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‘i 1991 Elaevicr Suence


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PAIN 01X36

Comments on ‘Parturition pain treated by intracutaneous injections of sterile water,’ by L. Ader, B. Handsson and G. Wallin (Pain, 41(1990) 133-138) M. Odent Prwnal He&h

Reserrrch Centre, 59 Ro&rrd (Accepted

Dear Editor, The technique studied in this article is pretty similar to one I described in 1975 in ‘La Nouvelle Presse Mkdicale ’ [2] for the treatment of acute kidney pains and of back pain during the first stage of labour. I introduced the term ‘lumbar reflexotherapy.’ Probably because of the language barrier, the authors of this article were not aware of my article which was much older than the German references they quote [1,3]. In the technique I described, the site of the papules was probably a little higher (in the muscular depression just below the last rib). I found out by chance that the sterile water we used for hand washing in an operating theatre is much more efficient than distilled water. In 1975 I had already proposed an explanation of the effect of ‘lumbar reflexotherapy’ by referring to Melzack and Wall’s ‘gate control theory of pain’ (viz. painful stimulations of the area of skin served by the posterior


1.5 January

London NW

_‘NP (CI K.)


branch of the 12th dorsal nerve can compete at the level of the spinal posterior horn with painful messages coming from the uterus). Modern TENS might be understood as a technique of lumbar reflexotherapy. I wonder how such a study can be double blind. A papule made of water cannot be missed and is much more painful than a subcutaneous injection of isotonic saline.

References 1 Bengtsson, J., Worming, A.M., Gertz, J. et al., Urolithiasissmetter behandlet med intrakutane sterilvanspapler. Ugeskr. Laeger., 143 (1981) 3463-3465. 2 Rodent, M., La r6flexothCrapie lombaire. Now. Presse Mid., 4 (1975) 188. 3 Trolle, G.B.. Hvidman. LE. and Guldholt, 1,s.. Laendesmerter hoa fodende behandlet med sterilvandspapler, Ugeskr. Laeger.. 148 (1986) 1200-1202.

Comments on 'Parturition pain treated by intracutaneous injections of sterile water,' by L. Ader, B. Handsson and G. Wallin (Pain, 41 (1990) 133-138)

220 /‘u/n. 4s ( I YY I) 2x1 ‘i 1991 Elaevicr Suence Publishers B.V. 0304-3959 ,YI :%OA.~CJ ,1 D0,VI.S 0?043Y51)91001 lYil PAIN 01X36 Comments...
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