Chapter 14 Computational Phosphorylation Network Reconstruction: Methods and Resources Guangyou Duan and Dirk Walther Abstract The succession of protein activation and deactivation mediated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation events constitutes a key mechanism of molecular information transfer in cellular systems. To deduce the details of those molecular information cascades and networks has been a central goal pursued by both experimental and computational approaches. Many computational network reconstruction methods employing an array of different statistical learning methods have been developed to infer phosphorylation networks based on different types of molecular data sets such as protein sequence, protein structure, or phosphoproteomics data. In this chapter, different computational network inference methods and resources for biological network reconstruction with a particular focus on phosphorylation networks are surveyed. Key words Biological networks, Phosphorylation networks, Network inference, Protein–protein interaction, Reverse engineering


Introduction Biological network reconstruction by computational means (also termed reverse engineering or network inference) is a burgeoning field fueled by the broad application of holistic molecular measurement technologies—collectively called OMICS technologies—that probe the quantitative level of many, ideally all molecules of a particular molecular organizational domain. Computational biological network reconstruction methods offer an effective approach towards describing the relationships among a large numbers of biological molecules such as transcripts (mRNA), microRNA, proteins (or phosphoproteins), and metabolites. Based on the reconstructed networks, complex regulatory processes such as transcriptional regulation and signaling cascades can be better understood and modeled in silico [1]. Beyond detailed processes, overall design principals of biological networks can be revealed by applying concepts for graph-based network analysis [2]. The computational reconstruction

Waltraud X. Schulze (ed.), Plant Phosphoproteomics: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1306, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2648-0_14, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015



Guangyou Duan and Dirk Walther

of molecular networks formed by proteins connected via phosphorylation/dephosphorylation events is the focus of this chapter. Protein posttranslational modifications (PTMs) modulate the function of the targeted protein by influencing the protein folding, stability, or interaction with other molecules [3]. Hundreds of PTMs have been characterized and can be detected experimentally on a broad scale [4]. The PTM-type phosphorylation, which attaches a phosphate group to either serine, threonine, or tyrosine residues, plays a central role in many biological processes such as cell cycle or response to extracellular stimuli. With the advancement of experimental techniques such as mass-spectrometry-(MS)-based phosphoproteomics, thousands of proteins in different species have been found to undergo phosphorylation [5, 6]. Protein phosphorylation is reversibly regulated by kinases and phosphatases that phosphorylate and dephosphorylate proteins, respectively. Kinases and phosphatases have been widely studied and hundreds to thousands of them have been detected in many different species [7, 8]. The succession of protein activation and deactivation mediated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation events has been shown to act as a molecular information flow mechanisms among proteins in a broad range of cellular regulatory processes [9, 10]. Kinase–substrate [11] or phosphatase–substrate interactions [12] are the elementary processes in forming the molecular phosphorylation network. The phosphorylation network is a special type of protein interaction network and describes the set of proteins undergoing phosphorylation/dephosphorylation events and the interactions among them. Different experimental methods have been developed to reconstruct the phosphorylation network especially kinase– substrate relations including in vivo kinase assays and protein microarrays, see refs. 13, 14 for reviews on related experimental techniques. Because of the high time and cost requirements associated with experimental methods, computational methods have been designed to predict kinase–substrate relations based on kinase specific protein sequences and structures or other types of prior information [15, 16]. With the development of phosphoproteomics, in general, and quantitative phosphoproteomics techniques, in particular, more condition-specific and temporal phosphorylation information has become available, which can be utilized to further improve the phosphorylation network reconstruction performance [17–19]. In the following paragraphs, general computational network inference methods and different types of phosphorylation network reconstruction methods and resources will be introduced.

Computational Phosphorylation Network Reconstruction: Methods and Resources



Biological Network Inference Network models of molecular biological processes consist of nodes representing biological entities, often molecules such as genes or proteins, and edges representing the relationships among the molecules. The interactions could be direct physical interactions or abstract relationships such as involvement in same processes or correlated behavior or the likes. The need to efficiently infer molecular networks emerged with the advent of highly parallel—the measurement of many molecules at once—and high-throughput— allowing to test many different conditions—OMICs techniques. The broad application of OMICs technologies aimed at the detection of particular molecule classes resulted in large quantitative datasets of, for example, mRNAs [20], microRNAs (miRNA) [21], proteins [22] or phosphoproteins [22], and metabolites [23]. These large datasets necessitated the development and application of network inference methods to better understand the complex relationships between molecules. Apart from OMICS molecular profiling data, other types of information resources such as scientific literature [24], molecular sequence homology information [25], or structural information [26] have been utilized to infer the biological network as well. As the first broadly adopted OMICs technology with available standardized technological platforms (gene expression microarrays) and with its potential to essentially probe all transcripts of an organism, gene expression profiling has prompted the development of many computational approaches to infer gene regulatory networks [27, 28]. In general, biological network reconstruction can be approached following two different strategies: top-down or bottom-up [29]. The bottom-up approach infers biological networks based on the statistical association measures (e.g., correlationbased, regression-based), whereas the top-down approach reconstructs networks based on prior network models (e.g., Bayesian networks, differential equations). Within bottom-up approaches, correlation-based methods are used most widely as they are also intuitively best suited for the task of biological network reconstruction. The basic rationale behind these methods is the concept of guilt-by-association. Molecules that behave similarly with regard to their quantitative levels can be expected to engage in similar processes or may even be causally linked. As similarity measures (Pearson correlation, mutual information, partial correlation, Granger causality) are being used most frequently, combined with various scoring schemes to eliminate false associations (e.g., Context Likelihood of Relatedness, Maximum Relevance/Minimum Redundancy), see ref. 30 for a review about correlation-based gene regulatory network reconstruction. While Granger causality aims to infer cause-effect


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relationships [31], and partial correlation measures help reduce indirect correlations, Pearson correlation generally suffers from the limitation that high correlation alone is not a sufficient criterion to establish causality and wrong edges due to indirect correlations, in which two molecules appear to be correlated, when in reality, they are both linked to a third molecule influencing them both. Model-based methods, where measured data are scored against a preformed network, include Bayesian networks that combines probability and graph theories [32] or Graphical Gaussian Models [33, 34]. Other top-down approaches employ regression-based methods (e.g., review of autoregressive models in ref. [35]; Lasso in ref. [36]), differential equation-based methods [37], logic-based methods [38], and some others. Other strategies have been developed to integrate different methods such as TopkNet [39] and DELDBN [40]. Table 1 lists selected biological network reconstruction packages available for the popular statistical programming language R. They can be used directly or customized according the special requirements by the users. Considering that each type of inference method has its own strengths and weaknesses, a community-effort has been launched to objectively evaluate and compare different methods such as the Dialogue for Reverse Engineering Assessments (DREAM) [47]. In general, however, gauging the performance of network inference methods is challenging as oftentimes the true underlying networks are not known based on which computational methods could be trained and compared amongst each other. Here, artificially created networks can serve this purpose [48]. However, this approach

Table 1 List of available R packages for biological network reconstruction Name



minet [41]

MI minet.html

Inferelator [42] Regression

Available upon request from authors

Cascade [43]



Regression + BN

G1DBN [44]




TSCGM [46]

Graphical Gaussian Model (GGM) + DBN

DBN dynamic Bayesian network, GGM graphical Gaussian model, BN Bayesian network, MI mutual information

Computational Phosphorylation Network Reconstruction: Methods and Resources


comes with the risk that the particular method of network creation used in the simulation may unduly favor particular inference methods.


Phosphorylation Network Inference Proteomics—the family of OMICS technologies to probe protein levels—and phosphoproteomics—the specific detection of phosphorylated proteins—has seen rapid progress in recent years [49]. Applied technologies range from mass spectroscopy (MS) [50] to protein chips [51]. Specialized databases have been established to capture the generated information (see Table 2 for a list of publicly available phosphorylation site databases by collecting the related experimentally verified phosphorylation site, some of them also provide the corresponding kinase information). Although many biological network inference methods have been developed already, their application to phosphorylation network reconstruction remains challenging because of the inherent limitations of phosphoproteomics datasets such as limited sample numbers or very few time points as well as limited coverage of phosphoproteins [19]. In this chapter, computational network reconstruction methods aimed specifically at the inference of phosphorylation networks

Table 2 List of selected available protein phosphorylation site information databases Name



PTM type


UniProt [52]



Experimental/ prediction

PhosphoSitePlus [53] Human/ mouse


Phosphorylation, ubiquitination, acetylation, methylation


Phospho.ELM [5]

Eukaryotes org/



Phospho3D [54]


http://www.phospho3d. org/



PhosphoGRID [55]

Saccharomyces http://www. cerevisiae



PlantsP [56]

Arabidopsis thaliana

http://plantsp.genomics. Phosphorylation


PhosPhAt [6]

Arabidopsis thaliana


Experimental/ prediction



Guangyou Duan and Dirk Walther

are considered. For a general overview of selected signaling network modeling and data analysis studies of phosphoproteomics data, see ref. 57. In the supplementary data of [58], the authors provided a comprehensive list of phosphorylation-related tools including the prediction of phosphorylation motif and phosphorylation networks. In the following, phosphorylation network inference methods are categorized according to their using of quantitative proteomics data or not [59]. 3.1 Non-quantitative Data Network Inference Methods

Protein phosphorylation sites are targeted by corresponding cognate kinases [60]. It has been shown that phosphorylation sites and their flanking amino acid sequences are conserved within gene families and across species [61]. With the advancement of mass spectrometry, the phosphoproteome can be measured with high coverage in one experiment setting [62]. These phosphoproteomic data provide rich, but static information about phosphorylation events. Based on the measured phosphoproteomics data and prior kinase–substrate information, many studies focused on the prediction of kinase–substrate relations using protein sequence information as the primary input [63–65].

3.1.1 Kinase-Specific Phosphorylation Sites Prediction

With the accumulation of experimentally verified phosphorylation sites, an array of different phosphorylation site prediction methods have been developed to provide a low-cost and fast alternative to performing experiments. Some general phosphorylation site prediction methods were developed based on protein sequence or structure information without considering the kinase specificity, such as NETPHOS [66], DIPHOS [67], and some others [68–70]. The main limitation of general phosphorylation sites prediction methods is that they cannot provide information on the actual kinase–substrate relationships. To overcome this shortcoming, several kinase-specific phosphorylation sites prediction methods have been developed. Most of the available methods are based on phosphopeptide sequence conservation and different classification methods (e.g., Position-Specific Scoring Matrix, Hidden Markov Model, Support Vector Machine), such as ScanSite [71, 72], PPSP [73], PHOSITE [74], rBBFNN [68], PredPhospho [75], NETPHOSK [76, 77], GPS [78–80], KinasePhos [81, 82], AutoMotif [83], GANNPhos [84], IEPP [85], SMALI [86], SiteSeek [87], Musite [88], PAAS [89], BAE [90], PostMod [91], PKIS [92] , pkaPA [93], and others [94]. Beyond sequence information, protein 3D-structural information has also been exploited for the prediction of kinase-specific phosphorylation site, such as PREDKIN [73, 95, 96] and Phos3D [97]. In those studies, the amino acids in the spatial vicinity close to the phosphorylation site has been found to also be conserved for different kinase families. However, as phosphorylation sites have been observed to frequently reside in flexible protein regions [67],

Computational Phosphorylation Network Reconstruction: Methods and Resources


the only modest (albeit it is significant) prediction improvement gained by including 3D-information can be understood. Despite best efforts, false positive predictions of phosphorylation site cannot be avoided if based solely on sequence or structural information. In order to mitigate this source of wrongly inferred network connections, methods have been developed that integrate additional, and ideally, orthogonal information types to filter out potential false positive predictions such as information on protein– protein interactions or protein subcellular localization: NetworKIN [98, 99], iGPS [100], and others [101, 102]. NetworKIN has been applied in the context of JNK phosphorylation networks [103], human embryonic stem cells (ESC) differentiation [104], autophagy-related phosphorylation networks [105], and mouse skin carcinogenesis [106]. PhosNetConstruct was designed recently to decipher domain-based kinase–substrate relationships by implicitly incorporating various contextual factors such as the embedding of phosphopeptides in interaction domains [107]. As for the detailed comparison of different predictors, see refs. 15, 16, 108–110. Based on the already developed computational phosphorylation site predictors, meta-predictor strategies that combine them have also been implemented [111]. Kinase-specific phosphorylation site predictions are even more challenging when phosphorylation sites are targeted by more than one kinase and possibly in a condition specific manner. Sequenceonly-based phosphorylation sites predictors cannot determine, which kinases phosphorylate which site in a condition-specific manner [112]. Here, the availability of quantitative data may help to address this difficulty. 3.1.2 Protein–Protein Interactions (PPI)/Pathway Mapping

Phosphorylation plays an important role in the modulation of protein–protein interactions [113]. Several database resources on protein–protein interactions exist (Table 3) and most of them can be conveniently queried jointly as they have been integrated in the common query system PSIQUIC [123]. They also provide valuable protein interaction context for phosphoproteins. As reported in [19, 124], phosphoproteins in yeast and Arabidopsis have significantly higher interaction degree than average proteins, which implies that they play a central role in processes involving protein–protein interactions. Information on PPIs has also been used to filter out false positive kinase–substrate relationships [98]. The inclusion of PPI-information in the context of protein phosphorylation has been applied to the study of DNA damage response (DDR) [125], the signaling downstream of EGFRvIII (a truncated extracellular mutant of the EGF receptor) under four glioblastoma multiforme cell lines [126], the study of the insulin signaling pathway [127], bidirectional signaling in cell–cell communication in EphB2


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Table 3 List of selected protein–protein interaction databases Name

Interaction type


STRING [114]


BioGRID [115]


DIP [116]


HitPredict [117]


MINT [118]


IntAct [119]


APID [120]


MIPS [121]


HPRDa [122]



Homo sapiens only

ephrin-B1 expressing cells [128], different murine tissues [129], human MDA-MB-231 tumor xenografts (CD44-expressing tumors) response to antibody therapy [130], SKBR3 breast cancer cells treated with Lapatinib inhibitor [131], and others. 3.2 Inference Methods Exploiting Quantitative Proteomics Data

Network reconstruction methods based on non-quantitative data introduced above cannot capture the dynamics of phosphorylation events. With the advancement of quantitative phosphoproteomics [132, 133], especially temporally quantitative phosphoproteomics [59, 134, 135], phosphorylation networks can now be reconstructed with higher accuracy and specificity, and temporal resolution. Data normalization is an essential step in network inference based on quantitative data, especially for quantitative phosphoproteomics data from mass-spectroscopic experiments. Phosphorylation levels measured under specific conditions or time points can only be interpreted as relative values compared to the corresponding control samples [136]. Another need for proper data preprocessing is imposed by the set of parametric statistical inference methods that are to be applied to the data analysis as they typically require the data to be distributed normally. Commonly used data preprocessing and normalization steps include logarithmic transformation, normalization by subtracting the median or mean, and data standardization enforcing the data to have mean zero and variance of one [19]. These steps can easily be implemented using basic functions in R or by using the “normalize” function from the R package “som” ( It has to be noted that, even though phosphorylation is a binary

Computational Phosphorylation Network Reconstruction: Methods and Resources


process, the actual data are continuous as the measurement signal is the average over many proteins and phosphopeptides with varying phosphorylation status. Generally, normalization also needs to consider the details of the experiment design [18] to eliminate as much as possible any systematic confounding experimental factors. Although attempts were made to develop and apply complex inference methods using quantitative phosphoproteomics data, considering the current limitations of the employed technologies (e.g., limited sample numbers), simple and linear correlation-based network reconstruction methods have been used most frequently for the purpose of large-scale phosphorylation network reconstruction as they proved to be robust despite data sparsity. Pearson correlation was applied to the reconstruction of the phosphorylation network of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulated HeLa cells [18] and nutrient-induced phosphorylation networks in Arabidopsis [19]. If sufficient temporal information from performed time series experiments is available, the concept of correlation can be broadened to allow time-shifted correlations such that phosphorylation events that are occurring sequentially can be discovered. Similarly, other dynamic modeling techniques such as dynamic Bayesian networks or Granger causality can be applied. However, the application of these concepts is still hampered by the low number of time points measured typically in current experimental series. Although there are a few case studies to infer large-scale phosphorylation networks ab initio as mentioned above, model-based methods such as regression-based approaches have been applied to study small-scale phosphorylation networks, see ref. 137. Specifically, multiple linear regression (MLR) was used to study the phosphorylation networks of primary hepatocytes and hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines, and partial least square regression (PLSR) was applied to study mammalian cell apoptotic response processes [138, 139]. Other applications of model-based approaches include Bayesian networks used to infer phosphorylation networks of the downstream signaling of CD3, CD28, and LFA-1 activation in human primary CD4+ T cells [17] and the signaling downstream of EGF stimulation [140]. See ref. 141 which summarizes several issues of the application of Bayesian networks to model phosphoproteomic data. Ordinary differential equations (ODE) were also employed to study ErbB-activated pathways [142]. Logic modeling including Boolean logic or constrained fuzzy logic modeling was applied to study signaling networks in hepatocellular carcinoma cells [143, 144]. For the integration of different types of prior information and knowledge in the network reconstruction process, rule-based methods have been used [145, 146]. Modular response analysis that aims to detect network topology responses after different stimulations was used to infer MAPK


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networks in response to NGF or EGF stimulation [147]. Multipleinputs-multiple-outputs (MIMO) models that predict the quantitative outcomes of combinatorial perturbations were applied to the study of EGFR/MAPK and PI3K/AKT pathways in a breast cancer cell line [148]. As yet another information-based method, maximum entropy was used to reconstruct a tyrosine signaling pathway [149]. 3.3 Integration Method


With the increasing accumulation of prior biological knowledge, integration strategies that combine different kinds of data sources have been developed. For example, the prediction software NetworKIN filters out false-positive kinase–target relations by combining protein–protein interaction or protein subcellular localization information [98]. As one widely used integration strategy, Bayesian statistics frameworks were designed to infer phosphorylation networks in stimulated cells by integrating different types of data in addition to temporal quantitative phosphoproteomic data, such as amino acid sequence data, genomic context data (e.g., gene fusion, gene neighborhood, phylogenetic profiles), primary experimental evidence (e.g., physical protein interaction, gene co-expression), known pathway databases, and literature mining [112]. Recently, PhosphoChain has been developed to reconstruct kinase and phosphatase networks by integrating mRNA expression levels of regulators and targets with motif detection algorithms and optional prior information, where mRNA expression levels served as proxies for protein activities [58]. Other experimental perturbation methods like genetic ablation can also be used to assist in the inference of phosphorylation networks [150].

Summary and Future Challenges Protein phosphorylation events play an important role in cellular signaling, and therefore, the reconstruction of phosphorylation networks bears great potential to investigate the corresponding signal transduction events. As reviewed in this chapter, many different computational methods have been developed to infer phosphorylation networks based on different statistical learning methods using different types of data, such as sequence, structure, or (quantitative) phosphoproteomics data. The reconstruction of the phosphorylation network constitutes an important step for the subsequent network modeling approaches such as exploring more detailed kinetic information for the corresponding phosphorylation signaling cascades. As phosphorylation processes were observed to be cellular compartment-dependent [150], more refined methods need to be

Computational Phosphorylation Network Reconstruction: Methods and Resources


developed. Except subcellular location, cell-type specific signaling networks is another important direction for future research [151, 152], especially given the advancement of single-cell experimental techniques. The application of quantitative data in the reconstruction of phosphorylation network is still seldomly applied because of the limitations of the currently available phosphoproteomics techniques. In particular, current methods cannot comprehensively cover all phosphoproteins in a biological sample. And of those proteins that have been detected, their renewed detection in another experiment is not guaranteed either. Hence, current inference methods are severely limited as frequently, the inferred relationships may be indirect and mediated by one of several intervening, but undetected proteins. Therefore, the utility of network inference methods will to great extent depend also on the improvement of experimental phosphoproteomics techniques, especially with regard to temporal resolution, coverage, and reproducibility. References 1. Barabási A-L, Oltvai ZN (2004) Network biology: understanding the cell’s functional organization. Nat Rev Genet 5:101–113. doi:10.1038/nrg1272 2. Shen-Orr SS, Milo R, Mangan S, Alon U (2002) Network motifs in the transcriptional regulation network of Escherichia coli. Nat Genet 31:64–68. doi:10.1038/ng881 3. Jensen ON (2006) Interpreting the protein language using proteomics. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 7:391–403. doi:10.1038/nrm1939 4. The UniProt Consortium (2013) Activities at the Universal Protein Resource (UniProt). Nucleic Acids Res 42:D191–D198. doi:10.1093/nar/gkt1140 5. Dinkel H, Chica C, Via A, Gould CM, Jensen LJ, Gibson TJ, Diella F (2011) Phospho. ELM: a database of phosphorylation sites – update 2011. Nucleic Acids Res 39:D261– D267. doi:10.1093/nar/gkq1104 6. Zulawski M, Braginets R, Schulze WX (2013) PhosPhAt goes kinases – searchable protein kinase target information in the plant phosphorylation site database PhosPhAt. Nucleic Acids Res 41:D1176–D1184. doi:10.1093/ nar/gks1081 7. Hunter T, Plowman GD (1997) The protein kinases of budding yeast: six score and more. Trends Biochem Sci 22:18–22 8. Manning G, Whyte DB, Martinez R, Hunter T, Sudarsanam S (2002) The protein kinase complement of the human genome. Science 298:1912–1934. doi:10.1126/science. 1075762

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Computational phosphorylation network reconstruction: methods and resources.

The succession of protein activation and deactivation mediated by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation events constitutes a key mechanism of molecula...
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