0013-7227/91/1282-1198$03.00/0 Endocrinology Copyright © 1991 by The Endocrine Society

Vol. 128, No. 2 Printed in U.S.A.

CORTICOTROPIN-RELEASING HORMONE (CRH) DIRECTLY STIMULATES CORTICOSTERONE SECMTION BY THE RAT ADRENAL GLAND Paola G. Andreis, Giuliano Neri and Gastone G. Nussdorfer Department of Anatomy, University of Padua, 35121 Padua, Italy

ABSTRACT. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) acute ip administration (10 yg) significantly incre ased the blood concentration of corticosterone (B) in hypophysectomized rats, without inducing any rise in the level of circulating ACTH. CRH (10~6 M) did not affect B production by isolated rat adrenocortical cells, but notably enhanced that by adrenal slices including both cortex and medulla. This last effect of CRH was blocked by corticotropin inhibiting peptide (CIP), at a concentration (10~6 M) which was found to completely annul B response of adrenal slices to ACTH (10~8 M). In light of many findings indicating that adrenal medulla contains and releases CPH and numerous POMC-derived peptides, the hypothesis is advanced that an intra-adrenal CRH/ACTH mechanism may be operative in the control of adrenocortical steroid-hormone secretion.

Evidence has been accumulated indicating that CRH may act on the adrenal cortex independently of pituitary ACTH release (1-3). Moreover, high-affinity binding sites for CRH have been found in the rat adrenal zona medullaris (4,5); this last has been suggested to exert a paracrine control on the cortex (6). To gain insight into this problem, we investigated the direct effects of CRH on the secretory activity of rat inner adreno cortical zones in vivo and in vitro.

MATERIALS AND METHODS In vivo experiments Adult male Wistar rats (300 ± 30 g BW) were purchased from Charles-River (Como, Italy). A group of rats was hypophysectomized by the parapharyngeal approach and, in order to maintain the growth and secretory capacity of their adrenals, was administered daily ip injections of 2 IU/kg ACTH (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) for the first 8 days after the operation (Table 1). The completeness

of hypophysectomy was checked at the time of autopsy. On the 10th day after hypophysectomy, groups of control (sham-operated) and hypophysectomized rats (n=16) were divided into two subgroups (n=8), one of which was given an ip injection of 10 /jg CRH (human and rat, synthetic; Sigma) dissolved in 0.2 ml 0.9% NaCl, 30 min before the sacrifice. The other subgroup was given the saline vehicle (none subgroup). The animals were decapitated between 1000 and 1100 h, and their trunk blood was collected and centrifuged at 2,000 £ for 20 min at 4 C; plasma w.as stored at -70 C until hormonal assay. ACTH was extracted from plasma (7) and the recovery was calculated to be in the range of 65% (8). ACTH plasma concentration was determined by RIA: ACTH-RIA kit (Nichols, Los Angeles, CA; intra- and interassay variations, 6% and 8%). Corticosterone (B) was extra£ ted and purified (9), and its concentration was measu red by RIA: Cortx-RIA kit (Eurogenetix, Milan, Italy; intra- and interassay variations, 7% and 9%). In vitro experiments

TABLE 1. Effect of ACTH on the relative adrenal weight (RAW) and plasma concentration of corti costerone (B) in hypophysectomized (HYPOX) rats.


RAW (mg/100 g BW)

B (pg/dl)

15.7 * 3.4 8.5 * 1.9« 14.3 * 3.8

11.5 * 3.7 2.6 * 1.5* 5.3 * 2.1».a

Data are means * SD (n > 8 ) . • P«0.01 vs. controls; a P««0.01 vs. HYPOX.

Received in Iowa City November 29, 1990

The left adrenals of control rats were decapsulated and enucleated (in order to eliminate zona glomerulosa and zona medullaris), and isolated inner (zonae fasci culata and reticularis) adrenocortical cells were ob_t ained by collagenase/DNase I disaggregation (10). Viab ility of isolated cells was checked by the trypan-blue exclusion test. The right adrenals were decapsulated and cut into 5 slices (11). Isolated cells and adrenal slices were put in medium 199 (DIFCO, Detroit, MI) and potassium-free Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer with 0.2% glucose (2:1 vol/vol) containing 5 g/1 human serum albumin. Aliquots of cell suspensions (3 x 10 5 / ml) and adrenal fragments (about 1 mg/ml) were incuba ted, in replicates of 6 each) with ACTH 10- 8 M or CRH


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RAPID COMMUNICATIONS lO"^ M or without any peptide. The incubation was car ried out for 90 min in a shaking bath at 37 C in an atmosphere of 95% 0 2 and 5% CC>2Other adrenal slices were incubated, in replicates of 8 each, with CRH 10~^ M in the presence or absence of corticotropin inhibiting peptide (ACTH 7 _ 38 ) 10~ 6 M (CIP; Peninsula, Merseyside, U.K.). The concentration of CIP was that found to almost completely annul the B response of adrenocortical slices to ACTH 10~8 M, without affecting basal B secretion (Table 2 ) . TABLE 2. Effect of increasing concentrations of CIP on basal and ACTH-stimulated B production by adrenal slices. 10 ~ 8 M Basal ACTH

52.4 ±15.6 401.5 ±108.2*

62.5 + 22.4 229.5 ±98.6*

10~ 7 M

10" 6 M

49.5 ±16.2 125.8 ± 38.6*

60.3 ±21.2 70.1 ± 18.7

Data are means ± SD (n = 4 ) . • P^O.01 vs. basal.

The B concentration in the incubation medium measured by RIA, as described above.


Statistics Data were expressed as means ± SD, and their statis tical comparison was done by ANOVA, followed by the Multiple Range Test of Duncan.

RESULTS CRH ip administration raised plasma concentrationis of ACTH (4-fold) and B (3-fold) in control rats. Hypophy sectomy provoked notable decreases in the levels of circulating ACTH (-90%) and B (-65%). CRH still caused a significant enhancement in the blood concentration of B in hypophysectomized rats (83%), without inducing any change in that of ACTH (Table 3 ) . TABLE 3. Effect of CRH on ACTH and B plasma concentration!! in control and HYPOX/ACTH-treated rats. Controls ACTH(pg/ml) B (pg/dl)






80.3 ±20.4 12.3 ± 4 . 4

316.2 ± 102.8* 38.5 ±13.9*

8.2 ± 5 . 2 a 4.2±1.9a

9.7 ± 4.8 7.7 ± 2.1"

Data are means ± SD (n = 8 ) . • P « 0 . 0 1 v s . the r e s p e c t i v e none;


P « 0 . 0 1 v s . c o n t r o l none.

ACTH (10~ 8 M) strikingly elevated B secretion by both isolated inner adrenocortical c e l l s (8-fold) and adrenal s l i c e s (7-fold). CRH (10~ 6 M) did not affect TABLE 4. Effect of ACTH and CRH on B production by isolated inner adrenocortical cells and adrenal slices of control rats. B production Isolated cells (pM/lC-6 cells.h) Adrenal slices (pM/mg.h)




120.5 ±37.2

974.5 ± 271.3*

130.2 ±40.1


348.5 ±101.9*

101.4 ±22.4*

Data are means ± SD (n • 6). * P^O.01 vs. none.

B production by isolated cells, but significantly in£ reases that by adrenal slices (Table 4 ) . CIP (10~ 6 M) completely annulled the stimulating effect of CRH (10~ 6 M) on B production by adrenal sli. ces (Table 5 ) . TABLE 5. Effect of CIP on the B response of adrenal slices to CRH.

B (pM/mg.h)




57.2 ± 11.6

126.1 ± 36.2*

50.7 ± 15.9

Data are means ± SD (n = 8 ) . * P^O.01 vs. none.

DISCUSSION Our in vivo experiment clearly shows that the acute administration of a high dose of CRH is able to stimu late the secretion of B, the main glucocorticoid pro duced by adrenal glands of rodents (for review, see Ref. 12), independently of any increase in the ACTH release by the hypophysis. This effect of CRH is not conceivably exerted directly on adrenocortical cells, since this peptide does not elevate B production by isolated inner adrenocortical cells. CRH direct secre tory effect seems to require the integrity of adrenal tissue, and is probably mediated by local ACTH produc tion. In fact, B response of adrenal slices to CRH is completely blunted by CIP, a well-known competitive inhibitor of ACTH (13). Our findings do not allow us to settle the locus of the supposed intra-adrenal CRH-dependent production of ACTH. According to Jones and Edwards (14), the main candidate appears to be adrenal medulla, whose cells possess high-affinity binding sites for CRH (4,5) and are found to co-release with catecholamines, many POMCderived peptides, including ACTH (6,15). The modality whereby intra-adrenal secreted ACTH may reach the cor tex and so stimulate steroidogenesis could be very simple in the rat, although cortex and medulla are supplied with separate capillary beds (16). In fact, many rays of medullary tissue are commonly found to project into the cortex, sometimes reaching the capsule (17): thus ACTH produced by chromaffin cells may be released near steroidogenic ones. This strict interla cement between cortical and medullary tissues could also explain why CRH exerts its secretory effect also on tissue fragments obtained from enucleated adrenals (data not shown). Investigations are in progress aimed at ascertaining whether CRH is able to evoke any seer etory response by slices of ACTH-responsive capsular adrenocortical autotransplants, which always lack chro maffin tissue (11). Another possibility, not necessa rily conflicting with the previous one, is that CRH may also act on local leukocytes, which are known to secrete ACTH/endorphin in response, to CRH (for review, see Ref. 18). CRH is contained in adrenal chromaffin cells of various species (15,19-21), and is released in response to hemorrhage (22) and splanchnic nerve stimulation (23). Parenthetically, this last procedure was also found to provoke a small output of ACTH from the calf adrenal glands (14). In light of the literature data

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now reviewed and of our present findings, it appears conceivable to hypothesize the existence of an intraadrenal CRH/ACTH mechanism replicating that operating at the hypothalamo-hypophyseal level. It remains to be investigated whether this intra-adrenal control mecha nism pleys any physiological routinary role or may be activated only under extremely stressful conditions capable of stimulating the splanchnic sympathetic system.

Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank Dr. G. P. De Tos and Prof. M. Boscaro for their help with RIA assays.

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Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) directly stimulates corticosterone secretion by the rat adrenal gland.

Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) acute ip administration (10 micrograms) significantly increased the blood concentration of corticosterone (B) in...
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