
111-1111-. r--c_o_m_mu_n_ic_at_io_ns_to_th_e~ed_ito_r _ -==--


for this sl'ction will he 1nlblislll'd (IS S1)(U'I' (I,1l1 '1111' comml'nls ,../unlld not excl'I,d ,'J.50 words in II' nl!.t I. , with a "wximum of fili(' ,.,j'en'nCI'S; O'lI' fi#."rl' or tahlt, can Communication.4t

"rio,iti,'s ,wnllit.

he IJrintl'd. f:xcl'1Jtions mflY occur under 1)artic~,lllr dn'um.'ttllnn'S, Contrihutions "Uly i,u·l"dl' C071u,wnts on articlt,s puhli.'t/ll'd in this

IH'riodical, or tlll'y "wy IJI' ""IH"-'." of unil/Ul' l'du(,lltional cllllnu'te,: SIJI'Ci}iC lJI'nni....\1on to lnlhlish ...hould hi' citl,d in a cOf)l'rint!.ll,tter or 11IJIJ1'ndl,d lIS



'1(, tIll' f:tlitor: I read with gn'at tn·pidation tilt- artklt· hv Sd'cu,llIwr t-t al, I whkh appeared in the Novt'n,her 1990 issut a of"Chl,.d. Tlu' allthors havt· df'\talopt-d a rllt'tho patit'nt wi"th 1I1as,h f' Iw('k swt>lling. 1 ha\'t> seriolls rest·rvatiolls ahout tilt' tt'('hniClllf' dC's(,f1lwcl h~ SC'haehnt'r eat al.I First. the authors Jlprf()rrnc·d tlU' pnK'c'durt> with hypt·n'xteansion of thea IIpc'k. a ntalit-UVt·r that is ('ontrailldi('atc·d in t.u- hlllnt trmuna vi(,tim without prior (·tan·ieal spine a C'leaaralH'''' St'('oncl. palpation of tht' thinl tra(,ltc-al ring is possihlc' only in Ifaall patit·nts. Third, I havt a fimnd that tht' laws of tht a tradu'ostolnc' ana

c-xtrcanu·ly sharp and oftt'n laeearatf' tilt' ~'lIff. w'c'pssitating availahility of anothear ('uffc-d tuhc-. Fourth. thc' tllhf' a('('ornJlallyill~ tlu a tra('hc:-

Fukuokll. ]ll1>lln

ostor"y kit is vpry pliahlt'. making insertion difficult. S('ha('hm'r cat al adrnit to a l1urnher of lirnitations (t'~, in patit·nts with hllll 1I,,('k. largc a tumors of the npc·k. or eaxhallsi\'t- f'opma of tlte" sulM'utaneaous tisSlws), Raseel on pt'rsonal caxllt'rit'II('f', 1 agn'c- with tlwm. CIt'arh, this tf'('hnicJ1lp nf·f·cls to Iw tailonacl to selp(,t inclividuals and c'f·rtaini\ not uscad on a('ute hl1lnt traurna vidirns. l Tnfctrtullah-Iv. it st'ern's

Reprint n'l/ue,(jt,ft: Dr K,u/(I ..\'atiorull Okinllwa Ho.vlJital. 867 (;llnt,ko (;inmvan City, Okinawll 90/-22, JaJ>lln

IM-st s1litead to the' IpiUl patient with a long. thin I1p('k, tilt· tYllt- of patitant in whorn the eaSt' of ('C)f1vt'ntional trachf-oston)v rc>nclcars thea te('hnique unne('essary. .

sivp of antitunlor aetivity of PAf\ls. 1("1I0hanl Klldll.


Ky"",h" ClInl't'r Ct'"tt'l:

REFERENCES f\1eDonald CF, Atkins Re. ))('fective cytostatic aetivity of pulnlonary alveolar maerophages in prirnary lun~ can('t·r. Cht'st

1990; 9R:RRI-R.5

2 Kuda T, Yasumoto K, Yano T. Nakahashi II. Suwrnaehi K. Norl1oto K. Role of antitumor adivity of alvt-olar maerophages in lung caneer patients. Cancer Res 19R7; 47:2199-202

Collin f:. AI. Rrafhuw;fl', .\t./>., Traumll Int",....ir", Can' Unit, (.'oolH"· lIoslJital/lrnirwr...ity AI"t/it'lll Ct'nttT, Ca"ulf'n, "\'t~l' ]tar,ftt'U Ri'lJrin,. ""qtu'sts: [)r Brllthwaitl', 1)"I)(lrt1lU'n' (~f Sur~t'r!l..1 CoolH'r PlrlUl, Suite 411. Cllmdl'n. IV] OH IO:J CHEST I 100 I 5 / NOVEMBER, 1991


Cytostatic activity of pulmonary alveolar macrophages in lung cancer patients.

----01 111-1111-. r--c_o_m_mu_n_ic_at_io_ns_to_th_e~ed_ito_r _ -==-- ----=- for this sl'ction will he 1nlblislll'd (IS S1)(U'I' (I,1l1 '1111' comml...
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