Pediatric Radiology
Short reports
9 Springer-Verlag 1992 Pediatr Radiol (1992) 22:221-222
Congenital ectopic vas deferens with hypospadias S. Fasaneili 1, M. Graziani t , P. C a m p o b a s s o 2, and L. Standoli 3 J Department of Radiology, Bambino Ges6 Pediatric Hospital, Rome, Italy 2 Department of Pediatric Surgery, "Ospedale Regionale", Vicenza, Italy 3 Department of Plastic Surgery, Bambino Gesfi Pediatric Hospital, Rome, Italy Received: 14 October 1991; accepted: 12 January 1992
Abstract. A case of an ectopic vas deferens of an u n d e s c e n d e d testis is p r e s e n t e d which was associated with hypospadias. These abnormalities came to light because of the systematic a p p r o a c h we have a d o p t e d for the investigation of hypospadias in our hospital. H y p o s p a d i a s is said to be associated with abnormalities of b o t h the u p p e r and lower urinary tracts, in about 20-40 % of the r e p o r t e d cases [1]. These include conditions which m a y be a s y m p t o m a t i c and often of minimal significance such as malrotation of the kidney, ectopic kidney, d o u b l e collecting system, enlarged prostatic utricle, cyst of prostatic utricle and r u d i m e n t a r y vagina [2].
We have previously described [3] a systematic a p p r o a c h to the m a n a g e m e n t of hypospadias which is followed by the plastic surgeons of the pediatric Hospital B a m b i n o Ges/a. The first "imaging" step is a c o m b i n e d examination consisting of r e t r o g r a d e urethrography, r e t r o g r a d e cystography and voiding cystourethrography ( R U G + R C G + V C U G ) . A case is p r e s e n t e d of hypospadias where the radiology has revealed an associated a b n o r m a l i t y which we believe has not b e e n previously described [4].
Case report A 2-year-old boy, with proximal hypospadias, was submitted to RUG - R C G - V C U G.
In the course of both the RCG and VCUG (not in the first RUG phase) there was the filling of an elongated structure on the left side of the bladder, resembling a ureter, with an ectopic opening in the vesical neck. After ascending for about 5 cm, the structure tapered and appeared to double downward for 2-3cm before it disappeared (Fig. 1). We suspected that this was due to either incomplete reflux into an ectopic ureter of a double collecting system or the presence of an ectopic blind ureter of a supernumerary left system. An excretory urogram (E.U.) showed no abnormalities. So the bladder was refilled through a catheter. In the voiding phase the same tubular structure seen on RCG-VCUO appeared again (Fig. 2), independent of the lower tract, but not clearly separated in the higher part from the orthotopic ureter of the apparently normal left system. The possible diagnoses were proposed in decreasing levels of possibility. 9 A blind ectopic ureter. 9 Incomplete reflux into the ectopic lower of a duplicated collecting system. 9 Aninverted Yrare type ofureteral duplication. Urethral and vesical endoscopic examination revealed no abnormalities in the bladder but an ectopic opening in the left side of the bladder neck was identified and contrast medium was introduced into this. Filling of an ectopic vas deferens became evident associated with the left undescended testis (Fig. 3). The hypospadias was corrected in a one-stage procedure (Standoli technique) [5]. The abnormal deferens was not treated. The follow-up was uneventful.
Fig.1. VCUG. Reflux into an apparently dilated ureter on the left, opening at bladder neck. A caudal kinking of the structure gets lost within few centrimeters (arrows) Fig.2. E.U. During micturition reflux into the abnormal structure appears again. There is a close relationship with the left ureter Fig.3. Contrast medium is injected at endoscopy via the ectopic opening at bladder neck. The whole vas deferens and epididymis are seen to he in the abdominal cavity
Discussion A b s e n c e of filling of the ectopic vas deferens during the R U G and E . U . is p r o b a b l y due to the contraction of the
bladder neck which relaxed during voiding procedures. The ectopic opening was far from the veru montanum. The inverted Y type of ureteral duplication is known but is extremely uncommon [6]. Little attention had been paid to the abnormal testis mobility, so that the true anatomical abnormality was not appreciated until the final examination was carried out. It seems interesting to us to describe this case as in our opinion, it shows the value of following our imaging protocol for hypospadias.
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