






channels ROBERT

E. TEN EICX” of Pharmacolog



WHAL1ET Umveisit


The Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonaith,








property of the inward rectifier can be altered by ischemia. We speculate that the control of expression, function, and regulation of cardiac ion channels can be affected at the molecular level by heart disease and myocardial ischemia. -Ten Eick, R. E.; Whalley, D. W.; Rasmussen, H. H. Connections: heart disease, cellular electrophysiology, and ion channels. FASEB J. 6: 2568-2580; 1992. Key Words:

sodium channels


calcium channels

ATP -sensitive potamwn


potassium channels




mia . myocardial hyperirophy intracellular ion activities ext racellular ion activities lysophosphatidylcholine channel phosphotylation . channel


WITH DISEASED HEARTS ARE more prone to cardiac rhythm disturbances and sudden death than those with healthy hearts. This has resulted in the hypothesis that disease can alter the electrophysiological character of the heart and its constituent cells (1, 2). The electrophysiological activity of the mammalian heart is largely governed by the activity of sarcolemmal ion channels. These in turn regulate the passive transmembrane ion fluxes underlying the several components of the membrane current (e.g., Na, K, Ca2, and Cl-), which are important for the production of cellular action potentials (3-5). Therefore, it is reasonable to think PEOPLE

that disease alters either the ionic compositions of the interstitial and intracellular milieus, the characters of the ion channels themselves, or both. There is much evidence indicating that the composition of the extracellular milieu is altered during acute and chronic myocardial ischemia and that these changes could play an 2568



Chicago, Illinois 60611, USA, and tDepartment

New South W:,

ABSTRACT Our purpose in this article is to examine the hypothesis that both myocardial disease and ischemia can alter the electrophysiologic function of the ion channels responsible for the cellular electrical activity of the heart. Changes in the intracellular and extracellular milieus occur during ischemia and can alter the dcctrophysiology of several species of ionic channels and the cellular electrophysiologic activity of cardiac myocytes. Included are 1) changes in extracellular [K] and pH and in intracellular [NaJ, [Ca2’], and pH; 2) accumulation of noxious metabolic products such as lysophosphatidyicholine; and 3) depletion of intracellular ATP. Finally, ischemia or disease (e.g., hypertrophy) can alter the dcctrophysiology of at least two types of K channels, the A-like channels underlying the transient outward current and the inward rectifier, by mechanisms that apparently do not involve alteration of either the intra- or extracellutar milieus. Findings suggest that the expression of cardiac A-like channel function can be altered by hypertrophy


of Cardiology

2)65 Australia

important role in the associated disturbances of the heart rhythm (6, 7). There also is information available on the behavior of sarcolemmal ion channels found in normal cardiac cells when exposed to environments thought to mimic the interstitial fluid during acute ischemia (8-10). Despite these data, the hypothesis that heart disease can alter the functional character of any of the several types of ion channels has yet to be rigorously examined, probably because of the dearth of relevant feasible models. The patch clamp technique is beginning to be used to investigate ion channel function in models of diseased or ischemic heart. A variant, the whole-cell-patch clamp technique (11, 12), allows the investigator to manipulate the extracellular effects on

and intracellular channel function

milieus (13) and permits the of disease and/or ischemia-

induced changes in the intracellular milieu to be characterized. For example, the effects of ischemia-induced changes in cellular pH, pCa, or ATP or cAMP contents or increases in cellular metabolic products on any of the constituent components of the membrane current (i.e., the Na, Cap, or K currents) can be addressed using patch clamping. Whether disease and/or ischemia can cause fundamental changes in the intrinsic electrophysiologic properties of cardiac ion channels that would alter channel behavior when exposed to a normal extracellular environment, although not yet clarified, is under investigation (14-21). The models being studied include cells from specimens of diseased and/or ischemic human atrial appendage (22) and ventricular strips (14), from and from

feline normal

hypertrophic right feline ventricular

culture (15-17). Evidence nel properties can change

suggesting in response

cellular environment despite being perimental assessment to a milieu mal” physiological conditions will


(18, 19, 23, 24), maintained in

that fundamental to a chronically


exposed at the time presumed to mimic be presented.


of ex“nor-



In the absence tively

ventricle myocytes


of excitation ventricular cells maintain membrane potential of -80 to -95 mV,

a relatermed

‘To whom correspondence should be addressed, at: Department Pharmacology, Northwestern University, 320 East Superior Street, Chicago, IL 60611, USA. 2Abbreviations: AP, action potential; CHF, congestive heart failure; DAD, delayed afterdepolarization; E, equilibrium potential; g, conductance; I,,,, cellular membrane current; I,, component of of

I,,, carried by X; LPC, lysophosphatidylcholine;

pHi, intracellular


pH0, extracellular PH; RV, right ventricle (or ventricular); Vmax, maximum depolarization rate of AP upstroke; V, resting potential.

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the resting potential (V7).2 The ability of cardiac cells to generate and propagate a normal action potential (AP) depends on the level of V7. The resting potential arises as a result of the selective permeability of the cell membrane to K4 and the transmembrane K4 gradient, which in turn is maintained by the Na4, K4 pump. By extruding three intracellular Na4 in exchange for two extracellular K, the pump maintains steep Na4 and K4 concentration gradients, inward for Na4 and outward for K4, and in the process generates an outward current termed the electrogenic Na, K4 pump current (Ipump). Normally V7 is largely determined by the ratio of the extracellular to intracellular K activities (K0/K1) because the membrane permeability to K far exceeds that to Na, Ca24, or C1 in the resting state. V,. usually slightly positive to the equilibrium potential for K4 predicted by the Nernst equation because of a small depolarizing “leak” current carried primarily by Na4. The resting potential may be altered by changes in the intraor extracellular ionic milieu, by neurohumoral influences; and by drugs that affect the relative permeabilities of the cell membrane to K4 and Na4 or inhibit the Na4, K4 pump. Depolarization of Vr from the normal level (approximately -80 to -90 mV) appears to be a prominent feature of several pathological staies associated with cardiac arrhythmias (25).

upstroke. It is followed by a prolonged (up to hundreds of milliseconds) three-phase repolarization that returns membrane voltage to the resting potential and consists of 1) an early phase of rapid repolarization, 2) a secondary depolarization


The AP





When an excitatory stimulus depolarizes the membrane beyond the threshold potential (mV), an AP is produced that is manifest as a propagating wave of transient depolarization (see Fig. 1). Inscription of the cardiac AP




a rapid

92% vs. 67%). Second, the average I current density was about 65% greater in hypertrophied RV myocytes than in normal RV myocytes. Finally, the steady-state and kinetic parameters of I that characterize the functional behavior of the A channels supporting the current were unchanged from those observed normally (see co-workers



H V Hypertrophy


Fig. +40 mV









Figure 5. Effect of severe right ventricular (RV) hypertrophy (in the absence of uncompensated failure) on the action potential recorded from normal (A) and hypertrophied (B) RV papillary muscles. The changes associated with hypertrophy in the time to achieve 90% of complete repolarization (double-tipped arrows) and in the maximal level of potential achieved during the plateau (arrows) are obvious from the comparison between A and B. Notice the greater extent to which the hypertrophied cell repolarized during phase 1 (to + 4 mV in RV hypertrophy vs. +12 mV in normal). C) Transient outward current (normalized to sarcolemmal surface area) recorded from single isolated feline cells from normal and hypertrophied right ventricles in response to voltage clamp pulses from -40 to + 40 mV for 100 ms (see inset of C). The peak amplitude of I,,, (indicated by arrows) was greater in the RV hypertrophied cell than in the normal cell. However, notice that the time course of I,,, decay did not change. In addition, a greater percentage of the RV cells exhibited I,,, in the hypertrophied case (92%) than in the normal case (67%). Therefore I,,, is augmented and exhibited more frequently by cells from hypertrophied heart. We speculate that the additional current observed in the hypertrophied cells may reflect overexpression of the I channels induced by or in association with RV hypertrophy (see text). Initially it was suggested that the Ca24 current flowing during the plateau inactivated with a slower time course. The implication was that somehow hypertrophy altered the functional properties of sarcolemmal Ca24 channels. This hypothesis has not been borne out by whole-cell-patch voltage clamp studies done by several laboratories employing different animal models (21, 23). Attention then focused on components of the K’ current flowing during the plateau phase of the AP, including the delayed outwardly rectifying K4 current and the inwardly rectifying K4 current. As with the Ca24 current, no striking changes in either the size or kinetic properties of either current were found in cells obtained from hypertrophied hearts of either rats, guinea pigs, or cats (24). Because ‘Ca, ‘K, and ‘K! are regarded as principal contributors to the net membrane current flowing during the AP plateau, the failure to find any striking change in the character of any of them presented a quandary. Therefore, motivated by the increased degree of the repolarization achieved at the finish of the early phase of repolarization (marked by the voltage notch at the onset of the AP plateau) frequently


in hypertrophied compared



The simplest interpretation of these three findings is that the channel density of normal cardiac channels was enhanced (relative to normal) in hypertrophied RV and that this occurs in all myocytes constituting the RV free wall whether they are located in the endo- or epicardial portions. The mechanism for the increase in the channel density could be that the rate of synthesis and sarcolemmal insertion of functional channels is increased over normal during hypertrophy or that the turnover rate (i.e., loss) of functional membrane channels is decreased below normal during hypertrophy, or both. The implication is that hypertrophy may “stimulate” or “inhibit” processes at the molecular level that are involved in regulating or modulating the functional expression of cardiac A-like channels subserving the transient outward current. We speculate, as a working hypothesis, that gene products involved in regulating or modulating cardiac A-like channel function are overexpressed in association with hypertrophy, perhaps in response to a primal stimulus that initiates the events that are ultimately manifest as hypertrophy. Of particular interest is the question of whether the increase in the density of I has any role in the change from normal in the shape of the AP associated with hypertrophy. In other words, could an increase in I cause depression of plateau voltage and prolongation of the AP duration? The finding that inhibition of I by approximately 30% with a low concentration of 3,4-diaminopyridine can cause the plateau voltage to become more positive and the AP duration to shorten (18) suggests that the hypertrophy-induced change in may, in fact, at least partially underlie the changes in the AP that are associated with hypertrophy. The explanation is that a larger I causes the plateau phase to be initiated from a less positive potential. This causes ‘Ca to inactivate less rapidly, and the total and peak ‘Ca is enhanced owing to the resulting greater difference between the membrane potential and Ea. The net result is that increasing I can prolong AP duration and depress plateau voltage.



It is tempting to speculate that, just as unloading myocytes electrically or mechanically could underlie the loss of I in cells maintained in primary culture and surviving cells in infarcted heart tissue, increasing cellular loading, such as occurs when the heart must pump in the chronically hypertensive patient, could underlie the functional overexpression of channels responsible for Iv,, as well as the gene-regulated events leading to the molecular, cellular, and organ-based changes associated with hypertrophy. However, independent of whether this notion is even partially correct, it is provoca-

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live that two different myocardial loading conditions known to be associated with clinical evidence of heart disease seem to cause change in at least one fundamental aspect of channel function, the channel density. This change would alter cardiac electrical activity independently of and in addition to any other concurrent changes associated with disease and/or ischemia. Evidence has been presented in support of the ideas that 1) the sensitivity of the inwardly rectifying K’ channel to the extracellular K’ concentration is altered in surviving human ventricular cells found in chronically ischemic or infarcted tissue and that 2) the density of the channels responsible for the transient outward current in heart can be altered in response to altering the load borne by the individual cells that make up the heart as an organ. Therefore, the answer to the question posed at the inception of this article-can heart disease or ischemia alter the functional behavior of cardiac sarcolemmal ion channels?-appears to be affirmative. We have presented data and arguments in support of the hypothesis that altered channel function would be expected both because of the well-documented changes in the extra- and intracellular milieus and because of intrinsic changes in at least one parameter defining ion channel function that appear to occur independently of any of the changes in milieus. If this hypothesis is true, many conclusions concerning the cellular mechanisms underlying many cardiac arrhythmias and the mechanisms of action of antiarrhythmic drugs, which have been largely derived from data obtained with preparations of normal heart, will require reevaluation. The challenge of the 1990s will be to address these questions rigorously by employing the power and sophistication of the patch clamp and molecular biological technologies now available to the field. R. E. T was recipient of the Warren McDonald International Fellowship of the National Heart Foundation of Australia when this article was conceived. D. W. W. was a Postgraduate Medical Research Scholar of the National Heart Foundation of Australia when the article was being written. Previously unpublished data reported in this article were obtained during experiments supported by grants HL-27026 and HL-3804l to R. E. T. from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NHLBI). The extent to which this article may be found understandable by people who are not practicing cellular cardiac electrophysiologists is credited to the editorial help provided by Drs. P. L. Barrington, R. L. Martin, T E. Schackow, J. A. Wasserstrom, and K. Zhang. The authors thank them for their critical comments and suggestions during the development of this article; special thanks to Professor Harry A. Fozzard for taking time to offer critical comments and encouragement.

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The FASEBJournal

TEN EICK EF AL. by Univ Louisiana Dupre Library/Serials Dept ( on January 14, 2019. The FASEB Journal Vol. ${article.issue.getVolume()}, No. ${article.issue.getIssueNumber

Connections: heart disease, cellular electrophysiology, and ion channels.

Our purpose in this article is to examine the hypothesis that both myocardial disease and ischemia can alter the electrophysiologic function of the io...
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