Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 123 (3rd series) Neurovirology A.C. Tselis and J. Booss, Editors © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
Chapter 23
Central nervous system HIV-1 infection MARIE F. GRILL1 AND RICHARD W. PRICE2* Department of Neurology, Division of Hospital Neurology, Mayo Clinic Hospital, Phoenix, AZ, USA
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Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
INTRODUCTION Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is a retrovirus, classified within the group of lentiviruses that can cause chronic infections and “slow” diseases (Gonda et al., 1985; Thormar, 2013). In the absence of treatment, systemic HIV-1 infection usually causes progressive immunodeficiency, leading ultimately to the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and death. While this infection is associated with a variety of neurologic diseases involving almost all levels of the central and peripheral nervous systems, many with high morbidity and mortality (Price, 2003; Gendelman et al., 2011), this chapter focuses more narrowly on direct central nervous system (CNS) infection by HIV-1 and its resultant neurological disease. Before the advent of combination antiretroviral therapy (ART), what was then termed the AIDS dementia complex (ADC) and now more commonly designated HIV-associated dementia (HAD) was among the common causes of severe neurologic injury in young people in the United States (Price and Brew, 1988). Fortunately, the introduction and broad dissemination of effective combination ART have led to a marked decreased in HAD similar to the impact of ART on the severe systemic and CNS opportunistic diseases complicating HIV infection (d’Arminio Monforte et al., 2004; Bhaskaran et al., 2008; Lescure et al., 2011). However, despite this preventive benefit of treatment, HAD still afflicts untreated patients who continue to present with advanced HIV-1 infection in the developed world (Lesko et al., 2013) and a larger number in resource-poor settings where treatment is not yet widely available or is initiated during more advanced infection (Robertson et al., 2011; Sacktor et al., 2013). Additionally, milder CNS
injury and dysfunction that may also relate to CNS HIV-1 infection have been reported to have broader prevalence, including in patients treated with ART (Heaton et al., 2011). Hence, in the aggregate CNS injury related to HIV-1 remains an important consequence of infection and an important target of preventive intervention and direct treatment. This review focuses on the evolving nomenclature and classification of this CNS disorder, its viral pathogenesis, clinical presentation and diagnosis, and treatment.
HISTORYAND TERMINOLOGY A novel CNS disorder that was both relatively common and severe was identified early in the AIDS epidemic, first using the term subacute encephalitis and speculated to result from human cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection (Snider et al., 1983). Subsequently, its salient clinical characteristics and pathological substrate were more clearly defined and renamed the AIDS dementia complex to encompass a more or less coherent neurologic syndrome presenting with characteristic cognitive and motor impairment and generally consistent neuropathology not associated with CMV (Navia et al., 1986a, b). When HIV-1 was identified as the cause of AIDS, it was soon shown to infect the brain and cause ADC (Shaw et al., 1985; Koenig et al., 1986; Pumarola-Sune et al., 1987; Price et al., 1988). On the basis of its core clinical features that include impairment of attention and concentration, slowing of mental speed and agility, concomitant slowing of motor speed, and loss of initiative, ADC was classified among the subcortical dementias (Benson, 1987; Tross et al., 1988) and, in its more severe form, was associated with a limited survival without
*Correspondence to: Richard W. Price, MD, Neurology, UCSF, Neurology Service, Bldg 1 Room 101, Box 0870, San Francisco General Hospital, 1001 Potrero Ave, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA. Tel: þ1-415-206-4487, Fax: þ1-415-206-4055, E-mail:
[email protected] 488
treatment (Neaton et al., 1994; Price et al., 1999). Like other major complications of HIV-1 infection, ADC is characteristically a late complication, developing in the setting of depressed helper (CD4 þ) T-cell blood counts (usually, but not invariably, below 200 cells/mL) and uncontrolled viremia documented by relatively high plasma levels of HIV-1 RNA (viral load). An empirically derived ADC staging system (also referred to as Memorial Sloan-Kettering or MSK staging) was introduced to provide a vocabulary for describing the functional severity of this disorder for both clinical and investigative purposes (Table 23.1) (Price and Brew, 1988; Sidtis and Price, 1990). Importantly, this did not provide formal diagnostic criteria, but only a staging scheme based on clinical findings once the diagnosis was made, similar, for example, to functional staging measures in Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis. It was based on the functional incapacity in cognitive and motor activities of work and daily living, corroborated by examination, and encompassed both brain and spinal cord dysfunction. The term was intended to exclude AIDS patients who were neurologically impaired for other reasons, for example due to another AIDS-related opportunistic infection like progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), or as a result of unrelated CNS disease, such as prior head injury. Likewise, sensory, motor, or gait impairments caused by peripheral neuropathy rather than brain or spinal cord dysfunction did not contribute to ADC
staging. The stage 0.5 designation was introduced to classify patients without clear functional impairment but with neurologic symptoms (equivocal disease) or soft findings on neurologic examination (subclinical disease); this was meant to provide a designation for patients who were neither clearly normal nor functionally impaired and was an indication of the uncertainty of diagnosis in patients with milder symptoms and signs. By contrast, stage 1 ADC designated mild but definite dysfunction, sufficient only to render work or daily living more difficult, but without major incapacity. Stages 2–4 (moderate, severe, and end-stage) were applied to increasingly more severe dysfunction, and also established a degree of neurologic severity sufficient to meet criteria for a clinical AIDS diagnosis by earlier clinical criteria (Anonymous, 1992). Committees sponsored by the World Health Organization and American Academy of Neurology subsequently proposed alternative terminologies that could readily translate into the ADC staging (World Health Organization, 1990; American Academy of Neurology AIDS Task Force, 1991) and also included attempts to incorporate these into diagnostic criteria by formally excluding other causes of the observed neurologic dysfunction. This nomenclature and staging were more recently supplanted by a new terminology following a meeting in Frascati, Italy, and hence sometimes referred to as the Frascati criteria, to be applied to research studies (Antinori et al., 2007). This differed from ADC staging
Table 23.1 Definitions of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-related central nervous system diseases
Frascati HAND research criteria HAND diagnosis
Symptoms and functional status Major functional impairment
Neuropsychologic test performance Below 2 SD in >2 of 5–7 domains
Minor neurocognitive disorder (MND)
Mild symptoms and/or functional impairment
Below 1 SD in >2 of 5–7 domains
Asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment (ANI)
No symptoms or functional impairment
Below 1 SD in >2 of 5–7 domains
HIV-associated dementia (HAD)
Clinical designations Symptoms and functional status Major functional impairment: usually cognitive and motor dysfunction Mild but distinct functional impairment verified by examination Not applicable to bedside clinical diagnosis
HAND, HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders; ADC, AIDS dementia complex.
ADC equivalents Stage and descriptors Stages 1–4: difficulty with demanding activities to severe cognitive motor deficits Stages 0.5–1: minimal to distinct symptoms and difficulty with activities
Stage 0.5: signs of cognitive or motor dysfunction without symptoms or evident impairment in activities
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM HIV-1 INFECTION 489 in relying heavily on more quantitative evaluations Additionally, they were established as research criteria, using neuropsychologic test performance (Table 23.1). so in the strict sense should not be applied using only clinIndeed, as initially formulated, application of these ical bedside history and examination in the absence of criteria required rather extensive testing of five to seven formal quantitative testing. This actually is not a practifunctional “domains” with more than one test contributcal issue with HAD, where the severity of functional ing to each domain evaluation. Under the umbrella impairment and exam findings justify purely clinical designation, HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders diagnosis in the absence of alternative causes. It is less (HAND), three subcategories were included: the first clear for MND when symptoms and signs are equivocal, was HAD, defined by functional impairment of activiand, of course, ANI cannot be applied without formal ties of daily living and performance in two of these testing since symptoms are by definition absent. domains that was equal to or greater than two standard deviations below control population performance. Two CHARACTER AND EVOLUTION OF CSF categories of milder impairment were also included. HIV-1 INFECTION Secondly, for patients with mild symptoms or impairment in daily activities along with test performance that CNS HIV-1 infection has several salient features that distinguish it from other neuropathogenic viral infections. is equal to or greater than one standard deviation below It is a chronic infection that begins during the early stage control levels in two domains, the term minor neurocognitive disorder (MND) was introduced. Thirdly, patients of primary systemic infection and continues through without symptoms or discernible functional impairment the subsequent course of untreated systemic infection, but comparable reduction in test performance were a process that extends for many years without treatment designated as suffering asymptomatic neurocognitive intervention. Importantly, its character can change over impairment (ANI). While these three terms are sometime, as can its neurological consequences. Thus, over times used as if they represent a clear disease continmost of its course, this infection is clinically silent, though possibly not entirely innocent, despite being accompanied uum, the evidence for this is not conclusive, and thus by a local intrathecal inflammatory response (Gisslen it is important to use each term separately and avoid applying the term HAND as if it refers to a single clear et al., 1999; Price et al., 2013). However, in some individor continuous disease entity. uals, typically later in the course of systemic infection, It is also important to emphasize that this new termiit may cause brain injury and severe neurologic impairnology, like its predecessors, does not define objective ment. Fortunately, it is also largely treatable, so that effecdiagnostic criteria, but only outlines a necessary threshtive systemic therapy also suppresses CNS infection and old of severity. Other information is needed to relate this largely prevents or mitigates its more severe CNS impact, though with some exceptions. test impairment more clearly to CNS HIV-1 infection, Because much of what we have learned about these particularly historic information and laboratory studies that eliminate other conditions that can result in similar stages of infection derives from analysis of cerebrospitesting impairment. Indeed, one of the great difficulties nal fluid (CSF), the following discussion draws heavily with this condition is that there are no clearly formuon CSF studies. HIV-1 reaches the CNS early in the lated, objective criteria for diagnosis and it is by nature course of primary infection and initial viremia often a diagnosis of exclusion. (Spudich et al., 2011; Valcour et al., 2012), and HIV Table 23.1 outlines the newer HAND designations RNA can subsequently be detected in the CSF of nearly all viremic patients, indicating that infection of the CNS, and how they relate to the earlier ADC staging. For or at least of the leptomeninges, is a constant part of the the most part, HAD is equivalent to ADC stages 1–4, though MND overlaps with milder stages 1 and stage general “ecology” of this human infection (Ellis et al., 0.5 with equivocal complaints, while ANI relates most 1997; McArthur et al., 1997; Price and Spudich, 2008). closely to stage 0.5 with subclinical exam findings or In the great majority of such individuals, this chronic stage 0 with below-average testing performance. There infection is entirely asymptomatic, without overt effects is generally good correlation among the more severe on neurologic function or evidence of headache or other categories in ADC staging, similar to American meningeal signs, despite the fact that infection is frequently accompanied by a local meningeal lymphocytic Academy of Neurology AIDS Task Force (1991) criteria inflammatory response and evidence of elevated inflamand the Frascati criteria for HAD (Gandhi et al., 2010). Since formal neuropsychologic testing was not part of matory biomarkers (Eggers et al., 2003; Spudich et al., ADC staging, the newer HAND categories add an 2005b, 2006; Marra et al., 2007). important measure of quantitation to the earlier simple Figure 23.1 shows representative cross-sectional data clinical functional definitions, but also a burden, with the derived from our own University of California San need for extensive formal neuropsychologic testing. Francisco experience with 169 HIV-1-infected, untreated
Fig. 23.1. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. These cross-sectional data derive from our studies of untreated subjects at University of California San Francisco and update a previous figure (Spudich et al., 2005b). The open symbols depict findings in HIV-1-infected study volunteers recruited without consideration of neurologic symptoms but without opportunistic infections, while the filled symbols are HIV-associated dementia (HAD) patients who presented clinically. The graphs show the high prevalence of detectable cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) HIV-1 RNA across blood CD4 þ T-cell counts and its variable relationship to plasma HIV-1 RNA levels. The frequent presence of CSF pleocytosis is also shown. The vertical dotted line marks the blood CD4 þ count of 50 cells per mL and shows the generally high plasma, lower CSF, and high plasma–CSF log10 difference in HIV-1 RNA, along with the lower incidence of pleocytosis in these subjects. WBCs, white blood cells.
subjects who underwent lumbar punctures in the context of research studies rather than for diagnosis (open symbols). These individuals presented for study without referral for neurologic symptoms and for this discussion are referred to as neuroasymptmatic, though on questioning and testing several of them exhibited clear abnormalities, in some related to confounding factors (for example, drug abuse) whereas others did not have a defined alternative explanation. Data from 15 untreated patients presenting clinically with HAD are also included for comparison (filled symbols) (Spudich et al., 2005b, 2006; Price and Spudich, 2008). Plasma HIV-1 RNA concentrations were variable but tended to increase with falling blood CD4 þ T-cell counts. CSF HIV-1 RNA concentrations were also variable over the full range of blood CD4 þ counts, averaged about 10-fold lower than plasma, but tended to be even lower in subjects with CD4 þ counts < 50 cells/mL and as a result the
plasma–CSF difference was greater in this low T-cell range. Importantly, the plasma and CSF HIV-1 RNA levels in the HAD patients were much the same as those without HAD, showing that the magnitude of CSF infection alone cannot explain the development of HAD. The figure also shows that low-level pleocytosis, usually 4 years of effective highly active antiretroviral therapy. J Infect Dis 196: 1779–1783. Eden A, Fuchs D, Hagberg L et al. (2010). HIV-1 viral escape in cerebrospinal fluid of subjects on suppressive antiretroviral treatment. J Infect Dis 202: 1819–1825. Eggers C, Hertogs K, Sturenburg HJ et al. (2003). Delayed central nervous system virus suppression during highly active antiretroviral therapy is associated with HIV encephalopathy, but not with viral drug resistance or poor central nervous system drug penetration. AIDS 17: 1897–1906. Ellen SR, Judd FK, Mijch AM et al. (1999). Secondary mania in patients with HIV infection. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 33: 353–360. Ellis RJ, Hsia K, Spector SA et al. (1997). Cerebrospinal fluid human immunodeficiency virus type 1 RNA levels are elevated in neurocognitively impaired individuals with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV Neurobehavioral Research Center Group. Ann Neurol 42: 679–688. Ellis RJ, Gamst AC, Capparelli E et al. (2000). Cerebrospinal fluid HIV RNA originates from both local CNS and systemic sources. Neurology 54: 927–936. Ellis RJ, Badiee J, Vaida F et al. (2011). CD4 nadir is a predictor of HIV neurocognitive impairment in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy. AIDS 25: 1747–1751. Epstein LG, Gendelman HE (1993). Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection of the nervous system: pathogenetic mechanisms. Ann Neurol 33: 429–436. Ernst T, Yakupov R, Nakama H et al. (2009). Declined neural efficiency in cognitively stable human immunodeficiency virus patients. Ann Neurol 65: 316–325. Ernst T, Jiang CS, Nakama H et al. (2010). Lower brain glutamate is associated with cognitive deficits in HIV patients: a new mechanism for HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder. J Magn Reson Imaging 32: 1045–1053.
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