The Eurasian

Eurasia n J Med 2014; 46:96-101


Journal of Medicine__________

Original Article

Comparison of the Mycobacterium Growth Indicator Tube Method and the Method of Proportion for Drug Susceptibility Testing of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Kökenlerinin İlaç Duyarlılığının Belirlenmesinde Mycobacterium Growth IndicatorTube Sistemi ve Proporsiyon Yönteminin Karşılaştırılması Ayşe Esin Aktas1, Nimet Yiğit2, Ahmet Ayyildiz1, Ayşe Bastopcu1 departm ent of Medical Microbiology, Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine, Erzurum, Turkey Department of Medical Laboratory, Atatürk University, Health Services Vocational School, Erzurum, Turkey



Objective: Tuberculosis is an im portant public health problem in de­ veloped and, especially, developing countries. The incidence of m ulti­ drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MDR-TB) has increased in recent years. Mycobacterial culture and susceptibility testing must be rapidly concluded for effective treatment and control o f the disease. The present study evaluated the reliability of the Mycobacterium Growth IndicatorTube (MGIT) method for testing the susceptibility of M. tuberculosis to four first-line antimicrobial drugs by comparing MGIT results to those obtained by the method of proportion (MOP), which served as the reference method.

Amaç: Tüberküloz gelişmiş ve özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkeler için önemli bir halk sağlığı problemidir. Çoklu ilaç direnci gösteren Myco­ bacterium tuberculosis kökenlerinin sayısı son yıllarda artış göstermek­ tedir. Bu hastalığın etkili tedavisi ve kontrol altına alınmasında mik­ robiyolojik kültür ve duyarlılık yöntemlerinin hızla sonuçlandırılması zorunludur. Bu çalışmada, M. tuberculosis kökenlerinin birinci seçenek anti-tüberküloz ilaçlara karşı duyarlılığı Growth IndicatorTube (MGIT) ve referans metot olarak kabul edilen proporsiyon yöntemi ile araştı­ rılmıştır.

Materials and Methods: A total of 60 clinical isolates (28 sputum, 7 bronchoalveolar lavage, 7 cerebrospinal fluid, 3 gastric aspirates, 5 urine, 4 pleural fluid and 6 other specimens) o f M. tuberculosis were tested for susceptibility to streptomycin (SM), isoniazid (INH), ethambutol (EMB) and rifampin (RIF). MOP was carried out accord­ ing to National Committe for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) on Lowenstein-Jensen medium. MGIT susceptibility testing was per­ formed according to the protocol provided by the manufacturer. Results: Resistance was detected in 18.3% and 16.7% o f the isolates for INH, 13.3% and 10.0% for RIF, 16.7% and 11.7% for SM and 6.7% and 8.3% for EMB by MOP and MGIT, respectively.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Değişik klinik örneklerden izole edilen 60 M. tuber­ culosis kökeninin (28 balgam, 7 BAL, 7 BOS, 3 açlık mide suyu, 5 idrar, 4 plevral sıvı ve 6 diğer örnekler) dört birinci seçenek anti-tüberküloz ila­ ca (streptomisin (SM), izoniazid (INH), etambutol (EMB) and rifampisin (RIF)) karşı duyarlılığı araştırıldı. Proporsiyon metodu NCCLS standart­ larına göre Lowenstein-Jensen besiyerinde uygulandı. MGIT sistemi ile duyarlılık üretici firma önerileri doğrultusunda çalışıldı. Bulgular: iki yöntem ile yapılan duyarlılık çalışmasında kökenlerin ilaçlara karşı duyarlılığı iki yöntem (MOP ve MGIT) için sırasıyla; INH di­ renci %18,3 ve %16,7, RIF direnci %13,3 ve %10,0, SM direnci %16,7 ve%11,7, EMB direnci %6,7 ve %8,3 olarak belirlendi.

Conclusion: MOP remains the method o f choice, however, the corre­ lation between MOP and MGIT suggested that MGIT can also be used routinely and that it is a reliable method for testing susceptibility of M. tuberculosis strains to first-line anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Sonuç: Proporsiyon metodu standart yöntem olmakla birlikte, MGIT ve Proporsiyon yöntemi arasında direnç oranları açısından uyum be­ lirlenmiştir. MGIT sistemi M. tuberculosis kökenlerinin birinci seçenek anti-tüberküloz ilaçlara karşı duyarlılıklarının belirlenmesinde güvenilir bir yöntemdir ve rutin laboratuarda kullanılabilir.

Key Words: MGIT, M. tuberculosis, susceptibility

Anahtar Kelimeler: MGIT, M. tuberculosis, duyarlılık

Received: May 21, 2013 / Accepted: September 6,2013 Correspondence to: Ayşe Esin Aktas, Department of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology, Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine, 25100, Erzurum,Turkey Phone:+90 442 233 11 11 e-mail: [email protected] ©Copyright 2014 by the Atatürk University School of Medicine - Available online at doi:10.5152/eajm.2014.23

Eurasian J Med 2014; 46:96-101

Aktas et al. MGIT and MOP for Drug Susceptibility o f M. tuberculosis

Introduction An ancient disease, tuberculosis remains one of the major causes of disability and death worldwide. The incidence of tuberculosis has been increasing dramatically throughout the world in the last decade. Control o f the disease requires rapid identification of patients and prompt implementation of drug therapy. Furthermore, treatment and control of tuber­ culosis has been increasingly complicated by the emergence o f drug resistance [1-3]. Drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains repre­ sent a serious public health problem. Resistance to the four primary drugs-INH, SM, EMB and RIF-makes tuberculosis diffi­ cult to treat. The emergence o f MDR-TB within the last decade has posed an exceptionally severe threat and underscores the significance o f rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing of MDR-TB strains to effectively treat patients [4-6]. Among the methods that are used for drug susceptibility testing, MOP is universally accepted as the "gold standard" (NCCLS, 2000) [7]. However, it generally requires 3 to 4 weeks to obtain a final result. The performance standard of a new system should be comparable with that of the BACTEC 460 TB technology, in addition to carrying a low risk o f needle punc­ tures and disposal of radioactive waste. Recently, the non­ radiometric, fully automated Bactec MGIT 960 system (MGIT) (Becton Dickinson, Sparks, MD) technology has provided a new step forward, as it allows continuous monitoring of posi­ tive fluorescence, which is based on bacterial growth. This MGIT system has been proposed as a method for determining susceptibility o f M. tuberculosis strains to the first-line anti­ tuberculosis drugs: INH, RIF, EMB and SM [4-6, 8-10]. In this study, we evaluated, under the routine condi­ tions of a clinical microbiology laboratory, the reliability of the MGIT system for susceptibility testing of 60 clinical M. tuberculosis isolates to four first-line anti-tuberculosis agents: INH, RIF, EMB and SM. The results were compared to those obtained by the conventional MOP using Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ) medium, which is proposed as the "gold standard".

Materials and Methods

and identified as M. tuberculosis according to growth rates, pigmentation, properties of colonies, the presence o f acidfast bacilli, nitrate reduction, niacin accumulation and heat stable catalase tests. Sixty isolates were tested by the MOP and MGIT system to determine susceptibility to four first-line anti-tuberculosis agents: INH, RIF, EMB and SM. All procedures in the experimental protocol were approved by the Ethics Committee of Medical Faculty. Method of Proportion Each strain was tested for susceptibility to INH, RIF, EMB and SM using MOP on LJ medium. LJ tubes containing an anti-tuberculosis agent and a control (anti-tuberculosis agent-free) were provided by Salubris AŞ, Istanbul. Each of tw o dilutions (10-3 and 10'5 of a 107-108 cfu/mL suspension) was inoculated into three control LJ tubes and into one tube containing either 4 pg/L SM, 0.2 or 1 pg/L INH, 40 pg/L RIF, or 2 pg/L EMB. Colonies were counted after 21, 28 and 42 days of incubation at 37°C. The criterion for resistance was 1% or more colonies in the drug-containing medium when com­ pared to the number of colonies developing in the drug-free medium [1, 3, 7-9,11], Mycobacterial Growth Indicator Tube-Antibiotic Susceptibility Test (MGIT-AST): MGIT-AST (Becton Dickinson, Sparks, MD, ABD) was performed as recommended by the manufacturer. MGIT tubes were prepared by adding 0.8 mL of oleic acid-albumin-dextrose-catalase in each of the five tubes that together constituted an MGIT-AST kit: growth control, INH, SM, EMB and RIF. Antibiotics were added at a volume of 100 ml to stock solutions. Final concentrations were 1.0 pg/L for SM, 0.1 pg/L for INH, 1 pg/L for RIF, and 5.0 pg/L for EMB. A 1:5 sterile saline concentration of McFarland 0.5 standard suspension was inoculated into each tube at a volume of 0.5 mL. Drug susceptibility testing sets were entered into the MGIT instrument and continuously monitored until a susceptible or resistant result was obtained. The drug susceptibility testing set results was reported by the instrument (determined by the software algorithms, once the GC becomes positive) [2,4-6], Table 1 .Type of specimens

Type of specimens Strains and Specimens Sixty strains of M. tuberculosis were isolated from various clinical specimens. All specimens were processed following the standard NALC-NaOH method for digestion, decon­ tamination, and concentration. The concentrated sediment was suspended in approximately 2 to 3 mL phosphate buf­ fer (pH 6.8) and mixed thoroughly. A smear was prepared for acid-fast staining, and culture media were inoculated according to the laboratory standard procedure for primary isolation. All clinical isolates were grown on LJ medium slants



Number of specimens 28

Bronchoalveolar lavage


Cerebrospinal fluid


Gastric aspirate




Pleural fluid







Eurasian J Med 2014; 46:96-101

Aktas et al. MGIT and MOP for Drug Susceptibility of M tuberculosis

Table 2. Comparison of susceptibilities of 60 M. tuberculosis strains to INH, RIF, EMB and SM

Susceptibility by the indicated test Number o f strains


















































s s s



























































































S: susceptible; R: resistant; MOP: method of proportion; MGIT: mycobacterium growth indicator tube INH: isoniazid; RIF: rifampin; SM: streptomycin; EMB: ethambutol

Statistical Analysis The x 2test (Spearman's correlation test) was used for com­ paring susceptibility results of MGIT with MOP.

Results Sixty strains of M. tuberculosis were isolated from various clinical specimens (Table 1). Sixty strains o f M. tuberculosis were studied for suscep­ tib ility to all four anti-tuberculosis agents. Using MOP on LJ medium, we found that eleven strains were resistant to at least INH, 8 strains were resistant to RIF, 10 strains were resistant to SM, 4 strains were resistant to EMB, and 6 strains were MDR-TB (resistant to INH and RIF). Using MGIT, we found that ten strains were resistant to at least INH, 6 strains were resistant to RIF, 7 strains were resistant to SM, 5 strains were resistant to EMB, and 5 strains were MDR-TB (Table 2). When compared, the results o f susceptibility testing in this study detected resistance in 18.3% and 16.7% of the isolates for INH, 13.3% and 10.0% for RIF, 16.7% and 11.7% for SM and 6.7% and 8.3% for EMB by MOP and MGIT, respectively (Table 3). The x2 test (Spearman's cor­ relation test), which was used for comparing susceptibil­ ity results o f the BACTEC MGIT 960 w ith MOP, found no statistically significant difference between the means (x2 =0.568, p>0.05).

Discussion The importance of rapid availability o f M. tuberculosis drug resistance results is universally acknowledged. Detection of resistance at the genetic level by the presence o f mutations in certain loci, although promising, is still far from finding its place among the techniques o f diagnostic mycobacteriology. Furthermore, this approach is hindered by the presence of multiple resistance mechanisms for the majority of antimycobacterial drugs [3], Phenotypic susceptibility testing, therefore, remains the method o f choice. Standard methods for determin­ ing the drug susceptibility of M. tuberculosis, such as MOP on Middlebrook 7H10 agar and LJ, require 3 to 4 weeks to complete. Meanwhile, patients with resistant organisms receive treatment with an ineffective drug regimen. This delay may lead to additional drug resistance and failure to control the disease. Given the increasing rate o f TB, there is a need to develop more rapid and efficient methods for mycobacterial testing (diagnosis, susceptibility testing). Of the commonly used methods, only the BACTEC 460 system can provide results within 30 days. Unfortunately, both the cost and the management of radioactive waste lim it the use o f the BACTEC system. MGIT, a broth-based non-radiometric system is an alternative to the radiometric system. By add­ ing M. tuberculosis suspension to a drug-containing MGIT tubes, an anti-mycobacterial susceptibility test (AST) can be

Eurasian J Med 2014; 46:96-101

Aktas et al. MGIT and MOP for Drug Susceptibility o f M. tuberculosis


Table 3. The Results of Susceptibility Testing by Method of proportion (MOP) and Mycobacterium Growth Indicator Tube (M G IT) MOP



S usceptible











Isoniazid (INH)









S usceptible

R ifam pin (RIF)









S tre p to m ycin (SM)









E th a m b u to l (EMB)









MOP: method of proportion; MGIT: mycobacterium growth indicator tube

p e rfo rm e d . MGIT-AST is a n e w te s t th a t is based on critica l

fo r EMB, respectively. A n o th e r s tu d y fo u n d INH and RIF w ith

c o n ce n tra tio n s and d e ve lo p e d in liq u id m edia. MGIT-AST

97.1% and 100% concordance, and SM and EMB w ith 91.4%

results can be o b ta in e d in less th a n 14 days. F urthe rm o re, th e

and 94.2% con cord ance b e tw e e n th e tw o m etho ds, respec­

h a n d lin g o f MGIT-AST is easy and secure [1-6, 8, 9, 11-14], In

tiv e ly [14],

th is study, w e eva lu ated th e re lia b ility o f MGIT in com p ariso n

The em e rge nce o f MDR-TB and, m ore recently, o f e x te n ­

w ith th e reference m e th o d (MOP on LJ m e d iu m ) using 60

sively d ru g -re sista n t (XDR-TB) is a real th re a t to TB c o n tro l and

strains o f M. tuberculosis.

e lim in a tio n . O ver 400,000 n e w cases o f MDR-TB occu r each

W hen com p are d, th e results o f s u s c e p tib ility te s tin g in

year, and a lth o u g h th e tru e in cid e n ce is c u rre n tly u n kn o w n ,

th is stu d y d e te c te d resistance in 18.3% and 16.7% o f th e iso­

XDR cases are recognized in every s e ttin g w h e re th e re has

lates fo r INH, 13.3% and 10.0% fo r RIF, 16.7% and 11.7% fo r SM

been th e ca p a city to d e te c t th e m . The lo n g -te rm vision fo r

and 6.7% and 8.3% fo r EMB by MOP and MGIT, respectively.

th e fu ll c o n tro l o f MDR-TB requires th e sca lin g -u p o f c u ltu re

The x 2 te s t (Spearman's c o rre la tio n test), w h ic h was used fo r

and d ru g -s u s c e p tib ility te s tin g capacity, w h ic h is v e ry lim ite d

co m p a rin g s u s c e p tib ility results o f th e BACTEC MGIT 960 w ith

in disea se-en de m ic cou ntrie s, and th e e xp an de d use o f h ig h -

MOP, fo u n d no sta tistica lly s ig n ific a n t d iffe re n ce b e tw e e n th e

te c h n o lo g y assays fo r rap id d e te rm in a tio n o f resistance [18],

m eans x 2 =0,568, p>0.05). The p e rfo rm an ces (sensitivity, spe cificity, ra p id ity) o f MGIT

In o u r study, 60 strains o f M. tuberculosis w ere evaluated fo r s u s c e p tib ility to all fo u r a n ti-tu b e rcu lo sis agents. Using

and MOP seem ed co m p a ra b le in several studies c o n d u cte d

MOP on LJ m e d iu m , w e fo u n d th a t eleven strains w e re resis­

recently. Birinci e t al. [15] fo u n d a b e tte r c o rre la tio n be tw ee n

ta n t to a t least INH, 8 strains w ere resistant to RIF, 10 strains

MGIT and MOP on LJ m e d iu m . Said e t al. [16] re p o rte d th a t

w ere resistant to SM, 4 strains w e re resistant to EMB, and 6

th e MGIT 960 system p e rfo rm e d w e ll fo r SM and EMB w h e n

strains w e re MDR-TB. Using MGIT, w e fo u n d th a t te n strains

co m p a re d to MOP (se n sitivity in d e te c tin g resistance 95%

w e re resistant to at least INH, 6 strains w ere resistant to RIF, 7

and 92%, respectively). Safwat e t al. [11] re p o rte d th a t th e

strains w ere resistant to SM, 5 strains w e re resistant to EMB,

to ta l e fficie n cy o f MGIT was 82% fo r s u s c e p tib ility te s tin g to

and 5 strains w e re MDR-TB.

SM, w h ile it was 96% fo r INH, 90% fo r RIF and 80% fo r EMB.

S urveillance o f dru g-re sistance has n o t been p e rfo rm e d

S afw at et al. [11] suggested th a t th e MGIT system is n o t ye t

a t th e n a tio n a l level in Turkey, how ever, local stud ies have

s u ffic ie n tly accurate to w a rra n t th e e lim in a tio n o f LJ m edia

re p o rte d various ranges o f MDR-TB. G o n lu g u r e t al. [19]

fo r s u s c e p tib ility te s tin g to firs t lin e a n ti-tu b e rcu lo sis drugs.

re p o rte d resistance rates o f 17.7% fo r INH, 11.4% fo r SM, 4.4%

Cam bau e t al. [1] fo u n d th a t th e con cord ance b e tw e e n th e

fo r RIF, 5.1% fo r EMB and 3.8% fo r MDR-TB. Ucar e t al. [20]

tw o m e th o d s was 95.3-100% w h e n co n sid e rin g th e results

re p o rte d resistance rates in seven d iffe re n t regions o f Turkey

fo r each d ru g /s tra in c o m b in a tio n separately. Kontos e t al.

b e tw e e n 2003 and 2006 as 12.3%, 10.1%, 6% and 15.8% fo r

[9] re p o rte d th a t th e overall a g re e m e n t b e tw e e n MGIT and

INH, RIF, EMB and SM, resp ective ly. The MDR-TB rate was 10%

MOP was 99.1%. H igh se n s itiv ity (the a b ility to d e te c t tru e

fo r th is 4-year p e rio d in th e sam e study.

resistance) and sp e c ific ity (th e a b ility to d e te c t tru e suscepti­

In a n o th e r study, Saygan e t al. [21] d e te c te d resistance

b ility ) values o f th e MGIT system w e re d e m o n s tra te d by th is

rates in th re e provinces o f T urkey as 13.3% fo r INH and RIF

s tu d y fo r s u s c e p tib ility te s tin g o f M. tuberculosis. Aktas e t al.

(67 strains o f each), 9.1% fo r SM, 3.4% fo r EMB, and 7.9% fo r

[17] re p o rte d th e con cord ance b e tw e e n th e MGIT and MOP

MDR-TB. The h ig h e s t resistance rate was d e te c te d in isolates

s u s c e p tib ility tests fo r firs t-lin e d ru g s as100% and 90%; 98%

sent fro m Bursa p ro vin ce (located in n o rth w e s te rn Turkey). In

and 90% fo r INH; 100% and 90% fo r RIF; and 98% and 94%

th e sam e study, MDR-TB rates (18.8% and 10.6%, respectively)


Aktas et al. MGIT and MOP for Drug Susceptibility o f M. tuberculosis

M ultidrug Resistance Using The Bactec MGIT 960 System: A

were detected in the strains sent from Elazig and Van prov­ inces (both located in eastern Turkey). Tas et al. [22] detected resistance rates in young soldiers (data from 14 m ilitary


of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to Four Major Anti-tuberculous Drugs: Comparison With The Radiometric BACTEC 460 TB

and 0.9% (n=1) for INH, RIF, EMB and SM, respectively. In the same study, the MDR-TB rate was 5.8% (n=6). Aydın et al. [23]

Method and The Agar Plate Method o f Proportion. J o f Clin

reported resistance rates o f 6.1 % for INH, 0.5% fo r RIF, 5.2% for 4.

[24] detected M. tuberculosis resistance rates o f 19.7%, 42%, 40.8% and 18% for SM, INH, RIF and EMB, respectively. In our study, resistance to INH was detected in 18.3% and 16.7% o f the isolates for INH, 13.3% and 10.0% fo r RIF, 16.7%


and 11.7% fo r SM and 6.7% and 8.3% fo r EMB by MOP and MGIT, respectively. The MDR-TB rates detected in our study MGIT.

42:1109-14. Rüsch-Gerdes S, Pfyffer GE, Casal M, et al. Multicenter Laboratory


Validation of The BACTEC MGIT 960 Technique for Testing Susceptibilities to Classical Second-Line Drugs And Newer Antimicrobials. J o f Clin Microbiol 2006; 44:688-92. National Com m ittefor Clinical Laboratory Standards, 2000.


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between MGIT and MOP. MGIT-AST is a reliable m ethod th a t produced results congruent w ith those obtained by th e pro­ testing o f M. tuberculosis.

Ethics Committee Approval: Ethics com m ittee approval was received for this study from th e ethics com m ittee o f

Agar Proportion Method of Testing Drug Susceptibility o f M. tuberculosis. Ind J Tub 2002: 217-20.

Ethics C om m ittee o f Atatürk University Faculty o f Medicine.

Informed Consent: W ritten inform ed consent was obtained from the patients w ho participated in this study. Peer-review: Externally peer-reviewed. Author Contributions: Concept - A.E.A., N.Y.; Design A.E.A., N.Y.; Supervision - A.E.A., A.A.; Funding - A.E.A., N.Y.; Materials - A.E.A., A.A., A.B.; Data Collection and/or Processing - A.E.A., A.B.; Analysis an d /o r Interpretation - A.A.E., N.Y.; Literature Review - A.E.A., A.A., N.Y.; W riting - A.E.A., NY.; Critical Review - A.E.A., N.Y., A.A.

Conflict of Interest: No conflict o f interest was declared by th e authors.

Financial Disclosure: The authors declared th a t this study has received no financial support.


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Comparison of the mycobacterium growth indicator tube method and the method of proportion for drug susceptibility testing of mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Tuberküloz gelişmiş ve özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkeler için önemli bir halk sağlığı problemidir. Çoklu ilaç direnci gösteren Mycobacterium tuberculo...
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