Case report 376


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,'" Ba tillica , .1. ,agro, J Brlllii '. \' Belljak l>epar111Wl1t "f !',,rn1lt.l" Thc' 1Il'IlIlhladdt'r~ \\ t're ronnllrnl ('alldal IIJ lhe !xm rl fleld ;lnd i'adl hart ,I urdltral orifirl'. Thl' pall('/Il aJ'>{) h,1(1


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an olllfJhalocl'll' rhe ~1111\ ,·"ral part (lf 1/11' lInn;af\' \"~km \\ ;,. normallI clc" l'!opl'd TIll' PI'IlI"\

Cloacal exstrophy: a case report.

A case of an extremely rare type of cloacal exstrophy in a male infant with a normally developed subvesical part of the urinary system and external ge...
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