Journal of Cell Science, Supplem ent 16, 21-31 (1992) Printed in G reat B ritain © The Com pany o f B iologists Lim ited 1992


cis and trans regulation of tissue-specific transcription J. D. ENGEL1*, H. BEUG2, J. H. LaVAIL3, M. W. ZENKE2, K. MAYO1, M. W. LEONARD1, K. P. FOLEY1, Z. YANG1, J. M. KORNHAUSER1, L. J. KO1, K.-C. LIM', K. M. GEORGE1 and K. BREIGÉL2 1Department o f Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Cell Biology, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-3500, USA 2Institute o f Molecular Pathology, A1030 Vienna, Austria 3Department o f Anatomy, UCSF, San Francisco, California, USA ♦Author for correspondence

Summary Analysis of both the cis-regulatory sequences which con­ trol globin gene switching as well as the trans-acting fac­ tors which bind to these sequences to elicit a differen­ tial, developmentally regulated response has lent insight into the general mechanisms responsible for tissuespecific gene regulation. We show here that the chicken adult [3-globin gene promoter sequences are intimately involved in competitive interaction with the [3/e-globin enhancer to regulate differentially e- versus 3-globin gene transcription. Secondly, we show that the family of

GAT A transcription factors directs gene regulation in a variety of discrete cell types, and describe potential cel­ lular target genes for each member of the GATA factor family, as well as potential mechanisms whereby multi­ ple GATA factors expressed in a single cell might be used to elicit differential transcriptional activities.

Promoter competition regulates avian (3/e-globin gene switching

either duplication of the enhancer or deletion of the adult gene resulted in e-globin expression in both primitive and definitive erythroid cells (Choi and Engel, 1988). Further analysis demonstrated that definitive suppression o f eglobin transcription requires a stage selector element (SSE) located between - 1 1 2 and - 1 2 bp of the adult promoter (Choi and Engel, 1988). This is in contrast to (3-globin gene transcription, which is regulated autonomously, and is not dependent upon the linked embryonic gene for definitivestage specificity (Choi and Engel, 1988). Biochemical analysis of proteins interacting with the enhancer and SSE strongly suggested that NF-E4 and (3CTF (factors that bind the SSE only in definitive cells; Fig. IB) are the principle determinants controlling the two alternate promoter/ enhancer interactions at different developmental stages (Engel et al., 1989; Gallarda et al., 1989a,b). As a further test of this model, a cotransfection RNA/PCR assay was used to analyze the effects of indi­ vidual SSE mutations on transcription of linked 0- and eglobin genes (Foley and Engel, 1992). Specific SSE muta­ tions (see below) were introduced into a test construct containing the genomic [3/e-globin locus which was modi­ fied by insertion of short oligonucleotides into the third exon of each gene [p(3/e/(+).(3P(-112)] (Fig. 1A); these inserted sequences serve to differentiate transcripts derived from the transfected and endogenous globin genes. The assay also employs (as a control for transfection and RNA/PCR efficiency) a second construct with genes marked by slightly larger inserts [pP"e"(++)] (Fig. 1A).

During vertebrate ontogeny, erythroid cells undergo a series of morphological and biosynthetic modifications in parallel with changes in lineage and sites of erythropoiesis (Bruns and Ingram, 1973). Transcriptional regulation of this process, particularly with respect to the a - and (3-like globin genes, has been extensively studied as a paradigm for cel­ lular commitment, differentiation and embryonic develop­ ment. In chickens, the m-linked, (3-like globin genes are arranged in the order 5'-p-PH-(3-£-3' (Dolan et al„ 1981) and their expression is restricted to either the primitive or definitive erythroid compartments. Primitive cells form by 36 hours of development and express embryonic p- and eglobin (Bruns and Ingram, 1973). Beginning at day 5, ery­ throid cells of the definitive lineage rapidly replace these primitive cells and express adult (3H- and (3-globin (Bruns and Ingram, 1973). This changing pattern of globin iso­ types during development is referred to as hemoglobin switching. On the basis of transient transfection experiments, we proposed that the e- to (3-globin switch is mediated at the transcriptional level by mutually exclusive competition between the promoters of each gene for interaction with a single enhancer (Choi and Engel, 1988). Central to this model was the finding that correct developmental regula­ tion of the e-globin gene is observed only when it is linked in cis to both the shared (3/e enhancer and the adult gene;

K ey w ords: globin gene sw itching, G A T A , transcription factor, T lym phocytes, H IV .


J. D. Engel and others

£1 Jl |E >


‘r 1— I I I

j 2 1 7 /2 4 8


/ -

p P 'e ' (+ ) .ßP ( - 1 1 2 )


PP"E" (+ + )

I I e"


-IK PCR P r i m e r s


.... 2 7 0 /3 0 8


B F o o tp r in t :

F a c to r :

ßP ( - 1 1 2 ) :


A P -2

ßC T F


pP (-T F IID ) :


(3P ( - N F E 4 ) :


3 P (N F E 4 / e P ) :


3P ( - P C T F ) :


P P (-A P 2 ) :


Fig. 1. R N A /P C R assay and [3-globin SSE m utations. (A) S tructures o f the test [p(3'e'(+ ).|3P(-l 12)] and control [p(3"e"(++)] constructs. Shaded and b lack regions represent exons and third exon inserts, respectively. T he positions o f enhancer elem ents are d epicted by open boxes labeled E. A rrow heads separated by dashed lines represent (3- and e-globin specific PC R prim ers and the expected sizes o f am plification products derived from cD N A tem plates are indicated. (B) S equences o f m utated SSEs used to replace the w ild-type sequence [(3P(—112)] o f the test construct. M utations in individual transcription factor-binding sites are indicated in bold lettering. T he identities o f the transcription factors that are presum ed to bind to these sequences are represented above the w ild-type SS E (and are used to identify each m utation).

This control construct contains a duplication of the [3/e enhancer to allow expression of both genes in definitive cells (Choi and Engel, 1988). Two PCR primer pairs were designed that specifically amplify both test and control tran­ scripts from either the marked [3- or e-globin genes (Fig. 1A). RNA/PCR (incorporating a [ 32P]dCTP) was then per­ formed on total RNA isolated from definitive erythroid cells transiently transfected with the test and control constructs. Subsequent analysis by denaturing polyacrylamide gel elec­ trophoresis demonstrated that the ratios between (3- and eglobin test and control signals were constant within the exponential phase of amplification and corresponded to the template ratios present in the starting RNA samples (data not shown; Foley and Engel, 1992). Since the SSE is required for adult [3-globin gene expression as well as for suppression of e-globin tran­ scription in definitive cells (Choi and Engel, 1988), we indi­ vidually mutated all four characterized protein-binding sites in this region (Fig. IB). These modified SSEs were intro­ duced into the test construct and adult [3-globin expression was analyzed in definitive cells as described above. Muta­ tion of the TATA box was found to decrease [3-globin tran­ scription by 10-fold, while mutation of the distal AP-2 site

reduced expression by 2-fold (Fig. 2). Disruption of either the NF-E4 or [3CTF-binding sites significantly decreased transcription to within approximately 2-fold of the level observed after deletion of the entire SSE (Fig. 2). Given that NF-E4 and (3CTF are definitive stage-specific factors (Gallarda et al., 1989a), these results are consistent with their being principally responsible for [3-globin gene acti­ vation in the definitive lineage. While [3CTF is expressed in definitive cells both before and after overt P-globin tran­ scription, NF-E4 is restricted to the mature definitive stage (Gallarda et al., 1989a). It therefore seems likely that NFE4 may serve as a key control point regulating (3-globin induction during erythroid cell maturation. The SSE mutations were also analyzed for their effects on expression of the linked e-globin gene in definitive cells. Mutations in the TATA, NF-E4 and (3CTF sites, as well as deletion of the entire SSE, resulted in a 10- to 20-fold acti­ vation of e-globin expression, while the AP-2 mutation resulted in a 4-fold increase (Fig. 2). Comparison of the changes in [3- versus e-globin transcription for each indi­ vidual mutated site clearly indicates that in definitive cells the expression of each gene is reciprocally related to the other and dependent upon the level of SSE activity (Fig. 2).

Regulation o f tissue-specific transcription

P £

nr ^


p e


p e




p e






F ig . 2. SSE m utations resuit in reciprocal changes in ¡3- versus eglobin expression. T h e test construct and its derivatives w ere cotransfected w ith the control construct into HD 3 cells (B eug et al., 1982) and analyzed by R N A /P C R as described in the text. SS E m utations are identified as in Fig. 1, w hile (3P(—820) and |BP(—15) refer to deletions o f the P-globin prom oter to -8 2 0 and - 1 5 bps, respectively. T he pP (N F-E 4/eP) construct is not discussed in the text. T he results presented are the fold changes in P '/P " (P) and e '/e " (e) ratios relative to that o f the w ild-type SSE and represent the m eans (±1 s.d.) from three independent experim ents. Increased and decreased expression are indicated by solid and hatched bars, respectively.

These experiments demonstrate that the key predictions of the promoter competition model are correct, and we can draw several conclusions from these results: firstly, that definitive stage-specific transcription of the p-globin gene is dependent on expression of the SSE-binding factor NFE4; secondly, that P-globin expression is absent in primi­ tive cells due to the lack of NF-E4 and fiCTF; and thirdly, that the SSE element is required for suppression of e-globin transcription in definitive cells. In the first two instances, NF-E4 and pCTF appear to act as transcriptional activators directly on the P-globin promoter; in the third instance, however, they likely function indirectly by mediating pref­ erential association between the enhancer and the adult pro­ moter, thereby preventing e-globin gene transcription. These results strongly support the existence of a competi­ tive promoter-enhancer equilibrium.

Analysis of the GATA genes and transcription factors We originally cloned (from a chicken cDNA library) a family of transcription factors capable of binding to a DNA motif with the core sequence GATA and showed that each member of this family is a potent transcriptional activator in vivo (Yamamoto et al., 1990). The three family mem­ bers (cGATA-1, cGATA-2 and cGATA-3) exhibit greater


than 90% amino acid homology to one another within the DNA-binding domain, but are less highly conserved out­ side of this region. Indeed, the duplicated zinc finger motif that forms the DNA-binding domain is highly conserved among all members of the GATA family from all species examined so far (Zon et al., 1991). The cGATA factors exhibit distinct tissue and temporal patterns of expression (Yamamoto et al., 1990; M. W. Leonard, K.-C. Lim and J. D. Engel, unpublished observa­ tions). The various GATA family members have overlap­ ping but distinct patterns of expression; GATA-1 expression is restricted to erythroid cells, mast cells and megakaryocytes (Tsai et al., 1989; Martin et al., 1990; Romeo et al., 1990). GATA-2 is expressed in a wide vari­ ety of cell types and GATA-3 is abundantly expressed in T-lymphocytes, mature erythrocytes and the developing brain (Yamamoto et al., 1990). In some cases, multiple GATA factors are coexpressed and may potentially bind the same regulatory sites of downstream target genes. For example, GATA-1, -2 and -3 are all expressed in definitive chicken erythroid cells (Yamamoto et al., 1990); similarly, GATA-2 and GATA-3 are expressed in identical neurons within the chicken central nervous system (J. M. Korn­ hauser, M. W. Leonard, M. Yamamoto, J. H. LaVail, K. E. Mayo and I. D. Engel, unpublished observations). (A) Binding site specificity o f the cGATA factor fam ily The GATA family of transcription factors are all related by their very similar zinc finger DNA-binding domains. The consensus recognition sequence for these factors, WGATAR (Evans et al., 1988; Wall et al., 1988; W = A/T, R = A/G), contains inherent ambiguity, and although each family member, cGATA-1, -2 and -3, has been shown to bind to the same GATA site found in the mouse a-globin promoter (TGATAA), we proposed that each factor might have a slightly different, distinguishable binding specificity still encompassed by the GATA core consensus. The deter­ mination of the precise recognition sequences for each factor may be critical to understanding the role these fac­ tors play, individually as well as relative to each other, in the tissues in which they are coexpressed. Defining which factor is bound to any given promoter or enhancer region will be necessary to discern which of the GATA factors has a functional role at that given site. In addition to overlap­ ping expression patterns, the cell types with highest expression levels differ for the various GATA factors. It is anticipated that the target genes for GATA-3 in T-cells would differ from those of GATA-1 in red blood cells. Because the W GATAR-binding consensus for the GATA factors was compiled on the basis of erythroid-specific genes, the recognition element of the GATA factors medi­ ating transcriptional regulation in non-erythroid cells could well be different, and must, therefore, be directly assessed. In order to investigate the binding specificities of the GATA factors, an oligonucleotide was synthesized with a central (GAT) core sequence bordered by randomized nucleotides: 3 nucleotides 5' (positions - 1 , - 2 and -3 ) and 4 nucleotides 3' (positions 1, 2, 3 and 4) from the fixed GAT sequence. The double-stranded oligonucleotide was radiolabeled and then used as a probe in electrophoretic gel mobility shift assays (EGMSA) with purified, bacterially


./. D. Engel and others




G A T A l.0 A.86

cGATA-1: N

A /C .8 1

A .6 3


A .52

G /C .6 9

A/T.86 G A T


A .54

G .6 2

A /T .7 5

A .96

G A T A .83


C .59

A .59

A /T 1.0

G /C .7 1

A. 47

A /T .9 7

T .43

A/C. 73

Fig. 3. O ptim um binding sites determ ined for the cG A T A -1, -2 and -3 transcription factors. T he consensus preferred binding site for each o f the cloned chicken G A T A factors is show n. Sites w ere selected in three rounds on the basis o f binding by bacterially expressed, purified glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins o f cD N A clones encoding cG A T A -1, -2 and -3 (Y am am oto e t al., 1990). Selected sites w ere cloned and sequenced, and then analyzed fo r the frequency o f encountering each nucleotide at each random ized position. N ucleotides show n are those m ost frequently recovered at each position w hen sequencing the follow ing n um ber o f independently recovered binding sites: cG A T A -1, 22 clones; cG A T A -2, 52 clones, cG A T A -3, 79 clones.

expressed glutathione-S-transferase fusion proteins (Smith and Johnson, 1988) of each cGATA-1, -2 and -3. Selected sites with a high affinity for each GATA protein were then recovered by gel isolating the reduced mobility band and elution from the gel. The selected oligonucleotides were then amplified by PCR. This process was repeated to com­ plete four rounds of selection, and the pool of oligonu­ cleotides was cloned and individual sites were sequenced (Blackwell and Weintraub, 1990). The frequency of encountering either G, A, T or C was determined for each randomized nucleotide position. Fig. 3 compares, for the three chicken GATA proteins, the most highly favored nucleotide at each position, and the fre­ quencies with which it is recovered in a number of sequenced, selected sites. All the GATA proteins strongly selected for GATAA. with position 1 being more highly selected than position 2. This result was quite unanticipated, since an A or G (at position +2) is part o f the traditional WGATAR consensus (Evans et al., 1988; Wall et al., 1988). Beyond the 5-nucleotide similarity, at the positions fur­ ther from the core, the individual factors begin to show dif­ ferent optimal sites. At position - 1 , GATA-2 and GATA3 selected a T as frequently as an A, consistent with the GATA consensus; however, GATA-1 strongly preferred an A at that position. Not surprisingly, the further away from the central GAT core, the weaker the selection for a par­ ticular nucleotide at that position. Each of the factors seems to have unique preferences at positions - 2 and +3; these positions might then be those anticipated to be the most important in discriminating amongst the three proteins. The furthest positions analyzed, - 3 and +4, showed relatively weak selection, but, once again, there are subtle, consistent differences between the three proteins. Surprisingly, the canonical GATA site, WGATAR, was not found to be the most favored site for any of the GATA factors. At the +2 (R) position, not only is G not selected, it seems to be selected against: none of the sequenced bind­ ing sites (of >150) obtained with any of the three factors had a G at this position, whereas T and C were found, albeit very infrequently. The WGATAR consensus was deter­

mined to include A/G at the +2 position because there are GATAG sites found in the chicken p-globin enhancer (Evans et al., 1988), the chicken a-globin enhancer (Knezetic and Felsenfeld, 1989), the chicken (3H promoter (Perkins et al., 1989) and the human Ay globin promoter (Martin et al., 1989); however, the site in the chicken (3globin enhancer is the only one of these which has been shown to be functionally significant by mutational analysis (Reitman and Felsenfeld, 1988). (B) Cloning and characterization o f the mGATA-3 gene Functionally important consensus GATA-binding sites have been identified in transcriptional regulatory regions of a number of murine and human T-cell specific genes (Ko et al., 1991) and so we sought to determine whether T-lymphocytes from species other than chickens similarly express high levels of a GATA-binding factor. We isolated murine and human homologues of cGATA-3 cDNA (mGATA-3 and hGATA-3 respectively; Ko et al., 1991), and demon­ strated that all three factors are highly conserved in their amino acid sequences (greater than 90% overall identity between hGATA-3 and cGATA-3 compared with approx­ imately 40% identity between hGATA-1 and cGATA-1; Trainor et al., 1990), have similar tissue distributions (being abundantly expressed in T-lymphocytes and brain) and are capable of activating transcription in vivo (Ko et al., 1991). As an initial step towards understanding how this com­ plex pattern of GATA-3 expression is achieved, we have isolated and characterized the mGATA-3 locus. Four over­ lapping clones isolated from a genomic DNA library encompass the entire coding region of mGATA-3 with an additional 18 kb of 5' and 15 kb of 3' flanking sequences. The gross organization of the mGATA-3 gene (Fig. 4) is similar to that of mGATA-1 (Tsai et al., 1991) and cGATA1 (Hannon et al., 1991). Thus, the gene comprises six exons, the first being entirely untranslated and the second con­ taining the initiation methionine codon. Each of the dupli­ cated C-X 2-C-X 17-C-X 2-C zinc fingers that define the GATA family is located in a separate exon (exons 4 and 5) and the carboxy terminus of the protein, 3' untranslated region and polyadenylation site are located in exon 6 . Primer extension and RNase protection assays were per­ formed to determine the transcription initiation site (data not shown). Transcription of the mGATA-3 gene initiates at a unique site 188 nucleotides upstream of the first intron, in contrast to the situation for mGATA-1 and cGATA-1, where extensive mRNA 5'-end heterogeneity was found with multiple transcription initiation sites mapping over approximately 75 nucleotides. As is the case for mGATA1, the mGATA-3 promoter lacks an identifiable TATA box (although motifs with the sequence TTAA and TAGAA are located at —27 and -3 7 , respectively) and no consensus for the transcription initiator element (Smale and Baltimore, 1989) is present. A number of consensus binding sites for a variety of transcription factors (particularly SP1 and AP2) are present within the proximal 310 bp 5' to the cap site, but the functional importance o f individual elements for mGATA-3 promoter activity has yet to be ascertained. No consensus GATA factor-binding sites exist within this region. Quantitative RT/PCR was used to assess the level of

Regulation o f tissue-specific transcription El E2







___ L____J __



£ --1— L -

>-5a I--------------------------- L ------------------------- 1----------------- 1---------------------- U ---------------- 1----- 1







(& »R1)

Uc,_l__________ I_____I_________ I____ X lO b I— I----------------------------------------------------------------- 1------ 1---------------------L ^ i .

Exon 1 (noncoding 5 'end, 188 nt): TCAG/gttggt..Intron 1 (419 bp)...ttgcag/GTGA Exon 2 (ATG, 630 nt)...CACG/gtgagt...lntron 2 (2.5 kbp)...tcacag/GGAGC... Exon 3 (536 nt)...ACAG/gtgagt...Intron 3 (7.0 kbp)...ttccag/AAGG... Exon 4 (amino finger; 145 nt)...GCTG/gtaagt... Intron 4 (6.5 kbp)...atnccag/TCGG... Exon 5 (carboxy finger; 125 nt)...TAAT/gtaagc...Intron 5 (4.5 kbp)...tttag/ATT... Exon 6 (3' end; 828 nt). Chromosome localization: centromere-proximal end of chromosome 2 (1 Op 13); N. Jenkins, personal comunication)

GATA-3 expression in transformed and primary T-lymphocytes from a number of sources. cGATA-3 is expressed in v-rel transformed pre-B/T cells, is approximately 5-fold less abundant in RP9 mature B-cells and greater than 10­ fold more abundant in MSB mature T-cells (M. W. Leonard, K.-C. Lim and J. D. Engel, unpublished observa­ tions). hGATA-3 and mGATA-3 are similarly expressed at some 50- to 100-fold greater abundance in normal mature T-lymphocytes than in B-cells. Furthermore, FACS sorted CD4-CD8“, CD4+CD8+, CD4+ and CD8+ murine thymo­ cyte fractions all express high levels of mGATA-3 (the lowest expression being in the CD4+CD8+ cells and the highest (8-fold higher) in the CD4+ single positive popula­ tion; M. W. Leonard, D. Kouissis, F. Grosveld and J. D. Engel, unpublished observations). Taken together these data strongly suggest that the GATA-3 transcription factor is likely to play an important role in the regulation of T-cell specific transcription from the earliest stages of T-lymphocyte development. (C) GATA factors that conditionally regulate transcription As mentioned above, one enigmatic aspect of GATA factor expression is that multiple members of the family, which ostensibly share very similar DNA-binding site specificity, are expressed in the same cells during erythroid and neu­ ronal development (Yamamoto et al., 1990). The observed changing ratios of cGATA-1, -2 and -3 factors with respect to one another during erythroid differentiation (Yamamoto et al., 1990; M. W. Leonard, K.-C. Lim and J. D. Engel, unpublished observations) suggested that the ratio of these factors might play a role in determining the decision path­ way in erythroid progenitor cells: i.e., that expression of one GATA factor at greater or lesser abundance might lead to an altered propensity for regeneration or differentiation in the erythroid developmental program. In order to address this question empirically, conditional mutants of the cGATA factors were prepared. By fusing the hormonebinding domain of the human estrogen receptor (hER;

Fig. 4. O rganization o f the m G A T A -3 gene. R ecom binant A, bacteriophage D N A s describing the m G A T A -3 locus (top line, m arkers every 5 kbp) are show n. T he vertical bars w ithin the clones describe the position o f restriction sites for EcoRI or the single N otl site (N). T he sequence organization o f the gene, the splice boundaries and the chrom osom al location o f m G A T A -3, are show n in abbreviated form below the genom ic clones.

Kumar et al., 1986) to the carboxy termini of the chicken GATA factors (Yamamoto et al., 1990; Fig. 5A), we hoped to generate cGATA regulatory proteins whose activities could be conditionally regulated by the addition or removal of the ligand P-estradiol (E 2 ). As anticipated, the presence or absence of estradiol did not influence the ability of the three wild-type cGATA fac­ tors to trans-activate the C3PGH reporter plasmid (Fig. 5B; Yamamoto et al., 1990). The cGATA/ER proteins, on the other hand, iraras-activate the reporter plasmid only in the presence of E 2 (Fig. 5B). cGATA-1/ER was the best tran­ scriptional activator in this assay and, perhaps surprisingly, activates the reporter plasmid to a greater extent than the parent factor, cGATA-1. The level of irans-activation by cGATA-2/ER is approximately half that of cGATA-2. cGATA-3/ER appears to be the poorest activator of the chimeric proteins, although its ability to stimulate tran­ scription is quite comparable to that of the parental wild­ type cGATA-3 factor. In the presence of the estrogen antag­ onist tamoxifen, the degree of frans-activation of cGATA-1/ER is reduced to a level comparable to that of native cGATA-1, whereas treatment of cells with antago­ nist ICI results in rather poor /rans-activation by cGATA1/ER. cGATA-2/ER and cGATA-3/ER are both completely inactive in the presence of either antagonist. While the frans-activating activities of cGATA-2/ER and cGATA-3/ER do not differ markedly from their wild-type counterparts, cGATA-1/ER irarcs-activates a reporter con­ struct significantly better than the native cGATA-1 factor itself. As there is a hormone-responsive trans-activation domain within the hormone-binding domain of the estro­ gen receptor (W ebster et al., 1988; Lees et al., 1989), it is possible that this hER ?ra«s-activation domain contributes to the observed increase in /ra«.v-acli vation potential of this chimera. By fusing individual cGATA transcription factor cDNAs to a segment of cDNA encoding the hormone-binding domain of the human estrogen receptor, we generated


J. D. Engel and others 0.914 kbp

0.95 kbp




1.4 kbp

0.95 kbp


cG A T A -2/E R

0.95 kbp

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / Z / / / \

G A T A -3

linker B a m H l

cG A T A -3/E R

hE R ho rm o n e binding'iioqiain

... GG T CCG GA T CCA TCT ... Gly Pro Asp am ino acid no.: 444



Pro Ser





B +E2

T F A neo vector only





10 30 fold trans-activation


- E2

□ G A T A + E2

G A T A /E R - E 2


G A T A /E R + IC I

G A T A /E R + E 2


G A T A /E R + O H T

cGATA/ER chimeric proteins. Using an artificial promoter containing GATA factor-binding sites, we showed that cGATA/ER chimeric proteins are indeed hormone respon­ sive in cotransfection, irans-activation assays. In the absence of E 2 , the chimeric GATA/ER proteins fail to acti­ vate transcription; only the ligand-bound species are able to modulate gene expression. (I)) hGATA-3 regulates HIV-1 transcription Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is the etiologic agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), and infects human CD4+ T cells and myeloid cells of the monocytic lineage using the CD4 receptor for viral entry (see Cullen and Green, 1989; McCune, 1991; Vaishnav and Wong-Staal, 1991). The retroviral long terminal repeat (LTR) of H IV -1 has been suggested to play a number of roles in the regulation of the life cycle of the virus after it infects cells (Rosen et al., 1985). The viral LTR U3 region

F ig. 5. C onditional G A TA factors. (A) C onstructions. Full-length cG A T A factor cD N A s, lacking term ination codons, w ere g enerated using PCR. T hese w ere then jo in e d in fram e to a 0.95 kbp B am H l/E coR l cD N A fragm ent encoding the horm onebinding dom ain (am ino acids 282 to 595) o f the hum an estrogen receptor (hE R ) using a P C R -introduced B am H l restriction site at the 3 ' end o f each o f the cG A T A cD N A clones. T he introduction o f the B am H l linker resulted in the insertion o f 3 am ino acids (P ro-A sp-Pro) in the jo in in g region o f the chim eric proteins betw een the last encoded am ino acid o f the cG A T A factors and Ser 282 o f hE R . T he resulting chim eric cD N A s (1.9 kb cG A T A -1/E R , 2.35 kb cG A T A -2/E R and 2.45 kb cG A T A -3/E R ) w ere then subcloned into the eukaryotic expression v ecto r T FA neo, in w hich synthesis o f the hybrid cG A T A /E R m R N A s is directed by the RSV L TR . (B) cG A T A /E R chim eric proteins trans-activate G A T A -directed reporter plasm ids in horm one dependent m anner. T he optim al ratio o f activ ato r (w ild-type cG A T A or chim eric cG A T A /E R ) and reporter (C3(3GH) plasm ids w as cotransfected into Q T 6 quail fibroblast cells, as described (Y am am oto et al., 1990). Sixteen hours post-transfection, P-estradiol (10‘6 M ) o r an estrogen antagonist (ICI 164,384 at 10-6 M or tam oxifen a t 10"7 M ) in ethanol was added to the cells. T hirty-six hours later, the m edia w as assayed for secreted hum an grow th h orm one using the A llegro hG H kit (N ichols Institute D iagnostics). Trans­ activation activity w as calculated from at least tw o independent experim ents as described (Y am am oto et al., 1990).

contains a variety of cw-acting regulatory sequences responsible for modulating viral gene expression. Little is known, at present, regarding the identities of factors that may govern the cell type-restricted expression pattern of HIV-1. Since the expression profile o f hGATA-3 is consistent with the documented tropism o f HIV-1 replication, one might anticipate that hGATA-3 could play a role in the T cell-specific regulation of HIV-1 transcription. Indeed, initial inspection of the sequences in the viral LTR indi­ cated the presence of four potential GATA factor-binding sites (Fig. 6A). Both strands of HIV-1 U3 region DNA were examined for their ability to bind to hGATA-3 by DNase I footprinting analysis (data not shown). The footprinting results actually revealed six specific hGATA-3binding sites, all localized within the 5' domain of the LTR. The four consensus GATA sites were protected by hGATA-3 factor, as well as two additional non-canonical

Regulation o f tissue-specific transcription


Fig. 6. (A ) N ucleotide sequence of, and transcription factorbinding sites in, the HIV-1 LTR. -410 TCTGTGGATC TACCACACAC AAGGCTACTT CCCTGATTAG CAGAACTACA CACCAGGGCC AGGGGTCAGA N ucleotide sequence o f the HIV AP-1 1 L T R from the C A P site 4 c-myb 3 (nucleotide +1) extending 5 ' to -340 TATCCACTGA CCTTTGGATG GTGCTACAAG CTAGTACCAG TTGAGCCAGA TAAGGTAGAA GAGGCCAATA AP-1 AP-1 the boundary o f the U 3 region is show n. T he dem onstrated and/or -270 AAGGAGAGAA CACCAGCTTG TTACACCCTG TGAGCCTGCA TGGGATGGAT GACCCGGAGA GAGAAGTGTT p u tative (consensus sequence) 2 transcription factor-binding sites -200 AGAGTGGAGG TTTGACAGCC GCCTAGCATT TCATCACGTG GCCCGAGAGC TGCATCCGGA GTACTTCAAG are underlined and the identity IL-2 NRE 1 o f the corresponding proteins are -130 AACTGCTGAT ATCGAGCTTG CTACAAGGGA CTTTCCGCTG GGGACTTTCC AGGGAGGCGT GGCCTGGGCG show n e ith e r b elow or above the Sp1 Sp1 NF-k B NF-k B sequence (Jones et al., 1986; -60 GGACTGGGGA GTGGCGAGCC CTCAGATCCT GCATATAAGC AGCTGCTTTT TGCCTGTACT N abel and B altim ore, 1987; .+1 TBP Sp1 H au b er and C ullen, 1988; Jakobovits et al., 1988; Shaw et a l , 1988; H arrich et al., 1989; Site: 6 5 4 3 2 1 Sm ith and G reene, 1989; GCTGATATCG. ..AAG AT ATCCTT CTGATTAGC...CAGATATCCA...... CAGATAAG....TTTCATCAC D asgupta et al., 1990; K ato et ..AAGTCGACCTT....CTGCAGAGC...TCAGAGCTCCA...CACTCGAG....TTAGTACTC....GCTGCATGCG.. al., 1991; B erkhout and Jeang, (Xho\) (SalI) (Acc\) (Sad) (Split) (Psl) 1992). T h e binding sites for hG A T A -3 identified by in vitro footprinting are show n in o utlined letters and are num bered 1 to 6 consecutively, beginning nearest to the HIV-1 C A P site. T he num bers at left indicate the nucleotide num ber relative to the transcriptional start site. (B) G A T A -binding sites and m utations. A ll six hG A T A -3-binding sites and surrounding sequences are listed on the top line w ith the G A TA sequence show n in bold. Each fold irafM-activation G A T A site was m utated to a 2 1 5 4 specific restriction enzym e site D CAT by P C R m utagenesis HIV- wt (underlined) as show n on the CAT bottom line. (C) hG A TA -3 noGATA trans-activates H IV -1 LTRdriven transcription in H eL a CAT cells. H eL a cells w ere ■«VvyyS-xx'xx x'>ch y I Enh transfected using the calcium phosphate procedure (G raham and van der Eb, 1973) w ith 10 -----1----- ---------- 1-----------------1 +1 -200 -100 +80 -400 -300 [Xg o f th e w ild-type o r m utated HIV -1 L T R constructs plus 5 (ig LTR U3 , distance from HIV CAP site (+1) o f R S V /hG A T A -3 (K o et al., 1991). 4 0% o f the cells from a confluent p late w ere used for each transfection. C ell lysates w ere then prepared by repeated freeze/thaw . Protein concentrations w ere determ ined and C A T assays w ere perform ed using aliquots o f ex tract containing the equal quantities o f recovered protein (G orm an et al., 1982). T he result w as quantified by determ ining the am ount o f 14C -chloram phenicol produced in the enzym atic assay and the conversion w as quantitated on a M olecular D ynam ics P hosphorlm ager. T he results show n are calculated relative to the conversion by cotransfection w ith antisense hG A T A -3, and are the average o f four independent experim ents. T he transfections w ere done w ith the H IV /C A T constructs indicated at the left and w ith sense strand hG A T A -3 (open bar) or antisense strand hG A TA -3 (shaded bar). (D) HIV -1 L T R w ild type and m utations. L ine 1: the w ild-type sequence o f the HIV-1 L TR - 4 5 3 to +80. T he ‘noG A T A ’ construct (line 2) represents a p lasm id in w hich each o f the G A T A -binding sites w as m utated by PC R into unique restriction enzym e sites. A ll o f the m utated LTR s w ere then subcloned 5 ' to a prom oterless chloram phenicol acetyltransferase (C A T ) gene (pC A T basic; Prom ega) and w ere confirm ed by D N A sequencing. -453


GATA-binding sites: GATTA (site 5) and GATGA (site 2; Fig. 6A). We next investigated the possibility that hGATA-3 might

trans-activate HIV-1 LTR-mediated transcription by transfection into HeLa cells, where only low levels of hGATA2, but no hGATA-3, are expressed. The HIV-1 LTR


J. D. Engel and others

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(nucleotides -453 to +80, Fig. 6A) was subcloned into pCAT basic (Promega) to generate HIVwt/CAT; this reporter construct was cotransfected into HeLa cells with an activator plasmid constitutively expressing hGATA-3 protein (RSV/hGATA-3; Ko et al., 1991). As shown in Fig.

6C, hGATA-3 indeed stimulates HIVwt/CAT expression approximately six-fold. These data show that hGATA-3 activates HIV-1 transcription in vivo. To examine whether the increase in expression was a direct effect of hGATA-3 binding to the identified GATA

Regulation o f tissue-specific transcription Fig. 7. cG A T A -2 and cG A T A -3 expression in the chicken optic tectum . (A ,B) Sagittal section o f E 4 em bryo hybridized to a cG A T A -2 probe; (C ,D ) sagittal section o f E 6 em bryo hybridized w ith cG A T A -3 probe; (E,F) coronal section o f E 6 em bryo hybridized w ith cG A T A -2 probe; (G ,H ) h ig h er m agnification view o f a coronal section o f E 6 brain hybridized w ith cG A T A -3 probe. B right-field photom icrographs in A, C, E and G show the m orphology o f the tissue; the sam e fields are visualized by darkfield m icroscopy in B, D, F and H to show the autoradiographic silver grains indicating hybridization, di, diencephalon; m es, m esencephalon; m et, m etencephalon; tec, optic tectum ; III, third ventricle; ret, retina; NE, neural epithelium ; P, pial layer. C hicken em bryos w ere frozen and stored at -8 0 ° C until sectioning. 20 |im thick coronal or sagittal sections w ere cut and m ounted on gelatin/poly-L -lysine-coated slides. Plasm id cD N A clones encoding cG A T A -2 or cG A T A -3 (Y am am oto et al., 1990) w ere digested w ith restriction enzym es p rior to in vitro transcription using either SP6 o r T7 R N A polym erase, to generate m R N A sense o r -antisense 35S -labeled R N A probes, respectively. T hese probes did not contain the sequences encoding the D N A -binding dom ain to ensure th a t the hybridization was factor-specific.

sites within the LTR of HIV-1, a series of mutations were generated by PCR in which the GATA sites (Fig. 6B) were individually changed into unique restriction enzyme recog­ nition sequences and then ligated into a single HIV-1 LTR lacking all of the GATA-binding sites (noGATA; Fig. 6D). DNase I footprint analysis confirmed that the mutations indeed eliminated hGATA-3 binding to the GATA sites (data not shown). A 5' deletion to -1 2 0 was also con­ structed in which only the enhancer region lying 3' to all the GATA-binding sites remained (Enh; Fig. 6D); this con­ struct still includes the NF-kB, Spl, TF-IID and LBP sites. The individual and multiple GATA-binding site mutations were then functionally analyzed for their effect upon the ability of hGATA-3 to direct transcription from the HIV-1 LTR. Mutagenesis of the individual GATA-binding sites resulted in only a slight decrease in the transcriptional acti­ vation by hGATA-3 (data not shown). However, when all of the mutations were combined into a single plasmid (noGATA/CAT; Fig. 6C), its ability to be /rani-activated by cotransfected hGATA-3 was significantly reduced. These data taken together demonstrate that hGATA-3 stim­ ulates HIV-1 transcription by binding to the GATA sites within the HIV-1 LTR U3 region. In summary, the binding of hGATA-3 is required for a 6-fold increase in HIV-1 LTR-mediated transcriptional acti­ vation in non-lymphoid cells, and mutations which abolish all of the hGATA-3-binding sites within the LTR result in a quantitatively similar decrease in HIV-1 expression upon cotransfection into non-lymphoid cells (Fig. 6). The reduc­ tion in activity seen upon transfection of a mutant HIV-1 LTR bearing mutations in all of the GATA-binding sites into Jurkat cells (data not shown) strongly supports the hypothesis that hGATA-3 may be one of the factors medi­ ating basal expression of HIV-1, and is indeed required for optimal expression of the virus. (E) Expression o f GATA-2 and GATA-3 in the brain To determine if the expression of the GATA-2 and GATA3 transcription factor genes is restricted to a subset of cells within the chicken brain, we performed in situ hybridiz­


ation studies using 35S-labeled cGATA complementary RNA probes. At E3.5 and E4, the earliest embryonic stages examined, strong specific hybridization to GATA-2 and -3 mRNAs is detected at the rostro-ventral boundary of the mesencephalon in the region of the constriction between the mesencephalon (the developing optic lobe) and the dien­ cephalon (Fig. 7). Specific expression of GATA-2 and -3 is also observed within the rostral optic tectum, and most of this hybridization is localized to the outermost portion of the neural epithelium. During development, formation of the tectal layers proceeds in a rostro-ventro-lateral to caudodorso-medial direction (LaVail and Cowan, 1971a), and so this rostral portion of the tectum which shows more intense labeling is more mature. GATA mRNAs are also detected along the ventral surface of the metencephalon (data not shown). By day E6, GATA mRNA expression is more prominent within the optic tectum, although labeling is still visible in the developing diencephalon (Fig. 7). In the day E12 optic tectum, twelve distinct cell layers have been described (LaVail and Cowan, 1971a). GATA-2 and -3 mRNAs are found mainly in layers vi through ix, with the highest expression in layers vi and viii (data not shown). At this stage, the neuroepithelium (NE) has shrunk, and many neu­ ronal progenitor cells have migrated peripherally. No GATA mRNA is detected in the NE at E12, suggesting that the cells expressing GATA-2 and -3 have indeed migrated out of this layer by this time. cGATA-2 and cGATA-3 are expressed in the same tectal cell layers. GATA-2 and -3 mRNAs continue to be expressed in the adult optic tectum. Throughout development the highest levels of cGATA mRNAs are in the mesencephalic region and the develop­ ing optic tectum. These data suggest that GATA mRNA expression is restricted to a limited number of cell lineages within the brain, specifically those of the mesencephalon, the mesencephalon-diencephalon junction region, and the ventral metencephalon. These results suggest a role for cGATA-2 and -3 tran­ scription factors in the regulated expression of specific genes in the developing chicken visual system. Qualita­ tively, we find that GATA mRNA expression is most prominent within, and is precisely localized to, discrete groups o f cells in the developing brain which are physio­ logically associated with the visual system. These cells are generated during days 6 to 9 of embryogenesis (LaVail and Cowan, 1971b). Thus, the cGATA-2 and -3 genes become activated in neurons generated during this defined period of major neural and morphological organization, and continue to be expressed thereafter. The cells of the optic tectum expressing GATA mRNAs appear to be neuronal, although it is also possible that these factors may be expressed in non-neuronal cells. At all developmental stages examined, the spatial patterns of cGATA-2 and cGATA-3 expression in the brain appear to be identical. The conservation between chicken and mouse GATA-3 amino acid sequence (Ko et al., 1991) prompted us to per­ form mRNA in situ hybridization to ask whether the anal­ ogous neural structure (the superior colliculus) in mice expresses GATA-2 and GATA-3. At day 14 of gestation, both mGATA-2 and -3 are expressed in the mesencephalic roof (this structure further differentiates to form the supe-


J. D. Engel and others

Fig. 8. m G A T A -2 and m G A T A -3 expression in the superior colliculus at E 14.5. A djacent sagittal sections o f an E 14.5 em bryo w ere probed w ith riboprobes specific for each factor. (A) m G A T A -3 is expressed in the o uter cell layers o f the m esecephalic roof. (B) m G A T A -2 is expressed in the cell layer directly bordering the ventricular zone. B oth factors also show hybridization to distinct cell layers in the tuberculum posterius.

rior colliculus, the primary receptive center for the optic tracts). Thus it appears that the factors may play an impor­ tant role in the developing vision systems of both species. However, in the mouse, mGATA-2 and -3 are expressed in different cell layers of the developing superior colliculus. mGATA-2 is expressed in less mature cells directly bor­ dering the ventricular zone, while mGATA-3 is expressed in the outer (more-mature) cell layers where pre-neurons are migrating (Fig. 8). This is quite clearly different from the localized expression pattern of these factors seen in the chicken optic tectum, and the significance of this disparity is not yet clear. Other areas of the murine central nervous system were also analyzed for expression of the two factors. At day 11 of gestation, both mGATA-2 and -3 are expressed in the motor neuron pool and sympathetic ganglia. The pattern is similar at day 14, with the exception that mGATA-2 expression in the motor neuron pool is greatly diminished (data not shown). Taken together these results suggest specific and distinct functions for the two transcription fac­ tors during murine neural development. T his w ork w as supported by research grants from the N IH (H L 24415, H L 45168 and G M 28896) and a postdoctoral fellow ship from the L eukem ia Society o f A m erica (M . W . L.).

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cis and trans regulation of tissue-specific transcription.

Analysis of both the cis-regulatory sequences which control globin gene switching as well as the trans-acting factors which bind to these sequences to...
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