Comparative biochemistry of Archaea and Bacteria Wolfram Zillig M a x Planck Institut f~r Biochemie, Martinsried, G e r m a n y This review compares exemplary molecular and metabolic features of Archaea and Bacteria in terms of phylogenetic aspects. The results of the comparison confirm the coherence of the Archaea as postulated by Woese. Archaea and Bacteria share many basic features of their genetic machinery

and their central metabolism. Similarities and distinctions allow projections regarding the nature of the common ancestor and the process of lineage diversification. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 1991, 1:544--551

Introduction Comparative analysis of 16S rRNA sequences led Woese and collaborators to divide the 'prokaryotic domain' into two 'urkingdoms of life', originally termed eubacteria and archaebacteria. Phylogenetic dendrogrzmls of not only 16S ,and 23S rRNAs but :dso of large components of DNAdependent RNA pol}qllerases, translation factors, and ATPases indicated that each of these two major groups of prokaryotes is coherent and that they are distinct from each other. This distinction between both archaebacteria and eubacteria, and between them and the third group of organisms, the eukaryotes, was confirmed by the groupspecific shaping of homologous features (summarized in Table 1). To emphasize that archaebacteria and eubacteria are ft, ndanmntally different from each other rather than merely two branches of a coherent prokaryotic entity, Woese el al. [1"] recently proposed that the highest taxon level be termed 'domain', rather than 'urMngdom', and that the terms archaebacteria, eubacteria and eukaryotes be replaced by the ,systematic designations Archaea, Bacteria and EttcaD,a.

The Archaea are a holophyletic domain This division of the IMng world as proposed by Woese el al. [1o.], who postulated the holophyletic nature of the Archaea, was questioned by Lake [2-4], who separated the archaebacteria into three phyla: the extreme halophiles, which he combines with the eubacteria tem~ing the combination'photocTtes'; the archaebacteria (this name being reserved exclusively for the methanogens) [2]; and the 'eocytes', which comprised the extremely thermophilic, often sulfur-dependent organisms that were recently temmd Crenarchaeola by Woese et al. [1 °o] and which Lake claimed to be linked to the eukaryotes [3]. The essence of this phylogenetic scheme is the derivation of eubacteria and eukaryotes from different subgroups of Woese's archaebacteria,

which then would have to be considered paraphyletic, that is, not including all their descendants [4]. The validity of the data supporting these claims has been questioned [5-7]. Table 1 shows that the 'photocyte' Halobacterium, the archaebacterium Methanococcus and the 'eocyte' SulJb/obus corresponding to each other in 24 out of 26 sufficiently analyzed homologous features. One of the two exceptions, the RNA polymerase (RNAP) component B split, is a branch character of methanogens and extreme halophiles and does not support Lake's claim. Even the second exception, the gene order in rRNA operons, in which the 'photocyte' lqalobacterium resembles the eubacteria and the 'eocyte' Sulfolobus is grouped with the eukaryotes, does not support bake's assertion because it also links the archaebacterium Methanococcua with Halobacterium. As Lake [7] points out, relating five taxa in a parsimony tree requires 'three and two patterns' (two of the live phyla differ from the other three). Seven of the first eight features listed in Table 1 confront the three Archaea with both the Eucar3pa and the Bacteria and thus yield the archaeal tree. The linkage of the three Archaea to each other in all but two of the listed features, strongly supports the archaeal case by the rules of numeric taxonomy (although each feature by itself does not support construction of a tree). The concept of three domains of life and the coherence of the Archaea is thus not only based on an increasing number of phylogenetic dendrograms but also on the distribution of a growing body of single molecular and biochemical characters.

Archaea, Bacteria and the origin of the Eucarya Of the 26 features listed in Table 1 only the first eight show a domain-specific shaping for the Archaea. The next 14 features link the Archaea to the EucaDpa and only two, genome organization and the occurrence of ribosome binding sites, are shared between Archaea and Bacteria.

Abbreviations GAPDH--glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase;pol--polymerase; RNAP--RNA polymerase.


(~) Current Biolobn/ Ltd ISSN 0959-437X

C o m p a r a t i v e b i o c h e m i s t r y of Archaea a n d Bacteria Zillig

Table 1. Distribution of discrete characters between Bacteria, Eucarya and three phyla of Archaea.

Bacteria E. coli Acylester lipids Fatty acid synthetase Flagellins Isopranyl ether lipids A ' + A" split of RNAP component A(13') RNAP gene order rpoHBA1A2-X-rpsLG Unique modified nucleotides in tRNA Unique sequences flanking rRNA genes 7S RNA RNAP component H corresponds to yeast ABC 27 Kd subunit EF10~ ADP ribosylatable DNAP0~ aphidicolin sensitive Promoter type RNAP type ATP synthase (ATPase) Protein splicing of tRNAs Translation starts with N-formylmethionyl-tRNA CCA end of tRNA encoded RNAP gene order rplKAJLrpoBC Mureine RNAP rifampicin sensitive Ribosome streptomycin sensitive Transcription units Shine Dalgarno sequences B " + B' split of RNAP component B(13) Gene order in rRNA operonl

+ + b

b b F

+ + + + ' + + + + b

Archaea Halobacterium






a + +

-a + +

-? + +

+ + e -

[25",62] [25"',62] [631 [25"',62] [12",13"1





[12"" 13"']





















+ + d c V (+ )

+ + d c V ?

+ + d c V +

+ + d c V (+ )

[66] [67] [14"] ll 2"'l




168--1 [69,701

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

[46] [461 [46]

. . + +

. .

. . + +

. .

[46] [46] [46] [46] [12"'l

+ b

+ b

+ +





"Except myocoplasma, tb = rrs, ala, rrl, rrf; c = rrs, rrl (rff unlinked), a, Archaeal; b, bacterial; c, complex; d, box A--boxB; e, eucaryal.

Most of the features listed in Table 1 are associated with the genetic machinery. Amino acid sequences of archaeal ribosomal proteins [8°'], a histone of Methanothennus fervidus [9..], translation factors [10--,11.], RNAP components [12..,13.-], standard promoters [14.-], and also ATP synthase, the central enzyme of energy conservation by electron transport phosphorylation [15",16"], often show striking sequence similarities to their eucaryal rather than to their bacterial counterparts. In contrast, Bacteria and Eucarya strongly resemble each other in the sequences of several enzymes of glycolysis and central metabolism, for example, glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) [17], phosphoglycerate kinase [18.] and malate dehydrogenase [19"], whereas the archaeal versions of these enzymes show less similarity, both to their bacterial and to their eucaryal homologs. The large components of the singular archaeal RNAPs exhibit high similarity to the corresponding subunits of two of the three specialized eucaryal RNAPs, polymerase (pol)2 and po13, but only low similarity to the third, poll [20]. Phylogenetic trees constructed using various algorithms show po12 and po13 in the immediate neighbor-

hood of the Archaea, but poll at a significant distance, sharing a bifurcation with the Bacteria [12.',21]. A possible explanation for the absence of a stem shared by the three eucaryal RNAPs is that the urkaryote, the ancestor of the Eucar3,a, arose by some sort of fusion event between an archaeal and one or several (possibly bacterial) ancestors, such that the po12 and po13 large-component genes were derived from a prearchaeal ancestor and the poll genes from another (possibly prebacterial) gene donor (Fig. 1) [12"]. The presence of 'bacterial' genes beside 'archaeal' ones in Eucar)pa would thus be explained by the chimaeric nature of the eucaryal nuclear genome. As the GAPDH of Giardia lamblia, a eukaryote devoid of mitochondria, and which is presumed to be primitive, also resembles bacterial GAPDHs [17], these 'bacterial' genes should logically have been acquired earlier than the ancestors of the mitochondria. One of the most remarkable recent achievements in molecular phylogeny is the rooting of phylogenetic trees of ATPase components and translation factors by determining the intersection of dendrograms of genes that



Gene organization and evolution




' ~~



y-Mit°ch°ncl'rina Primary oisuf

Common ancestor


(b') Archaea




Common ancestor

Eucarya X


Common ancestor

arose by duplication/diversification, presumably before first interdomain ramification (i.e. pairs of paralogous genes present in all three domains) [10.o,22,23]. In both the case of ATPase components and the case of elongation factors EFI~ and EFII, the Bacteria branched off first, followed by a ramification of Archaea and Eucarya. One should keep in mind, however, that this is the phylogeny of genes rather than organisms, and that this result could be compatible with the occurrence of the opposite branching order for 'bacterial' genes of Eucarya, in which the Archaea branch off before a bifurcation of Bacteria and Eucarya. Superposition of both types of single gene phylogenies would yield the fusion tree represented in Figure 1.

Features shared by Archaea and Bacteria

The distinct nature of the Archaea is characterized by aspects of the genetic machinery, electron transport phosphorytation, and lipid structure and biosynthesis. Although the presence of straight chain fatty acids and of

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic representation of the genesisof the Eucarya by a fusion of Archaea and Bacteria. The dendrograms in the lower part of the figure are typical phylogenetic trees of (b) archaebacterial and (b') eubacterial genes of Eucarya,the superposition of which yields the upper dendrogram. Where one fusion partner arose from an already diversified bacterial lineage, X denotes extant representatives of that lineage, which appear on the lowest branch of the Eucarya,rather than among the other Bacteria.

fatty acid synthetase has been reported in Archaea [24], the small enzymatic activity associated with Halobacterium is salt sensitive and recent attempts to prove the presence of fatty acids in Archaea failed completely (M De Rosa and A Gambacorta, personal communication) [25"]. As discussed by Danson [26], many other metabolic capacities are shared either by Archaea and Bacteria, or by certain phyla in either domain. Thus, methanogens, like many Bacteria, appear to use the Embden-Meyerhof pathway of glycolysis in both directions. Extreme halophiles, Sulfolobus and Tbermoplasma use a version of the early steps of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway of glucose catabolism, employing non-phosphorylated rather than phosphorylated intermediates. Again, certain Bacteria follow the same path. It has been found that different versions (aerobic/anaerobic, oxidative/reductive, complete/interrupted) and parts of the citric-acid cycle are expressed in different Archaea and Bacteria. In both Archaea and anaerobic Bacteria 2-oxo-acid oxidoreductases occur. Although the 2-oxo-acid dehydrogenase multi- enzyme complexes present in aerobic Bao

Comparative biochemistry of Archaea and Bacteria Zillig 547 teria have not been found in Archaea, their component dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase has been found in extreme halophiles.

lishing several complex features of this type in different Arcbaea and Bacteria is needed to elucidate whether horizontal gene transfer occurred.

Principles and components of electron transport phosphorylation have been discovered in Arcbaea, although their respiratory chains appear primitive [27°.]. Both the Archaeum Sulfolobus and the Bacterium Thiobacil/us oxidize sulfur. Both the Archaeum Archaeoglo&us [28] and certain Bacteria reduce sulfate for energy conservation. Representatives of the ¢t-group of purple bacteria and certain methanogens [29,30"] are able to fix molecular nitrogen. Like sulfur-dependent, extremely thermophilic Archaea of the branch Crenarchaeota and the order Thermococcales, certain Bacteria use sulfur as the terminal electron acceptor, although in contrast to some Archaea [31"'] they do not seem to be able to couple this to autotrophic CO x fixation. Reverse gyrase has not only been found in extremely thermophilic Archaea [32], Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota, but also in the extremely thermophilic Bacterium Thermotoga [33"'].

In both Archaea and Bacteria, many genes are organized in transcription units of often similar gene composition (for review see [46])[47"-49,50"-53"]. The similarity of this organization between the two domains indicates a common origin. Operons certainly alleviate the control of expression of correlated genes. Linkage of such genes could, however, also be advantageous in genome evolution. Highly similar transcription units map in different contexts in the chromosomes of Archaea and Bacteria (for example, see [12"]), indicating independent arrangement or extensive rearrangement of gene clusters within coherent circular genomes during the diversification of the domains. Different single genes are absent in corresponding gene clusters of different Archaea, for example in archaeal 'strep operons' (cited in [12.-] ). Complete separation of rRNA genes has been found in Therrnoplasma [54"]. These data are in line with the hypothesis that genomes were originally composed, and later under certain conditions supplemented, by the recombinative joining and addition, respectively, of sets of genes once or still available. For example, the genes could be donated by a common pool of plasmids in a manner similar to the virus modules of Campbell and Botstein [55], or they could occur as accessory DNA elements able to enter the chromosome [56]. The unique metabolic capacities found in isolated bacterial and archaeal phyla could thus have been acquired from this unidentified pool by unknown modes of transfer and recombination.

Gas vacuoles exist in Halobacteria and several Bacteria. The structural proteins of these organelles in I-L. halobium and Cyanobacteria are strikingly similar [34"]. Homologous superoxide dismutases have been discovered in Bacteria and Archaea [35], including the anaerobic archaebacterium Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum [36"]. The ability of a particular group of Archaea, the methanogens, to exist autotrophically by gaining energy through methanogenesis appears to be unique, although the mode of energy conservation in this pathway resembles in principle other ATP synthesis processes that are membrane associated and proton driven [37"',38",39"']. In contrast, however, 13-galactosidases discovered in Sulfolobus [40] appear to be unrelated to the enzyme of E. coli. The gene described by CubeUis et al. [41.] has been isolated from S. solfataricua strain MT4. The homologous, yet strikingly different, gene described by Little et al. [40] could stem from a contamination of DSM 1616 by S. acidocaldarius [42°]. Capacities shared by isolated phyla in both domains could have belonged to the repertoire of the common ancestor of Archaea and Bacteria and were possibly lost during lineage diversification in all but the particular taxa still possessing them. As several of these features are complex, the genome of the common ancestor should have been significantly larger than those of present members of both domains, the genomes of which range around 3 x 96bp [43]; (Klenk, Diploma thesis, Eberhard-Karls-UniversRy, Tf~ingen, 1986). Alternatively, it is possible that the sharing of such metabolic capacities by particular phyla in both domains could at least, in some cases, have resulted from horizontal gene transfer. In the case of the nlfgenes, where sequences for comparison are available, the phylo genetic tree appears to contradict this hypothesis [44]. Because for ferredoxins [45] and gas vacuole proteins [34"] the sequences of only two phyla (Halobacteria and Cyanobacteria), one from each domain, were compared, phylogenetic dendrograms could not be constructed. The cloning and sequencing of genes involved in estab-

The nature of the common ancestor The features shared by Arcbaea and Bacteria testify to the existence of a highly developed intermediary metabolism including glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, the citric acid cycle [26], electron transport phosphorylation (for example, see [37"]) and even elements of respiratory chains [19"'] in the common ancestor of both domains. This ancestor should thus have possessed a large set of enzymes sufficient for autonomous existence and also the molecular components necessary for their accurate manufacture (e.g. a DNA genome, RNA polymerase, and ribosome-binding sites for the initiation of translation) [46]. It was thus not the progenote of Woese and Fox [57], in which inaccurate (not yet fully developed) gene expression and genome replication should have excluded the synthesis of large specific enzymes [67], but rather an already strikingly perfect genote, that is, an organism equipped with a fully developed gene replication and expression system. Even the organization of transcription units was principally complete, although their context (linkage) within a single circular genome was possibly not yet established (see above). By possessing a genome consisting of unlinked gene clusters, the common ancestor would conform to a second important characteristic ascribed to the progenote by Woese [58]. As exemplified by characteristic differences, for example in the transcription apparatus (including the structure of RNAP and promoters and their interaction [14-,]) parts


Gene organization and evolution of the genetic machinery were, however, not yet fully established. Among other domain specific features, the apparently absolute inability of Archaea to synthesize fatty acids and fatty acid ester lipids (see above) is most conspicuous. In contrast, the basic biosynthetic pathways of polyisoprenoid compounds are shared by Bacteria and Arcbaea [25"'], although Bacteria cannot synthesize ether lipids because they lack the ability to join isopranyl residues to glycerol [59,60], to completely reduce the linked residues and to condense the heads of two C20 chains to fore1 a C40 compound. The primeval membrane was therefore probably neither of the isopranyl-ether nor of the fatty-acid-ester type, but was rather, for example, a membrane of protein. The capacity, to s'ynthesize fatty-acid-ester lipids would then have been an achievement of the ancestral Bacteria, which donated it to the Eucaopa; the ancestral Ardaaea inventing isopranyl-ether lipids instead. The absence of lineages going back to transitional fomas between Archaea and Bacteria indicates that starting lineages probably required irreversible changes, possibly isolation of individuals, ending the phase of transition from the conmaon ancestor to the already distinctly diversified ancestral Archaea and Bacteria. It seems that extensive gene sharing, already postulated as a third characteristic of the progenote suggested by Woese [61], prevented lineage separation in two isolated, rapidly evolving populations of progenotes that finally became separated by the increasing incompatibility of their transcription systems. The fomaation of strong barriers between individuals within each population, for example by changes in the quality of their membranes, could then have ended the phase of ancestral communication, thus preparing the stage for speciation. This ancestral communication should have effected rapid joint evolution by making rare or nmtatect gene clusters (plasmids?) available as a common gene pool to all individuals throughout the progenote population. This pool should have consisted of two fractions: a set of house-keeping genes required for the autonomous existence of each individual; and a fraction of rare gene clusters encoding special capacities present only in small subpopulations. The transfer of the latter would have ensured survival in a changing environment. The genetic fixation of the genes should have occurred by the development of the communication barriers discussed above, concomitant with the linkage of gene clusters into coherent genomes. The superiority of the resulting true genotes, for example in maintaining their gene stocks, would then have ended the age of progenotes. Although the details of these ideas are still speculative, aspects of them appear as rather compelling interpretations of the comparative biochemistry/molecular genetics of the domains. The details may unfold with the growing understanding of the molecular similarities and differences between the domains.

three domains of life, enables extrapolations to the early evolution of organisms and the nature of the common ancestor. The Arcbaea have facilitated our understanding of evolution, both by being distinct in certain features as well as by sharing fundamental capacities with the Bacteria. Their coherent circular genomes are composed of gene clusters resembling those found in Bacteria, although the order in which these clusters are linked appears to differ, indicating two independent processes of chromosome formation. This implies that the common ancestor of Arcbaea and Bacteria, "although possessing an almost fully developed metabolic and genetic machinery, did not initially have a coherent genome. That and other projections, for ex~unple, the differences of transcription signalling and lipid structure, bring early biotic evolution in the progenote state into focus.

Acknowledgements Due to limitations of space this review' is unable to reference the literature prior to 1990 in flail. 1 would like to apologise to those whose work I have not been able to acknowledge.

References and recommended reading Papers of speci:d interest, published within the annual peri(x.t of review, have been highlighted -ts: • of interest • ,, of ot, tstanding interest 1. .,

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12. **

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25. .•

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27. ..

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W Zillig, Max-Planck-lnstitut fOr Biochemie, 138033 Martinsried, Germany.


Comparative biochemistry of Archaea and Bacteria.

This review compares exemplary molecular and metabolic features of Archaea and Bacteria in terms of phylogenetic aspects. The results of the compariso...
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