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*Department of Nezlrology Hospital 2Elx

Cerebrospinal Fluid Taurine GI Alzheimer’s Disease

Un&wPty of Alacant

J. Alom,* J. N. Mahy,? N. Brandi,? and E. Tolosat

The article by Kowall and Beal [l}describes how glutamate-, glutaminase-, and taurine-immunoreactive neurons develop neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Although glutamate 123,among other neurotransmitters E31, has been involved in the neurochemical degenerative process in AD, less is known about taurine. Their interesting report suggests that taurine-containing neurons could also be involved in this pathological process. We would like to communicate our results about recent measurements of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) taurine, among other amino acids, in the same group of A D patients in which we previously found CSF neuropeptide Y decrements [4]. Twenty consecutive patients (7 men and 13 women with a mean age of 64.4 yr, range 52-75 yr) were entered in the study. All met the diagnostic criteria for probable AD according to the NINCDS-ADRDA Work Group. Symptomatic causes of dementia were excluded by laboratory examination, electroencephalography, and computed tomography. All patiencs included in the study had a Hachinski ischemic score of

Continuous muscle fiber activity associated with thymoma.

4. Voiculescu V, Alexianu M, Popescu-Tismana G, et al. Polyneuropathy with lipid deposits in Schwann cells and axonal degeneranon in cerebrotendinous...
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