Changes in the main masticatory muscles in CT after mandibular condyle fracture LI9 A. V. 11'cirtstici'. K. S. Oikarinen2atzd J. Pyhbinen" ' D~partmcnisof Prostliodontic:~a n d Stornntogiialliic Physiology (Ilcad: Prof. K. Virlancn)and Oral arid Maxillol'acialSurgcry (Ilriid:Prof. M . ,4lloiieii).Iiislilutc 01' Dcntisti-y.Uiiivcrsity of'Oulu.Finland, and '' Department nf 1)iagnostic Hadioiogy

Vuoria).Oulii University Hospital. Finland

l'he aim was t,o study cliaiiges iii tlie rnain inasticatory rniiscles after inaiidibular condyle fractrirc as Seen by CT, comparing the densities and sizes of thc masseter. medial pterygoid and lateral pterygoid musd e s on tlie fractured side with those on the non-frac- 1 tured side. More or less permanent rriuscular clianges are detectable several years aSter the accideiit. especially in the lateral pterygoid muscle. which is attached to the condylar head. This muscle was statistically significantly srnaller ( P < 0.001) on the fractiired side. Exaininatioii OS the inasticatory iniiscles imrnediately after the fracture and at intervals afterwards could reveal niore about the pathogenesis of the chariges in tliese rniiscles. Key words

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Computed tomography - Masticatory must:les - Condylar fracture


Schlüsselwörter . --


Computertomographie - Kaumuskulatur Kieferköpfchenfraktur


Fortsctir. Rönlgenstr. 153.5 (1 990) 501 -504 O ticorg'l'hieme Verlag Stuttgart. New York

Healirig of a fractured coiidyle lakes place by reinodelling not only of tlie condyle but of the whole masticatory System (3). Direct repositioning of the dislocatcd condyle head is seldom indicated, and shoiild bc pcrlorrned with lirnitcd indications (4). The treatmerit principles include irnmobilisation I'or a period to alle\\ the pain to subside. but as short a period of imniobilisation a s possible is recornrnended after condylar fractures (3). Most. rctrospcctive surveys ol' the healirig aftcr condylar fractures deal with boriy cliaiiges (5, 6), arid there are oiily a few lliat describe clianges in the functioning of the mandible in humans (7). This rcport rcprcscnts a p a r t of a project to onalysc thc TMJ dysfunction observed ai'ter various types of mandibular I'raclure and witli diilererit treatinent procedures. It scts out to study the changes of the main maslicatory rnuscles in patients with mandibular condyle fracture a s obtained by CT, cornparing the densities and siics oF three masticatory muscles. m. massetcr, rn. pterygoideus mediitlis and m. pterygoideus lateralis, as irieasured froin CT scans on the f r a c t u r ~ dside with those on the non-fractured side.

Veränderungen in d e r CT- Darstellung d e r großen Kaumuskeln nach Kieferköpfchenl'raktur Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit. war das Studium der Veränderungen in den großen Kaumuskeln nach Kieferköpfchenfraktur, wie sie sich irn Computertomograrnin zeigen, wobei die Dichten uild Dirnensionen der Muskeln aufder Frakturseite mit den Werten aiif der nicht betroffenen Seite verglichen wurden; untersucht wurden die „Massetergruppe" einschließlich des M. pterygoideus medialis und lateralis. Mehr oder weniger permanente Muskelverändemngen sind noch inehrere Jahre nach dem Unfall feststellbar, insbesondere im M. pterygoideus lateralis, welcher mit dem Kieferköpfchen verbunden ist. Dieser Muskel war statistisch signifikant kleiner (p

Changes in the main masticatory muscles in CT after mandibular condyle fracture.

The aim was to study changes in the main masticatory muscles after mandibular condyle fracture as seen by CT, comparing the densities and sizes of the...
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