Journal of Gerontology 1975, Vol. 30. No. 4, 492-512

Current Publications in Gerontology and Geriatrics

Nathan W. Shock1


HE SUBJECT categories are those in A Classified Bibliography of Gerontology and Geriatrics by Nathan W. Shock, published by Stanford University Press, Stanford, California (1951). Only major headings are used and the Roman numerals correspond to those given in the bibliography. In so far as possible, references are classified according to organ systems. Thus, most of the material on Geriatrics will be found under the organ system involved in the disease. Cross references are indicated by numbers at the end of each section. When available, abstract references are given (B. A.—Biological Abstracts, P. A.—Psychological Abstracts, and P. I.—Population Index). Abbreviations for journals are those in A World List of Scientific Periodicals Published in the years 1900-1933, 2nd Edition. For journals not listed, abbreviations were devised to the general rules used in the above source. It is impossible to cover all journals and list all papers concerned with aging and the aged. Authors and publishers are requested to call attention to publications or to send reprints to the Gerontology Research Center, Baltimore City Hospitals, Baltimore, Maryland 21224.

43787. Moser, R. H.: Editorial: the old folks at home; variations on a theme. /. Amer. med. Ass., 230: 43774. Anderson, W. R: The present study and further 1311-1314, 1974. development of gerontology and geriatrics in Scotland. 43788. Newman, J. L.: Old age looks at itself. N. Z. Z. Alternsforsch., 28: 341-350, 1974. med. ]., 80: (521), 107-109, 1974. 43775. Brauer, W.: Senior citizen. Minerva med., 43789. Pafiella Casas, M., and A. Saldado Alba: Torino, 57: 968-969, 1974. Spanische Gerontologie und Geriatrie. Z. 43776. Chebotarev, D. R: t)ber die Perspektiven der Alternsforsch., 28: 355-358, 1974. Entwicklung der Gerontologie in der UdSSR. Z. 43790. Perry, P. W.: The night of ageism. Ment. Alternsforsch., 28:325-334, 1974. Hyg., 58: (3), 13-20, 1974. 43777. Chebotarev, D. R: International Association of 43791. Reiner, M. L.: Aging—what does it mean? /. Gerontology. Gerontologist, 75:276-277, 1975. Rehabilit., 40: (5), 14-15; 42; 44, 1974. 43778. Chebotarev, D. R, and J. K. Duplenko: Der IX. 43792. Robinson, S., D. B. Dill, S. P. Tzankoff, J. A. Internationale Kongress fur Gerontologie. ZusammenWagner, and R. D. Robinson: Longitudinal studies fassung des wissenschaftlichen Programms. Z. of aging in 37 men. /. appl. Physiol., 38:263-267, Alternsforsch., 28:193-204, 1974. 1975. 43779. Christiansen, D.: Dignity in aging. Hastings 43793. Steinmann, B.: Gerontology. Verlag Hans Center Rep., 4: 6-8, 1974. Huber, Bern, 1971, 562 pp. Abstr: Z. Alternsforsch., 43780. Freedman, J. O.: Administration for the elderly. 28: 275, 1974. Meat. Hyg., 58: (3), 39-43, 1974. 43794. U. S. Department of Health, Education and 43781. Fujii, J.: Gegenwartiger Stand der Gerontologie Welfare. National Center for Health Statistics: und Geriatrie in Japan. Z. Alternsforsch., 28: 351-353, Blood donor patterns and characteristics among per1974. sons 17-64 years of age, 1973. Mon. vit. Statist. Rep., 43782. Guillemard, A.-M.: Gerontology, a relatively 23: (12, Suppl.), 1-10, 1975. new area of social science iri France. Gerontologist, 75:212-218, 1975. See also Nos. 43916, 44296, 44310, 44313, 44330. 43783. Haranghy, L.: Gerontologische Forschung in Ungarn in der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Z. BIOLOGY OF AGING Alternsforsch., 28: 359-361, 1974. 43784. Huet, J. A.: Panorama gerontologique frarigais. I. CELLULAR BIOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY Z. Alternsforsch., 28:335-339, 1974. (includes plants) 43785. Hershey, D.: Lifespan and factors affecting it. Aging theories in gerontology. Charles C Thomas, 43795. Barnett, J. L., P. Cheeseman, J. Cheeseman, Springfield, 111., 1974, xiii, 158 pp. J. M. Douglas, and J. G. Phillips: Changes in organ 43786. Linden, M. E.: The challenge of aging. Ment. weights and blood parameters in ageing Brattleboro Hyg., 58: (3), 34-38, 1974. rats with hereditary diabetes insipidus. Age & Ageing, 3:229-239, 1974. 1 Gerontology Research Center, National Institute of Child Health 43796. Chkholariya, N. D.: Proliferative capacity of and Human Development, National Institutes of Health and the Baltimore City Hospitals, Baltimore, Md. 21224. lymphoid cells in the subcapsular zone of the mouse GERONTOLOGY


CURRENT PUBLICATIONS thymus in respect ito age. Soobsh. Akad. Nauk Gruzin. S.S.R., 74: 713-716, 1974. 43797. Evans, L. S., and J. Vari't Hof: The agedistribution of cell cycle populations in plant root meristems. Exp. cell Res., 90: 401-410, 1975. 43798. Leutert, G.: Age dependent changes in intermitotic cells. In: R. Winter and K. Sajkiewicz (Editors), (Results of Experimental Medicine, Vol. 13. Cytobiology, Cytopathology, Cytodiagnosis. Session in Honor of Rudolph Virchow.) VEB Verlag Volk Gesundheit, Berlin, 1973, pp. 255-264. 43799. Lockshin, R. A., and J. Beaulaton: Programmed cell death. Cytochemical evidence for lysosomes during the normal breakdown of the intersegmerital muscles. /. ultrastr. Res., 46:43-62, 1974. 43800. Lockshin, R. A., and J. Beaulaton: Programmed cell death. Cytochemical appearance of lysosomes when dealth of the intersegmental muscles is prevented. /. ultrastr. Res., 46: 63-78, 1974. 43801. Mann, D. M., and P. O. Yates: Lipoprotein pigments—their relationship to ageing in the human nervous system. I. The lipofuscin content of nerve cells. II. The melanin content of pigmented nerve cells. Brain, 97: 481-498, 1974. 43802. Norwood, T. H., W. R. Pendergrass, and G. M. Martin: Reinitiation of DNA synthesis in senescent human fibroblasts upon fusion with cells of unlimited growth potential. /. cell BioL, 64: 551-556, 1975. 43803. Ooka, H., K. Yamamoto, Y. Okuma, S. Suga, and M. Wakasugi: The migratory activity of rat epidermal cells in vitro—age-related changes and the effect of serum. Exp. Geront, 10: 79-83, 1975. 43804. Ryan, J. M., and V. J. Cristofalo: Chromatin template activity during aging in WI38 cells. Exp. cell Res., 90:456-458, 1975. 43805. Vracko, R., and E. P. Benditt: Restricted replicative life-span of diabetic fibroblasts in vitro; its relation to microangiopathy. Fed. Proc, Baltimore, 34:68-70, 1975. 43806. Yamanaka, N., and D. Deamer: Super oxide dismutase activity in human WI-38 cell cultures. Effects of age trypsinization and SV-40 transformation. Physiol. Chem. Physics, 6:95-106, 1974. 43807. Yanishevsky, R., and A. V. Carrano: Prematurely condensed chromosomes of dividing and non-dividing cells in aging human cell cultures. Exp. cell Res., 90:169-174, 1975. See also Nos. 43824, 43907, 44069. IV.


(case reports, drugs, heredity, marriage, occupation, and sex differences) 43808. Cavalieri, U.: Problemi delPalcool in geriatria. Gior. Geront, 22: 999-1002, 1974. 43809. Cescon, I.: L'alcool in geriatria. Valutazione delle caratteristiche biochimiche e farmacologiche dei component! del vino. Gior. Geront, 22:1003-1009, 1974. 43810. de Lutterotti, A.: L'alcool nella vecchiaia; aspetti clinici, con particolare riguardo alia miocardiopatia alcoolica. Gior. Geront, 22:1010-1013, 1974. 43811. Erickson, J. D., and M. M. Cohen, Jr.: A study


of parental age effects on the occurrence of fresh mutations for the Apert syndrome. Ann. human Genet, 38: 89-96, 1974. 43812. Goodrick, C. L.: Life-span and the inheritance of longevity of inbred mice. /. Geront, 30:257-263, 1975. 43813. Greagan, E. T.: Mortality from stomach cancer in coal mining regions. Arch, environ. Hlth., 28: 28-30, 1973. 43814. Hutt, C : Males and females. Penguin Books, Baltimore, 1972, 158 pp. 43815. Ipsen, J., et ah: Deaths from medicaments in relation to epidemic drug addiction. Int. J. Epidem., 2:329-337, 1973. 43816. Kogan, F. M., et al: (The cancer mortality rate among workers in the asbestos industry of the Urals.) Gig. i sanit, Moscow, 37: (7), 29-32, 1972. 43817. Mayo, O.: Effect of age on chiasma number in man. Hum. Hered., 24: 144-150, 1974. 43818. Medvedev, Z. A.: Aging and longevity; new approaches and new perspectives. Gerontologist, 15: 196-201, 1975. 43819. Metrop. Life Insur. Co.: Socioeconomic mortality differentials. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur. Co., 56: 2-5, Jan. 1975. 43820. Metrop. Life Insur. Co.: Longevity of members of the Canadian Parliament. Statist. Bull Metrop. Life Insur. Co., 56: 2-6, Feb. 1975. 43821. Monson, R. R., et al: Proportional mortality among vinyl-chloride workers. Lancet, —: (7877), 397-398, 1974. 43822. Perez-Calahorra Ramirez, I. M., R. Guarefio Martin, M. Martin Alvarez, and J. M. Poveda de Agustin: Aspectos etiologicos de la estructura social del alcoholismo en la persona de edad. Aspectos sociodinamicos de la conducta del alcoholico en la Residencia de ancianos. Abordaje socioterapeutico. Rev. esp. Gerontologia, 9:345-374, 1974. 43823. Retherford, R. D.: Tobacco smoking and sex ratios in the United States. Soc. BioL, 22:28-38, 1974. 43824. Sevan'kaev, A. V., V. M. Kozlov, G. G. Guzeev, and N. M. Izmailova: Frequency of spontaneous chromosomal aberrations in a human leukocyte culture. Genetika, 10: (6), 114-120, 1974. 43825. Stout, H. S.: University men in New England 1620-1660; a demographic analysis. /. interdiscip. Hist, 4:375-400, 1974. 43826. U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Public Health Service. Center for Disease Control: The health consequences of smoking 1974. U. S. Govt. Print. Office, Washington, 1975, 124 pp. See also Nos. 43785, 43838, 43840, 43848, 43917, 44461. IV-C. LONGEVITY: Comparative Physiology 43827. Davies, L: A study of the effect of diet on the life-span of Nasonia vitripennis (Walk). (Hymenoptera, pteromalidae.) J. Geront, 30:294-298, 1975. 43828. Dieterich, R. A.: The collared lemming (Dicrostonyx stevensoni Nelson) in biomedical research. Lab. anim. Sci, 25:48-54, 1975. 43829. Kisiel, M. J., S. Himmelhoch, and B. M. Zuckerman: Caenorhabditis briggsae; effects of aminopterin. Exp. Parasit, N. Y., 36:430-438, 1974.



43845. Sapwell, J.: Causes of death in the elderly. Practitioner, 213: (1275), 354, 1974. 43846. Schwirian, K. P., and A. J. LaGreca: The effect of alternative age adjustment procedures on the analysis of urban mortality patterns. Soc. Sci. Quart., 55: 189-194, 1974. 43847. Stojkov, N., and M. Cepic: (Standardization of death rates.) Narodno zdrav., 29:181-183, 1973. 43848. Tonnesen, B. L.: Mortality of single and married persons in Norway 1960-1962. In: J. Lindgren (Editor), Year of Population Research in Finland, 13, 1973-74. Pop. Res. Inst, Helsinki, 1974, pp. 71-82. 43849. United Nations. (By George J. Stolnitz): World Population Conference, Bucharest, Romania, 19-30 August 1974. Conference background paper No. 17. International mortality trends; some main facts See also Nos. 43795, 43796, 43799, 43800, 43803, 43812, and implications. New York, June 4, 1974, E/CONF. 43876, 43877, 43878, 43879, 43881, 43882, 43883, 43885, 60/CBP/17, 29 pp. 43886, 43887, 43888, 43890, 43891, 43892, 43893, 43897, 43850. U. S. Department of Health, Education and 43898, 43899, 43907, 43912, 43914, 43922, 43932, 43939, Welfare. National Center for Health Statistics: Life 43947, 43953, 43962, 43963, 43964, 43965, 43966, 43968, tables. Sect. 5 in: Vital Statistics of the United States 43974, 43976, 43983, 43987, 43988, 43993, 43995, 43996, 1972, Volume 2. U. S. Govt. Print. Office, Washing43997, 43998, 44000, 44024, 44026, 44028, 44034, 44040, ton, 1974, pp. 1-25. 44071, 44060, 44047, 44050, 44052, 44053, 44056, 44058, 43851. U. S. Department of Health, Education and 44075, 44086, 44093, 44095, 44105, 44108, 44109, 44115, Welfare. National Center for Health Statistics: Life 44127, 44138, 44152, 44186, 44190, 44309, 44318. tables. Sect. 5 in: Vital Statistics of the United States 1973, Volume 2. U. S. Govt. Print. Office, Washington, 1974, 14 pp. IV-H. LONGEVITY: Mortality Rates 43852. U. S. Department of Health, Education and 43834. Debray, J-R.: Statistique er duree de la vie. Welfare. National Center for Health Statistics: Vital Rev. pol. part, 75: 25-31, Oct. 1973. statistics of the United States 1970. Volume II—Mor43835. Denmark. Sundhedsstyrelsen: (Causes of death tality. Part A. U. S. Govt. Print. Office, Washington, in the Kingdom of Denmark 1971.) Copenhagen, 1974, 550 pp. 1974, xxxix, 179 pp. 43853. U. S. Department of Health, Education and 43836. Dumond, D. E.: The limitation of human Welfare. National Center for Health Statistics: Vital statistics of the United States 1971. Volume II—Morpopulation; a natural history. Science, 187:713-721, tality. Part B. U. S. Govt. Print. Office, Washington, 1975. 1974, 713 pp. 43837. Gani, J.: Stochastic formulations for life tables, age distributions and mortality curves. In: M. S. 43854. World Health Organization: World health statistics annual, 1971. Vol. 1. Vital statistics and Bartlett and R. W. Hirons (Editors), The Mathecauses of death. The Organization, Geneva, 1974, xx, matical Theory of the Dynamics of Biological Popula856 pp. tions. Academic Press, New York, 1973, pp. 291-302. 43838. Geerken, M., and W. R. Gove: Race, sex, and 43855. World Health Organization: Special subject; the ten leading causes of death for selected countries marital status; their effect on mortality. Soc. Probl., in Africa, South and Central America, and Asia. 21 .-567-580, 1974. World hlth. statist. Rep., 27: (3-4), 150-188, 1974. 43839. Hemminki, E., K. Hemminki, T. Hakulinen, 43856. Wunsch, G.: A minimum life-table for Europe. et al: (Life expectancy of the population and the inEurop. demogr. inform. Bull, 5: 2-10, 1974. fluence of most occurring causes of death.) Duodecim, 90:1167-1179, 1974. See also Nos. 43813, 43816, 44134, 44163, 44280, 44369. 43840. Keyfitz, N., and W. Flieger: World population. An analysis of vital data. Univ. Chicago Press, ChiIV-I. LONGEVITY: National Groups cago, 1968, xi, 672 pp. 43841. Ko, R. T.: A study of age specific incidence 43857. Albania. Statistical Board: Statistical year book and death rate of cancer of the breast in high, modof PRA 1967 and 1968; 'translation. The Board, erate and low rate countries. /. Formosan med. Ass., Tirana, 1968, 22 pp. 72:31-38, 1973. 43858. Australia. Commonwealth Bureau of Census 43842. Lilienfeld, A. M., et al: Cancer in the United and Statistics. (By S. W. Caffin): Australian life States. Harvard Uriiv. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1972, tables 1965-1967. The Bureau, Canberra, 1973, Ref. Vit. & Hlth. Statist. Monogr., xxiv, 546 pp. No. 2.98, 28 pp. 43843. Metrop. Life Insur. Co.: Policyholder mortality 43859. Graf, H.: Trends der Schweizer Bevolkerungdeclines. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur. Co., 55: sentwicklung. Schweiz. Z. volksw. Statist, 110:2319-11, Feb. 1975, 249, 1974. 43844. Poston, D. L, Jr.: An examination of urban 43860. Guerrieri, G.: Sul prolungamento della vita mortality using age-adjusted death rates. Soc. Sci. degli italiani. Gior. Econ. Ann. Econ., 32: (Nouva Quart, 55:182-188, 1974. Ser.), 473-491, 1973. 43830. Moment, G. B.: The possible roles of coelomic cells and their yellow pigment in annelid regeneration and aging. Growth, 38: 209-218, 1974. 43831. Padhi, S. C, and B. K. Patnaik: Ageing changes in the brain of the garden lizard, Calotes versicolor—III. Free amino acid and ascorbic acid contents in whole brain and brairi parts. Exp. Geront., 10:61-66, 1975. 43832. Sincock, A. M.: Life extension in the rotifer Mytilina brevispina var redunca by the application of chelating agents. /. Geront, 30:289-293, 1975. 43833. Walter, N. M., and C. S. Hacker: Variation in life table characteristics among 3 geographic strains of culex-pipiens-quinquefasciatus. /. med. Ent., 11: 541-550, 1974.

CURRENT PUBLICATIONS 43861. Leite, V. M.: (Brazil; study of mortality by sex and age groups during the period 1950-1970.) Rev. brasil. Estatist, 34: 435-464, 1973. 43862. McCreary, G, et al: Indian health in Minnesota. Minn. Med., 56: (2, Suppl.), 87-90, 1973. 43863. Meyer, K., and G.-R. Ruckert: Allgemeine Sterbetafel 1970/72. Wirtsch. u. Stat., —: (7), 465475, 1974. 43864. Miiller, M. S.: La mortalidad en Buenos Aires entre 1855 y 1960. Edit. Inst., Buenos Aires, 1974, Ser. Naranja: Sociologia, xviii, 141 pp. 43865. (The) Netherlands. Centraal Bureau voor de Sta'tistiek (and) Ministerie van Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiene: Compendium health statistics of the Netherlands 1974. Staatsuitgeverij, The Hague, 1974, x, 371 pp. 43866. Piasecki, E.: (The rate of alternation of generations and the length of human life.) Stud. Demogr., Warsaw, —: (35), 85-99, 1974. 43867. Short, T.: New observations on city, town and country bills of mortality (1750). Gregg Int., Hampshire, Eng., Aug. 1973, 532 pp. 43868. Speilman, E.: (Prediction of life expectancy in Brazil; 1970-2000.) Rev. brasil. Estatist., 34:425-434, 1973. 43869. Sweden. Statistiska Centralbyran: (Life tables for the decade 1961-1970.) Sveriges Officiella Statistik, Stockholm, 1974, 46 pp. 43870. Turkey. (State Planning Organization.) (By Aysel Ozkan): (Turkish life tables and estimates of mortality obtained from the Turkish Demographic Survey.) The Organization, Ankara, March 1974, Yayin No. DPT: 1351-SPD: 265, no pages. 43871. Vallin, J.: La table de mortalite francaise 19661970. Population, 29:553-577, 1974. 43872. Walker, A. R.: Survival outlook for middleaged populations in South Africa. S. Afr. med. ]., 48: 2053-2059, 1974. 43873. Zambia. Central Statistical Office: Census of population and housing 1969. Final report. Vol. 3. Demographic analysis. The Office, Lusaka, Jan. 1974, iv, 43 pp. 43874. Anonymous: Rates of mortality. Gregg Int., Hampshire, Eng., Oct. 1973, 256 pp. See also No. 44336. V.


43875. Adelman, R. C : Impaired hormonal regulation of enzyme activity during aging. Fed. Proc, Baltimore, 34:179-182, 1975. 43876. Baird, M. B., J. A. Zimmerman, H. R. Massie, and H. V. Samis: Response of liver and kidney catalase to ct-p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate (clofibrate) in C57BL/6J male mice of different ages. Gerontologia, 20:169-178, 1974. 43877. Britton, G. W., and F. G. Sherman: Altered regulation of protein synthesis during aging as determined by in vitro ribosomal assays. Exp. Geront., 70:67-77, 1975. 43878. Bulos, B. A., S. P. Shukla, and B. Sacktor: Bioenergetics of mitochondria from flight muscles of aging blowflies; partial reactions of oxidation and phosphorylation. Arch. Biochem., 166: 639-644, 1975. 43879. Chetsanga, C. J., V. Boyd, L. Peterson, and


K. Rushlow: Single-stranded regions in DNA of old mice. Nature, Lond., 253: 130-131, 1975. 43880. Chiang, K.-S., E. Eves, and D. Swinton: Variation of thymidine incorporation patterns in the alternating vegetative arid sexual life cycles of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Develop. Biol, 42: 53-63, 1975. 43881. Comolli, R.: Deficiency in accessory protein of native 40S ribosomal subunits in the liver of aging rats. Exp. Geront., 70:31-36, 1975. 43882. Cutler, R. G.: Transcription of unique and reiterated DNA sequences in mouse liver and brain tissues as a function of age. Exp. Geront., 10: 37-59, 1975. 43883. Gandhi, B. S., and M. S. Kanungo: Effect of cortisone on monoamineoxidase of the liver of young and old rats. Indian J. Biochem. Biophys., 11: 102104, 1974. 43884. Honorati, M. C, M. Ermini, and R. Stecconi: (The energy metabolism of skeletal muscle in relation to aging.) Boll. Soc. ital. Biol. sper., 49:1134-1140, 1973. 43885. Inagaki, G, and C. Tanaka: Neonatal and senescent changes in 1 aromatic amino-acid decarboxylase and monoamine oxidase activities in kidney, liver, brain and heart of the rat. Jap. ]. Pharmacol, 24:439-446, 1974. 43886. Kanungo, M. S., S. K. Patnaik, and O. Koul: Decrease in 17 /?-oestradiol receptor in brain of ageing rats. Nature, Lond., 253: 366-367, 1975. 43887. Klimenko, A. I.: An analysis of the total histones in the liver of rats of various ages employing electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel. Biokhimiia (Eng.), 39: 54-59, 1974. 43888. Klimenko, A. I., A. B. Malyshev, V. N. Nikitin, I. F. Paskevich, and L. L. Simirenko: Acetylation of proteins of liver cell nuclei of white rats of different age. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 215:1491-1493, 1974. 43889. Klotz, U., G. R. Avant, A. Hoyumpa, S. Schenker, and G. R. Wilkinson: The effects of age and liver disease on the disposition and elimination of diazepam in adult man. /. clin. Invest., 55: 347359, 1975. 43890. Klymenko, A. I.: Age related characteristics of histonss from chromatin and whole nuclei of albino rat liver cells. Dop. Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR Ser. B, 36:372-374, 1974. 43891. Konishi, T., and I. L. Kosin: Morbidity of aging non-incubated chicken blastoderms; further cytological evidence and interpretation. /. Embryol. exp. Morphol, 32:557-571, 1974. 43892. Liew, C. C, and A. G. Gornall: Covalent modification of nuclear proteins during aging. Fed. Proc, Baltimore, 34: 186-187, 1975. 43893. Methfessel, A. H., and H. Spencer: Intestinal absorption and secretion of ziric-65 in the rat. In: W. G. Hoakstra, et al. (Editors), Trace Element Metabolism in Animals, No. 2. Univ. Park Press, Baltimore, 1974, pp. 541-543. 43894. Misra, D. P., J. M. Loudon, and G. E. Staddon: Albumin metabolism in elderly patients. /. Geront., 30: 304-306, 1975. 43895. Misra, D. P., G. Staddon, N. Powell, and P. Jackson: Assessment of potassium metabolism, using 42K, in cases of myxoedema before and after



treatment with thyroxine. Age & Ageing, 3:245-248, 1974. 43896. Platt, D., and H.-G. Lasch: Molekulare und zelluldre Aspekte des Alterns. F. K. Schattauer Verlag, New York, 1971, 274 pp. Abstr: Z. Altemsforsch., 28: 389, 1974. 43897. Rao, S. S., and M. S. Kanungo: Age dependent induction of arginase EC- in the liver of rats. Indian ]. Biochem. Biophys., 27:208-212, 1974. 43898. Reiss, U., and M. Rothstein: Age-related changes in isocitrate lyase from (the free living nematode, Turbatrix aceti. J. biol. Chem., 250:826830, 1975. 43899. Richter, V., R. Bbrner, and W. Rotzsch: Zur Molekularbiologie des Alterns. 5. Mitt.: Enzymaktivitaten der Dunndarmmukosa in. Abhangigkeit vom Lebensalter. Z. Altemsforsch., 29: 69-74, 1974. 43900. Roth, G. S., and R. C. Adelman: Age related changes in hormone binding by target cells and tissues; possible role in altered adaptive responsiveness. Exp. Geront, 10: 1-11, 1975. 43901. Rowe, A. S., A. Domhorst, and K. G. Alberti: Proceedings: metabolic rhythms; variation with age. Clin. Sci. & mol. Med., 47: (3), 15P, 1974. 43902. Shephard, R. J.: Respiratory gas exchange ratio and prediction of aerobic power. /. appl. Physiol., 38:402-406, 1975. 43903. Stankiewicz, A., S. Szram, and A. Kulig: (Vitreous body metabolism in cases of senile degenerations of the fundus periphery.) Klin, oczna, 14: 1049-1053, 1974. 43904. Stein, G. H.: DNA-binding proteins in young and senescent normal human fibroblasts. Exp. cell Res., 90:237-248, 1975. 43905. Ukhov, Y. I., and E. A. Stroev: Lactate dehydrogenase isozymes in the walls of some large vessels in humans. Kardiologiia, 14:116-117, 1974. 43906. Vartazarian, N. D.: (Histoenzymatic characteristics of the connective tissue and vessels of the palatine tonsils in chronic tonsillitis from the age viewpoint.) Arkh. Pat, Moskva, 36: (6), 51-56, 1974. 43907. Yamaguchi, M., and Y. Satomura: Effects of sclerin on energy linked functions and phospholipase activity in mitochondria isolated from rat liver and some plants. Agric. biol. Chem., 38:1289-1296, 1974. 43908. Young, V. R., W. P. Steffee, P. B. Pencharz, J. C. Winterer, and N. S. Scrimshaw: Total human body protein synthesis in relation to protein requirements at various ages. Nature, Lond., 253:192-194, 1975. 43909. Zaslavskaya, R. M., and K. Z. Akhmetov: Circadian organization of lipid metabolism in healthy persons. Fiziol. Zh. S.S.S.R., 60:444-447, 1974. 43910. Zelezinskaya, G. A.: Malate dehydrogenase activity in erythrocytes during their aging under conditions of an intact organism. Vyest. Akad. Navuk byel. SSR, Ser. biyal Navuk, —: (2), 109-111, 1974. See also Nos. 43798, 43829, 43912, 43921, 43941, 43977, 43987, 44052, 44079, 44081, 44111, 44127, 44277. VI.


43911. Bohlau, V.: Alter und Emdhrung. F. K. Schattauer Verlag, New York, 1972, 202 pp. Abstr: Z. Altemsforsch., 28:388-389, 1974.

43912. Chen, L. H.: The effect of age and dietary vitamin E on the tissue lipid per oxidation of mice. Nutrit. Rep. Int., 10: 339-344, 1974. 43913. Eddy, T. P.: Nutritional needs of the old. Nurs. Times, 70:1499-1500, 1974. 43914. Forbes, W. F.: The effect of prednisolone phosphate on the life-span of DBA/2J mice. Exp. Geront, 10:27-29, 1975. 43915. Furbank, M.: Improved meals for geriatric patients. Nurs. Times, 70: 1501-1503, 1974. 43916. Garcia, P. A., G. E. Battese, and W. D. Brewer: Longitudinal study of age and cohort influences on dietary patterns. /. Geront, 30: 349-356, 1975. 43917. Gatti, E.: L'alcool nella nutrizione dell'anziano. Gior. Geront, 22:1014-1017, 1974. 43918. Macleod, C. C., T. G. Judge, and F. I. Caird: Nutrition of the elderly at home. II. Intakes of vitamins. Age & Ageing, 3:209-220, 1974. 43919. Reitzig, P., K. Stephan, and G. Lisewski: Differentialdiagnose und Therapie der Appetitlosigkeit im Alter. Z. Altemsforsch., 28: 137-144, 1974. 43920. Sapadnjuk, W. I , L. P. Kuprasch, N. I. Strishowa-Salowa, M. U. Saika, K. M. Fenshin, and S. A. Orariskaja: Der pharmakodynamische Effekt komplexer Polyvitaminpraparate bei alten Tieren. Z. Altemsforsch., 28:211-214, 1974. 43921. Schmidt, U. J., G. Briischke, P. Reitzig, D. Kranz, and I. Kalbe: Uber einige biochemische Veranderungen in den Geweben bei chronischem Eisenmangel. Z. Altemsforsch., 28:215-230, 1974. 43922. Snook, J. T.: Effect of age and long-term diet on exocrine pancreas of the rat. Amer. ]. Physiol., 228:262-268, 1975. See also Nos. 43827, 43943. VII.


43923. Imaizumi, Y.: Statistical analysis on anencephaly spina bifida and congenital hydrocephaly in Japan. Jap. ]. hum. Genet, 19:115-135, 1974. 43924. Naylor, A. F.: Sequential aspects of spontaneous abortion, maternal age, parity and pregnancy compensation' artifact. Soc. Biol, 21:195-204, 1974. 43925. U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Public Health Service. Maternal Child Health Service. (By Helen C. Chase): Trends in low birth weight ratios, U. S. and each state, 1950-68. U. S. Govt. Print. Office, Washington, June 1973, DHEW Publ. No. HSM 73-5117, vii, 48 pp. 43926. Anonymous: Editorial; parents and longevity. Brit med. /., 3:485-486, 1974. See also No. 43811. X.


43927. Acalugaritei, G.: Metaevolution and gerontogenesis. Gior. Geront, 22: 845-848, 1974. 43928. Atlan, H.: L'organisation biologique et la theorie de Vinformation. Hermann, Paris, 1972, xxi, 300 pp. 43929. Beier, W., K.-H. Brehne, and D. Wiegel: Biophysikalische Aspekte des Alterns multizelluldrer Systeme. VEB Georg Thieme Verlag, Leipzig, 1973, 69 pp.

CURRENT PUBLICATIONS 43930. Meissner, J.: Vitalitat bei konstantem und bei relativem Risiko. Z. Alternsforsch., 28: 317-324, 1974. See also Nos. 43785, 43799, 43800, 43876, 43882, 43896, 44079. ORGAN SYSTEMS I.


43931. Berk, P. D., R. B. Howe, J. R. Bloomer, and N. I. Berlin: The life span of the red cell as determined with labeled bilirubin. Chap. IV in: T. J. Greenwalt and G. A. Jamieson (Editors), Formation & Destruction of Blood Cells. J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 1970, pp. 91-107. 43932. Carolla, R. L., L. H. Brubaker, and C. E. Mengel: Age of red blood cells destroyed by in-vivo hyperoxia. Aerospace Med., 45:1273-1275, 1974. 43933. Conrad, M. J., and J. T. Penniston: Surface proteins of the erythrocyte membrane. Effect of aging. Vox sang., 21: 1-13, 1974. 43934. Frick, G.: (Age dependence of the absolute basophilic granulocyte count in healthy women and men.) Z. ges. innere Med., 29:202-206, 1974. 43935. Harant, Z., and J. V. Goldberger: Treatment of anemia in the aged; a common' problem and challenge. /. Amer. geriat. Soc, 23:127-131, 1975. 43936. Morselt, A. F. W., and N. T. Tijmes: Hemoglobin content and projection area of erythrocytes as indication of cell age. Blut, 29:277-279, 1974. 43937. Petschow, D., R. Friedel, and I. Trautschold: Separation of human platelets by density gradient centrifugation. Enzyme patterns and osmotic resistance of individual fractions. Blut, 29: 297-308, 1974. 43938. Pochmann, A., K. Fischer, S. Seidl, et al: ABH receptors and red cell survival in a "Bombay" blood. Immuriofluorescence studies by phytohemagglutinins and Helix agglutinins. Vox sang., 27:338-346,1974. 43939. Roth, G. S.: Age-related changes in glucocorticoid binding by rat splenic leukocytes; possible cause of altered adaptive responsiveness. Fed. Proc, Baltimore, 34:183-185, 1975. 43940. Smith, M. A., J. Evans, and C. M. Steel: Agerelated variation in proportion of circulating T cells. Lancet, 2: 922-924, 1974. 43941. Wagner, E.: Die Aktivitat der alkalischen Granulozytenphosphatase bei alteren Menschen. Z. Alternsforsch., 28:153-156, 1974. See also Nos. 43824, 43910, 43957, 44085, 44174. I-A. BLOOD: Chemistry


viduals. In: G. Siest (Editor), Reference Values in Human Chemistry. S. Karger, Basel, 1973, pp. 141152. 43945. Gnacinska, G., K. Kozlowska, and I. RawiczZegrzdia: (Changes in serum concentrations of glycoprotein components developing with age.) Pokk. Tygod. lek, 29:1509-1511, 1974. 43946. Jorgensen, G.: (ABO blood groups in physicians more than 75 years old. On the hypothesis concerning "little more fitness of blood group O.") Munch, med. Wschr., 116: 649-652, 1974. 43947. Kakoma, L, and M. Kinyanjui: The effect of breed and age on the distribution of conglutinin and immunoconglutinin in normal cattle. Res. vet. Sci., 17:122-124, 1974. 43948. Krzemiriska-Lawkowiczowa, I., W. Lawkowicz, K. Kolakowska-Polubiec, et al.: (Effect of age on some hematologic parameters.) Acta haemat. polon., 5: (3), 177-188, 1974. 43949. Leonard, P. J.: The effect of age and sex on biochemical parameters in blood of healthy human subjects. In: G. Siest (Editor), Reference Values in Human Chemistry. S. Karger, Basel, 1973, pp. 134140. 43950. Merici, S., M. Rossi, P. L. Orsucci, D. Prowedi, and G. Del Curatolo: Osservazioni sul comportamento del ricambio glicidico, lipidico e purinico nella cardiopatia ischemica delFeta presenile e senile. Gior. Geront., 22:849-879, 1974. 43951. Rizzato, G. F., G. C. Benza, C. Rampulla, V. Giuffre, G. Gianfranceschi, and G. Suppa: Rapporti tra gasanalisi arteriosa ed emodinamica polmonare nei soggetti affetti da malattia ostruttiva delle vie aeree. Studio preliminare. Gior. Geront., 22: 705722, 1974. 43952. Rizzato, G. F., V. Giuffre, G. Gianfranceschi, and G. Suppa: Gasanalisi ed equilibrio acido-base nel cuore polmonare cronico in soggetti anziani. Gior. Geront, 22:681-703, 1974. 43953. Schmidt, K., V. R. Ott, K. Bosmansky, and J. Pohl: Biochemical studies during adjuvant disease of the rat. Part 1. Serum enzymes, minerals and substances contained in urine with a contribution to age dependence of biochemical norms in laboratory animals. Z. Rheumaforsch., 31:409-416, 1972. 43954. Sharland, D. E.: Alkaline phosphatase. The isoenzyme pattern in the elderly and changes in total serum levels with age. Clin. chim. Acta, 56:187-198, 1974. 43955. Siest, G., A. Bagrel, E. Panek, M. M. Galteau, A. M. Batt, and F. Schiele: Plasma enzymes—physiological and environmental variations. In: G. Siest (Editor), Reference Values in Human Chemistry. S. Karger, Basel, 1973, pp. 28-38.

43942. Aspevik, E., R. Jorde, and S. Raeder: The diabetes survey in Bergen Norway 1956. A 10 year folSee also Nos. 44017, 44063, 44135. low-up of an epidemiologic study and a study of blood sugar values related to sex, age and weight. I-B. BLOOD: Coagulation Ada med. scand., 196:161-169, 1974. 43943. Bramkamp, K., and W. Wirths: The effect of 43956. Cucinotta, D., S. Ceccato, C. Carapezzi, G. Ferretti, and M. Passeri: Rilievi tromboelastograflci in margarine high in linoleic-acid content on the serum pazienti anziani affetti da broncopneumopatia cronica cholesterol level of elderly persons. Z. Erndhrungs., ostruttiva con segni di irisufncienza respiratoria. Gior. 13:59-68, 1974. Geront, 22:768-776, 1974. 43944. de Lauture, H., E. Caces, P. Dubost, M. Tournier, Y. Dolle, J. Weill, P. Boulard, and J. Rossier: 43957. Johnson, M., E. Ramey, and P. W. Ramwell: Sex and age differences in human platelet aggregation. Concentrations of cholesterol, uric acid, urea, glucose Nature, Lond., 253: 355-357, 1975. and creatinine in a population of 50,000 active indi-



43958. Matsuda, T.: (Hypercoagulability in thromboand atheroganesis.) Jap. J. Geriat., 11:221-227, 1974. 43959. Nelius, D.: Ariderung der Antikoagulantientoleranz. I. Einfluss von Sedativa und Psychopharmaka. Z. Alternsforsch., 28: 247-251, 1974. 43960. Nelius, D.: Anderung der Antikoagulantientoleranz—II. Einfluss von Herzinsuffizienz und den dabei angewandten Pharmaka. III. Einfluss von Analgetika und Antiphlogistika. IV. Einfluss von Aritibiotika und Sulfonamiden. V. Schlussbemerkungen. Z. Alternsforsch., 28: 363-367; 369-372; 29: 61-63; 65-67, 1974. 43961. Ritch, A. E., and H. D. Eastwood: Routine screening for venous thrombosis by ultrasound in the elderly. Age & Ageing, 3:249-253, 1974. See also Nos. 44010, 44294. II.


43972. Matsui, S.: (Changes of arterial blood flow patterns due to aging. Analysis with directional ultrasonic Doppler method.) Jap. J. Geriat., 11.: 367-374, 1974. 43973. Merlen, J. R, J. Coget, and J. P. Vanderbeken: Capillaroscopic patterns in functioning people aged 70 arid over. Bibl. Anat., —: (11), 325-327, 1973. 43974. Rosenthal, S. M., and L. A. Lajohn: Effect of age on transvascular fluid movement. Amer. J. Physiol, 228:134-140, 1975. 43975. Sawada, T., G. Inoue, and M. Yoshikawa: Agerelated changes of acid mucopolysaccharides in various portions of the renal artery. Gerontologia, 20: 163-168, 1974. 43976. Shevchuk, V. G.: The effect of stimulation and blocking of adreno receptors upon hemodynamic indices in animals of different age. Farm, i Toksikol, 37:322-325, 1974. 43977. Taylor, G. O., and A. G. Williams: Lipid and trace metal content in coronary arteries of Nigerian Africans. Exp. molec. Pathol., 27:371-380, 1974.

43962. Farrar, J. J.s E. Loughman, and A. A. Nordin: Lymphopoietic potential of bone marrow cells from aged mice; comparison' of the cellular constituents of See also Nos. 43905, 44055. bone marrow from young and aged mice. /. Immunol, 112:1244-1249, 1974. III-G. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: Heart 43963. Harrison, D. E.: Normal function of transplanted marrow cell lines from aged mice. /. Geront., (heart, anatomy and physiology, heart disease, coronary 30:279-285, 1975. artery disease, and myocardial disease) 43964. Harrison, D. E.: Defective erythropoietic responses of aged mice not improved by young marrow. 43978. Aberg, H., B. Furberg, H. Hedstrand, and L. Nordgren: Electrocardiographic changes in 50-year/. Geront, 30:286-288, 1975. old men with different levels of diastolic arterial 43965. Kozlov, V. A., S. M. Kolesnikova, and A. M. blood pressure. Upsala J. med. ScL, 79:171-174, 1974. Meilikhov: Thymus cell effect on proliferation of stem hemopoietic cells of parental line mice in the 43979. Audier, H., L. Poggi, P. Djiane, and P. Durand: Etude comparative de l'infarctus du myocarde de spleen of 1st generation recipients hybrids. Biul. eksp. l'adulte et du 3° age. Rev. Geront, —: (5), 49-50; Biol. Med., 77: (6), 98-99, 1974. 52; 55-56; 59, 1974. 43966. Silini, G., U. Andreozzi, and G. Briganti: Erythroid differentiation of haemopoietic progenitor 43980. Betel'man, R. A.: (Duration of the electric ventricular systole in persons of 50 years and older.) cells in the course of ageing. Exp. Geront., 9:281-284, Vrach. Delo, —: (7), 41-43, 1974. 1974. 43981. Cardus, D., and L. Vera: Systolic time intervals See also Nos. 43939, 44093. at rest and during exercise. Cardiology, 59:133-153, 1974. III. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 43982. Cheng, T. O.: Changing prevalence of heart diseases in China. Ann. intern. Med., 80:108-109, (blood vessels, blood pressure, hypertension, 1974. blood volume, veins, and arteriosclerosis) 43983. Danilova, K. M.: Cardiosclerosis and aging. 43967. Cohen, M. L., and B. A. Berkowitz: Age related Arkh. Pat, Moskva, 36: (5), 12-22, 1974. changes in vascular responsiveness to cyclic nucleo- 43984. El-Sherif, N., A. Samad, E. Mascarenhas, tides and contractile agonists. /. Pharmacol, 191: D. Gann, C. Schoenfeld, and P. Samet: Acute myo147-155, 1974. cardial infarction in the elderly. Influence of coronary 43968. Hoshino, M.: The histochemistry of hyaluroniccare unit on mortality. Chest, 66:541-544, 1974. acid and related mucosaccharides in the cerebral and 43985. Furlanello, R, B. Bagozzi, R Binda, M. Diserother arteries of the dog. Nagoya J. med. ScL, 37: tori, E. Gasperi, and T. Lanzetta: Aspetti terapeutici 33-43, 1974. delle aritmie del cuore polmonare cronico nel vecchio. 43969. Kennedy, R. D.: Drug therapy for cardiovasEsperienze in una Unita di Rianimazione Respiratoria cular disease in the aged. /. Amer. geriat. Soc, 23: e Terapia Intensiva Coronarica. Gior. Geront., 22: 113-120, 1975. 778-789, 1974. 43970. Lusztig, G., and L. Mak: Lumen und die 43986. Gasiliri, V. S., and V. I. Titov: Central hemoAnzahl der sich in der Aortenadverititia befindlichen dynamics in senile patients with acute myocardial Vasa vasorum in Relation zu Alter und Geschlecht. infarction. Kardiohgiia, 14: (7), 102-108, 1974. Z. Alternsforsch., 29: 81-87, 1974. 43987. Hody, G., V. Jonec, W. Morton-Smith, and 43971. Mahnke, P. R, and W. Goldberg: (MucopolyC. E. Finch: Norepinephrine uptake by the myosaccharides in their significance for vascular pathology cardium of the senescent mouse in vitro. J. Geront., with particular reference to the aging process and 30:275-278, 1975. arteriosclerosis.) Z. ges. innere Med., 29:272-277, 43988. Lakatta, E. G., G. Gerstenblith, C. S. Angell, 1974. N. W. Shock, and M. L. Weisfeldt: Diminished ino-

CURRENT PUBLICATIONS tropic response of aged myocardium to catecholamines. Circulation Res., 36: 262-269, 1975. 43989. Leclercq, J.-F.: Primary cardiac insufficiency in the aged. Cah. Med. Europa Med., 4:1113-1116, 1973. 43990. Rotman, M.5 and J. H. Triebwasser: A clinical and follow-up study of right and left bundle branch block. Circulation, 57:477-484, 1975. 43991. Suppa, G., E. Morbelli, and R. B. Galanti: Aspetti elettrocardiografici del cuore polmonare cronico consequente a broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva nell'anziano. Gior. Geront, 22:723-741, 1974. 43992. Wright, J. R., and E. Calkins: Amyloid in the aged heart; frequency and clinical significance. /. Amer. geriat. Soc., 23: 97-103, 1975. See also Nos. 44050, 44055, 44104, 44198. IV.


43993. Deshmukh, K.: Synthesis of tissue nonspecific collagen by bovine articular cartilage as a result of aging in vitro. Proc. Soc. exp. Biol, N. Y., 147: 726729, 1974. 43994. Gongadze, L. R.: Mucopolysaccharides of the aging human joint cartilage. Arkh. Anat., Hist. Embriol, 67: (7), 99-103, 1974. 43995. Kao, K.-Y., and W. E. Hitt: The intermolecular crosslinks in rat uterine collagen. Biochim. biophys. Acta, 377:501-510, 1974. 43996. Larsson, S. E., and R. K. Lemperg: The glycosaminbglycans of the different layers of bovine articular cartilage in relation to age. II. Incorporation of 35S-sulphate in vitro into different fractions of chondroitin sulphate. Calc. Tissue Res., 15:253-267, 1974. 43997. Lemperg, R., S. E. Larsson, and S. O. Hjertquist: The glycosaminoglycans of bovine articular cartilage. I. Concentration and distribution in different layers in relation to age. Calc. Tissue Res., 15: 237-251, 1974. 43998. Panigrahy, G. K., and B. K. Patnaik: Effect of somatotropin on the collagen contents of bone, cartilage and tendon in young male garden lizards. Exp. Geront, 10:85-87, 1975. 43999. Sames, K.: Blockierung der Keratansulfatfarbung im altemden menschlichen Rippenknorpel. I. Blockierung der gesamten basophilen Anfarbbarkeit. II. Versuch einer selektiven Blockierung der Keratansulfat-bedingten Anfarbbarkeit. Gerontologia, 20: 129-154, 1974. 44000. Woessner, J. F., Jr., and J. R. Celio: Effect of injury on collagen resorption in the involuting rat uterus. Proc. Soc. exp. Biol, N. Y., 147: 475-478, 1974. See also Nos. 43906, 44186. V.


(includes sex glands and climacteric) 44001. Aibekova, M. K.: Content of 17 ketosteroids and their fractions in the urine of men of various ages with diabetes mellitus of differing severity. Probl. Endokr., Moskva, 20: (3), 28-30, 1974. 44002. Akaride, E. 0.: The effect of oestrogen on plasma levels of luteinizing hormone in euthyroid


and thyrotoxic postmenopausal women. /. Obstet. Gynaec, 81: 795-803, 1974. 44003. Bjelic, L.: (Genital tuberculosis after menopause.) Srpski arh. celok. leh, 101: 799-803, 1973. 44004. Bogdanova, A. G.: (Influence of age and menopause duration on the excretion of steroid hormones in precancerous conditions and cancer of the breast.) Vop. Onkol, 20: (7), 13-18, 1974. 44005. Caine, T. P., Jr.: Postmenopausal hematometra. Amer. ]. Obstet. Gynec, 120: 199-200, 1974. 44006. Candiani, G. B., and F. Santi: (Clinical aspects of the climacteric.) Minerva gin., Torino, 26:193-199, 1974. 44007. Cooper, W., M. Mamie, and E. Daw: A clinical trial of piperazine oestrone sulphate ('Harmogen') in the treatment of menopausal symptoms. Curr. med. Res. Op in., 2:260-263, 1974. 44008. Davidsen, P. C, N. J. Secher, G. Pedersen, et al.: (Sequence therapy with estradiol valeratenorgestrel at menopause. A double-blind investigation.) Ugesk Laeg., 136:1805-1808, 1974. 44009. Daw, E.: Luteinising hormone (LH) changes in women undergoing artificial menopause. Curr. med. Res. Opin., 2: 256-259, 1974. 44010. Denham, M. J., and R. L. Himsworth: Hyperthyroidism induced by potassium iodide given in the course of 125I-fibrinogen test. Age & Ageing, 3: 221-225, 1974. 44011. de Tourris, H.: Les metrorragies. Rev. Geront., —: (5), 7-9; 12-14, 1974. 44012. Dukumov, S. I., and S. A. Spasov: Sex chromatin frequency in elderly women after the menopause. /. Obstet. Gynaec, 87:709-711, 1974. 44013. Falk, R. J.: Premature menopause; a report of two cases. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 43:493495, 1974. 44014. Fliegelman, S., E. S. Koharie, T. Nathan, et al: (Response of menopausal psychological traits to estrogen replacement.) Harefuah, 87: 147-150, 1974. 44015. Gleispach, H.: Excretion of androgens, pregnanes and oestrogens depending on age and sex. In: G. Siest (Editor), Reference Values in Human Chemistry. S. Karger, Basel, 1973, pp. 68-72. 44016. Haug, E., A. Aakvaag, T. Sand, and P. A. Torjesen: The gonadotropin response to synthetic gonadotropin releasing hormone in males in relation to age, dose and basal serum levels of testosterone estradiol 17-beta and gonadotropins. Acta endocrinol, 77:625-635, 1974. 44017. Herrmann, J., H. J. Rusche, H. J. Kroll, P. Hilger, and H. L. Kruskemper: Free tri-iodothyronine and thyroxine serum levels in old age. Hormone metab. Res., 6:239-240, 1974. 44018. Hontela, S., and H. F. Miiller: Uncontrolled diabetes in psychogeriatric subjects. /. Amer. geriat. Soc., 23:58-62, 1975. 44019. Hontela, S., and H. F. Mueller: Relation of diabetes mellitus and cerebral function in aged women. Vie med. Can. franc., 3:157-161, 1974. 44020. Kothari, L. K., and A. S. Gupta: Effect of aging on the volume, structure and total Leydig cell content of the human testis. Int. J. Fertil, 19: 140-146, 1974. 44021. Mancinella, A., O. De Candia, E. Bartolucci, and S. Baroni: L'impiego dell'acido L-ascorbico in associazione alia terapia insuliriica nel trattamento



del diabete mellito grave. Gior. Geront., 22:887-896, 1974. 44022. Melander, A., F. Sundler, and U. Westgren: Sympathetic innervation of the thyroid variation with species and with age. Endocrinology, 96:102-106, 1975. 44023. Molnar, G. W.: Body temperatures during menopausal hot flashes. /. appl. Physiol., 38: 499-503, 1975. 44024. Moore, T. C, M. C. Sinclair, C. D. McAlpin, et al.: Effect of aging, organ allografting, and surgical stress on rat thymus histidine decarboxylase activity. Surgery, Tokyo, 76:733-740, 1974. 44025. Schleyer-Saunders, E.: Hormone implants in the climacterium. Z. Alternsforsch., 28:205-210, 1974. 44026. Sharpe, R. M., and M. Shahmanesh: Influence of age and duration of treatment on the effects of testosterone on serum and pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone levels in male rats. /. Endocr., 63:571-578, 1974. 44027. Stearns, E. L., J. A. MacDonnell, B. J. Kaufman, R. Padua, T. S. Lucmari, J. S. D. Winter, and C Faiman: Declining testicular function with age, hormonal, and clinical correlates. Amer. ]. Med., 57: 761-766, 1974. 44028. Story, J. A., and D. R. Griffith: Effect of exercise on thyroid hormone secretion rate in aging rats. Hormone metab. Res., 6:403-406, 1974. 44029. Tokuhata, G. K., W. Miller, E. Digon, and T. Hartman: Diabetes mellitus; an underestimated public health problem. /. chronic Dis., 28:23-35, 1975. 44030. Varma, R. N., and M. S. Boparai: Prevalence of asymptomatic diabetes mellitus in army personnel. Indian ]. med. Res., 62: 1104-1117, 1974. See also Nos. 43795, 43796, 43805, 43895, 43900, 43922, 43939, 43942, 43950, 43998, 44056, 44079, 44130, 44156, 44211. VI.


44031. Archambault, R. F.: Letter; the aging gastrointestinal tract. /. Amer. med. Ass., 230: 960, 1974. 44032. Blonsky, E. R., J. A. Logemann, B. Boshes, and H. B. Fisher: Comparison of speech and swallowing function in patients with tremor disorders and in normal geriatric patients; a cinefluorographic study. /. Geront, 30:299-303, 1975. 44033. Dietze, F., R. Laue, H.-J. Schulz, and I. Kalbe: Diagnostische und therapeutische Aspekte resorptiver und digestiver Stbrungen im Alter. Z. Alternsforsch., 28:125-135, 1974. 44034. Ferioli, M. E., and R. Comolli: Changes of liver and kidney polyamine levels during ageing. Exp. Geront, 10:13-15, 1975. 44035. Franke, J.: (Morphological studies in the periodontium of the aged.) Dtsch. zahndrztl. Z., 29: 671-678, 1974. 44036. Hoefig, W.: (Number of teeth in the elderly and aged.) Dtsch. zahnarztl. Z., 29:660-667, 1974. 44037. Komi'nek, J., E. Rokzovcova, and J. Vaskova: (Problems in the determination of tooth age.) Ceskoslov. stomat, 74:267-271, 1974. 44038. Lokich, J. J., G. S. Pinkus, and W. C. Moloney: Hodgkiris disease in the elderly. Oncology, 29:484500, 1974.

44039. Nygaard-Ostby, B.: (Endodontic measures in the dentition of old patients.) Dtsch. zahndrztl. Z., 29: 668-670, 1974. 44040. Ohnishi, H., S. Tsukuda, and N. Ogawa: Effects of cytochrome c on the liver function of aged rats. Jap. ]. Pharmacol, 24:15-22, 1974. 44041. Roberts, D. L.: Optimum function prosthesis for the geriatric patient. /. Amer. Soc. geriat Dent., 10: (1), 3, 1975. 44042. Tuyns, A. J., and M. Obradovic: Brief communications; unexpected high incidence of primary liver cancer in Geneva, Switzerland. /. not. Cancer Inst, 54: 61-64, 1975. 44043. Valeirie, V. F.: Functional changes in liver during pulmonary tuberculosis in aged patients. Latv. PSR Zinat. Akad. Vestis, —: (1), 125-132, 1974. 44044. Woolf, I. L., B. E. Boyes, J. T. Leeming, and I. W. Dymock: Active chronic hepatitis in the elderly. Age & Ageing, 3:226-228, 1974. See also Nos. 43876, 43881, 43883, 43885, 43887, 43888, 43889, 43890, 43893, 43897, 43899, 43907, 44282. VII.


44045. Ascoli, R.: I disturbi urinari dell'anziano nel quadro della riabilitazione. Gior. Geront, 22: 968-974, 1974. 44046. Dahl, S.: Die Langzeitbehandlung chronischer Hamwegsinfektionen mit dem Kombinationspraparat Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazol (Eusaprim) bei chronisch Kranken. Z. Alternsforsch., 28:239-245, 1974. 44047. Darmday, E. M.: Transplantation and the aging kidney. Lancet, 2:1046-1047, 1974. 44048. Lehman, K., and K. Merten: Elimination of lithium dependent of age in healthy people and patients suffering from renal insufficiency. Int. J. din. Pharmacol, 70:292-298, 1974. 44049. Scholler, R., M. Roger, and R. Avigdor: Interand intra-individual variations in reference values for hormone assays. In: G. Siest (Editor), Reference Values in Human Chemistry. S. Karger, Basel, 1973, pp. 47-67. See also Nos. 43885, 43953, 44001, 44034. IX.


44050. Goldberg, P. B., S. I. Baskin, and J. Roberts: Effects of aging on ionic movements of atrial muscle. Fed. Proc., Baltimore, 34:188-190, 1975. 44051. Gonay, P., D. Dutillieux, and T. Matz: (Dynamics of the contraction of the muscle of the stapes as a function of age.) Electrodiagn. Ther., 11:17-22, 1974. 44052. Hrabina, O. L., and V. P. Zamostyan: Effect of muscle contractile activity in animals of different age on ATPase and cholinesterase activity of myosin. Biokhem. Zh., 46:232-235, 1974. 44053. Kaldor, G., and B. K. Min: Enzymatic studies on the skeletal myosin A and actomyosin of aging rats. Fed. Proc, Baltimore, 34:191-194, 1975. 44054. Klinkerfuss, G. H.: The diagnostic quagmire of muscle diseases in adulthood. Geriatrics, 30: (2), 135-137; 141-143, 1975. 44055. Petrofsky, J. S., and A. R. Lind: Aging, isometric strength and endurance, and cardiovascular



experimental study. /. neurol. ScL, 23:541-550, 1974. 44070. Pellissier, J. F., J. Hassoun, D. Gambarelli, M. F. Tripier, J. Roger, and M. Toga: Neuronal See also Nos. 43800, 43884. ceroid lipofuscinosis. Ultrastructural study of 2 cerebral biopsies. Ada Neuropath., 28:353-359, 1974. X. NERVOUS SYSTEM 44071. Sokolovskii, V. V., T. B. Lielup, and E. F. Novikova: The content of protein sulfhydryl groups (neurology) and ascorbic-acid in the brain tissue of rats at different ages. Zh. Evolyut. Biokhim. Fiziol, 70:336-339, 44056. Anisimov, V. N., M. N. Ostroumova, and V. M. 1974. Dil'man: Age related increase in the hypothalamic hypophyseal threshold to the inhibitory action of 44072. Steinberg, F. U., and K. L. Ferguson: Effect of estrogens and the effect of an epiphyseal extract on dantrolene sodium on spasticity associated with hemithis process. Biull eksp. Biol. Med., 77: (4), 100-102, plegia. /. Amer. geriat. Soc., 23:70-73, 1975. 1974. 44073. Suda, E., K. Hashiguchi, H. Yamanouchi, 44057. Anzil, A. P., H. Herrlinger, K. Blinzinger, and H. Tohgi, M. Tomonaga, and M. Kameyama: (Brain D. Kronski: Intraneuritic corpora amylacea demonstem infarction and locked-in syndrome. A clinical stration in orbital cortex of elderly subjects by means and pathological study.) Jap. J. Geriat., 77:402-407, of early post mortem brain sampling and electron 1974. microscopy. Virchows Arch. Abt. A Path. Anat., 364: 44074. van Praag, H.: Ageing of the central nervous 297-302, 1974. system. De Erven F. Bohn N. V., Haarlem, 1972, 44058. Bylygiri, I. A., I. S. Gavi, and M. P. Kul'vano193 pp. Abstr: Z. Alternsforsch., 28: 279, 1974. skii: Age related changes in reflex function of rat 44075. Vaughan, D. W., and A. Peters: Neuroglial caudal mesenteric ganglion. Vyest. Akad. Navuk byel. cells in the cerebral cortex of rats from young adultSSR, Ser. biyal. Navuk, —: (3), 113-117, 1974. hood to old age. An electron microscope study. /. Newocytol, 3: 405-429, 1974. 44059. Castellanos Mateos, F.: Accidentes cerebrovasculares en el anciano. Rev. esp. Gerontologia, 9: See also Nos. 43831, 43886, 44095, 44208. 309-344, 1974. 44060. Faro, M. D.: Maturation and aging in monkeys XL REACTIONS OF THE BODY AS A WHOLE asphyxiated at birth; behavioral, physiological and structural observations. Progr. brain Res., 40:455-472, (allergy, anoxia, anesthesia, anthropometry, drugs, 1973. exercise, immunity, sleep, and temperature regulation) 44061. Janes, S., A. Radovic, N. Krstic, et al: (Aging and cerebrovascular arteriosclerosis. Rheoencephalo- 44076. Boron, P., E. Sokolewicz, and R. Kossakowski: (Age dependence of the occurrence of Australia graphic aspects.) Voj. san. pr egl, 37:248-252, 1974. antigenaemia in patients with viral hepatitis (author's 44062. Kagamimori, S., S. Kawano, A. Okada, T. Katransl).) Przegl. lek., Krakow, 37:725-728, 1974. wanishi, S. Azami, K. Okuda, and K. Kanagawa: (Study on prediction of cerebrovascular accidents in 44077. Bryant, V.: Growth and respiration throughout the life-cycle of Nematospiroides dubius Baylis (1926) long-term treated hypertensive patients. Multivariate (Nematoda: Heligmosomidae): the parasitic stages. regression analysis on the risk factors to cerebrovasParasitology, 69:97-106, 1974. cular seizures.) Jap. J. Geriat., 11: 375-381, 1974. 44063. Kannel, W. B., T. Gordon, and T. R. Dawbwer: 44078. Bugyi, B.: Regionale Verteilung des UriterhautFettgewebes und Altern. Z. Alternsforsch., 28:167Role of lipids in the development of brain infarction. The Framingham study. Stroke, 5: 679-685, 1974. 172, 1974. 44064. Mahaley, M. S., Jr., R. H. Wilkinson, Jr., 44079. Burnet, M.: Intrinsic mutagenesis; a genetic approach to ageing. John Wiley, New York, 1974, ix, S. Sivalingham, et al.: Radionuclide blood levels dur244 pp. ing cisternography of patients with normal-pressure hydrocephalus or Alzheimer's disease. /. Neurosurg., 44080. Carosella, E. D., K. Mochanko, and M. Braun: 47:471-480, 1974. Rosette-forming T cells in human peripheral blood at different ages. Cell. Immunol, 12:323-325, 1974. 44065. Montanirii, R.: Electroencephalogram findings in geriatric patients treated with trazodone. In: T. A. 44081. Delpierre, M.-A., and J. Panijel: In vitro ageing and evolution of immunocompetence in long term Ban and B. Silvestrini (Editors), Modern Problems of normal lymphoid cell cultures. Nature, Lond., 254: Pharmacopsychiatry. Vol. 9. Trazodone. S. Karger, New York, 1974, pp. 160-166. 62-63, 1975. 44066. Nishida, T.: (An epidemiological study on 44082. Ellis, K. J., and S. H. Cohn: Correlation between skeletal calcium mass and muscle mass in man. cerebro-vascular disease. 10 years follow-up data in /. appl. Physiol, 38:455-460, 1975. Hakushu-cho, Yamanashi, Japan.) Jap. J. Geriat., 11: 44083. Feinberg, I.: Changes in sleep cycle patterns 382-392, 1974. with age. /. psychiat. Res., 70:283-306, 1974. 44067. Nishimaru, K., and T. Omae: (Effect of aging on survival rate after non-embolic cerebral infarction. 44084. Frekany, G. A., and D. K. Leslie: Effects of an exercise program on selected flexibility measurements A five years follow-up study.) Jap. J. Geriat, 11: of senior citizens. Gerontologist, 15:182-183, 1975. 393-401, 1974. 44068. Ochs, S.: Effect of maturation and aging on the 44085. Gerbase-DeLima, M., P. Meredith, and R. L. Walford: Age-related changes, including synergy and rate of fast axoplasmic transport in mammalian nerve. suppression, in the mixed lymphocyte reaction in Progr. brain Res., 40: 349-362, 1973. long-lived mice. Fed. Proc, Baltimore, 34: 159-161, 44069. Palladini, G., R. Mele, O. Bugiani, and D. Tar1975. quini: Lipofuscinosis of the nervous system. An responses to static effort. /. appl. Physiol., 38:91-95, 1975.



44086. Goodman, S. A., and T. Makinodan: Effect of age on cell-mediated immunity in long-lived mice. Clin. exp. Immunol, 19: 533-542, 1975. 44087. Gupta, J. S., N. Sririivasulu, T. S. Kumar, and M. S. Malhotra: Influence of age on maximum uptake and maximum heart rate of Indians during work. Indian ]. med. Res., 62:1228-1232, 1974. 44088. Iisalo, E., and I. Ruikka: Serum levels and renal excretion of digoxin in the elderly. A comparison between 3 different preparations. Ada med. scand., 1%: 59-63, 1974. 44089. Ippoliti, G., G. Marini, G. Casirola, et al: Letter; T lymphocytes and immunoglobulins in the aged. Lancet, 2:953-954, 1974. 44090. Jones, J. J.: The executive way to death. Centr. Afr. ]. Med., 20:238-240, 1974. 44091. Makinodan, T., and W. H. Adler: Effects of aging on the differentiation and proliferation potentials of cells of the immune system. Fed. Proc, Baltimore, 34: 153-158, 1975. 44092. Marilier, M., I. d'Adhemar, and M. Megrad: La gymnastique de groupe; motivations et resultats en maison de retraite. Rev. Geront, —: (6), 38-39, 1974. 44093. Miller, S. G, and D. G. Osmond: Quantitative changes with age in bone marrow cell populations of C-3H mice. Exp. Hematol., 2: 227-336, 1974. 44094. Moore, D. H., II.: A study of age group track and field records to relate age and running speed. Nature, Lond., 253: 264-265, 1975. 44095. Nandy, K., R. B. Fritz, and J. Threatt: Specifficity of brain-reactive antibodies in serum of old mice. /. Geront, 30:269-274, 1975. 44096. Paciaroni, E., F. Foschi, N. Vittori, G. Saccomarino, and E. G. Raspa: La digoxinemia nei soggetti con cuore polmonare cronico. Gior. Geront., 22: 832-836, 1974. 44097. Paris. Centre International De Gerontologie Sociale: Colloque sur les depenses medicales et pharmaceutiques des personnes agees. The Centre, Paris, 1973, 172 pp. (Processed). 44098. Pearce, C : The respiratory effects of diazepam supplementation of spinal anesthesia in elderly males. Brit. ]. Anaesth., 46:439-441, 1974. 44099. Pinelli, P.: Su possibili effetti neuropsichici "stimolanti" dell'alcool. Gior. Geront, 22:1018-1023, 1974. 44100. Pusch, H. J., and M. Pusch: (Significance of physical activity and purposeful programs in old age.) Z. Allgemeinmed., 50:1134-1137, 1974. 44101. Renoux, G., M. Renoux, P. Morand, and P. Dartigues: Immunostimulant action of levamisole on aged persons. Rev. med. Tours, 7:797-801, 1973. 44102. Ries, W.: Die Bedeutung des Risikofaktors Obergewicht fiir alte Menschen. Z. Alternsforsch., 28: 145-152, 1974. 44103. Scharll, M.: Aktiv im Alter durch Gymnastik. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 1972, vi, 42 pp. Abstr: Z. Alternsforsch., 28: 276, 1974. 44104. Sedgwick, A. W., R. J. Craig, R. Crouch, and B. Dowling: The effects of physical training on the day and night long-term heart-rates of middle-aged men. Europ. ]. appl. Physiol, 33:307-314, 1974. 44105. Sharma, J. M., R. L. Witter, and H. G. Purchase: Absence of age-resistance in neonatally thymectomised chickens as evidence for cell-mediated

immune surveillance in Marek's disease. Nature, Lond., 253: 477-479, 1975. 44106. Shephard, R. J.: Growth and aging. Chap. 13 in: Alive Man! The Physiology of Physical Activity. Charles C Thomas, Springfield, 111., 1972, pp. 371-390. 44107. Sinnett, P., G. Keig, and W. Craig: Nutrition and age related changes in the body build of adults. Studies in a New-Guinea highland community. Hum. Biol. Oceania, 2: 50-62, 1973. 44108. Stalheim, O. H. V., and P. J. Matthews: Mycoplasmosis in specific-pathogen-free and conventional guinea pigs. Lab. anim. ScL, 25: 70-73, 1975. 44109. Suslov, E. I., and T. L. Ekhneva: Age-related peculiarities of cell responsiveness to antibody formation depending ori antigene dose. Z. Alternsforsch., 23:75-80, 1974. 44110. Triggs, E. J., R. L. Nation, A. Long, and J. J. Ashley: Pharmacokinetics in the elderly. Eur. ]. clin. Pharmacol, 8: 55-62, 1975. 44111. Webb, P., and M. Hiestand: Sleep metabolism and age. /. appl. Physiol, 38: 257-262, 1975. See also Nos. 43792, 43889, 43947, 43960, 43963, 43981, 44023, 44028, 44048, 44055, 44132, 44140, 44142, 44145, 44183, 44298, 44390. XII.


(ovaries, testes, See Endocrine System) 44112. Anderson, D. E.: Genetic study of breast cancer; identification of a high risk group. Cancer, 34: 1090-1097, 1974. 44113. Brun, P.: Les prolapsus genitaux. Rev. Geront., —: (5), 27; 29-30; 33-34, 1974. 44114. Chiassino, G.: Sulla fecondita della donna italiana. Gior. Econ. Ann. Econ., 32:691-700, 1973. 44115. David, J., Y. Cohet, and P. Fouillet: The variability between individuals as a measure of senescence; a study of the number of eggs laid and the percentage of hatched eggs in the case of Drosophila melanogaster. Exp. Geront., 10: 17-25, 1975. 44116. de Lignieres, B.: Le cancer du sein. Rev. Geront, —. (5), 17-18; 20; 23-24, 1974. 44117. Faird, S. M.: A model for components of marital fertility. Egypt, population & family plan. Rev., 7:31-38, 1974. 44118. France. Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques. (By Solange Hemery): La baisse de la fecondite est observee dans tous les pays "developes. Econ. Statist., Paris, —: (56), 41-44, 1974. 44119. France. Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques: Baisse de la fecondite chez les Americains d'origine italienrie. Population, 29:645-647, 1974. 44120. Gordin, J.: Problemes gynecologiques de la femme agee. (Editorial). Rev. Geront., —: (5), 5, 1974. 44121. Kushner, D. H.: The frequency and fate of pregnancy after age 45. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 43:491-492, 1974. 44122. Metrop. Life Insur. Co.: Trends in expected family size in the United States. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur. Co., 56: 8-11, Jan. 1974. 44123. Negadi, G., and J. Vallin: La fecondite des Algeriennes; niveau et tendances. Population, 29: 491-516, 1974.

CURRENT PUBLICATIONS 44124. Parthasarathy, N. R.: Fertility decline in India during 1961-1971. /. family Welf., 20: (2), 68-73, 1973. 44125. Rele, J. R., and T. Kanitkar: Residence background and fertility in Greater Bombay. Population Stud., 28:299-308, 1974. 44126. Robert, H.-G.: Le cancer de la vulve. Rev. Giront, —: (5), 37-38; 41-42, 1974. 44127. Soriero, A. A., and G. B. Talbert: The effect of estrogen on protein and RNA concentration and on de novo synthesis of RNA in the uterus of aging ovariectomized mice. /. Geront., 30:264-268, 1975. 44128. Srb, V., and J. Kucerak: (Survey on population problems (1972). No. 1. Marital fertility.) Demografie, Prague, 16: 4-15, 1974. 44129. Stavraky, K., arid S. Emmons: Breast cancer in premenopausal and postmenopausal women. /. nat. Cancer Inst., 53: 647-654, 1974. 44130. Wittlinger, H.: Geriatrie in der Gynakologie. Klinische und morphologische Befunde bei iiber 60jahrigen Frauen. Z. Geront, 7: 431-440, 1974. See also Nos. 43995, 44000, 44003, 44004, 44238. XIII.


44131. Amatuni, V. G., and A. S. Akopyan: Norms of pulmonary vital capacity. Zh. eksp. klin. Med., 14: (2), 66-71, 1974. 44132. Begin, R., A. D. Renzetti, Jr., A. H. Bigler, and S. Watanabe: Flow and age dependence of airway closure and dynamic compliance. /. appl. Physiol, 38: 199-207, 1975. 44133. Benza, G. C., E. Morbelli, and M. Marzegalli: II cuore sinistro neH'ipertensione arteriosa polmonare dal BPCO. Gior. Geront., 22: 742-750, 1974. 44134. Bopp, K. P.: (Chronic bronchitis and life expectancy.) Lebensversicherungsmedizin, 26: (3), 55-58, 1974. 44135. Chebotarev, D. F.: Chronisches Cor pulmonale als ein gerontologisches Problem. Z. Geront., 7:447456, 1974. 44136. Conti, F., L. Bertoli, C. Rampulla, G. C. Benza, and A. Dabala: Effetti sulla pressione arteriosa polmonare e sulla ventilazione dell'analettico doxapram riella broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva. Gior. Geront., 22: 751-758, 1974. 44137. Dosman, J., F. Bode, J. Urbanetti, R. Antic, R. Martin, and P. T. Macklem: Role of inertia in the measurement of dynamic compliance. /. appl. Physiol, 38:64-69, 1975. 44138. Flodh, H., G. Magnusson, and O. Magnusson: Pulmonary foam cells in rats of different ages. Z. Versuchstierk., 16: 299-312, 1974. 44139. Iori, E., A. Dallari, S. Bendinelli, S. Bertolotti, and F. Fiori: Considerazioni e resultati sulla terapia riabilitativa respiratoria del cuore polmonare cronico nell'anziario. Gior. Geront., 22: 790-831, 1974. 44140. Muiesan, G., C. A. Sorbini, and V. Grassi: Respiratory function in the aged. Bull. Physio-Path. Resp., 7: 973-1009, 1971. 44141. Rampulla, C, G. C. Benza, E. Morbelli, G. Beulcke, M. Marzegalli, and S. Amaducci: Variazioni pressorie sincrone con il respiro nella ipertensione polmonare da broncopneumopatie croniche. Gior. Geront., 22:759-766, 1974.


44142. Stebbings, J. H., Jr.: Chronic respiratory disease among norismokers in Hagerstown, Maryland. Part 5. Age at onset of hay fever and pulmonary function in later life. Environ. Res., 7: 99-109, 1974. 44143. Steinbriick, P.: Diagnostische Methodik und Therapie der chronischen Bronchitis, von Bronchiektasen, des Lungenemphysems und des Bronchialkarzinoms im Alter. Z. Altemsforsch., 28:99-112, 1974. 44144. Sundstrbm, G.: Influence of body position on pulmonary diffusing capacity in young and old men. /. appl. Physiol, 38: 418-423, 1975. 44145. Wilhelmsen, L., G. Tibblin, M. Aurell, J. Bjure, B. Ekstrom-Jodal, and G. Grimby: Ventilatory function and work performance in a representative sample of 803 men age 54 years. Chest, 66:506-510, 1974. 44146. Wilson, A. G., G. R. Massarella, and N. B. Pride: Elastic properties of airways in human lungs post mortem. Amer. Rev. resp. Dis., 120:716-729, 1974. 44147. Yashchenko, B. P.: Residual alterations in the lungs after healing of destructive forms of tuberculosis in middle-aged and old people. Probl. Tuberk., 9: 15-20, 1974. 44148. Zaslavskaya, R. M., and N. S. Strazhatdinova: (The 24-hour rhythm of the indices of the external respiration function iri apparently healthy persons.) Biul. eksp. Biol. Med., 78: (12), 6-8, 1974. See also Nos. 43951, 43956, 43991, 44160. XIV.


44149. Bird, A. C : Recent advances in the treatment of senile disciform macular degeneration by photocoagulation. Brit. ]. Ophthal, 58: 367-376, 1974. 44150. Cooper, A. F., A. R. Curry, D. W. Kay, et al: Hearing loss in paranoid and effective psychoses of the elderly. Lancet, 2: 851-854, 1974. 44151. Fanta, H.: (Vitreous changes in advanced age (formation of lacunae, vitreous detachment) (author's transl).) Klin. Mbl. Augenheilk., 765:76-83, 1974. 44152. Hockwin, O., F. Winkler, and I. Korte: Changes in the content of glutathione and ascorbicacid in the bovine lenses in dependence on age. Graefes Arch. klin. exp. Ophtlial, 192: 215-226, 1974. 44153. Kharshak, E. M.: (Age-related norms for the audibility of speech sounds (the balanced numerals test.) Zh. ushn. nos. gorl Bolez., —: (1), 29-34, 1974. 44154. Kline, D. W., and J. Szafran: Age differences in backward monoptic visual noise masking. /. Geront, 30:307-311, 1975. 44155. Lopotko, A. I.: (Age-related hearing disorders and the subjective sounds in the ears.) Zh. ushn. nos. gorl. Bolez., —: (1), 58-61, 1974. 44156. Suprun, A. V., and N. E. Loginova: (State of the ophthalmotonus in women with pathological climax.) Akush. gin., Moskva, —: (8), 10-13, 1974. 44157. Vrabec, F.: Age changes of the inner surface of the trabecular meshwork shown by the replica technique. Invest. Ophthal, 13: 950-953, 1974. 44158. Yoshida, M.: (Clinical application of protein tablets in senile cataract.) Clin. Endocr., Tokyo, 22: 877-879, 1974. See also Nos. 43903, 44051.



may be outward signs of inner disorders. Geriatrics, 30: (2), 87-88; 91-95, 1975. 44159. Kelsey, J. L., and A. M. Ostfeld: Demographic 44174. Bluefarb, S. M.: Tracing the outward course of characteristics of persons with acute herniated lumbar leukemia-lymphomas. Geriatrics, 30: (2), 117-124; intervertebral disc. /. chronic Dis., 28: 37-50, 1975. 129-131, 1975. 44160. Khoo, F. Y., W. S. Lee, H. W. Ng, and C. Y. 44175. Carlsen, R. A.: Aging skin; understanding the Tye: 4 diameters of the roof and posterior wall of inevitable. Geriatrics, 30: (2), 51-54, 1975. the nasopharynx in the lateral neck radiograph. Brit. 44176. Everett, M. A., and R. L. Olson: UnderstandJ. Radiol, 47: 763-768, 1974. ing pigmentary abnormalities. Geriatrics, 30: (2), 44161. Lagier, R.: Le vieillissement articulaire ap99-103, 1975. proche anatomo-pathologique. Rev. Geront, —: (6), 44177. Klevay, L. M.: Hair as a biopsy material. Part 7-8; 11-12; 15-16; 19-20, 1974. 4. Geographic variations in the concentration of zinc. 44162. Maldyk, E., Z. Polowiec, T. Abgarowicz, et al.\ Nutrit Rep. Int., 10: (4), 181-187, 1974. (Comparative histological examinations of normal 44178. Knox, J. M.: Common-sense care for aging skin. synovial membranes of knee joints in young people Geriatrics, 30: (2), 59-60, 1975. and subjects over the age of 60.) Rewnatohgia, 12: 44179. Lantis, L. R., and S. D. H. Lantis: Allergic 313-320, 1974. dermatoses in the older patient. Geriatrics, 30: (2), 44163. Mertz, D. P.: (Prolongation of life expectancy 75-80; 83-84, 1975. in patients with gout through improved diagnosis and 44180. Meiers, H. G., and B. Grobbel: Das Kopfhaar therapy.) Lebensversicherungsmedizin, 26: (3), 66-67, im Alter. 2. Geront., 7: 427-430, 1974. 1974. 44181. Niirnberger, R, and G. Miiller: Subkutis und Haut im Alter. Z. Geront, 7:410-421, 1974. See also Nos. 43994, 44171. 44182. Ogawa, C. M.: Degenerative skin disorders; toll of age and sun. Geriatrics, 30: (2), 65-69, 1975. XV-A. SKELETAL SYSTEM: Bone 44183. Remy, W., and H. Bockendahl: Immunologie und Altershaut. Z. Geront, 7:404-409, 1974. 44164. Black, J., R. Mattson, and E. Korostoff: Haversian osteons size distribution, internal structure and 44184. Stiittgen, G.: Dermatologie und Geriatric (Editorial). Z. Geront, 7: 385, 1984. orientation. /. Homed. Mater. Res., 8:299-319, 1974. 44165. Coupron, P., P. Meunier, and G. Vignon: 44185. Stiittgen, G.: Die Altersveranderungen der Haut. Z. Geront, 7:386-396, 1974. Osteopenie physiologique et osteoporoses seniles. Rev. 44186. Vogel, H. G.: Correlation between tensile Geront, —: (6), 23-24; 26; 29-30, 1974. strength and collagen content in rat skin. Effect of 44166. Gasiriska, T.: (Barnett-Nordiri metacarpal age and cortisol treatment. Connect. Tissue Res., 2: index and Lichtwitz calcium binding test in the diag177-182, 1974. nosis of osteoporosis in elderly subjects.) Polsk. 44187. Webster, S. B.: Vesiculobullous eruptions can Tygod. lek., 29:1437-1438, 1974. cause serious problems. Geriatrics, 30: (2), 109-113, 44167. Irikura, H., H. Chiba, K. Matsui, et al: (Bone 1975. scintigram of the aged. 3. Bone scanning of 17 cases of prostate cancer; evaluation' and comparison with 44188. Zesch, A.: Pharmakologische und kosmetische Beeinflussung der Altershaut. Z. Geront, 7:422-426, radiographic findings.) Jap. J. Nucleic Med., 11: 1974. 97-109, 1974. 44168. Leutert, G.: (Age-induced changes in the See also Nos. 43803, 44291. femur neck region from the morphological viewpoint.) Beitr. Orthop. Traumat, 21:457-462, 1974. XVII. UROGENITAL SYSTEM 44169. Messer, H. H., S. Y. Yuen, and D. H. Copp: Effect of age on bone calcium and phosphate metab- 44189. Prout, G. R., Jr., and D. F. Paulson: The inolism in organ culture. Calc. Tissue Res., 16:88-92, evitable prostate problem. Med. World News, 15: 1974. (42), 27-28; 30-32; 34-35, 1974. 44170. Patomaki, L , and H. Olkkonen: Determination 44190. Shain, S. A., R. W. Boesel, and L. R. Axelrod: of mineral density and structural inhomogeneity of Aging in the rat prostate. Reduction in detectable trabecular bone in-vitro by x-ray fluorescence line ventral prostate androgen receptor content. Arch. scanning. Int. J. appl. Radiation, 25:401-406, 1974. Biochem., 767:247-263, 1975. 44171. Podrushnyzk, E. P., A. S. Yankovskaya, E. I. Suslov, and E. V. Orlova: Clinico-radiological and See also Nos. 44045, 44167. morphological changes in bone tissue of longevites. Gior. Geront, 22:841-844, 1974. 44172. Yamamoto, M., K. Chiba, M. Tanno, H. GERIATRICS Yamada, K. Matsui, R. Yamada, and M. Iio: Bone I. GENERAL ORIENTATION scintigraphy of the aged patient. Technetium-99M polyphosphate scintigraphy. Jap. J. nucleic Med., 9: 44191. Adams, G. F.: Eld health. Brit med. J., 3: 568, 1972. 789-791, 1974. 44192. Gerfeldt, E.: (Tasks of geriatrics in the modSee also Nos. 43998, 44161. em industrial society.) Ther. Gegenw., 113:13251326, 1974. XVI. SKIN AND INTEGUMENT 44193. Hildick-Smith, M.: What's in geriatrics? Practitioner, 213:345-353, 1974. 44173. Allison, J. R., Jr., and T. Rist: Skin infections XV.




44214. Hutterer, I., and Z. Denes: Psychosomatic rehabilitation of elderly persons. /. Amer. geriat. Soc, 23:137-139, 1975. 44215. Jordan, H., and H. Wagner: Die Kurorttherapie unter geriatrischem Aspekt. Z. Alternsforsch., 28: 113-123, 1974. 44216. Leonard, L. E., and A. M. Kelly: The development of a community-based program for evaluating the impaired older adult. Gerontologist, 15:114-118, 1975. 44217. Maier, L.: Activity programs for long term care institutions. Soc. rehahilit. Rec, 1: (7), 16-19, 1974. 44218. Managan, D., J. Wood, C. Heinichen, et at: Older adults; a community of health needs. Nurs. II. and III. MEDICAL CARE AND DIAGNOSIS Res., 23:426-432, 1974. 44219. Martini, G.: Principi, programma, prospettive (medical rehabilitation) della riabilitazione dell'emiplegico anziano. Gior. 44198. Aronow, W. S., W. H. Allen, D. De Cristofaro, Geront, 22: 957-967, 1974. S. Ungermann, M. K. C. Wan, G. M. H. Chun, 44220. Matlack, D. R.: The case for geriatric day hosD. W. Leik, and S. P. Savitz: Mass screening for pitals. Gerontologist, 75:109-113, 1975. coronary risk factors in 2,524 asymptomatic adults. 44221. Megard, M., T. Heurtier, and I. d'Adhemar: /. Amer. geriat Soc, 23:121-126, 1975. L'ergotherapie son interet dans une maison de retraite. Rev. Geront, —: (6), 33-34; 37, 1974. 44199. BaJdoni, E.: Considerazioni sulla terapia occupazionale nelle instituzioni di ricovero. Gior. 44222. Mendelson, M. A.: Tender loving greed. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974, 1974, xiii, 245 pp. Geront, 22: 981-990, 1974. 44200. Bansmer, G., and L. D. Mclntyre: The smaller 44223. Michelmore, P.: A model geriatric health care system; coordinated endeavor of patient care and hospital in the health care system. Preventive care physician training. Geriatrics, 30: (2), 146-149; 152program serves elderly. Hospitals, 48: (19), 127-128; 155, 1975. 132, 1974. 44201. Barbagallo Sangiorgi, G.: (Iatrogenic injury as 44224. Mb'ller, B.: Erfahrungen einer geriatrischen Dispensaireeinrichtung. Z. Alternsforsch., 28: 378-380, a factor of retardation and of impediment in rehabili1974. tation of the aged patient.) Minerva med., Torino, 65:3163-3174, 1974. 44225. Moller, U.: Erfahrungen aus der Arbeit des geriatrischen Dispensairestiitzpunktes an der Abteilung 44202. Bell, B. D.: Mobile medical care to the elderly; Geriatrie des Medizinischen Zentrums im BKH Wisan evaluation. Gerontologist, 15:100-103, 1975. mar. Z. Alternsforsch., 28: 373-375, 1974. 44203. Briischke, G., and J. Sima: (Peculiarities of rehabilitation in aged patients.) Z. ges. Hyg., 20: 383- 44226. Morpurgo, M., and G. Beulcke: La riabilitazione nell'insufficienza respiratoria dell'anziano. Gior. 385, 1974. Geront, 22: 975-980, 1974. 44204. Chapuy, P., and C. Janin: Interet du Progeril 44227. Oster, C, and W. H. Kibat: Evaluation of a en geriatrie. Rev. Geront, —: (6), 58-61, 1974. multidisciplinary care program for stroke patients in 44205. Colombo, I., and E. Radaelli: La riabilitazione a day care center. /. Amer. geriat. Soc, 23:63-69, delle forme degenerative articolari. Gior. Geront, 22: 1975. 943-956, 1974. 44206. Diaz, R.: Le mouvement en milieu thermal. 44228. Parris, R. B.: Physical therapy and the geriatric patient in the community. Phys. Ther., 54: 18-19, Rev. Geront, —. (6), 40-44, 1974. 1974. 44207. Dorfler, R.: Einige Besonderheiten der Therapie in der Geriatrie aus der Sicht des Intemisten. Z. 44229. Pitts, J. Y.: Psychogeriatric care; a programme for hospital treatment. Nurs. Times, 70:1342-1343, Alternsforsch., 28:253-258, 1974. 1974. 44208. Feldman, J. L., and M. E. Schultz: Rehabilita44230. Pruszewicz, A., and A. Obrebowski: (Effect of tion after stroke. Cardiovas. Nurs., 11:29-34, 1975. old age and age-determined factors on' the rehabilita44209. Fraiberg, P. L.: Control of behavioral symption of laryngectomized patients.) Otolar. polska, 28: toms in patients with long-term illness. Dis. nerv. 547-553, 1974. Syst, 33:178-182, 1972. 44210. Gibbins, F. J., H. J. Collins, R. G. P. Hall, and 44231. Savage, B. J., and T. Widdowson: Psychogeriatrics; revising the use of nursing resources: 1 and 2. A. W. Dellipiani: Endoscopy in the elderly. Age & Nurs. Times, 70:1372-1374; 1424-1427, 1974. Ageing, 3:240-244, 1974. 44211. Gbretzlehner, G., H. Kyank, H.-D. Herre, and 44232. Schadel, M., A. Hart, and J. Green: (The value of rehabilitation in a geriatric center.) Harefuah, 86: J. Towe: Die Wirkung von Mestrariol auf den 593-596, 1974. Kohlenhydrat- und Fettstoffwechsel in der Postmeno44233. Schilter, R.: Zur Wirkung von Cerutil (Cenpause. Z. Alternsforsch., 29: 89-98, 1974. trophenoxin) bei zerebralskerotischen Patienten. Z. 44212. Hansen, P. F.: (Health examination of elderly Alternsforsch., 28:231-238, 1974. people. An orientation.) Ugesk. Laeg., 136:19391942, 1974. 44234. U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Social Security Administration. Office of 44213. Hausmanri, H.: Erfahrungen einer geriatrischen Research arid Statistics. (By Philip Frohlich): The Dispensaireeinrichtung (landliche Bevolkerung). Z. 1967 National Survey of Institutionalized Adults. Alternsforsch., 28:376-378, 1974.

44194. Louw, D.: (Geriatrics and the need for geriatric services in South Africa.) S. Afr. med. J., 48:20692073, 1974. 44195. Schubert, R., and A. Stormer: Schwerpunkte in der Geriatrie II. Multimorhiditdt. Werk-Verlag Dr. Edmund Banaschewski, Mimchen-Grafelfing, 1973, 113 pp. 44196. Van Heerswynghels, J.: (Geriatrics. Clinicosocial arid scientific aspects.) Bull. Acad. Med. Belgique, 12:575-600, 1972. 44197. Anonymous: (Editorial; the decades of geriatrics.) Ldkartidningen, 71: 3061, 1974.



44252. Gubrium, J. F., and M. Ksander: On multiple realities and reality orientation1. Gerontologist, 15: 142-145, 1975. 44253. Hildick-Smith, M.: Epilepsy in the elderly. Age & Ageing, 3:203-208, 1974. 44254. Ihle, E., and D. Eisenblatter: Soforttherapie und Behandlungsprogramm des zerebralen Insults. Z. Alternsforsch., 29: 51-60, 1974. 44255. Kostanian, I. T : (Clinical aspects of paranoia in the aged (involutional paranoia).) Zh. eksp. klin. Med., 14:96-100, 1974. 44256. Kostanyan, Y. T , and S. A. Davtyan: Some age related characteristics of the clinical aspects of involutional melancholia. A clinical catamnestic investigation. Zh. eksp. klin. Med., 14: (2), 76-80, 1974. 44257. Krakowski, A. J., and L. M. Langlais: Acute See also Nos. 43920, 43935, 43959, 43960, 43961, 43969, psychiatric emergencies in a geriatric hospital. Psy43992, 44046, 44054, 44065, 44097, 44166, 44243, 44246, chosomatics, 15: (2), 72-75, 1974. 44257, 44258, 44264, 44266, 44305, 44409, 44414. 44258. Lewis, S.: A patient-determined approach to geriatric activity programming within a State hospital. Gerontologist, 15: 146-149, 1975. IV. DISEASE 44259. Maaz, H. J.: (Care for older citizens with (chronic, infectious, and mental) mental disorders in! social service establishments.) Z. drztl. Fortbild., 68:401-403, 1974. 44238. Alekhnovich, M. V.: The importance of diagnostic departments for prophylaxis of genital cancer 44260. McNeil Laboratories, Inc. (Prepared by Alvin I. Goldfarb): Aging and organic brain syndrome. in pension age women. Vop. Onkol., 20: (9), 103-106, The Laboratories, Fort Washington, Pa., 1974, 23 pp. 1974. 44239. Bohlau, V.: Alter und Psychotherapie. F. K. 44261. Markson, E. W., and J. H. Cumming: The post-transfer fate of relocated mental patients in New Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1971, 164 pp. Abstr: Z. York. Gerontologist, 15: 104-108, 1975. Alternsforsch., 28: 388, 1974. 44240. Bovier, P., P. Giacobino, Y. Mottaz, et at: 44262. Miller, E.: Dementia as an accelerated ageing of the nervous system; some psychological and (Analysis of 100 recent admissions in a geriatric servmethodological considerations. Age & Ageing, 3: 197ice of the university psychiatric clinic of Geneva.) 202, 1974. Ann. med.-psychol, 1: 495-514, 1974. 44263. Pilet, C : (Catamnestic studies on the fre44241. Conrad, W. K.: A group therapy program with quency of psycho-organic deterioration in aged mental older adults in a high-risk neighborhood setting. Int. patients.) Schweiz. Arch. Neurol, Neurochir. ]. group Psychother., 24: 358-360, 1974. Psychiat., 114:367-3%, 1974. 44242. Dobrowolski, J.: (The pathology of population 44264. Power, C. A., and L. T. McCarron: Treatment and its tendencies in the twentieth century.) Stud. of depression in persons residing in homes for the Demozr., Warsaw, —: (35), 27-44, 1974. aged. Gerontologist, 15:132-135, 1975. 44243. Eisdorfer, C : Observations on the psycho- 44265. Prien, R. E, P. A. Haber, and E. M. Caffey: pharmacology of the aged. /. Amer. geriat. Soc., 23: The use of psychoactive drugs in elderly patients with 53-57, 1975. psychiatric disorders; survey conducted in twelve 44244. Fanciullacci, M., G. Franchi, F. Sicuteri, et al: Veterans Administration hospitals. /. Amer. geriat. (Action of taurine on initial senile cerebral involuSoc, 23:104-112, 1975. tion.) Clin. Terap., Roma, 70:425-433, 1974. 44266. Sillen, J., B. Feldshuh, W. Forsch, et al: A 44245. Folsom, J. C, and G. S. Folsom: The real multidisciplinary geriatric unit for the psychiatrically world. Ment. Hyg., 58: (3), 29-33, 1974. impaired in Bellevue Hospital Center. Med. Care, 12: 44246. Freedberg, L. E., and C. S. Altman: Psychiatric 766-777, 1974. consultation in a nursing home; a two-year experience. 44267. Smith, G. R.,. C. W. Taylor, and P. Linkous: Gerontologist, 15:125-128, 1975. Haloperidol vs thioridazine for the treatment of psy44247. Galetti, G., and A. Torriti: II trattamento chogeriatric patients. A double-blind clinical trial. delFansia nell'anziano con un nuovo composto ad Psychosomatks, 15:134-138, 1974. azione tranquillante. Gior. Geront, 22: 904-918, 1974. 44268. Steer, R. A., and W. P. Boger: Milieu therapy 44248. Garetz, F. K.: The psychiatrists involvement with psychiatric-medically infirm patients. Geronwith aged patients. Amer. ]. Psychiat., 132:63-65, tologist, 15:138-141, 1975. 1975. 44269. Thomasova, E., K. Mlcakova, and Q. Kumpel: 44249. Garfinkel, R.: The reluctant therapist 1975. Confusional states in elderly mental patients treated Gerontologist, 15: 136-137, 1975. with antidepressants. Activ. New. sup., 16:189-190, 44250. Gentili, P.: La cinnarizina nel trattamento 1974. domiciliare di dementi arteriosclerotici. Gior. Geront., 44270. Thornton, W. E., and B. J. Pray: Clinical psy22:898-902, 1974. chiatric approach to dementia. /. Fla. med. Ass., 61: 769-770, 1974. 44251. Glatzel, J.: (Clinical picture and therapy of psychotic depressive conditions in middle and higher 44271. Traub, R. D., D. C. Gadjusek, and C. J. Gibbs, Jr.: Precautions in conducting biopsies and autopsies age.) Med. Klinik, Munch., 69:1333-1338, 1974.

Residents of long-term medical care institutions. U. S. Govt. Print. Office, Washington, 1974, DHEW Publ. No. (SSA) 75-11803, 180 pp. 44235. Anonymous: Federal regulations force changes in nursing home care. Hosp. Pract, 10: (2), 134; 136; 138, 1975. 44236. Anonymous: The 1974 APA achievement award winners. Gold award; a school-hospital remotivation program. Veterans Administration Hospital, St. Cloud, Minnesota. Hosp. comm. Psychiat., 25:661664, 1974. 44237. Anonymous: U. S. nursing homes—a mess, says Moss. Senator says lack of doctor involvement is one of the key reasons for poor conditions. Med. World News, 16: (3), 21-23, 1975.

CURRENT PUBLICATIONS on patients with presenile dementia. Technical note. /. Newosurg., 47:394-395, 1974. 44272. U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Public Health Service: Limitation of activity and mobility due to chronic conditions, United States—1972. Vit. & Hlth. Statist., —: (Ssr. 10, No. 96), 1-56, 1974. 44273. U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Public Health Service: Acute conditions. Incidents and associated disability; United States, July 1972-June 1973. Vit. & Hlth. Statist., —: (Ser. 10, No. 98), 1-68, 1975. 44274. U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Social Security Administration. Office of Research and Statistics. Division of Health Insurance Studies. (By Lillian Guralnick): Short-stay hospital discharge diagnoses for Medicare patients, 1967. The Office, Washington, March 14, 1975, HI-66, 30 pp. 44275. Veall, R. M.: The prevalence of epilepsy among mongols related to age. /. meat. Defic. Res., 78:99-106, 1974. 44276. Viehweg, W., and H.-D. Albert: Ein Beitrag zur Psycho- und Soziotherapie des Alterns. Z. Alternsforsch., 29:43-50, 1974. 44277. White, L., J. N. Crovello, S. N. Rosenberg, and J. A. Neiditch: Evaluation of isobaric oxygenation for the aged with cognitive impairment; pilot study. /. Amer. geriat. Soc., 23:80-85, 1975. 44278. Whitehead, J. A.: Psychogeriatric care; community and hospital services in Brighton. Nurs. Times, 70:1340-1341, 1974. 44279. Yampey, N.: (Critical age at work.) Acta psiquidt. psicol. Amer. lat., 20: (3), 187-193, 1974. 44280. Zweig, J. P., and J. Z. Csank: Effects of relocation on chronically ill geriatric patients of a medical unit; mortality rates. /. Amer. geriat. Soc, 23:132-136, 1975. See also Nos. 44018, 44042, 44044, 44112, 44134, 44150, 44173, 44216, 44229, 44231, 44234, 44284. V.


44281. Elwood, T. W., and T. W. Oakes: Failure by a group, of elderly men to use a preventive health service. /. Amer. geriat. Soc, 23: 74-76, 1975. 44282. Gbtze, W.: (Oral hygiene in the aged.) Dtsch. zahndrztl. Z., 29: 679-682, 1974. 44283. Jimenez Herrero, F.: (Practice of preventive medicine in geriatrics.) Rev. Sanid. Hig. publ, Madr., 47: 871-887, 1973. 44284. Kahn, R. L.: The mental health system and the future aged. Gerontologist, 15: (1, Pt. II), 24-31, 1975. 44285. Magnussen, G.: (Prevention of mental disorders among elderly people.) Ugesk. Laeg., 136: 1945-1949, 1974. 44286. Savitz, H. A.: Mental health and aging. Ment. Hyg., 58: (3), 21-23, 1974. VI.


(progeria) 44287. Hall, B. D., B. O. Berg, R. S. Rudolph, et al: Pseudoprogeria-Hallermann-Streiff (PHS) syndrome. Birth Defects, 10:137-146, 1974.


44288. Valdiserri, L., and G. Stricchiola: (HutchinsonGilford progeria in a 14-year-old adolescent.) Chir. Org. Movim., 67:291-300, 1974. 44289. Viegas, J., P. L. R. Souza, and F. M. Salzano: Progeria in twins. /. med. Genet., 77:384-386, 1974. VII.


44290. Bogusz, J., J. Kahl, E. Rzepiela, J. Batorski, S. Cichon, A. Hartwich, and J. Jamski: Das Operationsrisiko bei Kranken im fortgeschrittenen Alter. Z. Geront., 7:441-446, 1974. 44291. Goldwyn, R. M.: Operating for the aging face. Psychiat. Med., 3:187-195, 1972. 44292. Haisova, L., and J. Stupecky: (Gerontology in mandibular and facial surgery.) Ceskoslov. stomat., 74:42-45, 1974. 44293. Koelsch, K. A., C. Kiihrie, and U. Schumann: Das "akute Abdomen" beim alten Menschen. Eine Auswertung von 200 Krankheitsfallen bei iiber 70jahrigen. Z. Alternsforch., 28: 301-315, 1974. 44294. Loddi, L., and A. Doni: II problema dei disordini sscondari dell'emostasi in chirurgia geriatrica. Gior. Geront, —: (Suppl. 54), 5-63, 1974. 44295. Vedenko, B. G., P. I. Pivovarov, and V. A. Yushkov: Determination of the degree of risk of surgery on urological patients. Urol. Nefrol, 5:16-19, 1974. See also No. 44230. PSYCHOLOGICAL PROCESSES 44296. Angleitner, A.: Changes in personality of older people over a 5-year period of observation. Gerontologia, 20:179-185, 1974. 44297. Bruning, R. H., I. Holzbauer, and C. Kimberlin: Age, word imagery, and delay interval; effects on short-term and long-term retention. /. Geront., 30:312-318, 1975. 44298. Buckley, C. E., Ill: Inverse relationship between serum IgG concentrations and measures of intelligence in elderly persons. Nature, Lond., 254: 55-56, 1975. 44299. Butler, R. N.: Successful aging. Ment. Hyg., 58: (3), 6-12, 1974. 44300. Clothier, F.: Confronting mortality; when is the 'quality of mercy' strained? Perspect. Aging, 4: (1), 3-7, 1975. 44301. Cutter, F.: Coming to terms with death; how to face the inevitable with wisdom and dignity. Nelson-Hall, Co., Chicago, 1974, xii, 307 pp. 44302. Czajkowska, L.: (Medical and social aspects of suicide in Cracow in the years 1950-1960.) Folia med. Cracov., 74:539-591, 1972. 44303. Dietz-Helmers, A.: On correlation between the generation age of the fathers and grandfathers and the intelligence of the descendants. Experienta, Basel, 30:567-570, 1974. 44304. Hibbard, T. R., J. N. Migliaccio, S. Goldstone, and W. T. Lhamon: Temporal information processing by young and senior adults and patients with senile dementia. /. Geront, 30: 326-330, 1975. 44305. Jones, D. C : Spatial proximity, interpersonal conflict, and friendship formation in the intermediatecare facility. Gerontologist, 15:150-154, 1975.



44306. Kent, S.: Sex education is for physicians, too. Geriatrics, 30: (2), 177-178; 182, 1975. 44307. Kurtz, J. J., arid S. Wolk: Continued growth and life satisfaction. Gerontologist, 15:129-131, 1975. 44308. Lehr, U.: Psychologie des Alterns. Verlag Quelle & Meyer, Heidelberg, 1972, 348 pp. Abstr: Z. Alternsforsch, 28: 274, 1974. 44309. Lown, B. A.: Effects of age on open-field behavior of the guinea pig. Psychol. Rep., 35: 1170, 1974. 44310. Maas, H. S., and J. A. Kuypers: From thirty to seventy. Jossey-Bass Publ., Washington, 1974, xii, 240 pp. 44311. Michiels, W.: (The determination of the driving aptitude of elderly people in good health (author's transl).) Ther. Umschau, Bern, 37:597-600, 1974. 44312. Nelson, L. M., and M. Winter: Life disruption, independence, satisfaction, and the consideration of moving. Gerontologist, 15:160-164, 1975. 44313. Paris. Centre International De Gerontologie Sociale: Colloque sur le viellard et la mort. The Centre, Paris, 1973, 167 pp. (Processed). 44314. Sadowski, A., and P. Weinsaft: Behavioral disorders in the elderly. /. Amer. geriat. Soc, 23: 86-93, 1975. 44315. Salvendy, G.: Discrimination in performance assessments against the aged. Percep. & motor Skills, 39:1087-1099, 1974. 44316. Schonfield, D., and L. Wenger: Age limitation of perceptual span'. Nature, Land., 253: 377-378, 1975. 44317. Smith, A. D.: Aging and interference with memory. /. Geront, 30:319-325, 1975. 44318. Sprott, R. L., and B. E. Eleftheriou: Open-field behavior in aging inbred mice. Gerontologia, 20: 155-162, 1974. 44319. Stagner, R.: Boredom on the assembly line; age and personality variables. Industr. Geront., 2: (1), 23-44, 1975. 44320. Susulowska, M.: (Summing-up of their lives by the elderly.) Psychiat. polsk., 8:469-475, 1974. 44321. Sviland, M. A. P.: Helping elderly couples become sexually liberated; psycho-social issues. Counsel. Psychologist, 5:67-72, 1975. 44322. Taylor, W. O.: Driving for (the elderly. Practitioner, 213: (2175), 355-360, 1974. 44323. Thorson, J. A.: Continuing education in death and dying. Adult Leadership, 23:141-144, 1974. 44324. Tomita, K.: Counseling middle-aged and older workers. Industr. Geront, 2: (1), 45-52, 1975. 44325. Tornstam, L : Health and self-perception; a systems theoretical approach. Gerontologist, 15:264270, 1975. 44326. Tramer, R. R., and E. H. Schludermann: Cognitive differentiation in a geriatric population. Percep. & motor Skills, 39:1071-1075, 1974. 44327. Weinberger, L. E., and J. Millham: A multidimensional, multiple method analysis of attitudes toward the elderly. /. Geront, 30:343-348, 1975. See also Nos. 44032, 44153, 44154, 44277, 44330, 44426. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS I.


44328. MacArthur, J. D., and F. D. Moore: Epidemiology of burns. The bum prone patient. /. Amer. med. Ass., 231:259-263, 1975.

44329. Metrop. Life Insur. Co.: Accident death toll drops sharply in 1974. Statist. Bull. Metrop. Life Insur. Co., 56: 6-8, Jan. 1974. 44330. Various: Proceedings of the National Conference on the Aging Driver, Washington, D. C , May 2-4, 1974. Sponsored by the American Medical Association and the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators. Hlth. & Safety Associates, Morton Grove, 111., 1974, xvi, 99 pp. (Mimeogr.) III.


44331. Bahr, J., and W. Golte: Eirie bevolkerungsund wirtschaftsgeographische Gliederung Chiles. Geoforum, —: (17), 25-42, 1974. 44332. Bastide, H., and A. Girard: Mobilite de la population et motivations des personnes; une enquete aupres du public. Population, 29: 579-607, 1974. 44333. Brazil. Instituto de Planejamento Economico e Social. Instituto de Pesquisas. (By M. Mata et al.): (Internal migration in Brazil; economic and demographic aspects.) Rio de Janeiro, 1973, Rel. Pesquisa No. 19, 217 pp. 44334. British Solomon Islands Protectorate (Government) : British Solomon Islands. Report for the year 1972. Honiara, 1973, 167 pp. 44335. Chaves, L. F., and I. Guillen': (Population age pyramids for the municipios of settlements on the Chama, Mucujepe and Capaz Rivers.) Rev. Geog., Venezuela, 10: (22-23), 31-48, 1969. 44336. Ciuca, A. (Editor): Dispensarizarea populatiei virstnice. Inst. Nat. Geront. Geriat., Bucharest, 1974, 343 pp. 44337. Cribier, F., et al.: La composition par age de 141 villes touristiques du littoral frangais. Population, 29:465-490, 1974. 44338. David, L. H., and K. C. Gupta: Demographic description of a rural area. /. family Welf., 20: (3), 63-72, 1974. 44339. Essang, S. M., and A. F. Mabawonku: Determinants and impact of rural-urban migration; a case study of selected communities in Western Nigeria. Dept. Agric. Econ., Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, 1974, African Rural Emp. Pap. No. 10, viii, 34 pp. 44340. Festy, P.: Evolution de la population' en Amerique latine. Population, 29:609-632, 1974. 44341. Fiji. Central Planning Office: Fiji's sixth Development Plan, 1971-1975. The Office, Suva, Nov. 1970, x, 264 pp. 44342. Firsova, S. A.: (The dynamics of number, composition, and distribution of the population iri the Ivanovo region.) Sovetsk. zdrav., 32: 41-46, 1973. 44343. France. Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques. (By Yves Tugault): La mesure de la mobilite. Cinque etudes sur les migrations internes. Pr. Univ. France, Paris, 1973, Trav. et Doc., Cah. No. 67, xii, 226 pp. Abstr: P. I., 40: No. 4402, 1974. 44344. Gibson, C. J.: Age and sex structure. In: Population of the United States, Trends and Prospects; 1950-1990. Population Growth, Composition and Distribution, Economic Characteristics, Population Projections. Curr. Pop. Rep., Ser. P-23j Spec. Stud., Washington, May 1974, No. 49, pp. 59-63. 44345. Greville, T. N. E., and N. Keyfitz: Backward population projection by a generalized inverse. Theoret population Biol, 6:135-142, 1974.

CURRENT PUBLICATIONS 44346. Haeringer, P.: Migrations et desequilibres villes-campagnes. San-Pedro 1969. La premiere vague d'immigrants. Cab. ORSTOM, Ser. Sci. hum., 10: 245-267, 1973. 44347. Jordan, Department of Statistics. (By W. Azar): Social and economic survey of the East Jordan Valley, 1973. The Department, Amman, 1973, 156 pp. 44348. Khan, M. R.: Pattern of external migration to and from Bangladesh, 1901-1961. Bangladesh econ. Rev., 2: 599-632, 1974. 44349. Kiker, B. F., and E. Traynham: Migration for the Southeast; a preliminary analysis. Bus. econ. Rev., 20: (5), 3-10, 1974. 44350. Kim, H-C: Some aspects of social demography of Korean Americans. Int. Migration Rev., 8:23-42, 1974. 44351. Kusiriski, W.: (Geographical aspects of the age of the Polish population.) Ada Univ. carolin.; Geogr., —: (1-2), 49-57, 1971. 44352. Lotka, A. J.: (Mathematical demography; selected essays.) Cent. Latinoamer. Demogr., Santiago, 1973, 148 pp. 44353. Morales Vergara, J.: Latinoamericanos en Europa, aspectos demograficos examinados a la luz de antecedentes censales de algunos paises seleccionados. Int. Migration, 12: 14-32, 1974. 44354. Peters, J. F.: Demography of the Shirishana. Soc. Biol, 21: 58-69, 1974. 44355. Portugal. Mozambique. Direccao Provincial dos Servigos de Estatistica: (Demographic studies. The demography of Mozambique—size, distribution, structure, and growth of the population.) Bol. Mens. Estatist, Mozambique, 14: (10), iii-vi, 1973. 44356. Pressat, R.: Quelques donnees sur la population due Viet-Nam du Sud. Population, 29: 633-641, 1974. 44357. Recchini de Lattes, Z. L.: Aspectos demograficos de la urbanization en la Argentina, 1869-1960. Edit. Inst., Buenos Aires, 1973, Ser. Naranja; Sociologfa, xvii, 99 pp.


44365. United Nations. Centro Latinoamericano de Demograna: Temas de poblacion de la Argentina; aspectos demograficos. CELADE, Santiago, 1973, Ser. E, No. 13, 116 pp. 44366. U. S. Bureau of the Census: 1970 census of population and housing. Evaluation and research program. Estimates of coverage of population by sex, race, and age; demographic analysis. The Bureau, Washington, 1974, Series PHC(E)-4, 31 pp. 44367. U.S.S.R. TSentral'noe Statisticheskoe Upravlenie: (Estimated population of the U.S.S.R. by sex and age group at the beginning of 1974.) Vestn. Statist, —: (7), 92, 1974. 44368. Woodyard, M.: Components of the in-migration stream in central Canada. Cent. Urban & Comm. Stud., Univ. Toronto, Toronto, Oct. 1972, Res. Rep. No. 57, ii, 44 pp. 44369. Young, C. M.: Introducing the age profile. An index of survival. /. biosoc. Sci., 6:427-438, 1974. 44370. Zaire. Institut National de la Statistique: Perspectives demographiques provisoires pour la Republique du Zaire, 1970-1980. The Institut, Kinshasa, 1972, 31 pp. 44371. Zambia. Central Statistical Office: Census of population and housing 1969. Final report. Vol. 4(al). Kabwe Rural District (polling district population). The Office, Lusaka, Feb. 1974, iii, 107 pp. See also No. 44418. IV.


44372. Havighurst, R. J.: The future aged; the use of time and money. Gerontologist, 15: (1, Pt. II), 10-15, 1975. 44373. Jackson, A.: Letter; purchase of added years. Brit. med. ]., 4: 110, 1974. IV-B.


44358. Rogers, T. W.: Migration of the aged popula44374. Berkowtiz, M.: The older worker's stake in tion. Int. Migration, 72:61-70, 1974. workers' compensation. Industr. Geront., 2: (1), 44359. Siegel, J. S., and M. D. Herrenbruck: Age and 53-61, 1975. sex composition. In: Population of the United States, Trends and Prospects; 1950-1990. Population Growth, 44375. Boglietti, G.: Discrimination against older workers and the promotion of equality of opportunity. Composition and Distribution. Economic CharacterInt. Labour Rev., Geneva, 770:351-365, 1974. istics, Population Projections. Curr. Pop. Rep., Ser. P-23, Spec. Stud., Washington, May 1974, No. 49, 44376. Canada. Quebec Province. Ministere de 1'Inpp. 177-179. dustrie et du Commerce. Direction Generale de la Recherche et de la Planification. Direction de 44360. Simos, B. G., and M. Kohls: Migration, relocal'Analyse et de la Prevision Economique: La situation tion, and intergenerational relations; Jews of Quito, economique au Quebec en 1973. Dir. Commun., Ecuador. Gerontologist, 75:206-211, 1975. Quebec, May 1974, 78 pp. 44361. Steshenko, V. S., and V. P. Piskunov: Evaluating population ageing. Int. soc. Sci. /., 26:235-243, 44377. Feldman, L.: Employment problems of older workers; a review by the International Labor Or1974. ganization Advisory Committee. Industr. Geront, 2: 44362. Switzerland. Eidgenossisches Statistisches Amt: (1), 69-71, 1975. Schweiz; Wohnbevolkerung 1951-1972. Schdtzung am 1. Januar; Geschlecht, Altersklasse. Bern. June 1972, 44378. Fisher, P.: Labor force participation of the aged and the social security system in nine countries. Belege 72.06.(2), Sektion "Bevolkerungsbewegung," Industr. Geront, 2: (1), 1-13, 1975. 37 pp. 44363. Toepfer, L.: Die abwanderung deutschsprachi- 44379. Flaim, P. O.: Employment and unemployment during ithe first half of 1974. Mon. Labor Rev., 97: ger Bevblkerung aus Siidtirol nach 1955. Siidtiroler (8), 3-7, 1974. Wirtsch. u. Sozlnst., Bolzano, Italy, 1973, Schriftenreihe, Vol. 62, 135 pp. 44380. Herzberg, F.: The wise old Turk. Harv. Bus. Rev., 52: (5), 70-80, 1974. 44364. Ueda, M.: 1973 annual report of the Institute of Population Problems—Tokyo, Japan. Ann. Rep. 44381. Leguina, J.: (Some notes on the evolution of Inst. population Probl, 18: 1-91, 1973. the economically active population 1961-1970 (cen-



suses of 1960 and 1970).) Rev. Trabajo, —: (38), 19-31, 1973. 44382. McCabe, L. G.: Short-term forecasting of labour force participation by major demographic groups. Can. manpower Rev., 6: (2), 17-23, 1973. 44383. Monich, Z. I.: The professional and paraprofessional component in the structure of the rural population (based on data from the Belorussian SSR). (Parts 3 and 4). Soviet Sociol, 12: (3), 36-67; (4), 3-36, 1973-1974. 44384. Moore, J. W., Jr.: New directions for industrial gerontology. Perspect. Aging, 3: (6), 19-20, 1974. 44385. Quirk, D. A.: Public policy note. The retirement test; the debate continues. Industr. Geront., 2: (1), 76-82, 1975. 44386. Sommers, D.: Occupational rankings for men and women by earnings. Mon. Labor Rev., 97: (8), 34-51, 1974. 44387. U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Social Security Administration. Office of Research and Statistics. (By Harold A. Grossman): Actual sampling error of selected continuous workhistory sample system data; 1971. The Office, Washington, 1975, Res. & Statist. Note No. 2, 15 pp. 44388. U. S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Handbook of labor statistics, 1973. U. S. Govt. Print. Office, Washington, 1973, Bull. 1790, xii, 431 pp. 44389. Wedderbum, D.: Prospects for the reorganization of work. Gerontologist, 15: 236-241, 1975. See also Nos. 44319, 44324. IV-C.

ECONOMIC PROBLEMS: Retirement and Pensions

(See also Social Security) 44390. Berglin, C. G., and E. Rosengren: (Work performance and retirement of 868 alcoholics.) Ldkartidningen, 77:3520-3521, 1974. 44391. Beverley, E. V.: Financial perspective for the bonus years. Geriatrics, 30: (2), 159-160; 162; 165-166; 171-172, 1975. 44392. Carlson, D. G.: Responding to the pension reform law. Harv. Bus. Res., 52: (6), 133-144, 1974. 44393. David, A. M.: Reflections on retirement; a salute to life. Perspect. Aging, 4: (1), 8-10, 1975. 44394. Freeman, J. T.: A prologue to retirement. Oocup. Hlth. Nurs., 22: (10), 14-22, 1974. 44395. Hogan, T. D.: The implications of population stationarity for the Social Security system. Soc. Sci. Quart, 55: 151-158, 1974. 44396. Jacobson, D.: Planning for retirement and anticipatory attitudes towards withdrawal from work. Brit. ]. Guid. Counsel, 2: 72-83, 1974. 44397. Jacobson, D.: Rejection' of the retiree role; a study of female industrial workers in their 50's. Hum. Rel, 27:477-492, 1974. 44398. Kalt, N. C, and M. H. Kohn: Pre-retirement counseling; characteristics of programs and preferences of retirees. Gerontologist, 15: 179-181, 1975. 44399. Lemesch, C : (Early retirement among construction workers in Jerusalem.) Harefuah, 86: 609611, 1974. 44400. Liu, Y.-H.: Retirement in three Scandinavian countries. Perspect. Aging, 4: (1), 17-19, 1975. 44401. Marchese, L. T., and H. A. Pereira Junior:

(Causes of retirement in rural workers treated at the Hospital Universitario de Londrina.) Rev. Assoc. med. brasil, 20:217-218, 1974. 44402. Marshall, M.: Los Angeles schools' program in retirement planning booms. Perspect. Aging, 4: (1), 13-16, 1975. 44403. Paris. Centre International De Gerontologie Sociale: La flexibilite de I'age de la retraite. The Centre, Paris, 1974, 92 pp. (Processed). 44404. Paul, R. D.: Can private pension plans deliver? Harv. Bus. Rev., 52: (5), 23-24; 165-166, 1974. 44405. Rosenblum, M.: The last push; from discouraged worker to involuntary retirement. Industr. Geront., 2: (1), 14-22, 1975. 44406. Schuchat, T.: Older workers and retirement; issues before the United Nations. Industr. Geront., 2: (1), 72-75, 1975. 44407. White, W.: A lamp at dusk; adjusting puts peace into growing old. Perspect. Aging, 4: (1), 11-12, 1975. See also No. 44465. V.


(adult) 44408. Biegel, L.: Interest burgeons in communicating message to media on older people. Perspect. Aging, 3: (6), 6-8, 1974. 44409. Goldman, E. B., and P. Woog: Mental health in nursing homes training project 1972-1973. Gerontologist, 75:119-124, 1975. 44410. Saner, G.: Undergraduate nursing students and their experience in gerontology. Gerontologist, 15: 165-169, 1975. 44411. Stetar, J. M.: Community colleges and the educational needs of older adults. /. higher Educ., 45:717-721, 1974. 44412. Western, L.: Fairhaven college 'bridge' spans the generation gap. Perspect. Aging, 3: (6), 9-12, 1974. See also No. 44223. VI.


44413. Golant, S. M.: Residential concentrations of the future elderly. Gerontologist, 15: (1, Pt. II), 16-23, 1975. 44414. Ostrander, E. R., and L. H. Snyder: Environmental analysis and settings for the aging. A collection of papers. Dept. Design & Environ. Anal., N. Y. State College of Hum. Ecol., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, June 1973, 97 pp. 44415. Sherwood, S., J. N. Morris, and E. Barnhart: Developing a system for assigning individuals into an appropriate residential setting. /. Geront, 30: 331-342, 1975. 44416. Vincentz, F.: Altenheim-Handbuch. Curt Vincentz Verlag, Hannover, 1971, 440 pp. Abstr: Z. Alternsforsch., 28: 276, 1974. 44417. Winston, E.: Operation independence coalition girds for 1976 bicentennial goals. Perspect. Aging, 3: (6), 21-22, 1974.



44438. Bender, N. J.: Marriage in the middle years. /. Louisiana med. Soc, 126: 317-322, 1974. 44418. Eitner, S.: Zur medizinischen und sozialen 44439. France. Institut National d'Etudes DemoSituation des alten Menschen in der kapitalistischen graphiques. (By Ann Boigeol, et al): Le divorce et Gesellschaft. Z. Alternsforsch., 29: 3-41, 1974. les frangais. 1. Enquete d'opinion. Pr. Univ. France, 44419. Frederick, L., and R. W. Rhein, Jr.: Ten years Paris, 1974, Trav. et Doc, Cah. No. 69, xiv, 194 pp. of Medicare and Medicaid. Med. World News, 16: 44440. Hare, E. H.: A note on the distribution' of fam(5), 60-64; 67; 73-74; 77; 79; 85; 88-89; 93, 1975. ily sizes in the adult population of Great Britain, 44420. Kelly, C. J.: Medicare—B. Virginia med. Mon., 1972. /. hiosoc. Set., 6:343-346, 1974. 101: 802, 1974. 44441. Ikels, C : Old age in Hong Kong. Gerontologist, 44421. Vodicka, B. E.: Refusal to treat medicare pa75:230-235, 1975. tient. /. Amer. med. Ass., 230: 750, 1974. 44442. Joesting, J., and R. Joesting: Birth order and 44422. Anonymous: Youthful Congress appears likely desired family size. /. individ. Psychol, 29: 34, 1973. to enact major health care legislation during 1975. 44443. Kubat, D., and D. Thornton: A statistical proGeriatrics, 30: (2), 19; 21, 1975. file of Canadian society. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Toronto, 1974, xvi, 200 pp. Abstr: P. /., 40: No. 4083, Sse also No. 44458. 1974. 44444. Laughlin, W. S., and J. S. Aigner: Burial of IX. SOCIAL PROBLEMS an aged Chaluka adult male. Arctic Anthrop., 11: (includes social adjustment) 47-60, 1974. 44445. Leridon, H.: Le mariage et la famille en 1974. 44423. Broberg, M., D. E. Melchinfe and D. Maeda: Econ. Statist., Paris, —: (57), 3-15, 1974. Planning for the elderly in Japan. Gerontologist, 15: 44446. Lipman, A.: Conference on the Potential for 242-247, 1975. Japanese-American Cross-National Research on Aging. 44424. Coleman, P. G.: Social gerontology in England, Gerontologist, 75:248-253, 1975. Scotland, and Wales; a review of recent and current 44447. Moberg, D. O.: Needs felt by the clergy for research. Gerontologist, 75:219-229, 1975. ministries to the aging. Gerontologist, 15: 170-175, 44425. Coleman, P. G.: Social gerontology in the 1975. Netherlands; a review of recent and current research. 44448. Shiloh, A., and I. C. Selavan (Editors): Ethnic Gerontologist, 75:257-263, 1975. groups of America; their morbidity, mortality, and 44426. Cutler, S. J.: Transportation and changes in behavior disorders. Vol. 1. The ]ews. Charles life satisfaction. Gerontologist, 15:155-159, 1975. C Thomas, Springfield, 111., 1973, xix, 425 pp. Abstr: 44427. Flemming, A. S.: Options for the elderly; viewP. /., 40: No. 4472, 1974. points from government, private sectors. Perspect. 44449. Wu, F. Y. T.: Mandarin-speaking aged Chinese Aging, 3: (6), 17-18, 1974. in the Los Angeles area. Gerontologist, 75:271-275, 44428. Montoya, B.: It's off to school for Seattle's 1975. elderly. Food & Nutrit., 5: (1), 2-4, 1975. 44429. Neugarten, B. L.: The future and the youngXI. SOCIAL SECURITY old. Gerontologist, 15: (1, Pt. II), 4-9, 1975. 44430. Smith, B. K.: An American dilemma. Ment. 44450. U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Social Security Administration. Advisory Hyg., 58: (3), 26-28, 1974. Council. (W. Allen Wallis, Chairman): Reports of 44431. Strum, H.: Communal dining in Pennsylvania. the Advisory Council on Social Security. The CounFood & Nutrit., 5: (1), 4-5, 1975. cil, Washington, 1975, 239 pp. (Mimeogr.). 44432. Taietz, P.: Community complexity and knowl44451. U. S. Department of Health, Education and edge of facilities. /. Geront., 30: 357-362, 1975. Welfare. Social Security Administration. Office of 44433. Tews, H. P.: Soziologie des Alterns I and II. Research and Statistics: Old-age, survivors, disability Verlag Quelle & Meyer, Heidelberg, 1971, 166 pp. and health insurance and supplemental security inAbstr: Z. Alternsforsch., 28:274-275, 1974. come. The Office, Washington, March 3, 1975, Mon. 44434. U. S. Department of Health, Education and Benefit Statist. No. 1, 9 pp.; March 28, 1975, Mon. Welfare. Office of Human Development. AdminisBenefit Statist. No. 2, 7 pp.; April 4, 1975, Mon. tration on Aging: Transportation for the elderly; the Benefit Statist., 2 pp. state of the art. U. S. Govt. Print. Office, Washington, 1975, DHEW Publ. No. (OHD) 75-20081, 162 See also No. 44378. pp. 44435. Wallerstein, E., and C. L. Marshall: Telecommunications; an! approach to de-isolation of the XII. SOCIAL SERVICES AND SOCIAL WORK elderly. Perspect. Aging, 3: (6), 3-6, 1974. 44436. Webber, I. L.: Aging in Alabama; employment (Recreation and social aspects of rehabilitation. Medical rehabilitation under Geriatrics, Medical Care) and education. Bur. Publ. Adm., Univ. Alabama, University, 1974, Sociol. Stud. No. 1, 31 pp. 44452. Bone, M. D.: Retirement; camping on the good VIII.


Ses also Nos. 44241, 44278. X.


44437. Atchley, R. C : Dimensions of widowhood in later life. Gerontologist, 15:176-178, 1975.

life. Perspect. Aging, 3: (6), 16, 1974. 44453. Jones, N. A.: Occupational therapy and the aged. Amer. ]. occup. Ther., 28: 615-618, 1974. 44454. Maeda, D.: Growth of old people's clubs in Japan. Gerontologist, 75:254-256, 1975. 44455. Northcott, H. C : Too young, too old—age in



the world of television. Gerontologist, 15:184-186, 1975. 44456. Pierce, C. H.: Recreation for the elderly; activity participation at a senior citizen center. Gerontologist, 15: 202-205, 1975. 44457. Sunderland, J. T.: Include the elderly in. Parks & Recreation, 9: (6), 41-44, 1974. 44458. Tobin, S. S.: Social and health services for the future aged. Gerontologist, 15: (1, Pt. II), 32-37, 1975. 44459. Walsh, E. R.: Creative uses of leisure services challenge those in field of aging. Perspect. Aging, 3: (6), 13-15, 1974. See also No. 44259.

POPULAR ARTICLES 44460. Huyck, M. H.: Growing older. Things you need to know about aging. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1974, xii, 179 pp. 44461. Kahn, S.: Essays on longevity. Philosophical Library, New York, 1974, 198 pp. 44462. Percy, C. H.: Growing old in the country of the young. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1974, 214 pp. 44463. Ruprecht, H.: Lernen fur des Alterwerden. Verlag Quelle & Meyer, Heidelberg, 1972, 124 pp. 44464. Spreitzer, E., E. E. Snyder, and D. Larson: Age, education, and occupation as correlates of the meaning of leisure. Psychol. Rep., 35: 1105-1106, 1974. 44465. Sunshine, J.: How; to enjoy your retirement. Amer. Mgmt. Ass., New York, 1974, x, 164 pp.

Letters to the Editor (continued from page 491) sumer input). Nevertheless, the CENTRAL PROBLEM REMAINS and it is one which confronts all agencies which seek to advocacy-plan, coordinate, and induce other agencies to perform certain activities. This problem, endemic to the interorganizational field, is that it is almost impossible for a planning or coordinating agency to alter the priorities of organizations over which it has no real authority. Further, interorganizational cooperation raises issues of organizational uncertainty. UNLESS there are perceived inducements of major exchange value, both factors encourage resistance to altering organizational behavior. AAA financial resources are inadequate for this task. Other AAA difficulties, similar to those of the organizations studied, stem from: (1) multiple AAA functions which require different types of organizational structures to maximize achievement (e.g., "flat" structures are better for coordination than for planning); (2) the fact that many agencies which AAAs must coordinate (and on whom AAAs depend for legitimation and support in implementing comprehensive service systems) are survivalthreatened. This problem augments the likelihood of interagency competition and divisive power politics (displacing service goals); and (3) the reality that

(contrary to Melemed's assertion) AAAs themselves are not free of survival-threatening events which may impede goal attainment (e.g., redesignation controversies engendered by other agencies' seeking to alter an AAA designation; requests for an AAA from jurisdictions located in an Area already assigned an AAA). Such situations threaten AAA authority and resources and require great expenditures of AAA energies in self-protective efforts which limit their focus on major goals of direct! import to older persons. None of us want AAAs to fail; our concern is to apply knowledge of pitfalls in the AAA strategy and to suggest appropriate changes to counter the predictable goal displacement of such planning bodies. Melemed ignores the author's lament that the means "become the ends, relacing the initial goal of serving the clients," and that the benefits of many programs accrue "only secondarily to the older persons themselves." This, we hope, denies the calumnous suggestion that the author is outside those "dedicated to their profession and to the principles of humanness." C. L. ESTES, Assistant Professor University of California San Francisco

Current publications in gerontology and geriatrics.

Journal of Gerontology 1975, Vol. 30. No. 4, 492-512 Current Publications in Gerontology and Geriatrics Nathan W. Shock1 T HE SUBJECT categories a...
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