Continuous Positive Airway Pressure During Mechanical and Spontaneous Ventilation Effects on Central Haemodynamics and Oxygen Transport
A . VUORI, J. JALONEN and V. LAAKSONEN Drpartmmt of Anaesthesiology, Turkrl University Hospital, Turku, Finland
The effect of continuous positive airway pressure during continuous mechanical ( C M V + PEEP) and spontaneous (CPAP) ventilation on central haemodynamics and systemic oxygen transport was studied in 10 male patients who had undergone aortocoronary bypass graft operation 18 h earlier. With the change from C M V + PEEP 5 cmH,O to CPAP 5 cmHzO, cardiac index was found to increase from 2.58+0.44 (s.e. mean) to 2.882 0.19 I/min/mz (P
Continuous positive airway pressure during mechanical and spontaneous ventilation. Effects on central haemodynamics and oxygen transport.
Acta anaesth. stand. 1979, 23, 453-461
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure During Mechanical and Spontaneous Ventilation Effects on Central Haemodyna...