Clinical features of atopic dermatitis and a family history of atopy E. RLII")ZK.I', Z . SAMC)c:HO(:Kr', D . LrFF".\vsKA\ P . R F : B A N I ) L L ' , K. S A C R I K & A. R A C Z K A " 'l>cpartn-n-nl of l>erniatolog>. Medical Aiadenl^•. -Drpartnieni of Dermafolog^ . Cemer of PoM^raduaK- Medical Education, i:vnn-iil Ano>' Chu. HI>.-^(JJI.J1, and 'Child''. Healtli Cenier Memorial Hospital. Wa,-sa^^, Polan
Clinical features of atopic dermatitis and a family history of atopy.
In 365 children and 213 adults the characteristics of atopic dermatitis isolated by Hanifin and Rajka were analysed in relation to a family history of...