Ophthalmic Procedures Assessment*

Contrast Sensitivity and Glare Testing in the Evaluation of Anterior Segment Disease AMERICAN ACADEMY OF OPHTHALMOLOGY

*The purpose of the Committee on Ophthalmic Procedures Assessment is to evaluate on a scientific basis new and existing ophthalmic tests, devices, and procedures for their safety, efficacy, clinical effectiveness and appropriate uses. Evaluations include examination of available literature, epidemiological analyses when appropriate, and compilation of opinions from recognized experts and other interested parties. After appropriate review by all contributors, including legal counsel, assessments are submitted to the Academy's Board of Directors for consideration as official Academy policy.

Clinical applications of contrast sensitivity and glare testing have dramatically increased over the past two de­ cades. The main purpose of this document is to describe briefly the clinical uses of these tests and to explore the issue of test standardization. Especially important is the extent to which these tests distinguish, or fail to distin­ guish, between anterior segment and posterior segment disease. Emphasis will be placed on the clinical evaluation of visual disability from early cataract. A reliable measure of this disability is needed to help the clinician determine the patient's potential benefit from cataract surgery. There is a great deal of confusion in the clinical liter­ ature concerning contrast sensitivity and glare testing. The two terms are sometimes used synonymously. However, contrast sensitivity is a measure of the amount ofcontrast required to detect or recognize a target, and glare sensi­ tivity (as it is used here) refers to the change in visual function caused by the presence of a glare (light) source in another part of the visual field. Light from the glare source is scattered within the eye by inhomogeneities or opacities in the ocular media, and this scattered light re­ duces the contrast of images on the retina. Quite often, the visual function measured in a glare test is contrast Prepared by the Committee on Ophthalmic Procedures Assessment and approved by the Academy's Board of Directors on September 17, 1989.

sensitivity, hence the confusion. Alternatively, glare sen­ sitivity can be measured with a different type of vision test such as acuity or color matching.

CONTRAST SENSITIVITY TESTING Contrast sensitivity has been widely promoted as an adjunct or even replacement for visual acuity in clinical vision testing. Visual acuity measures the eye's ability to resolve fine detail at high contrast but does not adequately describe one's ability to see large, low contrast patterns such as faces or nearby objects. For example, it has been reported that in several disorders such as cerebral lesions, 1•2 retrobulbar optic neuritis from multiple sclerosis, 3 glau­ coma,4·5·6 and various forms of retinopathy, 4·7•8 contrast sensitivity may be markedly reduced despite near normal visual acuity. Contrast sensitivity testing thus provides a different and sensitive means for following the progression of these diseases and monitoring the effects of treatment. In a normal healthy human eye, however, contrast sen­ sitivity and visual acuity typically vary in the same fashion. For example, reduced visual acuity due to ametropia causes a predictable reduction of contrast sensitivity,9• 10 so that contrast sensitivity for an individual patient is much more meaningful after it has been normalized rel­ ative to that patient's visual acuity. 1233



Contrast sensitivity tests have employed a wide variety of stimuli including disks, bipartite fields (a black-white edge), gratings, and letters. 11 Following the pioneering work of Schade 12 and Campbell and Robson, 13 most re­ searchers have used patterns consisting of alternating light and dark bars called "sine-wave gratings". Sine-wave gratings can vary in spatial frequency (light-dark cycles per degree), contrast, luminance, field size, and attenua­ tion at the edge of the field. By measuring the lowest de­ tectable contrast across a range of spatial frequencies, one derives a contrast sensitivity function , or CSF, of the pa­ tient. Several investigators have studied the relationship between the patient's CSF and performance of everyday visual tasks such as reading or target identification. There is controversy about the importance of the CSF for pre­ dicting visual performance of normal subjects, such as military pilots. 14• 15 •16 •17 Nevertheless, it has been shown that the CSF is important for predicting reading speed 18 and mobility performance 19 in low-vision patients. CONTRAST SENSITIVITY TESTING AND CATARACT EVALUATION

Contrast sensitivity has been used in the clinic for re­ fraction , vision screening and diagnosis, and in the eval­ uation of the effectiveness of medical treatment, surgical treatment, and devices such as contact lenses or intra­ ocular lenses. Recently it has been proposed that contrast sensitivity be used to quantify vision loss for purposes of considering treatment. One potential application of con­ trast sensitivity is for recommending or justifying early cataract surgery. Cataracts of all types are thought to increase intraocular light scatter. One effect of increased scatter is a reduction in retinal image contrast which will result in reduced con­ trast sensitivity. The effect of scatter on the shape of the CSF will depend on the exact nature of the intraocular scatter. If there is wide-angle scatter, the CSF will be de­ pressed across all spatial frequencies. However, if there is narrow-angle scatter, the CSF will be depressed only at high spatial frequencies. Indeed, Hess and Woo 20 have reported both types ofCSF loss in patients with cataracts. They suggest that early cataracts cause high frequency loss, while more mature cataracts produce CSF losses at both high and low spatial frequencies. While the magni­ tude of the high frequency loss should be predictable from acuity measures, the magnitude of the low frequency loss is not closely related to visual acuityY Results such as these have led to the suggestion that the CSF be used to set new standard indications for cat­ aract surgery. There is a fundamental problem with this recommendation. There is no pattern of CSF loss that is specific for cataracts. CSFs may be reduced by refractive blur and by retinal or neurological disorders in which the ocular media are entirely clear. In fact , a study of contrast sensitivity in diabetic patients with retinopathy and cataracts7 could not distinguish between CSF losses en­ countered in patients with cataracts and no retinopathy and patients with retinopathy and clear lenses. The types of CSFs measured in patients with macular disease 22 or 1234



cerebrallesions23 can be similar to the CSFs measured in cataract patients, although detailed analyses with targets of different sizes24 or at different retinal eccentricities2 5 may help distinguish between various causes of the loss. A similar problem arises when visual acuity is used to set standard indications for cataract surgery. Visual acuity loss is not specific for cataracts. Only if the remainder of the visual system can be determined to be normal can the full amount of visual acuity loss (or contrast sensitivity loss) be attributed to the cataract. In order to determine whether the fundamental limitation on visual acuity is optical (lens opacification) or non-optical (e.g. retinal dis­ ease), several methods have been developed to assess "po­ tential visual acuity." 26 Similar methods could be applied to contrast sensitivity testing, such as using a small ap­ erture or laser interferometer to project the contrast sen­ sitivity target onto the retina through a clear area in the cataract. In summary, contrast sensitivity testing in isolation from other tests is not sufficient to be used as the standard indication for cataract surgery. However, it may be useful as part of a battery of vision tests for helping to establish the nature and amount of vision loss due to lens opaci­ fication.

GLARE TESTING Glare testing, on the other hand, is a promising method for isolating vision loss due to intraocular light scatter. 27 "Glare" can refer to a variety of phenomena. Most com­ monly these are divided into discomfort and disability glare. Discomfort glare refers to the photophobic sensation one experiences when the overall illumination is too bright, for example when leaving a darkened movie theater on a sunlit afternoon. Any disorder which alters the dy­ namics of light and dark adaptation, or reduces the light level at which the photoreceptors become saturated (e.g. retinitis pigmentosa) may cause problems due to discom­ fort glare. Specific tests have been developed to evaluate adaptation and saturation, but since these generally eval­ uate retinal and neurological function, they play no role in the evaluation of anterior segment disease. Disability glare refers to the reduced visibility of a target due to the presence of a light source elsewhere in the field. A common example is the reduced visibility of roadway markers in the presence ofoncoming headlights. Disability glare is the specific type of glare caused by light scattered by the ocular media and is thus of primary interest to us in the evaluation of cataracts. GLARE TESTING AND CATARACT EVALUATION

Any disorder which increases intraocular light scatter may cause problems due to disability glare. Glare tests have been used in a variety of anterior segment disorders such as keratoconus,28 corneal edema, 29 cataract,30 and capsular opacification.3 1 They have been used to evaluate the optical quality of intraocular lenses 32 and to assess refractive surgeryY



Another possible source of increased glare sensitivity is intraocular light scatter at the retinal level due to mac­ ular edema. Unless the edematous tissue is perfectly clear and of the same refractive index as the surrounding fluid and tissue, one might expect it to scatter light converging to the retinal image. However, since the scattering centers are very close to the image plane, the effect on the image may be negligible. In a preliminary study of glare sensi­ tivity in diabetic patients with macular edema, glare sen­ sitivity was found to be more closely related to the clarity of the crystalline lens (if the patient was phakic) than to the amount of edema. 34 There have been anecdotes, how­ ever, of false positive glare testing results attributed to macular disease such as cystoid macular edema. The mechanism is unclear. Perhaps if there is already com­ promised foveal function from disease at the retinal level, the small amount of light normally scattered from the anterior segment, or the larger amount scattered from a cataract, could cause an exaggerated glare effect. Further study is necessary to clarify this possibility. Alternatively, ifthe patient with foveal disease should inadvertently look at the glare source, a photostress phenomenon (photo­ receptor bleaching) might cause a false positive glare result. In general, however, disability glare tests are considerably more specific for anterior segment disorders than are sim­ ple contrast sensitivity tests without the addition of a glare source. Not only are glare tests more specific than contrast sen­ sitivity for anterior segment disorders, they are also more sensitive to such disorders. Experimentally induced cor­ neal edema has only a small effect on contrast sensitivity but increases glare sensitivity almost three-fold. 29 In a large study of 196 normal, cataractous, and aphakic patients, glare sensitivity measured with a 20/400 Landolt C dif­ ferentiated the three groups much more decisively than did contrast sensitivity testing without glare. 30 Even though glare tests are specific and sensitive to an­ terior segment optical disorders, the question still remains: how does glare sensitivity, as measured in the laboratory or clinical setting, relate to everyday visual problems as­ sociated with glare? The data are still quite sparse on this subject. Glare testing of cataract patients can predict the reduction in visual acuity out-of-doors when facing the sun 30 or in direct overhead sunlight. 35 •36•37 Glare sensitivity has been shown to be correlated with lens opacity mea­ sured with fundus photography and slit-lamp examina­ tion, and to correspond to patient complaints. 38 For driv­ ers with normal visual acuity, glare sensitivity measure­ ments were loosely correlated with simulated nighttime driving performance, and corresponded to subjective complaints about glare from oncoming headlights. 39 Nevertheless, additional research is required to quantify the relationship between glare sensitivity and overall visual performance. Perhaps, for example, sensitivity of move­ ment detection, before and after adding a glare source, is more relevant to "real world" performance requirements than either acuity- or contrast sensitivity-based measures. Reliable measures of visual performance have not yet been identified sufficiently to allow correlation with results from any of the commercially-available glare testers. More re­

search in this area appears needed before using glare testing to establish standard indications for cataract surgery. GLARE TESTING STANDARDS

Our understanding of disability glare is hampered, in part, by the wide variety of glare test configurations used. Unlike contrast sensitivity testing which has a rich history in the basic vision literature, there have been few inves­ tigations of glare testing methodology. Most glare tests assess the effects of a glare light on contrast sensitivity, either by measuring a CSF38 or by obtaining a contrast threshold for the detection of optotype targets in the pres­ ence or absence of glare. 40 Visual acuity has also been used in glare tests, 41 as have increment thresholds for the detection of disks42 or small spots of light. 33 Contrast detection tasks have been used more fre­ quently than acuity-based measures to determine glare sensitivity. This is not necessarily because the information obtained is clinically more useful; the main attraction of a contrast sensitivity measure is simplicity of analysis. Disability glare can be modeled in terms of a veiling lu­ minance scattered onto the test target from the glare source. This veiling luminance is added to both the bright and dark bars of a grating pattern, or to the target and background if optotypes are used. In either case, the veiling luminance effectively reduces image contrast. Since the amount of scattered glare light will determine the mag­ nitude of the contrast reduction, it makes sense to measure contrast sensitivity in order to assess disability glare. Visual acuity can also be used to measure disability glare because acuity is affected by reduced contrast of the acuity targets. For a standard letter recognition test with normal observers, however, acuity is related to contrast by a square-root function. That is, ifthe contrast is reduced by a factor of 2, acuity will be reduced by 2 or a factor of 1.4. 43 Factors that reduce contrast, such as glare, will have a relatively weak effect on acuity. In a study of glare sen­ sitivity with simulated ocular turbidity, the glare light caused contrast sensitivity to decline rapidly, while visual acuity remained near normal. 40 Therefore, tests based on contrast sensitivity measures should be more sensitive to disability glare than tests based on acuity. The sensitivity of acuity-based glare tests can be increased, however, by either reducing the contrast of the acuity targets41 •44 or increasing the intensity of the glare source (although high intensity glare sources may introduce confounding vari­ ables such as pupillary constriction and photoreceptor bleaching). Further research is necessary to determine whether or not contrast sensitivity-based measures provide different disability glare information from acuity-based tests. In addition to differences in the visual function mea­ sured, glare tests vary in the type of glare source used. Most of the early studies used point-source glare. This type of glare source requires simple instrumentation (usually a single light bulb), provides a good simulation of environmental glare sources such as automobile head­ lights, and is amenable to simple models of veiling lu­ minance. However, small glare sources require a relatively 1235



high luminous intensity to produce the desired effect and may draw the observer's fixation away from the target to the glare light. 38 This may result in an afterimage which interferes with the visual function measurement. Extended glare sources, such as a bright annulus produced by a circular fluorescent tube or a bright rectangular back­ ground, cause fewer afterimage problems and are said to be better accepted by patients. 40 Intensities of the glare sources also vary widely from study to study. The Miller­ Nadler glare tester, the first such device commercially available in the United States, projects a dark Landolt C on a bright background. 45 At the other extreme, Applegate used a mesopic source for his laboratory glare tester.33 Two studies have systematically varied glare intensity. Abrahamsson and Sjostrand 38 report that glare sensitivity of cataract patients decreased as the luminance of an an­ nular glare source was reduced from 200 cd/m2 to 2 cd/ m 2 • However, Applegate 33 found that lower glare inten­ sities increased glare sensitivity in patients after radial keratotomy (RK). He argues that lower intensities are preferable for evaluating headlight glare problems in RK patients because pupillary dilation is then comparable to that obtained during nighttime driving conditions. It is also important to recognize that if the glare intensity is too high, a false disability can be diagnosed. The normal cornea, lens, and vitreous combine to scatter between 10 to 20 percent of the light incident on the eye. Thus a very bright glare source can reduce contrast sensitivity in a normal eye. 46 Regardless of the visual function test or glare source chosen, there are several basic principles of clinical vision test design that should be followed: l . The test should be "criterion-free" . Although the patient's subjective responses should not be ignored, the objective test results should not be affected by whether the subject is more or less cautious in his or her responses. For example, a test which allows the patient to decide if the target is visible or not will produce one result with an individual who is very cautious and demands that the target be clearly discernible before venturing a response, and another result with a patient who is willing to guess at anything. Forced-choice procedures circumvent this problem. A standard eye chart uses a forced-choice pro­ cedure when the patient is asked to identify the letter (make a "forced choice" ) and the examiner determines whether the answer is correct or incorrect. If the patient is allowed to answer that he or she cannot see the letter, then the test is not forced-choice. Forced-choice tests yield more reliable results, especially with unpracticed observ­ ers, than criterion-dependent tests.47 •34 2. The test targets should follow a uniform progression. For acuity targets this means that letter size should de­ crease in equal logarithmic steps. For contrast sensitivity, target contrast should decline in equal logarithmic steps. U niforrn step size is important for making quantitative comparisons, such as comparing glare sensitivity before and after cataract surgery across patients who may have different overall sensitivities. Surprisingly, many Snellen acuity charts do not follow a uniform progression ofletter sizes, although the ETDRS acuity chart, 48 which is quickly 1236



becoming a clinical standard, adheres to equal logarithmic steps. 3. To insure high test-retest reliability, it is necessary to have several trials at each level of difficulty, while test efficiency dictates that the number of trials be kept to a minimum. An often overlooked factor for determining reliability is the criterion used by the examiner to score the test. For example, must the patient identify all letters correctly on the 20/20 line or will one or two errors be acceptable to earn a 20/20 acuity score? A detailed study of the effects of trial number and scoring criterion on test efficiency and reliability indicates that requiring two cor­ rect responses out of three trials provides a reasonable compromise. 49 In summary, while it is premature to establish definitive guidelines for supplemental tests to visual acuity in as­ sessing the overall visual disability from immature cata­ racts, several recommendations emerge. Contrast sensi­ tivity, by itself, is not specific enough for this purpose. However, contrast sensitivity or low-contrast visual acuity, measured before and after adding a glare source, is prob­ ably sufficiently specific and sensitive. While contrast sen­ sitivity is more sensitive to glare than visual acuity, the sensitivity of acuity-based glare tests can be improved by reducing the contrast of the acuity targets or, along with some confounding variables, by increasing the intensity of the glare source. The optimal glare source for reliable and reproducible testing, however, has not yet been iden­ tified. Glare tests, like all visual function tests, should ad­ here to test procedures which maximize test reliability and interpretability. At this time there is no universally accepted standard for glare disability testing and no agreement on how the results of a glare disability test should be used in the eval­ uation of patients for medical or surgical therapy. The presently available glare tests may be of help in adding to the objective assessment of the impact on visual disability of anterior segment disease. Glare testing should not be considered mandatory in the preoperative assessment of patients, and if used, should not be used as the sole cri­ terion for surgical intervention. Glare testing may be used as an adjunct to the clinical history, to the ophthalmologic examination, and to other tests of visual function to pre­ dict the objective visual acuity outcome of surgery. This predicted objective result should be carefully considered in terms of its likely effect on the individual patient's quality of life, and weighed against the known risks of surgical intervention.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Original draft by: Gary S. Rubin, Ph.D.; Reviewed by: Ivan Bodis-Wollner, M.D., John D. Bullock, M.D., Jack T. Holladay, M.D., Gary F. Jaffe, M.D., Douglas Koch, M.D., Philip Lempert, M.D., Mark J. Mannis, M.D., Michael F. Marmor, M.D., Samuel Masket, M.D., David Miller, M.D., Albert C. Neumann, M.D., David M. Regan, D.Sc., Frederick A. Richburg, M.D., Charles B. Slonim, M.D., Joseph W. Weiss, M.D., Jonathan Wirtschafter, M.D.; Edited by: David L. Guyton, M.D., Gary S. Rubin, Ph.D.; Approved by: Board of Directors, September 17, 1989.



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Contrast sensitivity and glare testing in the evaluation of anterior segment disease. American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Ophthalmic Procedures Assessment* Contrast Sensitivity and Glare Testing in the Evaluation of Anterior Segment Disease AMERICAN ACADEMY OF OPHTHALMOL...
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