15, 355-357
and Cryopreservation JOHN
of Stallion
Breeders Service, DePorest, Wisconsin
vided a maximal number of spermatozoa per collection day and was considered a practical ejaculation frequency for longterm preservation of stallion semen (36). A myriad of extenders and packaging systems have been used in the cryopreservation of stallion semen (l-6, 8-21, 28-35). Spermatozoa1 post-thaw survival has been satisfactory, mares have been inseminated, and normal foaIs have been produced. In general, fertility has been low and the fertility trials have been plagued by small numbers of mares and inadequate experimental controls for a fair evaluation of the fertility of frozen semen. The fertilizing capacity of spermatozoa of some stallions is more adversely affected than that of other stalIions (2, 22). The majority of mares inseminated with frozen-thawed semen conceived when inseminations occurred within 12 hr of ovulation (22). As of now, no completely satisfactory cryoprotectant has been found. Recent data indicate that glycerol depresses fertility of spermatozoa in Tris-yolk and creamgelatin extenders ( 7, 22). Cream-gelatin and skim milk extenders without ,glycerol provide optimal fertility only when the extended semen is not cooled and stored at 5°C (7, 23). Insemination of large numbers of motiIe spermatozoa masks these Received October 21, 1977; accepted Decrmdetrimental effects and offers some comber 2, 1977. pensation for an inferior extender (24, 25, Synopsis paper presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology, August 27). Therefore, to evaluate properly a 1977,Minneapolis,Minnesota. seminal extender, the number of motile
In North America, stallion seminal characteristics vary with the seasonof the year. Fur stallions from which were collected two ejaculates per day, once per week, total volume (including gel) from winter to spring increased about 38% for the first ejaculate and 21% for the second ejaculate. Gel-free semina1volume for first ejaculates ranged between 44 and 80 ml, and for second ejaculates, between 41 and 63 ml, depending upon season. Ejaculates containing gel were less frequent during the winter. More spermatozoa were produced in Iate spring and early summer than in the winter. Throughout the year, first ejaculates ranged between 10 and 22 x lo” spermatozoa, and second ejaculates, between 5 and 11 x IO” spermatozoa (26). When chasing an ejaculation frequency, consideration must be given to the schedule which most efficiently provides the maximum number of spermatozoa and most conveniently adapts to the program for which the stallions are maintained. One ejacuIate collected on alternate days proved to be the most effective and practical ejaculation frequency for stallions maintained in an artificial insemination program without semina1 storage. Two ejaculates per day, 2 days per week, pro-
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Copyright Q 1978 by Academic Press, Inc. rights of reproduction in any form reserved.
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