was much.' meddled with by native midwives, whose attempts to deliver the child completely failed. Being thus baffled in their efforts, the dliais advised the husband of the


poor sufferer to take her to the hospital. On the woman, I found the funis halloing out of the vagina by its end, probably tiie umbilical extremity. On introducing my left hand into the vagina to feel the presenting part, I found bones of the right scapula, or rather its processes, at the os uteri. The native mid wives evidently concealed the fact of pulling off the arm, for fear of legal punishment; but 011 my assuring them of their actually tearing off the arm, they confessed having done so. They said that the right arm and a coil of funis were hanging out of the vagina, and that they, in attempting to deliver the child, pulled the arm and the funis so forcibly as to tear them off. I at ouce placed the woman under the influence of chloroform and delivered the child (male) by podalic version. The operation did not take more than five or six minutes. The placenta was delivered about ten minutes after. Due pressure was all the time kept up by sin assistant on the abdomen. The cavity of the uterus being well syringed out with lukewarm water, a large pad and a bandage were applied on the A dose of brandy with half a drachm abdomen. of aromatic spirit of ammonia was ordered The patient was discharged every three hours. cured on the evening of the next day, the 20th instant. II. A case of traumatic humid gangrene of the left leg?Amputation.?Saadat Khan, a Masalman, male, at. 40, and resident of Bareilly District, was admitted into Bareilly Sader Hospital on the 10th April 1887, labouring under gangrene of his left leg consequent on fracture of the bones of the leg. The line of demarcation was about two inches above the knee. The man was in a moribund and precarious state, ami almost a skeleton. The limb was amputated by the mixed method at the middle third of the thigh, and after the ligature of the vessels and suturing of the flaps, the stump was dressed with corrosive sublimate lotion (1 to 250). The man is doing very well, and moat of the wound has healed up by primary adhesion. III. A case of stone in the urinary bladder of ten years standing?Litholapaxy Cure.? Mindhoya, a Hindu male, cet. 34, a farmer by occupation, and resident of Budauu District, was admitted into the Hospital on the 19th instant ailing with all the aggravated symptoms of stone in the urinary bladder. On explorthe presence ing the bladder with a sound, of a pretty big stone was detected. The man having been completely antesthetised, the operation of litholapaxy was performed. The whole operation did not take more than half an hour, and the lithotrite had only to be passed





By Pcjndit Ha.ua. Pra.sa.d Cheeramoni, L.M.S., Asst. Surgn. in charge of Civil Ilosptl., Bare illy,









oj labour?Arm presentation xoith prolapsed funis.?Ou the 19th instant, at about 11 P.M., I was called to see a Hindu woman, named Junia, at. 26, and resident of Bareilly* brought to the hospital with labour pains, and Phe woman had been in in a precarious state. 16 for full. hours, during which period the pains




times. The stone full two ounces.






The man is doing very well, there being no incontinence of urine. The man was quite astonished at the way lie was operated on, as he had would be cut for stone.



IV. A case of retention of urine consequent almost impermeable organic urethral strictures.?Seeta Ram, a Brahman, at. 50, and resident of Hardui District, was admitted into the hospital on the 14th current at 9 p.m., with greatly distended bladder as if about to rupThe man said that the retention was due ture. to very tight stricture, from which he suffered for years in consequence of gonorrhoea contracted in his youth. Catheterism was tried under chloroform, but all my efforts to pass any catheter were completely baffled, as the strictures were almost impermeable. Catgut and elastic bougies were next tried, but failed to produce the desired effect. At last the man whs relieved by puncture per rectum, and the canula was retained in the bladder. Two or three hours after tapping the bladder, I commenced passing No. 2 sound, and, after steady and persevering manipulation for an hour and a half, I succeeded in passing down the sound, and then a metallic catheter of the same number, which was retained in the bladder for 48 hours, removing the canula from the After 48 hours the bladder at the same time. man was again chloroformed, and the catheter being taken out, No. 5 catheter was easily passed down and retained for six hours, after which period catheter No. 8 was tried and could, with a little trouble and difficulty, be passed into the bladder and retained there for 24 hours. Thus, the strictures, which were situated in the membranous and spongy portions of the urethra, were gradually dilated, and are being further dilated, the man passing hig urine freely and without any difficulty. He is still in hospital, and will be discharged cured in a few days. on

Bareilly, The 25th





Civil Hospital, Bareilly: A Brief Description of Four Interesting Cases.

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