CONFERENCE REPORT 6th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MASS SPECTROMETRY IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND MEDICINE. VENICE (Italy) 21-22 June 1979. Both quality and quantity of the papers presented at this series of symposia have improved greatly since 1972, when Dr. Frigerio organized the first meeting on the island of Elba, with great confidence in the future of biochemical applications of mass spectrometry (MS). This year, 65 papers were presented (45 communications and 12 posters). Among them, 16 concerned the metabolism of drugs and 10, that of endogenous compounds. J.A.F. De Silva (Hoffman La Roche, USA) reviewed the current and future trends in the analysis of benzodiazepines and their metabolites in biological media by means of various sensitive and specific techniques. F.R. Sugnaux (University of Geneva) quantitated sulpiride, a psychotropic agent, and its metabolites in the hypophysis of the rat by chemical ionization mass spectrometry. E. Rossi (M. Negri Inst. Milan) studied the metabolism of medroxyprogesterone acetate, a synthetic steroid which has been found effective in the treatment of certain carcinomas. M. Gil Quintero (De Angeli, Milan) elucidated the structure of the metabolites of feprazone, an anti-inflammatory drug; in particular a C-glucuronide was isolated, derivatized and characterized by mass spectrometry and other spectroscopic techniques. L. Vereczkey (G. Richter, Budapest) studied the metabolism of vineamine and related compounds with vasodilator activity. M. S. Papa (Chicago, USA) determined small amounts of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in the blood by GC-MS. M. Bertrand (National Res. Inst., Montreal, Canada) studied a new silylating agent, bisN,N-diakylaminodimethylsilane (DADS), for the preparation of derivatives suitable for the analysis of anabolic steroids that are known to have been widely used in many sports, by means of GC-MS. M.J. Withehouse (Police Forensis Lab., London) reported the problems of analysing body fluids of motorists for a wide range of drugs and metabolites by positive and negative chemical ionization MS. J. Vink (Organon, Netherland) devoted his communication to examples of incorrect use of MS information. A.B. Forster (Chester Beatty Res. Inst., London) illustrated the importance of deuterium and fluorine substitution in the metabolism of anticancer drugs : MS is a key technique in the study of metabolic activation or deactivation, toxicity of metabolites, metabolism profiles, and guidelines for designing new drugs. A. De Pascale (M. Negri Inst., Milan) studied the effect of the heteroatom on the in vitro metabolic behaviour of S- and O-tricyclic compounds by means TLC and GC-MS. G. Lhoest (University of Louvain, Belgium) elu-

cidated the structure by MS and related techniques of a new hydroxy-epoxy-metabolite isolated from rat liver incubation of benzopyrene. H. Nau (Free University, Berlin) determined the pharmacokinetics of anticonvulsant drugs during pregnancy by means of capillary GC-MS. L. Simonotti (Italseber, Milan) described the metabolism of trithiozine, an antisecretory antiulcer drug and investigated the fragmentation mechanisms by using low and high resolution MS. R.K. Lynn (University of Oregon, USA) reviewed the GC-MS techniques for the identification of glucuronides of anticonvulsants, narcotics and their antagonists. M.G. Horning (Baylor College, Houston, USA) reinvestigated the metabolism ofnaphtalene in the rat isolating and identifying new metabolites by means of M.S. M.Mc Camish (University of Brisbane, Australia) outlined the similarities and differences between the metabolism of intriptyline, an antidepressant agent, and other tricyclic drugs. T. Kuhara (Kurume University, Japan) studied the factors involved in feeding behaviour in fasting states; in particular, GC-MS profiles of serum organic acids were investigated. E. Gelpi (CSIC, Barcelona) set up a rapid procedure for the establishment of seminal prostaglandins reference levels in fertile men by BSTFA-derivatization and selected ion monitoring GC-MS. A. Nikiforov (University of Vienna) determined diglycerides as trimethylsilylethers by capillary GC-MS in the lungs of dogs and rats after traumatic shocks. G. Spiteller (University of Bayreuth) used GC-MS to obtain structural information about many acidic compounds present in human urine by TLC and preparative GC. Other very interesting papers on endogenous compounds in animals and human were presented by B.F. Maume, University of Dijon, France (corticosteroids), T.Niwa, Nagoya University, Japan, (acidic compounds in uremic serum), H. Frank, University of Tiibingen (volatile degradation products of lipids in the breath) and D.A. Durden, Saskatoon, Canada (biogenic amines). The other sessions of the symposium were devoted to isotopes studies, developments in methodology, quantitation, instrumentation, amino acids and proteins, and new horizons in MS. The last topic included three reviews on : negative ion MS by high pressure chemical ionization (E.C. Homing), low pressure chemical ionization (H. Brandenberger), and plasma desorption ionization (E.C. Homing). Another review was dedicated to the identification of polychlorinated dibenzoparadioxins


European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, 1979, No 3

and dibenzofurans in the environment by means of high resolution GC and MS. In conclusion, this symposium was highly successful, as demonstrated by the large number of participants and the high quality of the papers. The only regrettable aspect of the meeting was its short duration; two days were hardly enough to allow for adequate discussion of so many very interesting papers. Furthermore, it is suggest that parallel sessions should be avoided and that more poster presentation should be encouraged. Round Tables and discussions on specific subjects would also be

useful. The site of the Symposium was the romantic and picturesque island of San Giorgio Maggiore, in front of the spectacular San Marco Place of Venice. Nevertheless, the attractions of this unique landscape and the interesting historic monuments of Venice, did not affect the attence at the sessions. Finally it must be mentioned that the organizing staff is to be congratulated for its very successful effort. Luigi F. Zerilli Milan

EVENTS Session d'etudes sur I'lniatiation aux dosages par les Methodes Radioimmunologiques

Session d'Etudes sur les Radioisotopes en Pharmacccinetiqua

Saclay, France, January 28- February 1st, 1980

Saclay, France, January 7-15, 1980

Programme: - Principe, bases theoriques de l'analyse par

competition. - Principales representations des resultats, - Obtention et selection des anticorps et des proteines specifiques. - Marquage des antigenes immunogenes et haptenes par: L'lode-125, le 3H, le 35S, etc. - Les methodes de separation du complexe des composants de la reaction. - Controle de qualite, - Dosages des hormones peptidiques dans les fluides biologiques. - Dosages de quelques haptenes. - Les dosages immunoenzymatiques. Further information can be obtained from: M.G. Simonnet, Chef du Laboratoire de Radiobiologie, Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucleaires, B.P. No 6, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette (France) Tel. 941.80.00 poste 35.33.

Programme: La session comporte une partie theorique et une partie pratique, portant sur les themes suivants : 1. Conception des medicaments marques. 2. Etude qualitative et quantitative des traceurs dans Ie corps des animaux d'experience. 3. Radioautographie d'animaux. 4. Aspect analytique du metabolisme des medicaments. 5. Liaison medicaments-proteines plasmatiques. 6. Penetration transcutanee des medicaments et des cosmetiques. 7. Les recepteurs des medicaments. 8. Mesure en continu de la radioactivite sanguine. 9. Exploitation mathematique des resultats al'aide des calculateurs analogiques. Further information can be obtained from: M.G. Simonnet, Chef du Laboratoire de Radiobiologie, Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucleaires, B.P. No 6, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette (France), Tel. 941.80.00 poste 50.15.



ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Milan, Italy, 16 ·17·18 June 1980

Conference report. 6th International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry and Medicine. Venice (Italy) 21-22 June 1979.

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