Current Status of Non-Digitalis lnotropic Drugs


Carl V. Leier, MD

ConskleraMe effort and resources have been directed at the development and study of posltive

imtropDcdrugsoverthepast10-l5years.Mud hasbeenteamsdaboutthephysklogyandpharmacologyofmyocardlal con&action, the applkathm of agents to augment contractDRy, and, important& the general and specific limltatlons of positive lnotropic therapy. Studies on acute inotropic htervention have now shown that a drugs abllll to augment overall cardiac performance ls heavllydepemkMonltseffectsonvasculature, vascular control, and ventriculawkvscular coupling. The dhkal research on new agents has served to remind us how diitt lt is to formulate the “IdeaF’ positive hmtropk or cardiovascular supportdrugforthewlticalcaresetti~ lhevasteffort todevelopa duonlcallyand orally admtntstrable drug to replace or even suppkment dlgltalk has generally been disappobttlng. lhe dopamlnergk agents (e& lbopamine, levodapa) act primarily via vasodifathn and their effectlleness and role in managhg heart failure remah unresolved. The Initial excltemsnt about the phosphodiesterase Ill Inhibitors (eg., amrlnone, mllrhume, em&none) has been tempered by the results of large well-dedgned trials hrdlcatlng variab+s effectiveness and a prominent adverse effect profile. During long-term oral admlnistrationnoneoftheseagentshasbeen shown to Improve dhkal status or exercise capadty beyond that achieved by digoxln, when administered either separately or In combhatlon wlth digoxln. The Pmspedhe Randomized Mllrinone Survtval Evaluation (PROMISE) trial, showhg that mpeated oral admbrlstratlon of mlhinone can Increase mortatlty ln heart failure, is havlng a devastating effect on the further development of thlsdassofdrugs. hwestlgatkur is prowMhqg atbasiclevelsto unraveIthe hrtriwte mechanisms ofmyocardlal From the Division of Cardiology, The Ohio State University Hospitals, College of Medicine, Columbus, Ohio. Address for reprints: Carl V. Leier, MD, Division of Cardiology, 669 Means Hall, 1654 Upham Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43210.







co&a&on and we are beglnnhrg to see the results of this research. Agents have been developed to ‘Sensitize” the contractile apparatus to calcium and to act in very precise locations. We arehopefulthatsomeoftheseagentswillhavea favoraids beneflt to adverse effect ratio and earn a positton h the dlnical therapeutks of heart failure. (Am J Cardkl1992;69%2OG-1296)


he last 10-15 years have witnessed a considerable amount of research on positive inotropic drugs, which has contributed greatly to our understanding of the pharmacodynamics of myocardial contraction. New drugs have been developed for acute, short-term positive inotropic intervention (e.g., milrinonc, dopexamine), and considerably more has been learned about the complex mechanisms of standard inotropic therapy (e.g., dopamine, dobutamine). Certainly, we learned that the formulation of the “ideal” positive inotropic drug is most difficult, with many attempts failing because of ineffectiveness or toxicity. The huge investment of money, time, manpower, and other resources to develop an orally administrable positive inotropic drug to supplement or replace the digitalis glycosides has not yet been rewarded. Although the question of whether long-term positive inotropic therapy can ever render more beneficial than adverse effects remains unanswered, laboratories arc continuing to explore the intricate mechanisms of contraction and to formulate more precise and sophisticated means of improving myocyte function and overall myocardial performance. ISSUE OF ClASSfFlCAllON

There arc a number of ways to classify positive inotropic drugs. Classification on the basis of their precise cellular mechanisms serves basic research laboratories quite well. Classification on the basis of whether an agent does or does not increase cyclic adenosinc monophosphate (AMP) is useful for basic laboratories but has little value in clinical medicine. Of course, one can generally classify JUNE 4, 1992

positive inotropic drugs as either digitalis or nondigitalis agents, but this classification is of limited value for both basic and clinical study. The positive inotropic drugs can be clinically separated into those used for acute and long-term administration; this classification is useful clinically, but has little utility in basic laboratories. For now, I prefer the classification presented in Table I, which is generally accepted and incorporates the major clinical and laboratory considerations. This article will follow the general format of Table I. It is not my intent to provide a comprehensive review of positive inotropic therapy. Such a treatise is available elsewhere.’ Digitalis glycosides will be reviewed in other articles in this supplement. New information on the clinical pharmacology of the catecholamines and related compounds will be discussed. The agents proposed over the past lo-15 years for long-term positive inotropic therapy will be reviewed with an emphasis on the critical studies influencing their development, approval, and clinical application. CATECHOIAMINES AND REIATED COMPOUNDS The introduction of dobutamine for acute inotropic intervention in the late 1970s filled a void in the therapeutic spectrum of catecholamines/ catechols available in the critical care setting. This drug group now includes agents with a wide range of vascular activity, extending from very strong vasopressor properties, such as norepinephrine, to those with very significant vasodilating effects, such as isoproterenol. Although low-dose dopamine may have some vasodilating properties, moderateto high-dose dopamine elicits a significant amount of vasoconstriction via cq-adrenergic receptor agonism. With a pharmacologic profile to deliver a considerable amount of positive inotropy to enhance cardiac contractility, stroke volume and cardiac output with a relatively modest peripheral vascular response, dobutamine landed nicely between dopamine and isoproterenol. Physicians in critical care units now have a reasonable choice of compounds for acute inotropic intervention. The vascular properties of dobutamine and dopamine: Dopamine and dobutamine are the catecholamines most commonly used in intensive cardiac care. Dobutamine is generally regarded as a primary positive inotropic drug and dopamine in standard doses as a vasopressor with positive inotropic effects. Recent studies have enhanced our understanding of the clinincal pharmacology of these two commonly used drugs.2,3 Dobutamine reduces characteristic aortic impedance and dopa-

TABLE I General Classification of Positive lnotropic Agents Overview of Their Current Status for Positive lnotropic Intervention


Clinical Application as Positive lnotropic Therapy Positive lnotropic Drug Groups

Acute/ Short-Term

Digitalis Catecholamines p-adrenergic wadrenergic Dopaminergic

and related agonists agonists




+ -




+ (dopamine)

Phosphodiesterase inhibitors Others Direct adenylate cyclase agonrsts Calcium sensitizers Hz-receptor agonists Endogenous substances (glucagon, thyroid hormone)




? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?

mine does not. Dobutamine reduces wave reflectance with a later occurrence of the reflected wave, whereas dopamine evokes little change or an opposite effect on this parameter of vascular load. It has long been known that dobutamine consistently reduces vascular resistances and dopamine at moderate to high doses has little or the opposite effect on vascular resistances. In terms of ventricular-vascular coupling, the aforementioned vascular properties of dobutamine greatly favor augmentation of myocardial contraction, stroke volume, and cardiac output and those of dopamine favor development of a vasopressor response with resultant increase in systemic blood pressure. Dobutamine does not alter the ratio of pulsatile to total power, whereas dopamine tends to increase this ratio, suggesting that the power and energy transfer for dobutamine is generally delivered in an augmented stroke volume and cardiac output (enhanced systemic flow) and that of dopamine in the delivery of pulsatile flow-pressure and enhanced systemic pressure. These studies indicate that positive inotropic intervention must be matched with appropriate vascular responses and ventricular-vascular coupling to optimize the positive inotropic potential of an agent. Basically, favorable ventricular-vascular coupling augments ventricular performance and forward flow, whereas unsatisfactory coupling can greatly negate a compound’s positive inotropic effect. Stated another way, for any amount of positive inotropy delivered, the overall response in cardiac performance, stroke volume, and cardiac output will depend greatly on the effects the agent has on characteristic aortic impedance, wave reflectance, and peripheral vascular resistance. A SYMPOSIUM:





The importance of the vascular properties of a positive inotropic drug in relation to its effects on overall cardiac performance has been demonstrated in another way for dobutamine using the calf Jarvik 7 artificial heart model.3 In this mechanical heart model, racemic dobutamine in doses of 6-24 kg/kg/min increased cardiac output 10-15% while decreasing systemic and pulmonic vascular resistances. Right atria1 pressure increased 2040%, suggesting that the cardiac output increase was perhaps driven by dobutamine’s vascular effects, shifting blood flow and volume centrally. Both enantiomers of dobutaminc augment cardiac output in this model, but through different mechanisms. The dextroisomer increased aortic and central blood flow by greatly reducing systemic vascular resistance and characteristic aortic impedance; this is likely mediated by the Pz-adrencrgic agonistic properties of D-dobutamine. The levoisomer of dobutamine increased central blood flow by enhancing venous flow; this appeared to be the result of a reduction in venous capacitance mediated by postsynaptic a-adrenergic receptor agonism of L-dobutamine. Therefore, it appears that in the artificial heart model, and likely in the intact human system as well, a considerable portion of the favorable central hemodynamic effects of dobutamine occur via its peripheral vascular properties. Role of mttral regurgitation in the central bmodynamk response to dobutamine: A number of other factors arc important variables in the overall cardiac response to the administration of a positive inotropic drug. Keren et al4 demonstrated that a major component of stroke volume increase and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure reduction during dobutamine administration to patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure (CHF) is attributable to a sizable reduction in the degree of mitral regurgitation. In patients with severe CHF, they found that dobutamine increased forward stroke volume approximately 40% and reduced pulmonary capillary wedge pressure to a similar degree while reducing the mitral regurgitant volume by approximately 50%. The reduction in mitral regurgitant volume is likely related to dobutamine’s systemic vascular effects and afterload-reducing properties, which act to reduce ventricular volume and the size of the mitral valve’s regurgitant orifice. Dopexamine: Dopcxamine is a new formulation in the catecholamine drug group. It was specifically designed to enhance myocardial contractility, stroke volume and cardiac output, to reduce systemic vascular resistance and ventricular afteriz2G






load, and to augment renal and visceral blood flow. Dopexamine primarily stimulates l&adrenergic receptors with mild p,-adrencrgic and dopaminergic (DA1 and DA2) agonism. In humans with severe CHF, dopexamine augments cardiac output at doses 20.25 kg/kg/min; this is achieved by an increase in stroke volume at the same dose level, and an increase in heart rate at doses 20.50 tJ.g/kg/min.5 Dopexamine reduces pulmonic and systemic vascular resistances and right- and left-sided heart filling pressures. Systemic diastolic blood pressure may decrease at doses 20.25 p,g/kg/min, with some reduction in pulmonic diastolic pressures at doses 2 1 .O pg/kg/ min. The overall improvement in ventricular performance during dopexamine infusion in CHF appears to be secondary to a positive inotropic response and systemic vasodilation (afterload reduction). Comparable findings have been reported by others.6-10 The regional hcmodynamic effects of dopexamine are a result of vascular dopaminergic and Pz-adrenergic agonism.” Dopexamine generally lowers hepatosplanchnic vascular resistance and enhances hepatosplanchnic blood flow. Upper limb vascular resistance decreases with dopexamine, but with little change in limb blood flow because of a concomitant decrease (albeit mild) in systemic blood pressure and preferential vasodilation of other regions (e.g., hepatosplanchnic, renal). Dopexamine also lowers renal vascular resistance and tends to evoke a mild increase in renal blood flow at mean doses of 20.90 pg/kg/min. With respect to renal function, dopexamine may evoke a mild increase in urine output and urine sodium excretion.5 It is important to note that as the dopexamine infusion is increased to doses >2 kg/kg/min, the augmentation in regional blood flow may decline. 5 Differences in infusion rates explain some of the disparity between the results of various studies examining dopexamine effects on regional blood flow and organ function.5,*0 The exact role of dopexamine as an acute/shortterm cardiovascular intervention remains to be determined. It does not have any obvious advantages in terms of central hemodynamic effects over currently available agents. The positive chronotropic response is not a particularly favorable feature. The rather prominent systemic vasodilatory effects will probably restrict dopexamine’s use to patients with very high systemic vascular resistance and adequate systemic blood pressure. Dopexamine’s ability to augment hepatosplanchnit blood flow may be useful, but it has not yet been JUNE 4, 1992

determined whether dopexamine will improve the clinical condition of patients with compromised hepatosplanchnic blood flow. The ability to enhance renal blood flow and renal function is also a favorable feature, but it remains to be determined whether dopexamine has any advantage in these effects over those achieved by dopamine in low-tomoderate doses or by dobutamine in simply increasing cardiac output in low output states. Other considerations: The development of pharmacodynamic tolerance, prominent side effect profile, and general lack of clinical benefit have virtually eliminated the use of orally administered P-adrenergic agonists from the long-term management of CHF; pirbuterol, butopamine, and prenalterol are examples of compounds in this group. Most CHF investigators are also not convinced that oc-adrenergic agonism evokes enough positive inotropy to warrant consideration in the management of CHF. In addition, the vascular response to postsynaptic a-adrenergic agonism will not have a favorable effect on ventricular-vascular coupling and the effort to augment ventricular performance.

DOPAMINERGIC AGENTS Some drugs in this group are worthy of comment because they are often placed under the category of “positive inotropic drugs.” Dopaminergic drugs generally evoke vasodilatory responses by stimulating postsynaptic DA1 receptors and presynaptic DA2 receptors. Most of the cardiac effects, therefore, of dopaminergic drugs in the setting of CHF probably occur through preload and afterload reduction. Agents with predominant adrenergic and milder dopaminergic effects, namely, dopexamine and dopamine, were previously discussed. Levodopa: Levodopa is decarboxylated after gastrointestinal absorption to form circulating dopamine. Whitsett and Goldbergi demonstrated a mild positive inotropic effect for levodopa in patients with Parkinsonism. In patients with CHF, levodopa at a dose of 1.5-2 g orally appears to evoke a modest increase in cardiac output and stroke volume and a mild-to-moderate reduction in systemic vascular resistance.12-l4 Oral administration of levodopa is accompanied by an increase in circulating dopamine levels15 and, presumably, the hemodynamic responses to levodopa are then evoked by stimulation of myocardial Pi-adrenergic receptors and vascular dopaminergic receptors. Small, uncontrolled and nonblinded studies suggest that levodopa may be useful in the long-term management of chronic CHF,15--17 but this possibil-

ity has not yet been challenged with a welldesigned trial. Ibopamine: Ibopamine was specifically designed to deliver a dopamine congener to the circulation. Ibopamine is converted after absorption to N-methyldopamine (epinine). In the setting of CHF, ibopamine, at initial orally administered doses of 100-600 mg, evokes a modest positive inotropic response.18J9 At l-6 hours after administration, systemic and pulmonic vascular resistances decrease 5-20% below baseline. Cardiac output and stroke volume increase modestly over 4 hours after dosing, while heart rate either does not change or tends to increase slightly. We have demonstrated that ibopamine has a rather unusual hemodynamic profile in patients with CHF.18J9 Between 15 and 60 minutes after administration, ventricular filling pressures and pulmonic arterial pressure tend to increase; then these pressures and systemic and pulmonic vascular resistances generally decrease. The mechanisms for this biphasic effect have not been clearly established, but it is not a particularly favorable one from a clinical perspective. With respect to ibopamine’s renal dopaminergic properties, several studies have shown that it may favorably affect overall renal function with enhancement of water and sodium clearance.20-24 Longterm ibopamine administration may also be associated with a reduction in plasma renin activity and norepinephrine levels, presumably via presynaptic DA2 agonism.24-26 A number of ibopamine’s properties are likely to keep it from becoming widely used in the management of CHF. These include a relatively brief duration of action for the doses recommended (50-300 mg), l&l9 biphasic hemodynamic response, 18,19attenuation of hemodynamic effect with long-term dosing,25 and impairment of ventricular diastolic function in select patients.z7 Nevertheless, a number of reports suggest that long-term ibopamine administration is capable of improving symptoms and perhaps exercise capacity in patients with CHF.Z3,25>2g-33 It is likely that most favorable clinical responses to ibopamine in CHF are mediated through its renal properties, rather than positive inotropy. Whether ibopamine will eventually earn a role in the long-term management of CHF patients will depend on the performance and results of large, appropriately designed multicenter trials. The effect of ibopamine on survival in CHF has not been examined. A SYMPOSIUM:








of Major


III Inhibitors

Bipyridine derivatives Amrinone Milrinone lmidazole derivatives Cnoximone Piroximone Benzimidazole Sulmazole Pimobendan Adibendan


PHOSPHODIESTERASE INHIBITORS The recent history of the development of phosphodiesterase inhibitors for CHF has been interesting, but rather disappointing. These agents were formulated to provide orally administrable positive inotropic therapy in the long-term management of CHF (Table II). The initial studies were quite encouraging in this rcgard16J”3y and created tremendous excitement among the pharmaceutical industry, investigators, and cardiologists. This initial enthusiasm began to wane when various centcrs reported concerns about effectiveness, frequent and significant adverse effects, and unfavorable influence on survival. Amrim: A number of reasonably well-performed studies have shown that the long-term oral administration of amrinone elicits a considerable number of intolerable or serious side effects combined with limited clinical effectiveness.15~17~4U2 Although the orally administered form of amrinone was withdrawn from further development, the intravenous preparation was approved for clinical use. It is important to note that unless amrinone is administered at initial high infusion rates (30-40 kg/kg/min) or by initial high-dose bolus, it does not elicit a positive inotropic response.4348 Amrinone infusions starting at doses of 10 pg/kg/ min evoke a significant decrease in systemic and pulmonicvascular resistances and ventricular filling pressures.4W Stroke volume and cardiac output increase in response to afterload reduction. Clinically, amrinone should probably be avoided in patients in whom systemic blood pressure is substantially depressed and systemic vascular resistances are not elevated. Milrlnone: The development of milrinone and its pilot clinical investigations came soon after amrinone’s introduction. Both are members of the bipyridine family of phosphodiesterase inhibitors (Table II). In contrast to amrinone, whose precise mechanisms of action have not yet been fully elucidated, milrinone acts predominantly through phosphodiesterase III inhibition. By preventing -46






the breakdown of intracellular cyclic AMP, milrinone, like the other phosphodiesterase III inhibitors, elicits a myocardial positive inotropic response and vascular relaxation. Both oral and intravenous preparations reduce systemic and pulmanic vascular resistances and ventricular filling pressures and augment stroke volume and cardiac output. The improvement in ventricular performance is believed to be related to a combination of afterload reduction and positive inotropic response.4941 Milrinone may also have a favorable effect on ventricular diastolic function.(jl ‘I’he prolonged half-life of strum concentrations and of cardiovascular effects make milrinone a less-thanideal acute positive inotropic intervention. Two studies have virtually abolished any role for oral milrinone in the long-term therapy of CHF. A large multicenter trial comparing placebo, digoxin, milrinone, and combination milrinone-digoxin demonstrated that digoxin, milrinone, and the combination generally improved symptoms and increased exercise capacity over a 12-week study period versus placebo. 62 Milrinone, alone or combined with digoxin, did not demonstrate any clinical or exercise response advantage over that achieved by digoxin alone and also elicited more adverse effects, particularly ventricular ectopy. The multicenter Prospective Randomized Milrinone Survival Evaluation (PROMISE) trial, involving > 1,000 patients in NYHA functional classes III and IV, taking standard long-term therapy, demonstratcd that the addition of milrinone had an unfavorable effect on survival with little to no demonstrable clinical benefit versus placebo.63 The functional class IV CHF patients experienced >50% increase in mortality while receiving longterm milrinone versus placebo-treated patients. This is a very important observation because patients with functional class IV CHF arc those who would most likely have been considered clinical candidates for long-term oral milrinonc therapy. Oral milrinone was withdrawn from further study, and it is uncertain whether its developer is interested in marketing the intravenous prcparalion to compete againsl its own compound, intravenous amrinone. Enoxhone: Enoximonc, an imidazoline derivative, is another phosphodiesterase inhibitor developed for short- and long-term management of CHF. The general hemodynamic effects arc very similar to those of milrinone.64-79 The expectation that enoximone would be an effective, long-term oral positive inotropic drug vanished when welldesigned trials showed that it generally does not JUNE

4, 1992

ular filling pressures may decline modestly. This improve clinical status and exercise capacity above compound may also evoke systemic vascular dilathat attained with long-term placebo administration. Because calcium sensitization should actually tion.80>81 The results of a number of nonblinded, enhance vasoconstriction, the mild smooth muscleuncontrolled studies have suggested that enoxirelaxing effect has been attributed to some calcium mone may adversely affect surviva1.74~76,81~82 channel antagonism.94 The congeners of enoximone (e.g., piroximone) OPC-8212 appears to enhance myocardial condo not appear to offer any hemodynamic or clinical tractility through a number of mechanisms, includadvantage over that delivered by enoximone.83-85 ing phosphodiesterase inhibition, increase in intraBenzimidazole derivatives: The precise cellular mechanisms of this group of compounds have cellular sodium ions and enhanced opening of reports suggest not been fully elucidated. Experimental data sug- calcium channels.97,98 Preliminary that it has relatively modest hemodynamic effects, gest that these agents evoke phosphodiesterase but whether these effects persist with long-term inhibition and also “sensitize” the myocardial conis not yet determined.99J00 Howtractile apparatus to calcium ions. Sulmazole, pi- administration ever, the clinical and exercise responses of longmobendan, and adibendan are examples of this term OPC-8212 administration in CHF are somegroup of compounds. 86-91 It is uncertain whether what encouraging.100-102 Kubo et alloo noted a the feature of “calcium sensitization” or any other significant reduction in the frequency of ventricucellular mechanism of the benzimidazole derivalar ectopic beats during 4 weeks of OPC-8212 tives will sustain these agents beyond the rather therapy in CHF patients. dismal future for phosphodiesterase inhibition alone. The hemodynamic responses to this group CONCLUSION of drugs are quite similar to those described for For acute positive inotropic intervention, dobuother phosphodiesterase inhibitors. Preliminary tamine and dopamine have retained their positions reports of open-label, noncontrolled or smallas first-line agents despite the development of population studies of long-term pimobendan adminnewer drugs. It is unlikely that this situation will istration in CHF are somewhat encouraging.87-90 change significantly in the next few years. Other phosphodiesterase inhibitors: Many The results of several multicenter trials of variother phosphodiesterase inhibitors have been for- ous phosphodiesterase inhibitors have had a devasmulated in response to the early period of excitetating effect on the development of cardiotonic ment over the development of this drug group for drugs. Although the investigations principally dealt CHF therapy. Examples include CI-914, CI-930, with the mechanism of phosphodiesterase inhibiICI-153, 110, RO 13-6438, D 13625, R 80122, and tion, the caution and concern engendered have RS-1893. At this point, most of these compounds now been extended to include all agents that have been withdrawn from clinical development. increase cyclic AMP and to the whole concept of Other compounds: A few other agents deserve positive inotropic intervention. Disturbingly, the comment because of unique mechanistic properentire concept of long-term positive inotropic therties or potential clinical application. Forskolin apy, irrespective of mechanism involved, is in directly stimulates sarcolemmal adenylate cyclase, jeopardy because of unfavorable results of one or thereby bypassing the P-adrenergic receptor in the perhaps two positive inotropic subgroups. On the generation of cyclic AMP. Thus, it may not be other hand, much evidence suggests that positive vulnerable to p-adrenergic receptor down-regulainotropy alone is not a reasonable approach to the tion.92 Forskolin augments myocardial contractillong-term management of CHF. For long-term ity, stroke volume, and cardiac output while reducpositive inotropic intervention to be successful, it ing ventricular filling pressures and vascular will have to possess at least two additional desirresistances; however, it may also evoke clinically able properties, including a favorable effect on significant hypotension and tachycardia.92>93 peripheral vasculature and ventricular-vascular DPI 201-106 appears to be the prototype for a coupling, few adverse effects, improved clinical group of drugs designed to sensitize the contractile course or survival, augmentation of subendocardial apparatus to calcium. Via this mechanism, DPI blood flow and myocardial perfusion, favorable 201-106 augments myocardial contractility and myocardial energetics, reparative effects on cardio94-96 DPI 201-106,80-100 mg myocytes, vascular/skeletal cardiac performance. muscle conditioning, administered orally to patients with chronic CHF, and organ or region specificity. Short of this, the results in an increase in mean cardiac output of inotropic agent will do no more than “beat a tired, 20-25% and stroke volume of 2.5-30%. Left ventricdying horse.” A SYMPOSIUM:





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Dr. LewDs: It is very difficult to quantitate, but when digoxin and dobutaminc are compared in the acute state, despite their being almost equal in inotropic effect, dobutamine consistently increases cardiac output more. One has to wonder whether this difference is attributable to the venous effect of dobutamine versus digoxin. Dr. Leier, do you have any comment on this? Dr. Lever: We have been trying to distinguish the arterial and venous effects of dobutaminc as well. In the calf Jarvik 7 artificial heart model,l we removed the whole heart except for vestiges of atria and looked at the enantiomers of dobutamine. Actually, WC began the study by delivering racemic dobutamine to this model. WC found that cardiac output and stroke volume increased and were a bit surprised by these findings, considering this was a mechanical heart model. We subsequently investigated the enantiomers. The dcxtroisomcr was found to induce considerable peripheral dilation; perhaps it delivers more flow centrally via that mechanism. The lcvoisomer appeared to have more of an (Yagonist effect on the venous system than we ever saw in the arterial system, which I found very interesting. We saw a tremendous reduction in venous capacitance, an 1286







increase in central pressures (particularly right atria1 pressure), and an increase in cardiac output during administration of the levoisomer. WC bclieve this may be delivered by the pcriphcral OL agonistic mechanism. So, much of dobutamine’s cardiac output may bc via pcriphcral vascular manipulation. Basically, I think the peripheral vascular effects probably are extremely important. Dr. Ghec@iade: I think it depends on what type of patients WC are looking at. In the acute myocardial infarction (MI) patient with high pulmonary artery wedge pressure and low cardiac output, for example, dobutaminc therapy might temporarily increase cardiac performance at the expense of increased contractility of the stunned myocardium.2 It is not known if this will preserve ventricular function in that arca, particularly in patients in whom coronary flow is not restored. We have seen that patients with long-standing severe congestive heart failure (CHF) who are admitted with exacerbation of symptoms may not respond to dobutamine, and this could be related to down-regulation of their cardiac p receptors. However, these patients are likely to respond to intravenous digoxin thcrapy.3.J Dr. Leier: I agree, but 1 think the point you made about careful characterization of these patients becomes critical, since it is clear that acute heart failure is much different from decompensated chronic heart failure and that the types of acute heart failure also differ tremendously. The devastating acute myocarditis WC have seen is much difTcrent from the acute MI. I am interested in Dr. Mancia’s thoughts about ibopamine. What is the expcricncc in Italy and what are your impressions? Dr. Manda: It is clear that the positive inotropy of ibopamine refcrrcd to in early studi&” has been overemphasized. The drug is largely a vasodilator, and the potential it may have compared with other vasodilators is that it can incrcasc renal blood flow markedly.7 So there may be an advantage to using ibopamin&’ in patients in whom renal function has been advcrscly affected by the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. There is evidence that norcpinephrinc levels are markedly reduced with ibopamine. Thus, the drug seems to belong to the group of those that can switch off sympathetic overactivity in CHF rather than with the classic vasodilators. Dr. Lever: There may be some transient vasoconstriction with ibopamine in the first hour postdose, JUNE



but after that it is a vasodilator in terms of hemodynamic criteria. Dr. Lewis: Do you think that digoxin may enable l3 receptors that are down-regulated to become up-regulated by replacing one inotropic mechanism for another? Dr. Leier: Yes, in terms of turning off endogenous sympathetic activity, plus not having to administer an exogenous l3 agonist. Dr. Kelly: By far, endothelin is the most potent inotropic agent discovered so far. The foot of the dose-response curve in isolated papillary muscle preparations is in the picomolar range, and in isolated cells it is in the femtomolar range. It has a mechanism of action unlike most any other positively inotropic agent, and it induces about a 100% increase in contractility in both isolated papillary muscles and isolated cells. This clearly is a calcium sensitization phenomenon, similar to what we find with a-adrenergic agents such as phenylephrine. Dr. Creager: Would you define calcium sensitization? Dr. Kelly: It is usually defined in the context of the presence or the absence of the sarcolemma. One finds a shift to the left of the dose response relation of a positively inotropic agent at any given level of external or internal calcium activities, depending on the preparation. Dr. Mancia: Is this calcium sensitization selective for the heart? If it were also produced in the peripheral circulation, would it not increase resistance in heart failure as well? Dr. Leier: That is an interesting question. DPI 201-106, the calcium sensitizer, actually causes peripheral vasodilation, when it should sensitize the musculature to calcium. Nobody knows why this happens, but Hof and Hofl” speculate that it may have some calcium antagonistic properties. There is some question about endothelin in the intact animal. Dr. Greg Eaton (a research fellow working in the laboratories of Dr. Phillip Binkley and Robert J. Cody) infused endothelin into an anesthetized dog model and demonstrated an in-

crease in pulmonary wedge pressure and systemic vascular resistance, and a reduction in stroke volume. It appeared that the reduction in stroke volume was greater than that attributable to the increase in afterload. It made us consider whether endothelin in the intact cardiovascular system may not have negative inotropic properties. Dr. Kelly: Endothelin is, in reality, a cytokjne. It is a locally released and locally consumed hormone. It cannot be used for purposes of positive inotropy, but it is, by a very unusual mechanism, a very potent positive inotropic agent. Dr. Leier: The question is whether one can transfer the positive inotropic response seen in the isolated-cell or papillary-muscle preparation to the intact system.

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Current status of non-digitalis positive inotropic drugs.

Considerable effort and resources have been directed at the development and study of positive inotropic drugs over the past 10-15 years. Much has been...
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