same patient (original magnification 20).

recognized retinal and RPE atrophy.24 It would be interesting to study the anterior segment of a donor globe to determine more comprehensively whether the ciliary body and the equatorial/posterior zonular fibers are normal and to examine the long anterior lens zonular fibers more fully. In the short term, there was an objective improvement in the CDVA in 3 of 11 eyes. All 3 eyes had an intact or discontinuous subfoveal ellipsoid zone, implying reasonably well-preserved photoreceptor health. Similarly, 1 study12 found that in patients with RP who had cataract surgery, those with an intact subfoveal ellipsoid zone had better visual outcomes. However, in the other 8 eyes in our study, no objective improvement in short-term vision was noted and 1 eye developed a subfoveal choroidal neovascular membrane within 4 weeks of surgery that responded poorly to treatment. Most of these cases had more advanced disease with macular atrophy and an absent ellipsoid zone. Conversely, 1 month postoperatively, most eyes had a subjective improvement in the quality of vision, even in some eyes with absent foveal architecture. This suggests that cataract surgery might be beneficial to patients

Figure 7. Scanning electron micrograph of a capsule from a patient with late-onset retinal degeneration showing the area of zonular insertion. The solid bar represents 10 mm.

Figure 6. A and B: Scanning electron micrographs of capsules from 2 patients with late-onset retinal degeneration showing the helical structure of the free zonular fibers. White arrow in A denotes the capsule edge, and black arrow denotes a zonular fiber. Arrows in B denote examples of individual fibrils making up a zonular fiber. The solid bar represents 10 mm.

with late-onset retinal degeneration, at least in the short term, even in those with more advanced disease. In the longer term, of patients with reasonable vision at their first

Figure 8. Scanning electron micrograph of a capsule from a patient with late-onset retinal degeneration showing area of the zonule insertion, in particular small fibrils from the under surface of the zonular fibers blending with the underlying capsule. The solid bar represents 10 mm. Volume 43 Issue 8 August 2017




Figure 9. Scanning electron micrograph of a capsule from a patient with late-onset retinal degeneration showing the area of the zonule insertion and blending of the terminal zonule with the capsule. The solid bar represents 5 mm.

postoperative visit (logMAR 0.3 to 0.6), only 1 of 6 maintained stable vision 12 months postoperatively. The remaining 5 patients lost on average 0.4 logMAR units because of macular atrophy progression. No cases of posterior capsule opacification that required intervention occurred. Macular atrophy continued to progress to the extent that at the last follow-up visit (mean follow-up duration 44 months), the CDVA fell to 1.4 logMAR in 9 of 11 eyes. In the 2 eyes that maintained vision, follow-up was relatively short (27 months and 6 months, respectively) compared with the other cases. In conclusion, cataract surgery in eyes with long anterior lens zonular fibers secondary to late-onset retinal degeneration seemed to be a safe procedure with maintenance of long-term IOL stability. Objective improvement in CDVA seemed to be limited to patients with milder disease who maintained good foveal photoreceptor architecture. In patients with more advanced disease who had marked macular involvement, objective improvement in vision was limited; however, some patients reported subjective improvement.

WHAT WAS KNOWN  Late-onset retinal degeneration is associated with long anterior lens zonular fibers that reduce the zonule-free area of the anterior lens capsule available to perform capsulorhexis during cataract surgery.  Long anterior lens zonular fibers might increase the rate of complications during cataract surgery.

WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS  Capsulorhexis was safely performed in patients with long anterior lens zonular fibers associated with late-onset retinal degeneration.  The lens remained stable during phacoemulsification cataract surgery, and the IOL remained well centered over the long-term follow-up.  Improvement in CDVA seemed to be limited to patients with good foveal photoreceptor and RPE architecture, requiring careful preoperative retinal assessment in these cases.

Volume 43 Issue 8 August 2017

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Disclosure: None of the authors has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. First author: Vasileios T. Papastavrou, MD, MRCOphth, FEBO Newcastle Eye Centre, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Volume 43 Issue 8 August 2017

Cataract surgery in patients with late-onset retinal degeneration.

To review the outcomes in a series of patients with long anterior lens zonular fibers associated with late-onset retinal degeneration who had phacoemu...
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